I'm crazy

Chapter 302

Chapter 302

Hua Heting glanced at Lu Zhou who was squinting at them and said: "Brother Lu is thinking too much, let's think about how to keep ourselves this time, after all we have limited manpower, what if something goes wrong with Brother Lu? It’s too late to rescue, isn’t it?”

These words are powerful, and they are not false. Except for Huaheting's apprentice Lu Feng and Linyuan who doesn't know the details, the weakest of the four of them is Luzhou. It is no wonder that Huaheting will say This kind of words poke people.

Fu Jingbai and Xuan Puen smiled, and didn't get involved in the battle between the two of them. Anyway, they were used to it, and they were used to Lu Zhou's "being stupid" from time to time.

Seeing that Luzhou was so angry that he didn't know what to say, Xuan Puen, who was wearing cassocks, said in a low voice: "All benefactors, we should set off."

Hua Heting suppressed his smile when he heard the words, and said to Lin Yuan: "Senior."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly: "Let's go."

She has already sensed the breath of the monster, it is indeed an ancient monster, and if she is not mistaken, it seems to be a familiar little guy, but she doesn't know how it got here.

The Kunlun mirror is funny, and only the owner would think this guy is a "little guy".

The six people walked forward, Fu Jingbai was talking with Hua Heting: "Brother Hua, I haven't seen you for a few days, Lu Feng's skill has improved a lot, it's still Brother Hua who teaches well, unlike my unworthy descendant , I don’t make any progress when I take it with me and teach it every day, it’s really a headache for me.”

Lu Feng said embarrassingly: "Senior praised too much. I just solved some things with my master these days. I have practiced a lot, and I was forced to grind it. It is Brother Fu's profound skills."

Fu Jingbai was very happy when Lu Feng praised his grandson, but he still waved his hands and said, "Hey, hey, I can't compare to you."

Lin Yuan walked leisurely at the front, Hua Heting was one step behind her, and the others followed behind her, except for Lu Zhou who was ahead of Lin Yuan and was about three meters away from them.

Lin Yuan didn't participate in the conversation between them, the little guy's breath became stronger and stronger, and a little smile couldn't help but slipped through the black eyes, like the galaxy dotted in the dark night, dazzling and beautiful.

"Master, why is that guy in this small plane?" Kunlun Mirror asked its owner very interestedly.

Lin Yuan's slender and white hands were loosely inserted in his trouser pockets, until the pure black long hair around his waist floated slightly with the breeze, forming a winding arc, the spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness pointed to the mirror surface of the Kunlun mirror, and said with a smile : "I don't know yet."

Kunlun Mirror turned around and said, "Fortunately, this guy has been sleeping here, otherwise wouldn't it be... Hahaha!"

It couldn't say the rest, obviously not knowing what it thought that made it so happy.

The smile in Mo Hei's eyes deepened, Lin Yuan nodded slightly, and Qing Ling said lightly: "That's true."

However, this is also due to the protection of the plane. The law of heaven exists in the plane, so it is impossible for that little guy to do bad things.

Lin Yuan continued to walk, and after walking a few steps forward with light and willful steps, he said to the people behind him: "Stop."

The unquestionable majesty in Qingling's misty voice leaked out, making Fu Jingbai, Xuanpu'en, Huaheting and Lu Feng behind him stop involuntarily, except for Luzhou.

He snorted coldly, and after fully expressing his disdain for the word Linyuan, he continued to walk a few steps and said, "Stop, why don't you stop, hurry up and collect the monster before it wakes up, or wait for it After waking up, let's see who of you is its opponent."

Speaking of which, he squinted his eyes and glanced behind him, mockingly said: "I forgot, what other seniors are there, how could it not be the opponent of the monster?"

The depth of the beating made Lu Feng and Hua Heting sink their faces. Once or twice is fine. Luzhou slandered the seniors in front of them several times, but also slapped them in the face. Really...

The sharp eyebrows were raised slightly, Lin Yuan's head was turned slightly, and the sharp arc of the end of his eyes looked over lightly, one look stopped Huaheting and Lu Feng who wanted to argue with Luzhou.

"Don't worry about him." After the two people's movements stopped, Lin Yuan ignored him indifferently.

The little guy can just teach her a lesson for this annoying ant who is chattering in her ear.

Lu Zhou continued to walk forward nonchalantly, when suddenly the ground under his feet trembled, and the unsuspecting people were staggered by the shock, but luckily with rich experience, they stood firm in the blink of an eye up.

But the situation in Luzhou is not so good. After all, the place where Linyuan made everyone stop was at the edge of the shock. Unlike Luzhou, in order to show his "maverick", he walked forward several times One step, almost stepped into the vibration zone. Although it was not the core area, the vibration was not small, and he was directly made to sit down on the ground.


"What... what's going on here?" Lu Zhou was about to stand up, when the sudden roar of the beast made him sit down again in fright. Huaheting and the others, who had already made a lot of preparations, sank down one after another after hearing the power of the beast's roar, with serious expressions on their faces.

They looked at each other, knowing in their hearts that if they were not careful, they would confess here this time.

But Lin Yuan smiled, "Kunlun, I can be sure now, it's that little guy."

Kunlun mirror laughed in the sea of ​​consciousness and said: "Master, do you think this guy will shrink into a ball in fright when he sees you in this small plane?"

Originally, it was to avoid the master, so it went to sleep in some Gada's nest, how could it know that it could meet the master?

When Kunlun mirror thought of the guy's expression when he saw his master, he laughed so hard that his own mirror trembled!
Hahahahaha! ! !
Lu Zhou, who was walking in front of the crowd, was hit even harder. He almost went dumb with fright. He trembled and wanted to get up, but he couldn't get up several times.

Fortunately, Fu Jingbai and Xuan Pu'en cast spells together to bring Luzhou over, otherwise Luzhou might not be able to get up after a few more times.

"Senior, has a monster been born?" Hua Heting's expression was heavy, just a roar of the beast when it was born could have such power, it can be seen that the strength of this monster, it seems that they underestimated their original expectations.

What can I do now?But fortunately there are still seniors around, Hua Heting breathed a sigh of relief.

From the senior's order just now, he knew that the senior should know that the monster beast will be born at this time, and the senior's ability is really extraordinary.

Lin Yuan nodded in agreement with Hua Heting's guess.

The rest of the people also took out their weapons to deal with the monster.

In short, it is absolutely impossible to let it escape.

 Thank you Ruoxiangyi°Mo Xiangli for the monthly ticket *^O^*
  Thank you for the votes of little angels and little angels *^O^*
(End of this chapter)

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