I'm crazy

Chapter 289

Chapter 289

Zhu Qiuxin and the others didn't even think about saying something to leave Linyuan behind.

After all, even if they didn't know who this priest was, they could still see her impatience with these extra things that wasted her time.

Presumably she didn't want to be as polite as the others to chat with them back and forth, so Zhu Qiuxin and the others respectfully sent Lin Yuan out without saying anything.

It's just that they know in their hearts that what should be done must be done well.

After Linyuan went out, she casually walked on the road and turned around. She doesn't like shopping very much, and she finds it boring, but she is not very sleepy now, and she doesn't want to go back to the hotel, and the house she planned to buy doesn't need her own No matter, someone will help her fix it.

Now that it is the time when summer and autumn are changing, L City will rain from time to time.

No, just after Linyuan walked a few steps, it started to rain, not too big or too small, anyway, pedestrians can't walk home slowly.

The weather was gray, and it was raining heavily. Many people panicked for a long time because of the sudden rain, and many grumpy people cursed a few times.

But this didn't affect Lin Yuan at all, with a thought, the rain would naturally not fall on her.

"Master, what are you looking at?"

On the second floor of the shopping mall not far away, a thin young man in a shirt and black pants found his master standing by the window and staring at one direction after solving the remaining problems.

Lu Feng followed his master's line of sight and saw nothing.

There are only pedestrians who are in a hurry because of the sudden rain.

Hua Heting stroked his beard, smiled and pointed at Lu Feng, "Look."

Lu Feng looked in the direction his master pointed, but still saw nothing, but suddenly, a figure appeared in his eyes.

Lu Feng opened his eyes slightly, what's going on?
When he looked carefully again, he felt that this person was actually there all the time, but he didn't notice it.

He said to Huahe Pavilion: "Master, this..."

Hua Heting stroked his beard and sighed, "Senior, I'm far behind."

This has reached the realm of being as light as dust.

When you don't want people to pay attention, no one will notice her existence. Even if she is by your side and hasn't disappeared, you will subconsciously ignore her.

And once you notice it, all your eyes and thoughts will be on her.

It's clearly there, but it's not there.

Mysterious and mysterious.

"Be in harmony with the light and the dust, and relax with the time; with scales and hidden wings, thinking belongs to the wind and clouds."

Maybe this sentence can't explain it well, Hua Heting patted his apprentice Lu Feng's shoulder lightly, and said: "It would be great if one day I can get some pointers from this senior."

Lu Feng was puzzled and a little unconvinced: "Master, you are the most powerful in China."

A smile flashed across Hua Heting's eyes, and he didn't say anything. His stupid apprentice didn't understand that his cultivation was not bad in this dharma-ending era, but if he was placed in those who are full of spiritual power and the world's outstanding talents In the unknown years, he was nothing.

But that goal is the same desire and pursuit of those people in the doomed age.

They stumbled along the way, learned a lot, and also learned a little.

If one is lucky enough to be taught by a senior, one can improve one's cultivation by an inch or two, that would be a great blessing.

Lu Feng still doesn't understand.

Hua Heting turned his gaze to the outside again, but now he couldn't see the figure just now.

Lin Yuan walked slowly on the road, his comfortable posture was very different from the pedestrians around who were rushing to avoid the rain, not to mention the rain that didn't fall on him at all.

And when Lin Yuan was walking leisurely, he didn't know when he had an umbrella on his head.

Lin Yuan looked up without any emotion in his ink-stained eyes. With a big black umbrella, Lin Yuan saw the light blue clothes along the hand holding the umbrella.

Wearing a decent cyan coat, Lin Yuan could smell the faint scent of perfume on the visitor when he got close.

Very light, barely smellable.

Lin Yuan didn't speak, and the visitor's patience was obviously very good. For a while, the two of them didn't speak, and they walked slowly in the rain holding an umbrella together.

It's just that the other shoulder of the person who came here was wet.

The rain was still falling, and it seemed to be getting heavier and heavier. Pedestrians ran into places where they could hide from the rain. Linyuan and the visitors continued walking as usual.

Shang Fengqiao turned his head slightly and looked at Lin Yuan unobtrusively for a while, he was very young and very good-looking.Of course, this was Shang Fengqiao's feeling when he saw the people around him for the first time.

So it turns out that Ding Puzhong was the one they sent away so respectfully?

"Have you seen enough?" Lin Yuan's clear voice under the umbrella said calmly.

And this fashionable Fengqiao realized that he had been staring at him for a long time, without even moving his gaze away a little bit.

Shang Fengqiao looked away and said seriously, "Sorry."

After Shang Fengqiao apologized gently, he turned his gaze away and continued to walk with Lin Yuan while holding an umbrella.

Shang Fengqiao did not expect that the Ding family invited such a person who seemed to be capable of doing nothing.

The Shang family and the Ding family have been in a competitive relationship for more than ten years, but not all of them. Because of the healthy competition between the two, although the two have not had any contact in recent years, they have a very gentle attitude towards each other.

Since they are competitors, Shang Fengqiao has been paying attention to the Ding family, and the news that the boy from the Ding family has brought a girl into the house will naturally not be let go.

Shang Fengqiao was very curious about the girl Ding Zhaocheng brought home, especially after knowing Ding Puzhong and Zhu Qiuxin's respectful attitude towards her, because it showed that she should not be Ding Zhaonegative's love interest.

So what is the identity of this person, Shang Fengqiao naturally wants to know.

It just so happens that he has this curiosity and the ability to satisfy it, so Shang Fengqiao drove after Lin Yuan after hearing that this person was going out.

Seeing her wanton and leisurely attitude really made Shang Fengqiao envious, and his desire to know her became even stronger.

And maybe God was helping him, but after a while it started to rain, Shang Fengqiao took the only big black umbrella on the car and got out of the car, and walked to Lin Yuan's side.

After getting in close contact with her, Shang Fengqiao found that this person really had an incomparable appetite for him. He wanted to know her and make friends with her, but such a simple thing might be extremely difficult to do.

Lin Yuan's eyebrows and eyes were cold, seeing that she was almost at the door of her hotel, she said directly: "I'm leaving."

Shang Fengqiao stopped in his tracks, feeling a little regretful that he didn't say a few words to him.

He handed the umbrella to Lin Yuan, but Lin Yuan didn't take it, "No need."

Naturally, the creatures in the mortal world can't see that the spiritual power on her is blocking the rain, so they don't know that she can't use this umbrella.

But seeing Shang Fengqiao being so witty, Lin Yuan still said: "If possible, let's change that car today."

(End of this chapter)

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