I'm crazy

Chapter 359 President

Chapter 359 President
Lin Yuan was sitting on the seat at the airport, drinking a glass of drink. She chose to buy some drinks when there was no tea.

It was really boring, and even though the airport wasn't noisy, it was obviously not going anywhere, so she didn't want to read novels or play games, and she seemed a little listless and slouched on the seat.

"Well, I saw a beauty again." Looking directly at her, she murmured softly.

She didn't pay attention just now, but now she saw the beauty she met in the park again.

It's just that the beauty is completely covered up now, if it weren't for the sharpness and intuition of the demon god, maybe even she wouldn't be able to notice it.

It seems that this beauty should still be a public figure?
Lin Yuan lazily thought about it, but that's right, such a good-looking face, it doesn't need to be a waste of benefiting everyone, right?
In a relatively hidden place on the second floor, Claire Carey frowned at the person watching the boss below. Why is it her again?
If he hadn't found out that there was nothing wrong with this person, he would have thought this was some kind of enemy or illegitimate meal.

Claire Carey has a deep understanding of the madness of those fans following the boss.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel cold. Even a person like him who is used to seeing bloody people thinks that groups of fans are really scary sometimes, and he doesn't know why the boss entered that circle.

"Boss, do you want to change places?" Claire Carey asked softly to Don who was processing the mail.

Don kept moving his hands and asked, "Why?"

He thinks that his disguise today is still very successful, and even if most of his fans are concentrated in Europe, although there are not many in country A, at least there should be no great danger of being exposed.

Claire Carey gestured to Don, "Boss, that person has been watching you for a while."

"Huh?" Don was puzzled, and then turned his head to look at the place Claire Carey pointed at, just in time to see Lin Yuan who was staring at him generously.

Seeing the beauty's gaze, Lin Yuan neither dodged nor avoided, but naturally showed a faint smile, with an extremely leisurely and calm demeanor.

She raised the drink in her hand as a wine glass as a signal, and her demeanor and actions were always casual like understatement.

Facing such a person, I am afraid that no one can feel a little bit disgusted, such a handsome posture, like wind and water, of course Don is the same, he can't help but also smile a little, and nod to Lin Yuan below.

The eyes of the two met for a while and then moved away, Lin Yuan continued to drink her drink, while Don continued to deal with his mail.

But it is a pity that such a distant and inexplicably harmonious atmosphere did not last long before it ended.

Lin Yuan casually threw the empty drink can into the trash can, and then stared at a group of burly men in black suits and sunglasses who were walking towards her.

Obviously, it should be the person brought by the mentally handicapped president.

The leader noticed Lin Yuan's figure early on. After all, there were people watching her all the time, and they walked straight towards Lin Yuan as soon as they came in.

President Helian Longao was already very dissatisfied with their failure last time, so they dispatched more people this time, and he did not believe that they would still fail under the circumstances at the airport.

Lin Yuan was so calm and indifferent, as if he didn't see these people, the people sitting around Lin Yuan had packed up their things and left quickly, so only Lin Yuan was left in this small area and he was about to reach her. The burly men around him.

The leader stood in front of Lin Yuan, looking down at her, and the others surrounded her, completely eliminating the possibility of her escaping.

"Miss Quan, our president invites you to go." The leader's attitude was not arrogant, but there was always a lingering sense of contempt.

After all, in his heart, Quan Meng is just a CEO's fun when he is bored. Where can he go for a long time?

"What if I don't want to?" Lin Yuan embraced her with both hands, raised her sharp eyebrows lightly, and swayed her raised legs slightly, even in the posture of looking up, without a trace of weakness, on the contrary, her imposing manner overwhelmed the leader. People's heads were deeply lowered.

The leader was very surprised in his heart. As the people who dealt with Helian Longao's secret affairs, they also knew about this person who was about to become the president's prank. He was just a student who had just graduated, but it was so strong that he couldn't help it. How did you get the aura of bowing your head and bowing your head?
The leader couldn't figure it out, all he could do at this moment was try his best to resist the coercion, "Since Miss Quan is unwilling to cooperate, then I will be offended."

