I'm crazy

Chapter 282

Chapter 282

The small plane this time was a bit unexpected, because Lin Yuan was woken up by a knock on the door.

"Get up! Get up! I tell you this is the last time. You haven't paid the rent for many days. If you can't pay the rent today, you will get out of here!"

People who knocked on the door after another could not sleep at all. Fortunately, the landlord knew that this was her own house and didn't use too much effort, otherwise the door would have to be removed by the landlord who weighed two hundred catties.

Fang Lan's complexion was very bad. Anyone who was owed several months' rent would probably not be able to recover.

She knocked on the door several times, but no one came to open the door, and her anger rose a lot.

"Let me tell you Liang Lanzhi, if you can't pay the rent today, you can give me g..."

The last sentence could not be uttered, because the door was suddenly opened.

Fang Lan looked at the person standing at the door, wearing a light blue top and dark jeans, he looked tall and long-legged, not to mention his good looks, which often made Fang Lan envious.

But why does Liang Lanzhi seem to have changed a lot today? Fang Lan looked at Liang Lanzhi for a while, and he seemed to be more energetic, but it was none of her business.

She frowned and said, "Liang Lanzhi, are you going to pay the house or not? If you don't, you'll pack up and leave!"

Lin Yuan's black eyes in this body are calm, and he said lightly: "Come on."

Then he took out the last 3000 yuan for this body from his pocket and handed it to Fang Lan.

Fang Lan took the money and counted it in her hand, then she was dissatisfied and said, "Is there another thousand?"

Lin Yuan calmly said: "I'll make it up next month, bringing with me the previous few months."

Fang Lan immediately said: "This is what you said, if you can't do it, you can leave immediately, this is not a free shelter, I don't recruit poor people!"

Fang Lan snorted, and the larger body staggered away.

Lin Yuan closed the door and took a look at the room.

Conclusions can be drawn at first glance.

It's really very small!

So small that she couldn't fit even a trace of extra fabric except herself and some necessary things.

Lin Yuan then thought that he had no last bit of money on him, and now he didn't have half a penny in his pocket, so the most urgent thing to do was to make some money.

But she was really too lazy to move, but Lin Yuan took another look at the environment, and still felt that she couldn't stand it, so she should make money and leave this place as soon as possible.

Kunlun mirror in the sea of ​​consciousness said: "Master, what are you going to do?"

I'm a little curious about what the owner is going to do to make money.

Lin Yuan lowered his eyes and thought for a moment: "What is the original soul of this body?"

Kunlun mirror immediately said: "It seems to be a fortune teller."

"Oh, not bad." This career comes quickly.

Liang Lanzhi was told by a Taoist priest that she was the lone star of Tiansha when she was young, so her parents sent her to a Taoist temple early on.

Fortunately, the Taoist priests in this Taoist temple are quite capable, although because of the same technique, there are five disadvantages and three disadvantages. The five disadvantages are nothing more than "widowed, widowed, lonely, lonely, and disabled". "These three deficiencies.

And what the Taoist priest in the Taoist temple lacks is money.

He can't keep the money.

Fortunately, Liang Lanzhi was brought up under the careful care of Taoist priests, and later taught her spells because he discovered her talent.

Liang Lanzhi went down the mountain after studying spells with Taoist priests for several years, and after the Taoist priests passed away.

More than ten years have passed, and the original parents have long since moved away, and they have long forgotten about her, the daughter of the lonely star.

So Liang Lanzhi, who has little contact with the outside world, walked into this society step by step.

Unfortunately, like her master, that Taoist priest, she also lacks "money", and she can't keep it.

So even though she is good at learning spells, she still lives in such a small rental house that cannot be smaller.

Lin Yuan packed himself up and went out without taking Yuan Soul's fortune-telling things.

Yuan Soul just did some trivial things for some ordinary people, so naturally she didn't make much money, not to mention that she still couldn't keep the money alive.

Lin Yuan decided to get it done once and for all, just find a long-term meal ticket to avoid trouble.

Lin Yuan went out, strolled casually on the street, and walked up to a Ferrari, blocking the way for the boy with white hair to get into the car.

"Hey, little sister, let me give way!" Ding Zhao negative had a foolish smile on his face, but looked at Lin Yuan with extremely calm eyes.

Lin Yuan didn't say anything else, and straight to the point: "Fortune telling?"


Ding Zhao was stunned for a moment, his foolish expression changed, showing a little bit of surprise mixed with a lot of amusedness, he must have regarded Lin Yuan as some charlatan or something.

Ding Zhaocheng looked at the little girl who stopped him from getting into the car. She was very good-looking, not to mention her figure. People generally have more patience when facing a good-looking person, and Ding Zhaocheng was no exception. He smiled He asked, "little girl, are you short of money?"

As he spoke, he took out his wallet, took out a stack of cash and handed it to Lin Yuan, "Those are considered to be loans from you, and you will return them to me when you have money in the future."

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand to take the money, this boy had a clear and bright look on his face, although his hair was dyed white, he could tell from his appearance that he was kind-hearted.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be Lin Yuan's first meal ticket, but...

"Not enough." Qing Lingling's voice sounded like a decree from the gods from the ancient abyss.

But the meaning of these words stunned Ding Zhao. He looked at the money in Lin Yuan's hand, restrained his smile and said, "Little girl, I have nothing to do with you."

Although he is kind, he is not stupid.

The money he gave was at least three thousand, and besides, he was helping this little girl who might encounter some difficulties temporarily, not subsidizing her for the rest of her life.

Now that she is asking for money so blatantly, it makes him a little unhappy. Could it be that he has encountered some kind of blackmailer?

Thinking of the more rampant incidents of Pengci recently, Ding Zhaocheng frowned slightly, and planned to pull Lin Yuan away and get into the car.

Just by looking at his expression, you can tell who the little boy in front of him thinks of her.

A faint smile flashed in Lin Yuan's eyes, like a glimpse, like the moonlight in the Tianshan Mountains, Ding Zhaocheng was dumbfounded.

It also made him suddenly feel guilty, how could he think of a girl like that?
He was about to apologize and give the girl some money, when he heard the girl's clear and ethereal voice say: "Fortune-telling, it's not enough."

Ding Zhaoling suddenly realized that this girl has strong self-esteem, although she is a bit feudal and superstitious, it is not a bad thing.

As a man, how could he not cooperate?
Although he doesn't believe in fortune-telling at all.

 Thanks to the little angel of pine nut sugar for the monthly ticket O(∩_∩)O
  Thanks to the little angel of medicine, the little angel of Luohuang, the little angel you guess, the little angel of the little lazy cat *^O^*
(End of this chapter)

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