I'm crazy

Chapter 287

Chapter 287

Shaking her head to wake herself up, she has already betrayed before meeting her, so this is not acceptable.

But Wei Wei's tiptoe still betrayed her inner thoughts.

Ding Herong was very curious about what a person with such a perfect voice looks like.

Because of the urgency in her heart, the distance of a few steps in the past seems extremely long now. Ding Herong felt that the time passed so slowly, and why the visitor hadn't appeared in front of her eyes yet.

And when they really saw the person coming, Ding He Rong almost lost his voice.

She didn't know what expression to make to face this kind of person who didn't seem to exist in the mortal world.

I saw that the person who came was wearing pure black clothes, extremely simple, with black eyes, except for the white skin like the first snow, there seemed to be only this thick black in the world, like the primordial universe, black to the extreme , leaving nothing but breathtaking charm.

Her lip color is also light, but it doesn't look unhealthy at all, as if she should be like that, she should be like this when she was born.

And as she walked in, Ding Herong saw her good eyesight. Her eyes were not pure black, but there seemed to be a little purple in the pupils that seemed mysterious and deep enough to cause the soul to sink. .

It's not a light purple, but an extremely heavy, rich and indelible noble purple.

Shen Mo's black and noble purple are extremely vivid, and the strong contrast is extremely shocking.

Ding Herong couldn't speak at all for a moment, she seemed to be unable to breathe at all, and when she came back to her senses, she felt suffocated, because she was so nervous just now that she even forgot to breathe.

Ding Herong watched the visitor carefully, and she found that the most attractive thing was not her appearance, but the aura on her body, no, maybe it should be called aura.




It may not be possible to see arrogance and strength on the surface, but under the magma-like lava, those unknown things are extremely terrifying.

Ding Herong saw that his parents enthusiastically invited the visitor to sit on the sofa, and then the servants at home brought fruit and tea to the coffee table.

Zhu Qiuxin looked at the Taoist priest in front of him quietly for a while, he was very young, but Zhu Qiuxin is not a person who judges people by their appearance, so there is no contempt for it.

Zhu Qiuxin said: "Thank you Taoist priest for saving the life of my son Zhaozhao. If Taoist priest has any needs, you can just ask, and we will definitely satisfy."

Being called by his mother's nickname in front of Lin Yuan, Ding Zhao was a little shy and his ears were a little red.

Lin Yuan said: "It's nothing, just use people's money to eliminate disasters for others."

Zhu Qiuxin didn't expect the Taoist priest to be so straight-forward. After a moment of stunned, Ding Puzhong said: "No matter what, the Taoist priest saved the child's life."

Ding Puzhong was right. Although it was someone else's effort, if someone else raised his son's hand instead, his son's life would not be in danger.

Ding Puzhong was very clear about this.

Having been husband and wife for decades, how could Zhu Qiuxin not understand what her husband meant? She smiled sincerely and said enthusiastically, "Yes, yes, thanks to the Taoist priest!"

Lin Yuan picked up the teacup and took a sip. She took another sip of good tea, and Ding Puzhong immediately said: "My father brought this tea here. If you like it, I'll ask someone to make some for you."

Lin Yuan was not polite and nodded.

She lazily put down her teacup and leaned on the sofa, sitting in an extremely leisurely posture, Zhu Qiuxin and the others didn't think there was anything wrong.

To be honest, although Zhu Qiuxin and Ding Puzhong agreed to ask Ding Zhao to invite people to their home, they have never experienced it before, and they are dubious about these feng shui fortune-telling things. Yes, the unbelievable nature makes Zhu Qiuxin and Ding Puzhong respect Linyuan very much.

However, this kind of suspicion disappeared completely when they saw Lin Yuan for the first time. They had no doubt that the person in front of them who possessed the majesty of a superior would be a liar.

Charlatans simply don't have this kind of power.

Not to mention Ding Herong's deep voice control and face control, she knows better than her parents that the Taoist priest in front of her is not an ordinary person, and the coercion of this body is even stronger than that of a person who has been in charge of the company for ten years. No, and none of the controllers she had been lucky enough to meet in some top giants who had retreated behind the scenes had such awe.

So Ding Herong's heart changed the fastest.

"Is it for this lady this time?" Lin Yuan's black eyes turned to Ding Herong, and he spoke lightly.

Ding Herong said respectfully: "The Taoist priest has good eyesight, it is indeed me."

Lin Yuan's body leaning on the sofa leaned forward a little, looked at Ding Herong and said, "What is it?"

Although she had already seen it, she didn't bother to say it directly to show her strength.

Zhu Qiuxin, Ding Puzhong, and Ding Zhaoshou all looked at Ding Herong, and Ding Herong said, "I don't know what's going on recently, I feel inexplicably uncomfortable, and there is always a dull pain in my heart, and once It's more serious than ever."

She didn't even say this to Zhu Qiuxin and Ding Puzhong, for fear that they would be worried, so it was the first time Zhu Qiuxin and Ding Puzhong heard it.

They looked at their daughter with worried eyes, if it wasn't because Lin Yuan was here, they might have blamed Ding Herong for not paying attention to their bodies.

Lin Yuan sat up straight. As a current Taoist priest who often sees the core values ​​of socialism in Huaguo, her first reaction when she heard these symptoms was to tease: "Have you gone to see a doctor?"

Ding Herong, who thought she was going to do something: "..."

Their expressions were muddled, not to mention Zhu Qiuxin, Ding Puzhong and Ding Zhaoshou who were anxious at the side. They were all stunned for a moment, and then they had the same expressions as Ding and Rong: "..."

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, Chun Shui's first-born surprise.

"Just kidding." She said with a smile, and then said: "Give me one of your hair."

Although she could see Ding and Rong's problems at a glance, she still had to do some procedures a little bit, so as not to make them more confused and also let her get the money more confidently, although now Lin Yuan is very confident.

Ding Herong pulled out a piece of her own hair very cooperatively. She had dyed her hair, and her light brown hair was now dark brown.

Lin Yuan took the hair, moved his fingertips slightly, the hair set itself on fire without fire, and started to burn. His white index finger touched the coffee table a little, and a piece of white paper appeared on the coffee table, and the burning hair fell on the white paper. On, turned into a little gray.

But to my surprise, that little bit of ash slowly changed on the paper, turning into three characters.

Ding Herong looked at those three words and frowned fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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