I'm crazy

Chapter 360 President

Chapter 360 President
After staying with Lin Lin for a long time, Greenville Joseph also learned some A language.

Lin Yuan curled his lips into a smile, looking at Greenville Joseph, who looked like a little hamster, and didn't speak, but the others around couldn't bear it anymore, and said one after another:

"Lin, don't listen to what Greenville said, our combination is stronger, and it's best to be with us."

"Who said it, it's obviously us."


Here we go again, the other students who took the time to take a look here shouted from the bottom of their hearts, whenever this is the time when the friendship between classmates is shattered, there is only one Lin, but there are 35 people in the class, even if they are divided into groups, there are many , so when it comes to this kind of course that needs to be combined, you will have to go through this kind of "torture".

Although each of them would like to, but forget it, they don't have that ability, they just need to complete their combination well.

And Professor Brightman Scott, who was sitting on the stage, looked at the scene he was used to with a smile and remained silent.

She also admires this student from country A very much. Her works are full of surprises. She once intended to accept her as a student, but she was declined, but Professor Brightman Scott was not angry at all. That's it.

As far as she knew, so many professors in their school were rejected, and some of them were celebrities in the eyes of the designers outside. She was not angry at all.

There was a smile in Brightman Scott's blue eyes, and he looked at Lin Yuan with relief and appreciation, and a little bit of regret.

She will definitely ascend to the throne of a top designer in the future, she has no doubts, it's just how long this day will come.

And when the time comes, even though she is not her real teacher, being the professor who taught her is also an honor.

Facing so many people's starry eyes, Lin Yuan held his forehead helplessly, and finally Lin Yuan chose Greenwell, whom she was more familiar with.

Greenville jumped up happily, and at the same time glanced at the others proudly, before turning around to pull Bivis Larry.

The others looked at each other, and they all saw the reluctance and regret in each other's eyes, but there was no other way, there was only one Lin, and it was not a point for each person, so they had no choice but to find their teammate by themselves.

Linyuan, Greenwell Joseph, and Bivis Larry formed a team to make a garment with their own fabric in five hours. This is the content of their course today. Also a game.

Although it was not a regular competition, or even just arranged by the teacher, obviously no one took it lightly.

The fabrics and all other necessary things are complete. Bevis Larry is packing up. He is a designer who pays more attention to the tidiness of the space. He is not like some artists who create messy places. This is why Linyuan chose him And Greenwell Joseph's reason.

"What kind of clothes do you think should be made?"

Lin Yuan was the first to ask.

Since everyone forms a team together, of course we must absorb everyone's opinions.

Greenville Joseph dragged his chin with both hands, turned his light golden eyes around, and glanced at the cloth of the three of them.

Lin's fabric was still black as usual, she couldn't help but sigh that Lin really likes black!

Larry was holding a pure white dress. It looked like he should have wanted to make a dress, after all, Larry has always liked women's clothing.

And what she was wearing was a piece of fiery red fabric, like a red rose blooming in flames, warm and enchanting, and it took her a lot of effort to obtain this piece of fabric.

Greenwell thought for a while and said, "Why don't you make a skirt this time?"

Inexplicably, she felt that a dress made of the three of them would look very good.

Larry nodded in agreement too, he was always relatively silent.

"So, who draws the blueprints?"

It is absolutely necessary and the most important for designers to design clothing design drawings. This is the core of a piece of clothing. Although many people can work together on design drawings, most of them still depend on one person's design concept. The rest Everyone discusses the revision, otherwise, if the painting is drawn together, everyone has different design concepts, habits, hobbies, cultures, etc., and the clothes designed will naturally be different. It is obviously impossible to pile up the design concepts of many people together. .

As soon as these words came out, Greenwell said quickly: "Of course it's for you!"

There is nothing negotiable about this matter. Although she and Larry are also excellent students in the class and even in the school, and their design skills are definitely not bad, they are still incomparable with Lina!
Greenwell turned to look at Bevis Larry. Larry nodded, but he didn't have any opinion.

