I'm crazy

Chapter 323

Chapter 323
The new life has started smoothly, and Yanzhang's research institute is like a fish in water with Linyuan's ability.

While she was studying an ancient prescription, Kunlun Mirror reported to her the final outcome of Ran Ming and Gong Yunan.

Gong Yunan couldn't believe it when she woke up and found out that her family had gone bankrupt, but no matter how she tried to avoid it, she couldn't erase the fact, especially after knowing that her father Gong Jinsheng was lying in the hospital and turned into a vegetative state. , but what makes her sad is that she has no one to rely on in the future, no one who can deal with the aftermath of what she has done.

As for paying medical expenses for Gong Jinsheng who has become a vegetable, how is it possible?

Now that her own life has become a problem, how can she still care about Gong Jinsheng? In Gong Yunan's heart, since her father has become a vegetable, it proves that he is dead. How can a dead person still have a relationship with her? What about the relationship?

So naturally, Gong Yunan left after waking up and recovering, never thinking about taking care of her father.

This is really selfish and cold-blooded exactly like her father.

As for Ran Ming, he was hypocritically guarding in front of Gong Yunan's hospital bed, thinking that when Gong Yunan woke up and saw how he cared about her so much and loved her so much, he would be more devoted to him. Even if her father disagreed, Gong Yunan would not be able to do without He died, and Gong Jinsheng only had Gong Yunan's daughter, how could he be able to hold on to her, so he would definitely be with Gong Yunan.

Although he didn't like Gong Yunan very much, and hated her savage temperament, but the Gong family behind her could completely make up for this shortcoming, couldn't he?
After he and Gong Yunan get married by then, Gong Jinsheng will also be older, how many years can he be in charge of the company?Then the Gong family is not in his pocket!
Ran Ming thought very well, and planned very well. Originally, the plot of this world really progressed like this. After Ran Ming and Gong Yunan got married, because Gong Jinsheng did not want to delegate power for a long time, Ran Ming didn't want to wait like this any longer , Gong Jinsheng was paralyzed by a stroke, and how could Gong Yunan, an idiot, understand this, Gong's family was naturally held in Ran Ming's hands.

And after Ran Ming completely controlled the Gong family, and after Gong's surname was Ran, Gong Yunan was naturally useless, how could Ran Ming, who thought he had endured Gong Yunan for so many years, could bear it any longer?

So very soon, Gong Yunan also died in a car accident. Of course, some smart people could see that something was wrong, but at that time the Gong family was completely under Ran Ming's control, even if they saw something wrong, they couldn't say it.

Ran Ming has been at ease like this, and because of the affectionate persona he pretended to make many people fall in love with him, they feel that Ran Ming is really a good man who is one in a million.

But now because of Lin Yuan's arrival, the original plot has of course been turned around so many times, it's completely changed beyond recognition.

So Ran Ming was completely dumbfounded when he heard the news of Gong's bankruptcy. How could he not have thought that Gong's, which was still in full swing two days ago, went bankrupt out of nowhere?

It took him a few seconds to digest the news. Since the Gong family was bankrupt, it was impossible for him to be with Gong Yunan.

Ran Ming walked away very confidently, because the human setting collapsed a few days ago, and he can't stay in school at all now, and Ran Ming, who was held by his parents since he was a child, sucked the blood of his sisters and went to school. After he stopped studying, how could he go out and do what he thought was dirty work and make money by himself, so he went back to the clubhouse he had stayed in before, and it was in that clubhouse that he met Gong Yunan.

"Are you sure you want to come back to work?" The person in charge of the clubhouse looked at Ran Ming suspiciously, making him embarrassed and angry.

If it weren't for his difficulties now, how could he come back to this dirty place!

Now this wretched person in charge is still asking him that?
The person in charge glanced at him meaninglessly, "Since you are going to come back and don't want to go into the sea, then you can continue to drink with the guests."

Seeing Ran Ming leaving angrily, the person in charge gave a contemptuous smile, Shao Shi, who just came over and had a good relationship with the person in charge, smiled and asked, "Why do you still want this person?"

There is a reason for this. With Ran Ming's arrogant and pretentious character, although he came to the club to make money, he still thinks he is a fairy boy who is not stained with dust, and looks down on them with a look of arrogance and indifference. To be honest, it is very difficult. He offended the people in the meeting hall.

They are all for sale, who are you pretending to see?
It disgusted the "young master" who worked in the clubhouse.

The person in charge glanced at Ran Ming's back, "Although it's not a good thing, I've seen this kind of people a lot. He may think that those wealthy daughters are idiots like Gong Yunan, but this is exactly what I want. He'll know what to do when he realizes he's nothing more than a plaything."

Shao Shi chuckled when he heard this, his handsome face was very attractive, "You are really..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and left. After all, it was someone else's business and had nothing to do with him.

As for Ran Ming's future, it has nothing to do with him.

So Ran Ming continued to stay in the clubhouse.


"Come on, give me this glass of wine." Several luxuriously dressed women sat in the dark box, and one of the gorgeous women held a glass of wine in her hand and looked at the person sitting beside her with a half-smile. Ran Ming.

The air in the clubhouse was silent, as if it had been frozen by something. Feng Shuangyun was the person with the highest status in it. As soon as she spoke, the other people naturally quieted down with winks.

One of the women looked at Ran Ming standing there motionless, with an ugly expression on her face, what's going on in this clubhouse!This kind of thing is also brought out to entertain guests, just let him have a drink without doing anything, why do they act like they are forcing some good women and men to do something, I really don't know what to say!
And Ran Ming was so humiliated, when did he do such a thing!

When he first entered the club, he met Gong Yunan, and how could Gong Yunan, who fell in love with Ran Ming, be willing to be wronged by his sweetheart? Of course, he spent a lot of money to let Ran Ming serve her alone. Of course, Ran Ming has never been hurt. This kind of "humiliation" he considered.

But his behavior made the people in the club look disgusting. Why, he thought he was the "son" that Gong Yunan held in his hands!

What he does is this job, which is to accompany the guests to drink and make the guests happy. To be honest, because the main guests of the club are female customers, those things that are taken by force are actually very rare. The "young men" in the club Serving mostly female customers, the difficulty is much less, and just like this, Ran Ming still looks like a pure white lotus flower after he has suffered a great humiliation.


 Thanks to the little angel of Mingyue Qingfeng for your tickets *^O^*
(End of this chapter)

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