I'm crazy

Chapter 283

Chapter 283

Ding Zhaochen asked, "I don't know how much it costs to count a life?"

No matter what he thought, it was impossible for him to exceed 1 yuan.

Who knew that the girl in front of her said directly: "One hundred thousand."

Ding Zhao was startled, and then it was funny. He looked at the girl in front of him with a calm expression, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he said.

What Dan Dingzhao didn't know was that the Kunlun mirror in the sea of ​​consciousness was also protesting frantically.

"Master, there are too few!!!"

The Kunlun mirror is extremely angry. Its owner, the three thousand demon gods born from chaos, is an existence that even the heavens can't help. God, not to mention being lucky enough to be ordered by the master once.

Now in this small plane, the master only wants one hundred thousand!

This must not make Kunlun Mirror feel aggrieved.

Without heavenly materials and earthly treasures, without devout worship, you can get the command of the master if you have nothing...

Angry mirror.

Lin Yuan flicked the mirror lightly with his aura in the sea of ​​consciousness, and said with a smile: "Although I also think that my life and merits are incomparable, but now it's just a way to make money, so don't worry about it."

The mirror flickered obediently, and then fell silent.

However, Lin Yuan looked at this little boy and knew from his expression that he thought she was expensive. He thought she might be crazy, maybe she was a patient who escaped from a mental institution.

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably have yelled at him long ago, but his good upbringing prevented him from doing that.

This is the importance of choice, for another person, it is impossible to stand here and let Lin Yuan finish speaking.

After Ding Zhaochen came back to his senses, he wanted to talk a little bit about the behavior of the little girl in front of him, but when he met her calm black eyes, he was immediately speechless.

Inexplicably feel that this little girl is not that kind of person, and even more inexplicably believe in this little girl.

Ding Zhao negative didn't know what happened today.

This was not in line with his usual code of conduct. If he hadn't been sure that he was not an actor, and there were no cameras or anything like that here, he would have suspected that he was staging some idol drama plot.

Ding Zhao was silent for a while, but in the end he still couldn't get over the feeling in his heart... he didn't know how to describe it, so he took out his card and handed it to Lin Yuan.

"There are 20 yuan in it, and there is no password. Well, you can tell my fortune now."

Lin Yuan took the card very confidently, if she hadn't thought about finding a long-term meal ticket, her order would at least start with a million dollars.

She took off the red string on her wrist and handed it to Ding Zhaoling, "Put it on and don't take it off, but it only works once."

Ding Zhao took the "ordinary" black headband and put it on his left wrist, dumbfounded. If he hadn't seen the calm eyes of this little girl, he would have thought it was some kind of novelty that he didn't know about. The way to strike up a conversation.

After confirming that Ding Zhao was wearing the headband, Lin Yuan finally said: "By the way, don't go to the beach for the next month."

Then he turned around and left.

This little boy is not a person worthy of death, nor is he destined to die, but he will be seriously injured, and it is not a big deal to give him a life sentence.

If there are some people who have committed serious crimes, even Lin Yuan has ordered them to remind them that they will not live long.

Unless Lin Yuan took action to change their fate against the sky, how could it be possible?

Ding Zhao was driving the Ferrari that his mother gave him a few days ago. Before a green light, he reached out and touched the black headband on his left wrist. It was quite elastic, it should be new, and there was a faint smell of shampoo on it. .

Ding Zhao smiled, but he didn't regret the money he gave away. After all, he had never been short of money since he was a child, and he had done good deeds, so his parents couldn't blame him.

In fact, if his parents knew about it, they might put a few million more on his card, so that he could spend it with confidence.

The green light flashed and turned red, Ding Zhao started the car and drove towards the highway ahead.

Just as he passed a fork, suddenly a large truck rushed straight towards him.

Ding Zhao's mind went blank. Facing such a speed, not to mention his sports car Ferrari's driving speed is not slow, and at such a relatively narrow fork, there is no way to avoid it.

He is almost desperate.

But fortunately, his reason is still there, and he hasn't given up yet.

He turned the steering wheel, trying to give himself a little more hope of survival, even though he might not survive such a disaster at all.

At this moment, like the scene of the end of the world, the space between heaven and earth suddenly became blank.

Ding Zhaochen closed his eyes, he had already done what he could do, and the rest was left to fate.

The big truck rushed towards Ding Zhaoling's car with a posture of crushing everything. The driver, who was still dizzy after drinking, finally woke up suddenly at this moment.

He opened his eyes wide and looked forward in horror, holding the steering wheel tightly, trying to change direction, but the fork in the road was only a short distance away, so where could he go if he moved again?

Large trucks are also unavoidable, waiting for this fateful choice.

In the chaos, Ding Zhao could only feel a piercing cold on his wrist, something was broken, and something was tightly held in his hand and he did not let go.

It seemed that he had slept for a long time, and it seemed that there was only a short moment.

When Ding Zhaocheng opened his eyes again, he saw a white wall, and before he fully regained consciousness, he heard his mother's voice.

"His dad, his dad, Zhao Zhao woke up, he woke up!"

The voice was very excited, and the remaining crying voice could be faintly heard, hoarse and hoarse.

When Ding Zhao returned to his senses, he saw that the eyes of his always elegant mother were red, and there was a smear of black and blue under his eyes. It seemed that he knew that she hadn't slept well, and she held his hand tightly.

And the serious and dull father of his family also had slightly red eyes, holding his other hand with a big hand, patted it lightly, and said with rare emotion: "It's good to wake up, it's good to wake up."

Zhu Qiuxin wiped away his tears in a concealed manner, and said with a smile: "Your sister came back as soon as she left, you brat, you scared us to death this time."

Speaking of this matter, Zhu Qiuxin's tears almost fell again, Ding Zhaoyang blinked and comforted his mother: Mom, isn't it all right? "

In fact, his body was still in pain, and he didn't know where the injury was this time, or whether it was serious or not.

However, in such a dangerous situation, it is already a blessing from God to survive, and Ding Zhao is content.

I dare not ask for more.

On the contrary, the mother knew what her son was worried about, and explained to him: "Don't worry, you're fine, you just suffered a little skin trauma."

(End of this chapter)

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