I'm crazy

Chapter 284

Chapter 284

"What do you mean?" Ding Zhao was a little surprised.

Is he okay with such a serious injury?How is this possible?

Ding Zhaochen didn't quite believe it, his eyes also revealed the meaning, his mother smiled and comforted him and said, "This time, God blesses you so that nothing will happen, you don't know that with you..."

Speaking of this, Ding Zhaoling's mother suddenly stopped, her expression was hesitant to speak.

Ding Zhaoling's mother looked at his face, and when he was about to say something, his father coughed lightly and said, "The child just woke up, let the child have a good rest before we can talk."

Ding Zhao's mother patted her head with a smile and said, "Oh, it's all my fault that I forgot."

Ding Zhaocheng's mother chose to skip this topic. Although her son will know about it sooner or later, it's not appropriate now, so Zhu Qiuxin didn't continue this topic. Instead, she squeezed Ding Zhaocheng's quilt and said to him: "You But I don’t know, when you were sent here, you were holding a broken hair rope tightly in your hand, the doctor tried several times but failed to take the hair rope out of your hand, and still broke it off with force.”

Zhu Qiuxin didn't change the subject on purpose, she said that it was true, when Ding Zhao was rescued at the scene, his palms were indeed clenched.

And it was very tight. The doctor tried several times but couldn't break his hand away. Finally, he took anesthesia and took some strength to take it out.

Ding Zhao was startled when he heard Zhu Qiuxin's words: "Headstring?"

What headband?
Zhu Qiuxin tapped Ding Zhaoxin's forehead lightly: "What, you forgot?"

Zhu Qiuxin didn't care too much about it, after all, it was just a small hair tie. She was wondering if her son was in a relationship and she was too embarrassed to tell them, so she secretly took the girl's hair tie in her hand.

Ding Zhao shook his head, he didn't speak any more, trying to recall what happened before he fell into a coma, the hair rope... the hair rope...


Hair rope!

He remembered!
Ding Zhao's pupils shrank, he remembered his state when the big truck hit him, he felt a bone-chilling chill at that time, not to mention that his body is not seriously injured yet, and then contacted that girl! ! !
Yes, let’s get back to what the girl said...

Ding Zhao's 20-year-old materialism was finally shaken.

This time, it was very likely that the girl's hair rope protected him.

Ding Zhao was excited. He looked at Zhu Qiuxin and asked anxiously, "Mom, where is my hair rope? Where is my hair rope?"

Zhu Qiuxin saw that his son was extremely anxious, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, your hair rope will be taken care of by you! Don't worry!"

Ding Zhao was relieved, although the girl said that the headband only works once, but he still thinks it is his amulet.

From now on, that girl, no, that is his savior, his ancestor!
Lin Yuan still doesn't know when she had an extra grandson.

After getting Ding Zhaoling's card, Lin Yuan first went to the bank to withdraw some money, and then paid the rent to the landlord Fang Lan.

Fang Lan was surprised at the time: "Liang Lanzhi, you are going to rob a bank, aren't you?"

There was no money in the morning, but after going out for only two hours, Fang Lan suddenly took so much money. Fang Lan looked at Lin Yuan suspiciously, looked at her appearance for a while, and thought of something, with a look of contempt and disdain, and took the money coldly. He hummed and left.

Lin Yuan knew what she was thinking, but he didn't bother to explain and fuss about it, and it couldn't hinder her anyway.

And after paying the owed rent, Lin Yuan planned to leave this place, it was impossible for her to live in such a house.

But now there is no money to buy a house, so Linyuan found a hotel to live in, a very top-notch hotel, so the money in the card has bottomed out after a few days, the most important thing is the little she left behind The money fell into the sewer while passing by the sewer.

It really is a life of lack of money.

Lin Yuan could already predict that, with this body's fate, I'm afraid she won't have much money in this plane.

Although it was just a matter of her moving her fingers, Lin Yuan didn't want to change it, and it was quite interesting for her to think about this fate.

Lin Yuan stayed in the hotel for a few days, and once again came to a time when he was stretched.

She is going to go out for a walk.

Lin Yuan walked into the elevator, and just as he was about to close the elevator door, he saw a cute little girl walking in.

The girl is wearing a Lolita outfit, which looks very expensive, but it looks especially good with the girl's delicate face.

The elevator was empty, only Lin Yuan and the girl were there.

Lin Yuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and paired with a pure black shirt, he suddenly became a big boss.

Rong Lingxia looked at the big sister in front of her enviously. Although she was very cute herself, what she really yearned for in her heart was this kind of cool young lady!
Rong Lingxia was full of stars, thinking that before getting off the elevator, she would earn money by looking at the big sister a few more times. She didn't dare to say hello to the big sister in front of her.

But I didn't expect the big sister in front of me to speak first, "Fortune telling?"

"Wow ah ah!"

Rong Lingxia screamed silently, as expected of a big sister, her voice was clear and misty, revealing the aura of being a mortal.

Rong Lingxia is going crazy, she can!She can!
Hey, but what did the big sister say?
"Fortune telling?" Lin Yuan repeated again.

I really looked at this cute little girl with blurred eyes, staring at her for a long time, and she couldn't get back to her senses, so I knew she didn't hear what she said clearly.

"For...fortune-telling?" The girl uttered the word, but she was a little familiar with it.

Don't get me wrong, she's not a Taoist priest.

Just as a two-dimensional lover, novels, movies, TV dramas, anime, and manga always have themes related to this aspect, and she also knows a lot about it actively or passively.

But in reality, she did meet for the first time.

She was oddly overwhelmed.

Lin Yuan raised a faint smile, facing such a cute girl, she repeated it patiently: "Yes, fortune-telling, do you?"

Such a cool and sassy big sister is facing you with a smile in her eyes and asking you a question, how can you resist not answering her?
Rong Lingxia called her a groundhog in her heart, her face was almost blushing, she couldn't refuse, and she didn't want to refuse, the nod of her head was happier than the hand of a lucky cat.

"Do the math!"

Not to mention fortune-telling, even if the big sister wants her to promise her a favor, she is willing!
Rong Ling Xiawawa had a sweet smile on her face, looking delicate and charming.

No wonder it will provoke...

Lin Yuan thought silently in his heart.

"What is it?" Qingling's ethereal voice echoed in the narrow elevator, making Rong Lingxia's heart tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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