I'm crazy

Chapter 285

Chapter 285

What kind of?
Rong Lingxia thought silently, she didn't seem to have anything urgent to know.

But most girls pay more attention to marriage, so let her count as her marriage!
Rong Lingxia said: "It's a marriage."

"Marriage..." Linyuan repeated these two words, and said in Rong Lingxia's Xingxing eyes: "Think clearly, I am very expensive."

Rong Lingxia smiled cutely: "It's okay."

Rong Lingxia didn't care very much, and even thought it was normal, the big sister is so beautiful, so cool, so sassy, ​​so expensive is right.

If it is not expensive, she will feel abnormal!

Rong Lingxia said: "How much does it cost? Is 100 million enough?"


Although it is not the number that Linyuan expected, but considering that her popularity has not yet been released, these are almost the same, but there is still a gap if she buys a house.

So Lin Yuan said directly: "Not enough."

As he said that, he gently spread a smile, just like a shadow of a frightened bird, but it is worth a thousand.

How could this attack be resisted!

Rong Lingxia finally understands why some people don't like the little sister even if the younger brother doesn't like it. If the young lady is the big sister in front of her, she would be willing too!
She's going to bend, okay?

Rong Lingxia, who was "fascinated by color", said immediately: "Is that 500 million enough?"

"Enough." Teased the little cutie and made a little more money along the way.

At this time, the elevator had arrived, but neither of them got out, and the door of the elevator that no one came in closed again.

Lin Yuan said: "Since it is considered marriage, then I will tell you that there is water in the name of your marriage partner."

"Mmmmmmmm!" Actually, Rong Lingxia, who didn't care about this at all, nodded her head when she saw the big sister's face that made her heart flutter, and Lin Yuan's words fell into her ears, but not into her mind.

The little hair on the hair bends and moves along with her movements, and the cute movements and face of the fluffy hair make people want to touch it.

Lin Yuan obeyed his own will and directly touched it with his hands, um, it feels good.

Lin Yuan touched two more.

Rong Lingxia's cheeks flushed red, and Kazilan's big eyes were a little foggy before she stopped.

Feeling the hand on her head leave, Rong Lingxia screamed silently, don't go! ! !
Big sister, you go on, you go on, she doesn't mind at all!
The elevator stopped again, Rong Lingxia took out the card from her bag and handed it to Lin Yuan obediently, she looked at it reluctantly for a long time before Lin Yuan plucked up the courage and said, "Sister, can I add your WeChat account?" ?”

Lin Yuan, who also has a good feeling for Rong Lingxia, whose hair is easy to touch and who can bring her new clients, took out her mobile phone: "Of course."

Added to the WeChat of the big sister I like, Rong Lingxia is so happy to be bouncing all the way, today is really a good day, I am in a good mood, I am in a good mood!

la la la~
Rong Lingxia's good mood lasted all the way home.

After entering the villa, Rong Lingxia's mood dimmed visibly with the naked eye, not to mention her father's dead face.

Rong Lingxia called out "Dad" and planned to go back to her room.

She is not her father's opponent yet, she can't resist her father, and there is no benefit in confronting her father, but in the same way, Rong Lingxia doesn't want to talk to him, on the surface it is enough to be good at kung fu and etiquette.

Rong Changping frowned and looked at Rong Lingxia's clothes: "I told you not to wear this kind of clothes, and it's embarrassing for me to wear them out."

Rong Lingxia didn't bother to discuss this issue with her father, because nothing could be discussed, and she just made things difficult for herself, because everything you said was wrong.

Rong Lingxia stopped and said calmly, "What's the matter?"

If there is nothing wrong, Rong Changping usually won't come back, he always stays in the villa bought for that mistress, so seeing him sitting on the sofa, Rong Lingxia knows that he has something else to do.

And thinking of his actions these days, Rong Lingxia knew very well that he might "sell" her for a good price when he saw the time.

There is a dead indifference and peace in the big eyes.

Sure enough, Rong Changping heard Rong Lingxia's words and continued: "That's how you talk to your father."

After scolding enough, Rong Changping said: "Both the Gu family and the Lin family intend to marry my Rong family, you can choose one yourself!"

Rong Lingxia sneered, seeing how relaxed these words were, how much "freedom" was given to her.

Choose one yourself?

Pick one for yourself!

What a good father she is!
So eager to "sell" her out.

But Rong Lingxia didn't have any expression on her face, she just said calmly: "Who is it?"

Rong Lingxia frowned: "Why do you ask so many questions?"

Finally, he said impatiently: "The Gu family belongs to Gu Ming, and the Lin family belongs to Lin Ying who grew up with you."

Gu Ming, Lin Ying.

Subconsciously, Rong Lingxia wanted to choose Lin Ying. After all, she grew up with him. Although she didn't spend much time with him, she finally had a little affection for him.

What's more, she heard that Lin Ying had a milder temperament, while Gu Ming was the eldest son in the family, and had a calmer personality since he was a child, not to mention that after taking over the family business, he was even more serious and indifferent.

Besides, Rong Changping must also want her to choose Lin Ying Lin Ying, because this choice can bring him greater benefits.

Rong Lingxia was about to say that name, but for some reason, she suddenly thought of the big sister she met in the elevator today, and that "fortune teller".

"There is water in the name of your predestined partner." Qingling's misty voice, like a person shocked from the sky, came to mind. Rong Lingxia hesitated for a while, and waited until Rong Changping's face had cooled down before saying: "I choose Gu Ming." .”

Just take a gamble!

Rong Changping was not very satisfied, "I think Lin Ying is better."

Now that the decision has been made, Rong Lingxia doesn't want to regret it anymore, she softened her expression and said softly: "This is the last time, Dad."

Rong Changping heard the "Dad", and saw that Rong Lingxia had a rare begging look. Although he was not very satisfied, he still did not refuse in the end.

"Then it's up to you." Frowning and saying these four words, Rong Changping turned around and left, not wanting to stay for a second longer.

Seeing Rong Changping's figure disappear outside the villa, Rong Lingxia suppressed the expression on her face, went upstairs and entered her room.

Although Rong Changping planned to "sell" her, it might be a good choice for her, and she could leave this place completely.

Escape from Rong Changping's control.

However, Rong Changping's calculations may have been miscalculated. Did he think that she would turn to him, the only "relative" after marriage, or that she would help him.

Rong Lingxia's delicate baby face evoked a strange arc. If possible, she hoped to use her "husband"'s power to completely "kill" Rong Changping to avenge her mother.

If there was such a day, even if Rong Changping knelt in front of her and begged her, she would not be able to show mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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