As soon as the leader waved his hand, the men in black surrounding Linyuan immediately moved.

In the airport hall so presumptuous and arrogant, but no one dealt with or cared about.

Pedestrians were afraid of getting hot and stayed away, or they were just taking pictures with their mobile phones, but the airport staff didn't move at all, as if they couldn't see a young woman who was being treated like this in public. Kidnapping occurred.

Lin Yuan knows that this kind of plane with serious drama, the more serious the drama, the more obvious the role of the hero and heroine in the world center in the plane, just like now, when an unreasonable scene appears, no one thinks it is unreasonable .

On the second floor, Claire Carey, who had been paying close attention when those men in black appeared, looked displeased at this scene.

In his opinion, this is blatant coercion. At first, he thought that these people appeared because of his boss. After all, although the real identity of the boss is considered a secret in the circle, there are many people who know it.

"Master, have I dealt with it?" Claire Carey asked with a bow.

Don paused for a moment, then nodded to indicate Claire Carey's action.

Although he has never lived with this lady, it is undeniable that Don has a good impression of this lady, just a matter of convenience.

Claire Carey received Don's signal, turned around and walked down, but he was stopped by Don before he walked a few steps.


Don has completely stopped the movement of his hands, looked down with his masked face, and faced the subordinate's question: "No need to go, it has been resolved."

Claire Carey was puzzled and looked down. Sure enough, the matter had been resolved before he knew it.

Although I am very interested in how this matter was resolved, after all, Claire Carey, as the person who protects his own boss, can certainly see that those people are not good at dealing with them, nor are they easy to deal with.

The lavender in the black eyes of Lin Yuan who was sitting underneath disappeared quietly in an instant, and the leader and the people around Lin Yuan unknowingly acted like puppets controlled by someone. Turn around and walk out of the hall.

Understatement, Lin Yuan, who solved a troublesome matter effortlessly, took out a book to read. It's not that there are other ways, but it's not as simple as that.

Don't complicate what can be easily solved.

And the people sent by Helian Longao didn't come back to their senses until they walked out of the airport hall for 10 minutes.

It's not their own gods, but forced.

The reason is that they all went to the bathroom, still in the women's bathroom.

"Help, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The earth-shattering screams awakened their sanity, facing this sonic attack, everyone felt that their eardrums might have been shattered.

In particular, the word "abnormal" stretches endlessly like nine bends and eighteen bends, which has completely reached the level of nuclear weapons.

"What? Where? Where?"

Attracted by this sound were the security guards, the people who were about to finish in the bathroom, the people who got stuck halfway and had to speed up, and most of the spectators.

Only now did they really come back to their senses. The bruises on the necks of the burly men looked at the man who surrounded them like a monkey in a zoo, and they really wanted to ignore it and do it like this.

It's a pity that no matter how much President Helian Longao covers the sky in secret, he can't do too much on the bright side, otherwise this matter will not end well.

So these people who usually bully others can only stand still and let so many people curse and talk.

After reading the book for a while, it was time for the plane to take off. Lin Yuan put away her few salutes that were not filled with a small bag, and then sat down. She booked first class.

When Lin Yuan casually turned a page, someone sat down next to her, and it was the beauty she met just now.

Lin Yuan, who was disturbed by those mentally handicapped, felt a little happier. After all, beautiful things are always pleasing, and Mo is no exception.

It's just that more demons prefer to destroy these beauties with their own hands rather than appreciate them.

Don was also a little surprised by the fate between him and this lady. He smiled, his brightly colored lips seemed to be dyed with a rose, and his amethyst-colored eyes looked more like sparkling under the vivid smile. Gemstones are generally moving.

"Hello, Don."

