I'm crazy

Chapter 361 President

Chapter 361 President
The rumors and rumors outside are spreading hotly. After all, even though country A has developed rapidly and its international status has been improving for so many years, there are still some deep-rooted things that cannot be removed.

Just like the discrimination against people from country A, these people accounted for the majority, coupled with some people's fanning the flames, the matter somehow became more and more troublesome, it was obviously just a class assignment that was not even a competition, but it developed into This is how it is now.

People with ulterior motives spoke one after another and did not believe this judgment. People from country A must have cheated. Otherwise, how could there be so many outstanding students in their design college who lost to a person from country A?

There were also many people who asked to show the clothes of that day, asking for a "justice".

Lin doesn't hear anything outside the window, and concentrates on reading novels and movies at home to enjoy life.

After walking in the plane for so many years, she has a nine-point if not ten-point understanding of human beings. She has never had any simple expectations for "human nature".

There are good people, and there are truly great good people among human beings, but most of them are those who rely on laws and morals to restrain their behavior.

They will not do anything under the constraints of law and morality, but once the law collapses, order is chaotic, and morality is destroyed, it is not certain what people can do, let alone those who have laws A man who has done all evil.

Lin Yuan didn't take it seriously, and didn't bother to talk about it. She didn't really like this kind of drama where everyone cursed and misunderstood her and then slapped her in the face. She just found it boring.

After all, the heavens in this world will get it back for her.

But she didn't care, Greenwell was very angry, even Larry, who had always been taciturn and silent, hadn't been in a good mood these days.

The clothes were made by the three of them, and everyone voted with their real names one by one on that day, so there was no chance of cheating at all, and there was no need for it at all.

"Lin, I'm really going to piss people off. I clarified and explained that they didn't listen at all, and they said we were acting, fucking!"

All the swear words spewed out, but Lin Yuan put his mobile phone on the table and was reading a novel.
"Of course I won't listen to you. After all, if it was so simple and rational to believe you, there would be no such scene."

To be honest, those trolls on the Internet often make people think that they are brains without rationality and IQ. They just insist on their own views. No matter how the parties explain it, no matter how clear the evidence is, they will not think that they are wrong. Yes, it's all your fault.

You were raped because you didn't wear enough clothes, and who is to blame for your loafing, don't you understand the seamless egg that flies don't bite!Otherwise, why would I force you?
Look at the way she walks, she is definitely not a virgin!
You see her breasts are so big, maybe it was made by a man!

Girls are born to be married, and when married, they should do laundry, cook and serve their parents-in-law and husband to have children. Why do you read so many books, don’t you want to get married?

Just be content, don't look at how old you are, it's good if someone wants it, and pick and choose, isn't it just a university?Still look down on others!
Why are girls worshiping money so much nowadays? If you don't have money, you can't catch up!
You use Samsung Apple is not patriotic!If you don't forward it, you are not Chinese!
You are so ugly and you go shopping, it really affects the appearance of the city and makes people sick.

Why do you care about a child, what does he know as a child, you just let him not?

You have so much money, why don't you donate?

You're not a virgin, but I'm a virgin, you're so dirty!

You are a girl, why is there so much pressure on a girl, isn't it just doing some housework?Still tired every day!

If you are so capable, you should do more!

Why are you so angry? I'll just make a joke. I can't even make a joke!I won't play with you anymore!
Why can't you forgive him just once?If he loves you so much, isn't that cheating?Didn't they just hit you a few times?


There are countless words like this.

Even though it is the 21st century and the technology is so advanced now, people still seem to live in an unknown number of years ago. Maybe the uncivilized primitive society is better than the present, and the ideology is better than the present, because at least the primitive society is facing only Existential crisis, not so much chilling stuff.

Words are a knife, a sharp knife that can kill people. Everyone uses this knife more or less, and some people even make a living with this knife.

Man is the spirit of all things, Lin Yuan does not agree with this statement at all.

She is a demon god who will not fall even if the world is destroyed, and she does not claim to be the spirit of all things. These lives are only a hundred years old, and their existence time is less than one billionth of the universe. Where did such a big face come from saying that she is the spirit of all things? of?
The law cannot restrain human speech, which has led to some scumbags who have failed incomparably spraying their stench unscrupulously outside the law, trying to pollute the world.

