I'm crazy

Chapter 303

Chapter 303

Fu Jingbai's weapon is a long whip, regardless of her age, but that whip is extremely powerful and powerful.

As a member of Buddhism, Xuanpu'en's weapon is naturally the Buddhist beads chosen by most Buddhist disciples. He held it in the palm of his hand and shone with golden light, while Luzhou's weapon, which had been frightened for a long time and finally came to his senses, was a fan. Seriously inconsistent.

Lin Yuan still had the free and easy posture with his hands in his pockets, his lazy and arrogant figure seemed insignificant behind the thousands of miles of wasteland facing the dark clouds covering the sky and the occasional roar of beasts, but from that body The aura revealed faintly seems to be that the universe is at her feet, bowing their heads for her.

Although he seems to know that the woman in front of him is not some charlatan who doesn't know his name, but Lu Zhou's temperament still makes him unable to resist stabbing, "Don't you take out your weapon and wait to die?"

Lin Yuan glanced at him indifferently, the indifference of not putting everything in his eyes in Abyss' black and terrifying eyes made Lu Zhou startled, and then the fear that he didn't know where came from made him avert his gaze stiffly, and closed his eyes. Don't dare to say a word again.

Lin Yuan's eyes were fixed on the front, and the roar of the beast became louder and louder, which also meant that the time for the birth of the monster was getting closer, but there was no tense and serious atmosphere around Lin Yuan, it was because he was too familiar, It was so ripe that she once wanted to bake it and try it.

But even those who are not familiar with her pose no threat to her. With the strength of the demon god, there is no creature in or outside of the world that can threaten her or hurt her.

This has been the case in the past, and it will be the same in the future. This is an eternal law!
Lin Yuan said softly: "I don't know if the little guy will be happy to see me?"

Kunlun Mirror: "...the master who will definitely not, hahaha!"

Several people were on alert when a huge figure suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

On the mountain of Gouwu, there are many jades on the top and copper on the bottom.There is a beast, its shape is like a sheep's body and a human face, its eyes are under its armpits, its tiger teeth are like human claws, and its sound is like a baby.

The "old acquaintance" of Kunlun Mirror - one of the four ancient beasts: Taotie
Taotie, who was in the air, turned his head and felt that his body was a bit big, so he shrunk his body size. He yawned after waking up, and then moved his body a few times.

So the five people in the Huahe Pavilion below saw the huge body of this monster suddenly shrink a circle, and let out a sound that I don't know how to describe... a beast roar?
Lu Feng looked at the monster in the air strangely, and hesitantly said to his master Hua Heting: "Master, why do I feel like this monster yawned?"

Hua Heting said in a solemn voice, "Don't talk nonsense."

But there was also a faint suspicion in those eyes. He glanced at Fu Jingbai and the others, and found that everyone had the same suspicion in their eyes, and their expressions were a little complicated.

Why do you feel that such a powerful monster suddenly becomes a little cute?

Hua Heting shook his head, dismissing these inappropriate thoughts, no matter what it does, a monster is a monster, and its identity will not change. Maybe this monster will not kill and has a gentle temperament, but this will have to wait for their communication Well, it's still very dangerous for now.

Hua Heting and the others all think this way. They have dealt with monsters and all kinds of unpredictable things in this world for decades. Naturally, they know better than anyone that these things are good or bad. Likewise, there are good people and bad people.

Can't generalize, can't distinguish between right and wrong.

Now is a new era in which humans and monsters live in harmony and build a beautiful homeland together. It is not a time when one party must be exterminated or one party overwhelms the other.

Huaheting and the others were under martial law. Unexpectedly, Linyuan who was standing in the front suddenly said a word. Qingling's voice was indifferent and casual, but they could hear a hint of a smile from it.

But that's not the reason why their jaws almost dropped, the reason why they were so surprised that they couldn't speak was the two words Lin Yuan said.


……what……? ! ! !

Gluttonous!Gluttonous, one of the four ancient beasts?
The people in Huahe Pavilion, who are over a hundred years old, can't even speak at this time: "Ex...Senior, what do you say...?"


Isn't this a myth and legend?

How could it be true? !
If this is true, wouldn't it be true that Pangu opened the world, Hongjun Patriarch joined the Tao with his body, and Nuwa repaired the sky and created man? ? ?

Hua Heting and the others only felt that the world they lived in had become illusory for a while, and they didn't know how to express themselves...

They were so frightened that they doubted life, but what they didn't know was that Taotie, who was far away in the sky, was also doubting his ears at this time.

Is it an auditory hallucination?
Why did it seem to hear the voice of the Great Demon God?
Taotie's huge body trembled uncontrollably a few times, it was definitely fake, it was definitely because it was too afraid of that great demon god in its subconscious, that's why it had hallucinations, it must be true!
It has already come here from the prehistoric times, how could it possibly meet the Great Demon God?

Scared by the sound, the aftereffects of sleeping for a long time disappeared in an instant. Taotie opened his eyes wide and looked around to find something to eat. It was about to starve to death.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw the figure below? !

As a ferocious beast, of course, it is not only by the eyes to see, the most important thing is the aura, and Taotie is extremely sure at this time, it really met the Great Demon God! ! !

What exactly is going on?

Why such a "ghost lingering" ah!

The few people who were still in doubt did not get Lin Yuan's answer, they quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and comforted themselves that the senior was indeed joking, how could those illusory myths and legends be true?

But what I didn't expect was that just after they comforted themselves, the person in front of them suddenly spoke again...

Lin Yuan looked at the air, the little guy who was completely stunned by her two words, smiled lightly, and said two more words: "Come here."

The two words light and fluttering were passed to Taotie's ears so incomparably clearly and easily.

The last trace of luck in its heart completely disappeared.

Well, this is the Great Demon God.

Accept your fate, it is such a bitter fate, who made it offend the Great Demon God?

It is a well-known fierce beast, and its life is not as good as a stone in the wild.

Taotie was about to cry, but unfortunately, the ferocious beast that was raised by nature didn't have tears at all, even if it wanted to cry, it couldn't cry!

Lin Yuan stretched out his right hand, and took the Taotie that he obediently shrunk into a woolen size and lay in her palm, and touched it with the other hand to stroke the little guy's fluffy hair.

"Not bad." Linyuan praised him once in a while, and he was still as good as ever. As expected, the little guy Taotie was the most comfortable to touch.

(End of this chapter)

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