I'm crazy

Chapter 288

Chapter 288

She is so familiar with these three words that she calls them at least five times a day.

Linyuan raised his jaw slightly and said to Ding Herong who was in a daze: "It seems that you know."

Ding Herong nodded with an unpredictable look, and said, "May I ask what's going on?"

Zhu Qiuxin and the others also looked over with puzzled and worried eyes.

Lin Yuan answered their questions: "You have been bewitched in your body."

"Gu?!" Ding Herong and the others exclaimed in surprise, this was the first time they had heard of this thing.

On the other hand, because Ding Zhao is a young man, he usually comes into contact with a wide range of information. He has read a lot of novels and other film and television works on this topic, and knows a little bit, but he has only heard of it.

Facing the doubts of several people, Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Do you want me to take it out for you?"

Ding and Rong's expressions have been difficult to distinguish from just now. Even if she didn't suspect that Lin Yuan is a liar, she never thought that her body would really have something to do with these warlocks. After all, she always thought I was just too tired, so I just went to the hospital for an examination and prescribed some medicine to take a good rest. I didn't think about it at all.

But now the answer Lin Yuan gave her made her unable to react for a while.

Following Lin Yuan's words, he nodded.

Lin Yuan didn't do any fancy things anymore, his white and slender index finger moved slightly, tapped on his leg, using a little spiritual power of heaven and earth, the Gu worm inside Ding Herong's body was sensed and slowly squirmed to climb out.

Ding Herong only felt that there was something moving inside his body, and along with its movement, there were bursts of pain in the place where it crawled over.

Ding Herong's face turned pale in an instant. No matter how strong they are, they are still girls. They are insensitive to things like bugs. They usually feel disgusting even when they see them. It's not because they look down on them. Well, girls also know that some bugs are beneficial insects, but the fear in their hearts is still unavoidable.

Not to mention that now he knows that a bug is actually in his body, and he can clearly feel its movements.

Ding Herong's face was pale, and she didn't faint because she had strong psychological endurance.

"Bring a small knife." Seeing that the Gu worm was about to crawl under the skin, Lin Yuan ordered in a low voice.

Zhu Qiuxin, who had been anxious since seeing her daughter's pale face, and her eyes were flushed, heard Lin Yuan's order and hurriedly got up, went to the kitchen and took out a knife.

Ding Puzhong looked solemn, and kept staring at the Gu worm under his daughter's skin who could already see the outline of his figure, while Ding Zhaoling was so frightened that his face turned pale, his hands and feet were cold, and he trembled from time to time.

He never thought that he could still see the scenes described in the novel in real life. He just read it in the novel. Unless the author's writing is top-notch, he will not have a strong sense of substitution, but it is different in real life. !

Even now that the adult who saved his life is sitting on the sofa indifferently and doesn't pay attention to this Gu worm, Ding Zhao is still very scared and disgusted!
That is to say, the feeling of caring and worrying about his sister strongly suppressed the nausea, so Ding Zhaoling didn't run to the bathroom to vomit.

Lin Yuan picked up the knife, and then held an empty cup on the coffee table in one hand, and cut a piece of skin on Ding Herong's arm with the knife.

The green Gu worm immediately ran out from the skin and wanted to escape, but how could it be able to escape under Lin Yuan's hands.

Lin Yuan directly stabbed the Gu worm with the tip of the knife and put it into the empty cup.

Gu worms are green all over, not the disgusting green that is green, but the emerald green one, but worms are worms, no matter what color it is, once Ding and Rong thinks that this kind of thing has stayed in her body, she can't control it. I felt like vomiting, it was really disgusting.

Ding Herong still couldn't control it in the end, covered his mouth and nodded apologetically to Lin Yuan, and immediately ran to the bathroom, while Ding Zhaoling hurriedly got up and went to the upstairs bathroom.

Lin Yuan shook the cup, the cup is glass, transparent, and the Gu worms wriggling in the cup can be clearly seen.

Zhu Qiuxin also averted her gaze a little, she was afraid that she would not be able to bear it any longer.

Ding Puzhong kept his face sullen, as if he was trying his best to hide his anger in front of Lin Yuan.

His daughter, his daughter was poisoned without his knowledge. They thought she was sick and thought she was working too hard and wanted her to rest.

Ding Puzhong didn't dare to imagine what would happen without the Taoist priest in front of him?
Was his daughter killed by these vicious and disgusting methods without their knowing!

And his son.

When Ding Puzhong thought of this, he felt palpitations. He and his wife had a good relationship, and they only had these two children in his life. He never thought about those nonsense things, and he only guarded his wife all his life.

And in just a few days, he has experienced such a thing that the lives of two children are in danger, how can he accept this!
"Daoist, can this thing be killed?" Zhu Qiuxin, who came back to her senses, naturally thought of this, her eyes were red, and she didn't feel sick anymore, looking at the cup filled with Gu worms like a poison I want to let this thing die immediately without a place to bury it.

Mothers can transform into the strongest warriors for their children!
Lin Yuan put down the cup in his hand and said, "Of course."

The index finger of the left hand moved slightly, and a trace of black and purple flames overflowed from the fingertips, and then automatically got into the cup containing the Gu worms as if with wisdom. In an instant, the green Gu worms were completely burned.

And in a room in an unknown small town, a 50-[-]-year-old strangely dressed person suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were startled, and he murmured: "Who broke my Gu worm?"

Seeing that the harmful thing finally disappeared, Zhu Qiuxin heaved a sigh of relief, Ding Puzhong was not so obvious, but his expression was much more relaxed.

At this time, Ding Herong and Ding Zhaoling, who had gone to the bathroom, came back.

The two of them seemed a little better. After sitting down, Ding Zhao said, "Mom, where are the bugs?"

Zhu Qiuxin replied: "It was dealt with by the priest."

Ding Zhaocheng suddenly let out a long breath of relief, and said with a big mouthful: "That's good, that's good."

At this time Lin Yuan said: "Since the matter has been dealt with, then I will leave first."

Then he calmly explained to Ding Herong: "Your body will be weak for a while, pay attention to rest and eat light food, and you will be fine."

Lin Yuan got up to leave, Zhu Qiuxin originally wanted to ask some questions, but seeing her actions, she didn't ask any more.

She also asked if this thing would have any effect on Ding Herong's body. Since the Taoist priest had already said it would not, there was no need to ask any more.

(End of this chapter)

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