I'm crazy

Chapter 301

Chapter 301

Li Zilang proudly said: "That's right, I don't even look at that master's ability."

Speaking of this, he patted Han Erxia's face and said: "Okay, I sneaked here this time, you take good care of Huai'er, now is the most critical time, don't make any mistakes, it's not convenient for me to stay here for a long time. "

Han Erxia leaned on Li Zilang's shoulder, looking dependent, but what he said was very satisfactory to Li Zilang.

She said softly: "Don't worry, I will take good care of Huai'er, and I won't distract you. I know this is a critical time, but you have to take care of yourself, Huai'er and I can't live without you."

Li Zilang's machismo was very satisfied with this picture of the little bird who couldn't live without him. As expected, he liked a well-behaved and obedient woman like Han Erxia. If it wasn't for lack of money, how could he have been with Ding? Shrews like Yu Shuang together?
When Li Zilang left, Han Erxia's gentle and obedient expression faded away.

Hmph, so what about those idiots talking about her behind her back, she wasn't the one who won in the end, she had a child, a man and money, even if she had the reputation of being a harmless mistress, it was only temporary After she became Mrs. Li, who would dare to look down on her? Even if they looked down on her, they could only secretly say that they would always respect her on the surface, and that she was the real winner.

In the past few days, Li Zilang went to Han Erxia's residence several times, but what he didn't know was that the person told by Ding Yushuang was silently watching him and following him.

All his actions were reported to Ding Yushuang by his followers.

Ding Yushuang listened to the words on the phone, his thin face showed no expression, calm and indifferent, sure enough what the Taoist priest said was right.

Or was she too stupid, so stupid to believe in such things as men.

So what was she going to do with this disgusting thing she didn't want?
Ding Yu held the mobile phone in both hands, and glanced at the photos sent from the mobile phone. It was such a warm scene of a good wife, husband and good children, but it was at the cost of her life!
"Just do it." Ding Yushuang's voice was indifferent and calm, obviously she had already thought of a way to deal with it.

The person on the phone responded.

Ding Yushuang put down her phone and didn't think about it anymore. People like Li Zilang are not qualified to be her obstacles at all. Since the things that belonged to her have decayed, smelled and rotted, then throw it away, it's that simple .

And Lin Yuan heard the follow-up about Ding Yushuang and Li Zilang from Kunlun Mirror's "mouth" a few days later.

"Master, Li Zilang and his lover and child are dead." Kunlun Jing's voice was excited, obviously in a state of watching a good show.

Near Zhu Zhechi, near the ink is black.

No, no!
It should be because it has been with its noble master for a long time, and it has also fallen in love with the master's hobbies, like watching theaters.

When Lin Yuan heard the news, he was lying on the sofa with a book in his hand flipping through it boredly.

"Really? What's going on? Qingling's voice said, although it was a question sentence, but it can be heard that Lin Yuan is not very interested, obviously she has known the final outcome of this matter for a long time.

Since there was nothing else going on right now, she cooperated with her divine weapon.

The Kunlun mirror was very happy when it got the master's response, so why would it care about anything? Besides, it can't care about it, and of course it doesn't dare to care about it.

"Master, it's like this..."

After Ding Yushuang got the exact news of Li Zilang's cheating, she made up her mind. She is a straightforward person and she doesn't want to have any more entanglements with this kind of person. It's better to solve it as soon as possible.

So she explained to her trusted subordinates, and her subordinates naturally took care of everything for her.

Li Zilang, Han Erxia, and their son Li Huai died in the fire, and their methods were neat and clean without any trace.

Kunlun Jing exclaimed: "Master, Ding Yushuang is really straightforward!"

Lin Yuan turned a page, but after a few seconds, she read the entire page. This is the result of her restraint a lot, otherwise she would not need to read this book at all, and all the knowledge and information in the world can be seen at a glance with her divine sense.

"Well, it's really straightforward."

She thinks that Ding Yushuang's behavior is quite good. What Li Zilang and Han Erxia want is her life, and no one has the right to forgive these people for her. If Li Zilang and Han Erxia tampered with Ding Yushuang's fate and exchanged his life, he would have died long ago.

"I think so too." The Kunlun mirror is very simple, just because it agrees with its owner can make it happy for a long time.

The matter between Ding Yushuang and Li Zilang came to an end after Linyuan received the tea and cards sent by Ding Yushuang one day later.

Ding Yu is very generous with both hands. The card for Lin Yuan alone has 3000 million in it, but when he thinks that Lin Yuan saved her life, the money is not much at all.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye, and the day agreed with Hua Heting arrived. Hua Heting and Lu Feng came to Lin Yuan's house early and waited for Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan didn't bother to wash up after getting up at ten o'clock, and used some spiritual power to clean up, and then went out after finishing breakfast with the newly hired housekeeper.

Seeing Huahe Pavilion and Lu Feng outside, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "I'm not too late, am I?"

Hua Heting and Lu Feng first saluted Lin Yuan respectfully before saying, "Senior, of course it's not too late, it's because we came too early."

Lin Yuan nodded and said: "Then let's go."

On the uninhabited wasteland, there were several people standing, including Linyuan, Huaheting and Lufeng, an old woman in Miao costume, a monk in cassock, and Luzhou, a total of six people.

When Fu Jingbai and Xuanpuen saw Linyuan, they smiled and bowed slightly. Since the old guy Hua Heting respected this "predecessor" who looked so young and frightening, then they would Believe in this old thing once, after all, they know the pride of this old thing, it is impossible to call a young woman with no reputation and strength as a senior casually.

Only Lu Zhou snorted coldly in disdain, but there was no movement.

"I said, Lao Hua, our mission this time is not a joke. Is this 'unclear' person really capable? If something happens accidentally..."

Lu Zhou sneered and sneered in a long voice, he didn't finish his sentence but everyone present knew what it meant.

Fu Jingbai and Xuan Pu'en showed embarrassment, and looked at Linyuan one after another, but Linyuan's expression was indifferent, his dark eyes showed no emotion, and he was not displeased at Lu Zhou's offense. Yuan is generally too lazy to argue with ants.

But if she is really upset, then the anger of the Demon God is not something these ants can bear.

(End of this chapter)

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