Lin Yuan looked carefully at the three pieces of cloth of different colors. The demon god has extraordinary learning ability, but no matter how simple things are, there is a process.

No matter how talented the demon god is, he can't do well without any tempering. Although Lin Yuan has always been lazy, he must do the best when he decides to do well.

This is her arrogance as a god.

So her efforts are no less serious than anyone else's.

On the way of looking at these fabrics, the appearance and color of the clothes have been gradually outlined in her mind, Lin Yuan closed her eyes slightly and thought.

Greenwell and Larry kept quiet and did not disturb her. Costume design is also an artistic creation, which of course requires a quiet environment.

So although there are more than [-] people in the class, it is still a task of teamwork and cooperation, but it is very quiet, and the students speak in an extremely low voice.

After the final image was sketched, Lin Yuan picked up a pencil and began to draw on paper.

It took about ten minutes to complete the rough outline, and finally took a few minutes to streamline and revise, and Lin Yuan handed over the drawn drawings.

Greenwell and Larry leaned together to look at the blueprint. Greenwell's mouth was wide enough to stuff two eggs.

Although it was not the first time she saw Lin's drawings, she was still shocked by the extraordinary drawing skills in them.

Yes, painting skills.

The moment everyone saw the drawings, the first thing they noticed was definitely not the clothes they designed, but the painting skills. Every time Greenwell saw it, she couldn't help but feel that Lin should become a painter.

Although Larry was not as exaggerated as Greenwell, his eyes also changed.

The two of them had no time to marvel after they came to their senses. Time was running out, and they had to act quickly.

The two carefully studied the drawings for a few minutes, discussed with Lin Yuan and revised them for a while, and finally started construction.

One person starts cutting one piece of fabric.

And the speed of the students around them is similar to them. Fashion design is not faster than anyone else. Almost everyone wants to be a fashion designer of a high-end luxury brand in the future, or someone who is ambitious and capable wants to create one by himself. Brand students naturally don't want to be designers who pursue mass wholesale clothing for speed.

They are rushing because there is a time limit for this class. Once the time is up and the class is not completed, it is an automatic waiver, so it seems that they are in a hurry.



As soon as the hands of the big bronze bell arrived, the thick sound awakened the minds of the students who were still fighting.

Professor Brightman, who was sitting on the chair, smiled and clapped his hands, and even the students who hadn't finished it stopped their movements with a bitter face.

"The time is up, the students who have completed the task should start changing their clothes."

The classrooms of the School of Design are relatively large, although there are only [-] or even fewer students in a class, the reason is that there are [-] fitting rooms in the class, which are convenient for students who show clothes in class.

After all, clothes are always worn on people. You may not be able to see the style of the clothes just by picking them up like that. Some clothes can only show their unique charm only when they are worn on models.

And this model is chosen by the cooperating students themselves.

As soon as Brightman finished speaking, the voice in the classroom became louder, and some groups began to discuss who wore clothes.

After the discussion, the group sent representatives to the stage to draw lots for the order of performances. This was almost a small catwalk show, because the classrooms of the School of Design were large, and when it was built, there were special "models" for catwalks in addition to the fitting room. The "T station".

Greenwell looked at Linyuan again with shining eyes, and Linyuan smiled and said, "Why?"

"Lin, go and wear it." Greenwell suggested enthusiastically.

Lin Yuan leaned on the chair and looked at the clothes they made, and said, "I don't look good."

This word...

The appearance of Quan Meng in this plane is not the kind of beauty, but it can be regarded as handsome, and the temperament of the demon god Linyuan is outstanding.

Greenwell explained with a smile, "There are three of us, Larry is a boy, so of course he can't wear it, but I don't mind if Larry wants to wear women's clothes."


Larry, who was sitting by the side, frowned and refused loudly.

He likes to design women's clothing, but that doesn't mean he likes to wear women's clothing.

"So..." Greenwell spread her hands and said helplessly, "I can't control this dress, so of course you will wear it."