This is the first time Don has introduced his identity to others. After all, there are only a handful of people who don't know him in Europe, but in Asia, not many people recognize him because of the good cover-up.

"Hello, Linyuan."

Lin Yuan looked at the beauty's dazzling eyes and face with great interest, and Don didn't feel offended, after all, the lady in front of him couldn't see any lewdness and evil in her eyes. Unhappiness means, on the contrary, it is full of appreciation and praise.

Even Don, who was tired of being sought after by everyone, felt extremely happy when he saw the compliments on his appearance in the eyes of this lady, and felt proud of his face for the first time in his life.

"You look good." The blunt words almost made Don overwhelmed.

He is not a person who is easily shy, it may be that Lin Yuan is too sincere, when she said this, her eyes like abyss like the sea kept looking at him, and even made him feel addicted.

Don's earlobes turned red quietly, and his slender eyelashes blinked in bewilderment. He was obviously a mature gentleman with a height of 1.9 meters, but at this moment he looked like a child who had been praised by his sweetheart. two.

"Thank you, you are beautiful too."

Don didn't know what was wrong with him today, why he said this kind of talk between children like a simple child, but if he didn't say that, it seemed that there was nothing else to say.

And he didn't lie, although this lady named Linyuan is not top-notch in appearance, but she has an ethereal and leisurely temperament like the hermit of country A, and is as deep and profound as the abyss he has seen. He has never been in other people's body. seen.

The elegance of this body alone is enough to resist any lack of appearance.

Lin Yuan smiled arrogantly and calmly: "Of course, thank you for your compliment."

Demon God Linyuan is of course arrogant and confident about his appearance.

Worthy of any compliment.

The two chatted very happily. During this journey, Lin Yuan didn't read any more books, and Don, who always liked to deal with his family affairs quietly, didn't take out his computer and talked with Lin Yuan all over the place.

Both of them are knowledgeable and far-reaching people, if they want to speak a common language, of course there are many.

Linyuan knew that Don was a model, and a top supermodel in the world. Of course, judging from Don's temperament, Don's identity was certainly more than just a supermodel.

When the plane arrived at the airport, the two had already exchanged contact information. Originally, Don wanted to invite Lin Yuan to live with him, but he could only regret after hearing that Lin Yuan already had a place to live.

Linyuan's destination this time is Paris, the French capital known as the fashion capital.

She plans to go to school and study for a while, because although she decided to become a painter in this plane, it doesn't mean she can't develop a side job.

Lin Yuan planned to be a fashion designer. If he has that interest, it is not impossible to develop into the clothing industry.


"Have you brought the things you asked everyone to bring?" The professor who is over fifty and still fashionable and delicate to the hair is wearing glasses and smiling.

The students from different countries said in unison: "Bring it."

Brightman Scott looked at the students below with a gentle smile and said, "Then let's start in groups, at least two people, and no more than ten people at most."

As soon as Professor Brightman Scott finished speaking, the [-] or so students below started to move together. Some of them had already negotiated to find their teammate combination, and those who hadn't found it hurriedly started looking for it.

And Lin Yuan was surrounded by a large circle of people.

The reason is because of Linyuan's personal strength. Since Linyuan joined their class, not only has he been named and praised by the professors many times, but he has always been No. 1 in participating in various activities organized by the school.

Such a shining boss, no wonder everyone wanted it.

If Lin Yuan could participate in their combination, the winning rate would be much higher.

Glennwell Joseph clasped his hands together, and begged very much: "Lin, please, join us, we have you, me, and Larry in our team, it is definitely a strong alliance, and it is impossible to beat everyone Keep."

 Hey, forgot to update again.Woooo X﹏X, because this month's full attendance is gone, I'm at a loss, sorry for the little angel waiting for the update.

  But it shouldn't be forgotten.

  Thank you little angel Gu Nian Sansheng and His Royal Highness Qiangwei for their tickets ⊙▽⊙
(End of this chapter)

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