I'm crazy

Chapter 358 President

Chapter 358 President
Fang Li woke up from a deep sleep and was still a little dizzy, and now even the most stupid person could sense something was wrong.

Didn't she intend to stun Quan Meng, and then directly take Quan Meng to the car and send it to Mr. Wang?

At that time, even if Quan Meng doesn't want to, she has to be willing, and she can get the money.

But why she feels so dizzy now, this situation is obviously wrong.

Fang Li pinched herself to wake herself up, and then saw the surrounding environment. After she came back, she noticed that her lower body was shaking, and now she panicked completely. Is she on the boat?
But why on board?

"Is anyone there? Is anyone there?"

Fang Li grabbed his clothes. In such an unfamiliar environment, he was probably the only one who could give him a sense of security.

She tried to stand up, but although her mind was clear, her body was still limp.

It must be that bitch Quan Meng!

It must be what that bitch Quan Meng did!
Who else but her, she obviously gave Quan Meng the medicine herself, and watched her drink it with her own eyes, why did she become like this now?

All of this was beyond Fang Li's expectation. In her mind, even if the plan was revealed, that idiot Quan Meng could only question her a few words, and could do nothing else.

Fang Li yelled for a long time and finally moved a little bit. She watched the plank above her head open, revealing a human head.

"Ah!" Fang Li was startled, and shrank suddenly.

Seeing that she hadn't had any accidents, the people above continued to close the planks without caring about her.

Originally, I didn't know when it appeared on the ship. Although it was not as good-looking and valuable as that one, no one would push it out for free.

This kind of person seems to have offended someone, otherwise how could they get on such a ship so easily.

At that time, you can sell it casually and make some money.

And Fang Li still doesn't know what the future holds for her.


Lin Yuan went back to the rented house directly after leaving Quan's house, but there was almost an accident.

Because a domineering president missed Quan Meng's double again, he wanted to "invite" Lin Yuan over.

He directly blocked the way and kidnapped, and he didn't know what to say.

"Kunlun, why do many readers think this is domineering in the novel? It's cool?"

Lin Yuan was a little puzzled, even though she had spent an indeterminate amount of time in the plane, she was a demon god, a demon, and sometimes she really didn't understand what creatures like humans were thinking.

Just like in many novels, the male protagonist kidnaps and forces the female protagonist, kills the female protagonist’s family and friends, and there are quite a few people who dig out their hearts and kidneys. There are also videos.

Just like that, there are still readers who think those so-called domineering presidents are cool?handsome?
To be honest, this is no fun anymore, this is a naked crime, and it should be sentenced in real life!

Lin Yuan didn't quite understand why someone would help him clean up such a character. It seems that the three views that the human world often emphasizes are very reasonable.

At least she couldn't understand.

If there is such a person in real life, no matter how handsome or good-looking he is, the police should be called immediately. Life is not a novel, and it is not so beautiful.

At the very least, girls are not masochists, they won't fall in love with their enemies after being raped, raped, kidney removed, and humiliated to that extent.

Therefore, Lin Yuan is not polite to those who dare to block the way and kidnap those who dare to be so arrogant. She is restricted from using divine power, but it does not mean that there is no other way. Naturally, those people were taught a lesson by her.

Lin Yuan took out the last work of Quan Meng that day in the dormitory. This is the painstaking work of Yuan Soul, and she definitely hopes to see it in this world.

It just so happens that country A is holding a competition for young painters. This competition has been held many times since its establishment, which is very beneficial to young domestic painters.

Linyuan decided to send Quan Meng's painting to the competition.

As for her, the preparations for going abroad should also begin.

Although she really wanted to take a trip as soon as she said it, but this time the identity obviously didn't have much money, and she still needed to plan for her own life.

While Linyuan was making money online, in an office in City B, the person in charge of this young artist competition was carefully handling every painting sent here.

The paper is easy to be damaged, and since the beginning of their competition, it has been stipulated that only artists can draw on the paper by hand, and computers and other items cannot be used.

No matter how good the computer processing is, there is no vitality on the paper drawn by the artist's painstaking efforts, and the ability to show the artist's basic skills is also limited, and it is still impossible to unify and achieve fairness.

The person in charge put them away one by one, and when the time comes, the judges can directly comment and score. Their competition is simple, the painter sends the paintings, and the judges, well-known and powerful painters at home and abroad, comment and score the three best ones they think are located in One, two, three.

There is no need for painters to participate on the spot like a singing show, and the judges do not know the author of the painting, which guarantees fair competition to a certain extent.

This is also one of the reasons for the high gold content of the Young Artists Competition.

The person in charge worked slowly, not in a hurry. As a person who loves painting, he is also very happy to see these paintings for these young people who will be the future pillars of the painting circle in country A.

"Hey!" The person in charge's eyes froze.

"Old thank you, thank you! Come here! Come here!"

The man called Lao Xie was an old man in his 60s, wearing a gray robe, clean and kind, with the bookish and elegant demeanor unique to a literati.