Lin Yuan stood up, took the clothes and walked to the fitting room, while Larry went to the stage to draw lots.

Their group was drawn ninth to play, and there were a total of ten groups in this match.

Greenwell ran outside the fitting room and told Lin Yuan their order, and then she sat outside and waited. She couldn't wait to see Lin wearing the clothes they made, it was absolutely cool!

"OK! Now that everyone is ready, I will announce today's show, and it will officially start!"

There were cheers and applause from below.

One after another, the "models" from the first eight groups all appeared on the stage. Some made women's clothes, some made men's clothes, some made old people's clothes, and some even made children's clothes. Break up your clothes.

There are also good works.

When Professor Brightman Scott pronounced "Number Nine" in a gentle voice, everyone in the classroom looked behind.

For these three strong teams, the rest of the students are full of curiosity and desire to win. Even after so many days, the ambiguity of being hit can't be erased.

As the door of the fitting room opened, the people and clothes inside slowly fell into everyone's eyes.

"Oh! My God!!!"



Almost everyone didn't know what to say except for these two sentences.

Even Greenwell, who had seen the finished clothes and thought about what they would look like countless times in his mind, opened his eyes wide, and stood up from the chair with a "swish".

The dress made of black, white and red is worn on the person who is most suitable for wearing it. The red is as gorgeous as the flames burning people in the magma. A firework is ignited from the bottom of the ankle-length skirt. It is the enchanting manjusawa on the other side; it is as pure and flawless as silver butterflies carved on the snow scene, and it is outlined with silk threads. It is not dazzling at first glance, but seems to be the deadly danger that has been refined from the water of the past. ; and the last color, the deepest and purest black, is splashed and stained at the junction of red and white, domineeringly declaring its sense of existence, just like the world where ghosts and ghosts walk at night in the middle of the night. A scene of hell that no one can set foot on.

The shock was so great that everyone, including Brightman Scott on the podium, stood up in shock and watched Lin Yuan walk towards them step by step.

Like the messenger of hell, calling and attracting the undead in the world.

After Lin Yuan walked all the way and sat down in his seat, no one came back to his senses, and everyone stared blankly at the man's clothes.

They secretly thought in their hearts that the dress was perfect, but without that person, it might not have achieved such an effect.

Until Greenwell ran to Lin Yuan's side, her big light golden eyes stared at Lin Yuan without blinking, and said uncontrollably, "Lin, why are you so powerful ah ah ah ah what!!!"

All the talents finally came back to their senses, but their eyes still looked over from time to time.

At the same time, everyone except Lin Yuan already knew which combination No.1 was.

"Now I announce that No.1 in today's competition is the trio of Linyuan, Greenwell Joseph and Bivis Larry!"

Following Professor Brightman Scott's words, warm applause resounded throughout the classroom, this No.1 deserves its name!

The other groups were convinced that they lost.

Perhaps it was because the shock caused by this dress was too great, and the discussion did not dissipate after class was over, and even spread to the whole school.

But in order to protect the designer's work, even this kind of competition arranged by the professor in class does not allow students to take pictures.

So everyone else only hears about a design school student who designed a really nice dress, not what it looks like.

Of course, there are many unbelief and doubts in this.

"Design Academy? Or was it designed by people from country A?"

"Although I admit that some students in the School of Design have good professionalism, but people from country A? Forget it, they never know what clothing is, don't they?"

"A person from country A? I don't believe it. I think it is very likely that other members of the group did it, and the credit is given to this person from country A. After all, they did it in a team, didn't they?"

"Is there any clothing brand that can be named in country A? Anyway, I don't know."

There are many people who don't believe it. After all, when they hear that they are from country A, many people immediately show suspicion and contempt.

Although I dare not say it too badly on the surface, rumors in the dark are indispensable. After all, discrimination has always existed and has never been eliminated. There are only differences between severe and serious, and deep or deep.

 Thank you little angel Su Mo for the monthly pass!

  Thank you little angel Jiexi and little angel Gu Nian Sansheng for their votes!
(End of this chapter)

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