I'm crazy

Chapter 324

Chapter 324
For a moment, no one in the box spoke, and everyone's eyes were on Ran Ming, whose body was stiff.

Ran Ming felt even more disgusted, he is a school girl, how could he do such a thing!How could he accompany such a disgusting woman!Work in such a disgusting place!

But he looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with a smile that was not a smile, and finally took the glass of wine in humiliation.

The other people who were secretly watching his work in the clubhouse sneered.

Since you want to set up a chastity archway, then don't accept it at all!Don't accept it if you have the ability!
Ran Ming was really disgusting.

Who does he think he is?

After Ran Ming took the big glass of wine, he drank it down. Feng Shuangyun's complexion improved a little, but Ran Ming pushed her away and ran out the next second.

This time, Feng Shuangyun's complexion completely sank. She leaned on the sofa, lit a lady's cigarette, and said in a low voice, "Call me your person in charge."

The box fell completely silent, no one dared to speak, one of them hurried out to inform the person in charge, and the woman who brought Feng Shuangyun here was even more panicked.

Her family originally had a project to cooperate with Feng Shuangyun, and she deliberately brought Feng Shuangyun here three times and four times according to Feng Shuangyun's preferences, hoping to make her happy, but she didn't expect that the car just overturned, and she completely hated it That bitch just now.

When the person in charge came in, everyone huddled together quietly, only Feng Shuangyun was smoking a cigarette leisurely there.

"President Feng, please calm down. The people in our clubhouse are ignorant. I'm here to apologize to you." The person in charge immediately bowed and apologized as soon as he entered.

Now he really regrets keeping Ran Ming behind.

At first, he thought that the Gong family would go bankrupt and Ran Ming would naturally understand his identity without any support, but he didn't expect that he really thought highly of him and brought him such a big trouble.

Feng Shuangyun extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray, and said with a smile: "I have been to the fireworks several times, we are all acquaintances, so I will give you this face, but today this really disappoints me, did he misunderstand what?"

The person in charge wanted to kill Ran Ming, and he understood what Feng Shuangyun said.

Feng Shuangyun, as a successful boss, does not have the shortcomings that men have when they have money and power. When people come to their clubhouse, they just come to see and drink. They don't do anything. The drinker is good-looking, so let him drink a few more glasses. In the past, as soon as she came, she didn't know how many people rushed to accompany her.

But today, it was likely that Ran Ming was so good at teasing him to let him have a few drinks, but in the eyes of that bitch Ran Ming, he was insulting him.

It's fucking insulting, why come to their clubhouse?

The person in charge scolded his mother in his heart, with a smile on his face, "It's all the fault of the clubhouse. It didn't train people well. Please calm down. In order to express the clubhouse's apology to you, you will get a [-]% discount if you come here in the future."

Feng Shuangyun didn't express anything when he heard this, he just stood up and picked up his clothes.

The woman who called her hurriedly said, "Mr. Feng."

Feng Shuangyun, who had already reached the door of the box, turned her head and said, "Today's matter has nothing to do with you."

After speaking, he left, leaving the woman and the people she brought to ease the atmosphere all heaved a sigh of relief, as long as Mr. Feng didn't think she did it on purpose.

She glanced at the appearance in the box and didn't intend to stay any longer. She took out her card and handed it to the person in charge, "Check out."

What else can the person in charge do?
He could only take the card with a smile and ask someone to swipe the card. After everything was over and everyone left, Ran Ming came late.

"Where did you go?" The person in charge looked very unhappy.

And Ran Ming's complexion was even worse, he was obviously wronged, why the person in charge still acted like accusing him, thinking about it like this naturally had a bad attitude, "It's just going out to get some air."

The person in charge almost laughed out loud at Ran Ming, "It's just a breath of air."

He directly got angry at Ran Ming, without giving him any face, "Ran Ming, you really fucking think you are a thing, don't you? Are you still pretending to have a rich daughter like Gong Yunan who doesn't have eyes to fall in love with? What about your kind of dream? You are a fucking idiot, but you are just a thing that is trampled under your feet, do you really think you are a young master?"

These words did not save any affection, but they pierced Ran Ming's heart directly, and his face turned blue and white, white and green.

Ran Ming's face seemed to have knocked over the palette, extremely "pretty", and he looked at the person in charge with a stern look, "What do you mean?"

The person in charge doesn't care about Ran Ming's mood at all. He has been here for more than [-] years. Ridiculous.

"What do I mean, what I mean is that the club can't keep you bitch, get out immediately! Don't let me see you again." The person in charge pointed at the door, signaling Ran Ming to get out immediately.

With Ran Ming's pretentious personality, how could he stand the humiliation from the person in charge, he gave the person in charge a stern look, and left without looking back.

The person in charge looked back at the people watching the excitement, and the onlookers ran away immediately.

He straightened his clothes. His anger just now was [-]% genuine and [-]% fake.

Although angry at the loss caused by Ran Ming, he has lived for more than forty years and has never seen any scenes, so he is not angry to such an extent because of this little thing.

A large part of the anger just now was played for these little bastards in the clubhouse.

Because of the nature of the clubhouse, the people in the clubhouse come into contact with upper-class figures who are either rich or noble all day long. Some people can't see their identities clearly and want to fly up to the branches and become phoenixes, but they themselves are sparrows. How could it be so easy to change?
The wealthy are not so easy to get in, the people who come here are just for fun, how can a high-ranking person think highly of you as a plaything, how can the end result be so good if you can't recognize your own identity.

So he naturally wanted to take this opportunity to suppress them, and of course it was entirely for their benefit.

And Ran Ming regretted it after he went out. He suffered so much humiliation, and the person in charge didn't give him a salary. He almost wanted to go in immediately, but the last remaining reason in his heart stopped him.

He will never set foot in this disgusting place again.

After staying outside for a few days and using up all his money, Ran Ming finally had no choice but to go back to school first.

But when he arrived at the school, he found out that he had already been expelled from the school, because he had been absent from class for an unknown number of days and could not be contacted. In addition to his evil deeds a few days ago, the school simply expelled him , just waiting for him to come back and pack his things.

(End of this chapter)

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