I'm crazy

Chapter 304

Chapter 304

Taotie stayed in Linyuan's embrace obediently and let her masturbate at will, not daring to move, only stretched his body slightly when he was really comfortable being masturbated, and hummed twice, looking at Kunlun mirror There was a burst of envy and jealousy in my heart.

Hua Heting and the others looked puzzled, didn't the senior say that this is one of the beasts, Taotie?

How could it be so obedient to stay quietly in the palm of the senior and be touched by the senior without making any movements? This fierce beast is really too obedient?

Compared to the complexity of Huaheting and others, Taotie's thinking is very simple.

That is, the beast is under the eaves and has to bow its head.

It can't beat the Great Demon God. It is a fierce beast and not a brainless beast. How could it have no IQ? It's not a bloodthirsty demon. Since the Great Demon God doesn't care about their previous "misunderstanding", it should be fine.

So Taotie is lying here with peace of mind.

After Luzhou calmed down, he felt that this was a little impossible. He looked at the little black-haired beast in Luzhou's palm, and said in disbelief, "Is this really Taotie? It can't be a lie, can it?"

Fu Jingbai and Xuan Puen were also a little skeptical, but because of the strength Lin Yuan showed just now, they didn't dare to ask such a blatant question. Only Lu Zhou, who didn't know whether he was stupid or "stupid, white and sweet", said so .

Hearing that someone doubted its identity, can it bear it?
After all, it is a fierce beast, its temper is not covered, it is forced by the situation to face the Great Demon God, but it does not have such a good temper when facing these mortals, which it regards as its food.

Taotie immediately got up from Linyuan's palm, and there was a beast roar in the direction of Luzhou. It was obviously not that loud, and it was even vaguely immature because of its figure, but the majesty and pressure contained in it were still deep. The danger is not false.

Lu Zhou's face immediately turned pale. At this moment, he really felt the mortal danger. He had no doubt that if this little black beast hadn't been in the palm of the girl in front of him, his life might be in danger.

He grinned and didn't dare to speak anymore.

But Fu Jingbai and Xuan Puen's faces were not much better, and they didn't dare to say any more. Only Huahe Pavilion said after the roar of the gluttonous beast: "There are many jades on the top of the Gouwu Mountain, and there are many coppers on the bottom. Beast Yan, its shape is like a sheep's body and a human face, its eyes are in its armpits, its tiger teeth are like human claws, its voice is like a baby's, its name is roe owl, it is a cannibal, it is the gluttony recorded in the Shan Hai Jing, and it is generally the same."

When Fu Jingbai and the others heard this, they quietly put their eyes on Lin Yuan's palm, and looked carefully. Although their stature became smaller, they were indeed exactly the same as those recorded in the Shan Hai Jing. They just wanted to lie to themselves Can't lie, it seems that this is not their dream, it is indeed true!
What is recorded in Shan Hai Jing is actually true!
"Let's go." Up to now, the monster that was originally thought to be a disaster to the world was taken away by the senior, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Taotie in the palm rubbed Linyuan's slender fingers, although the Great Demon God was a bit scary, but the palm was indeed really comfortable!

Taotie's fear of the Great Demon God suddenly dissipated a bit. At the beginning, because it was "young and ignorant", it was very hungry when it was born. When it was so hungry that it could even eat a flood, it just looked at it like this. Arrived at Linyuan.

At that time, in the eyes of Taotie who didn't know anything, the Great Demon God was really a wonderful food with a fragrance!

He has a high level of cultivation and a good-looking appearance, which is exactly the appearance of the best food in Taotie's eyes.

After it ate her, the appetite that might never be satisfied might be full for a while.

And then what happened to it...

Not to mention...

It was forced to sleep in the wilderness for tens of thousands of years, and then it didn't know if the planes were crossed or something, and it fell asleep and fell asleep here.

Then it opened its eyes and saw the Great Demon God again...

It doesn't know what to say about its luck, it is the worst among the ancient beasts!

Taotie thought bitterly.

But the face covered with black hairs rubbed against Lin Yuan's index finger very naturally.

Lin Yuan chuckled, "How is it, are you comfortable?"

"Of course it's comfortable." Taotie subconsciously said a word.

Turning around, she saw the Great Demon God looking down at her, with the smile he was most familiar with about doing something bad.

Taotie: "..."

Is it too late to change it now?

Really comfortable though.

Lin Yuan knew what the little guy in front of him was thinking without even searching with his spiritual sense. It seemed that she was indeed "very powerful" in his heart.

The index finger of her palm moved slightly, touched the little guy's black hair, and said with a smile: "What are you afraid of, am I so scary?"

Taotie hurriedly shook his head, fearing that if he didn't react in time, the Great Demon God would find an opportunity to "torture" him, but obviously it still underestimated the Great Demon God's "ability".

Hearing this answer, Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Really? I'm not scary, it seems that I'm not qualified enough as a demon god!"

As a demon god, he is not scary. How can this happen? It is really outrageous.

Taotie wants to cry but has no tears, look, look, what else does it dare to say?What can I say?
If it didn't answer in this way, but said that the Great Demon God was scary, I'm afraid the Great Demon God would ask her what was scary and why.

No matter how you answer, or whether you answer or not, Taotie knows at this moment that it will be teased by the Great Demon God today!
Taotie lay in Linyuan's palm and did not move, commonly known as - pretending to be dead!
Seeing this, Linyuan didn't continue talking to Taotie, but let him make his small body a little bigger so that she could rub it in his arms.

Taotie was born in this small plane, and after Huaheting and the others passed on the disappearance, it caused a huge shock.

After all, it is a fierce beast in myths and legends. Does this prove that the stories depicted in myths such as Shan Hai Jing are true?

Could they all see this one day?
In particular, this also involves cultivation of the true and immortal, the field of life, and high-dimensional things such as gods, and the turmoil caused can be imagined.

If it weren't for the upper management not yet thinking about how to deal with it, I'm afraid there would be no idea how many people came to Lin Yuan now.

Even now, from time to time, there are some people secretly spying on Lin Yuan's activities. Fortunately, they didn't bother Lin Yuan's life without eyes, so she didn't bother to bother with these people, as if they didn't exist anymore.

Linyuan and Taotie were very leisurely and didn't take it seriously.

In the eyes of Taotie, these humans are its food, who cares about food?

When it first fell asleep on this plane, it fell asleep as soon as it arrived because of the protection of the plane of heaven, but this does not mean that Taotie is ignorant of the affairs of this world.

 Thank you for the monthly tickets of Ruoxiangyi ° Mo Xiangli little angel and little angel who loves to eat roadside stalls O(∩_∩)O
  Thank you for the tickets of Little Angel of Medicine, Little Angel of Ruoxiangyi ° Mo Xiangli, Little Angel of Just Thinking, Little Angel of Liangyu Shengfu, Little Angel of Bright Moon and Breeze O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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