He heard the call from the person in charge, put on his glasses and walked towards him calmly.

He knew that his friends were looking at the paintings, and what surprised him now was naturally seeing some bright paintings.

Xie Zhiying was also very curious. My friend loves to paint, and I don't know how many famous paintings he has admired for so many years. So how good is this young man's painting to make him scream?
"Thank you!" The person in charge couldn't wait to share it with his friends.

Xie Zhiin walked very slowly and calmly, without seeming to be in a hurry.

There is no way, as he is getting older, he still needs to pay attention to what should be paid attention to. He still wants to live a little longer.

Xie Zhiin walked up to Tang Fengkun, stretched out his hand and said, "Come on, show me, what is a peerless painting?"

Tang Fengkun smiled, his eyes were full of surprise, "Here you are, you will definitely like it. Although it is not as good as everyone's, it is really good for a young man to draw!"

He felt that No.1 had come out.

But of course this cannot be said.

Xie Zhiin pushed his glasses, took the painting and looked at it seriously, the same light as Tang Fengkun flashed in his eyes.

Xie Zhiying, who was paying attention to Xie Zhiying's expression, smiled triumphantly, and he said that Xie Zhiying would like it.

Xie Zhiin was also very surprised when he saw this painting. They had seen too many masterpieces and masterpieces handed down from generation to generation. It can also be seen that it is green.

But what Xie Zhiying noticed was the emotion in this painting, the strong emotion can infect the people who look at the painting.

There are similarities between the arts, and works that can resonate and affect the emotions of the viewers are definitely good works even if there are slight flaws in other technical aspects.

"Not bad, it's really good." Xie Zhiinen also praised, there is no signature on the painting, and it is impossible to know which young painter's work it is, but he believes that a painter who can have this kind of skill will definitely make a difference as long as he doesn't die halfway.

At that time, their country A will produce another excellent painter.


After a few days, the competition officially started, and the judges began to comment and score each painting, and the official website will release the scoring of each painting, which is very fair.

In addition to the painters participating in the competition, there are also other fans who like to draw and pay attention to the competition, but this kind of painting competition is relatively small, and there are not many people watching it.

After all the works have been scored one by one, the first, second and third places are considered to be out.

As expected by Tang Fengkun, the paintings he and Lao Xie saw that day ranked first.

And the score is a full point higher than No.2.

Don't underestimate this point. The difference between many paintings is only a fraction of a point. Unless the gap is relatively large, it is generally impossible to make a big difference, and this point is enough to prove the strength of the artist.

This painting called "Light" also caused hot searches. Although it was ranked at the bottom, it is not extraordinary that a work in a competition with a lot of traffic and niche audience can be on the hot searches.

But after all, the audience is not high, and the popularity will dissipate after a while.

Lin Yuan, who had already earned some living expenses, received the certificate and medal bonus from the competition party, as well as the original painting.

The competition has ended, so the original painting will naturally be sent to the original author.

Linyuan burned the certificates and medals, and donated the prize money directly to the rescue organization.

It's not her thing, she won't use it naturally.

As for the original painting, let's save it first.

After packing up her things and buying a plane ticket, Lin Yuan is ready to go abroad.

And Helian Longao who didn't "invite" to Linyuan last time was also very upset.

"What's the matter? With so many of you, you still can't invite a single woman?" Helian Longao sat on a leather sofa worth tens of thousands of yuan with his legs crossed, smoking a cigar and holding red wine in his hand.

It's just that the red wine had already been spilled on the ground at this time, and the transparent red wine glass also turned into broken glass.

The scarlet wine soaked the soft white carpet, making it look like a murder scene.

In front of Helian Longao stood many burly men in black suits, all of them were silent without saying a word.

The leader also wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain it at all, and he didn't know why they couldn't even bring back a weak woman who had practiced skills at 1.8 meters. .

The most important thing is that they can't remember exactly what happened that day that caused the mission to fail!

It’s understandable for one person to be unable to remember clearly, but if several people can’t remember clearly or even have only a little impression, it’s evil...

"What a waste!" Helian Longao took a sip of the cigar, and the cigar, which cost an unknown amount of money, turned into smoke flying in the air, covering a little bit of Helian Longao's domineering and cold eyes of the president.

It's just a stand-in for his An'an, who dares to take Joe, what a shame to her!
President Long Ao is in a very bad mood now, and when he is in a bad mood, other people can't be in a good mood, otherwise how will his status as the overlord be reflected?

"I'll give you one more chance at the end. No matter what method you use, just bring me alive and complete."

Putting out the cigarette butt on the solid wood coffee table worth millions, He Lianlong looked at the leader coldly and said.

Could it be that he, a president, can't cure a double?

It's just for fun, even if something happens, it has nothing to do with him.

Besides, with his power, what can happen.

It is her honor to be his substitute for An An, and she needs to be grateful.


Thank you so much!
 Thank you Gu Nian Sansheng little angel for your tickets ⊙▽⊙
(End of this chapter)

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