Greenwell is not Linyuan, so she naturally can't understand the indifference of the demon god when he looks at these issues, she just feels that she is going to explode.

How can there be such a person?

But there are such people.

As long as there are good people, there will naturally be bad people.

Where there is light, there is naturally darkness.

You can see that the bright sun, which is so high and strong, has places where it can't shine, so you should understand:

In the area where the light is clustered, the darkness follows like a shadow.

"No, Lin, you can not care but I can't do it, it's obviously not our fault, why should people scold you like this! I want to fight back!"

Greenville's tone couldn't be dispelled, even if a person was attacked in a good way, he couldn't accept it.

Lin Yuan put down the book, and tapped lightly on the black wooden table with her jasper-colored fingers, but she didn't think it through.

She doesn't care about these extremely boring things, but not everyone is like her.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want."

She gave Greenwell her full support.

Greenwell hung up the phone, and Larry next to him rarely took the initiative: "What do you say?"

Greenwell was full of admiration, "Of course Lin agreed, she said we can do whatever we want, and she will fully support us."

Larry also hooked the corners of his mouth, and his mood, which has been unhappy recently, has improved a lot.

The full support that Linyuan said was of course not just words. In fact, before Greenwell and Larry could say a few more words, Greenwell received a message from Linyuan, which was a transfer message. Show Pro directly transferred 500 million francs to her!

"My goodness!"

Greenwell's face was full of disbelief, and she felt that Lin definitely sent the wrong number, or she might have misunderstood the meaning.

She didn't call Lin to ask for her money, she just wanted to know Lin's attitude and wanted her support.

Now that Lin Yuan's big hand came out, Greenville was shocked directly.

I couldn't even speak clearly for a moment.

She quickly called Lin Yuan again.

Sitting on a swing surrounded by red roses, Lin Yuan, who was drowsy, of course knew that Greenwell would call, and before she could start after answering the phone, he said lazily, "Greenwell, you want to be a Is it a top designer?"

Greenwell was taken aback for a moment, but was successfully distracted by Lin's words, "Of course."

This is her ideal, something she loves, how could she not want to, and she has been working hard for it.

Lin Yuan on the other end of the phone chuckled, as if he was tainted with the temptation and charm of red roses, which only made people's hearts tremble.

Greenwell blushed, and Tinglin continued: "So...do you want to create a top clothing brand by yourself?"

Now, how could Greenwell fail to hear the hidden meaning in Lin Yuan's words, she stopped breathing suddenly, and her whole body tensed up.

He didn't speak, and listened to Lin Yuan on the other side began to describe the glorious future.

"The clothes you design will be sought after by the whole world, and people all over the world are proud and happy to own our clothes..."

"Don't you want to create this legend yourself?"

The last light words successfully aroused Greenwell's inner ambition.

Of course she wanted to, how could she not want to?

If you become a designer, then no matter what, you are making clothes for other people's brands, not for yourself.

Even though there are quite a few luxury clothing brands now, and the market has even been carved up, Lin Yuan still fully aroused her ambition with a few words.

I just thought about it before, but now, I have the capital that can be realized completely.

Linyuan swayed slowly on the swing, like a Persian cat that had satiated its white fluffy belly basking in the sun. She held her mobile phone, and decided to reshuffle the cards with Greenville Joseph in such an extremely easy way. The territory of the world's luxury clothing brands has been carved up.

After hanging up the phone, Greenwell was stunned for a long time, looking at the worry in Larry's eyes, she smiled, "Larry, join us."

We create a miracle with our own hands.


Qiao Xun'an was waiting downstairs in the dormitory with documents and wearing a professional suit. Everyone who came and went almost gave her a glance. This country A person is really delicate, just like a Barbie doll.

"Is this from country A? I don't think so, maybe it's from country H."

"Not necessarily! People from country R are also possible."

After Greenwell packed up quickly and ran down, she saw Qiao Xun'an standing under the tree waiting for her, and she hurried forward to apologize: "I'm sorry I forgot to set the alarm clock, have you been waiting for a long time?"

Qiao Xun'an comforted her with a smile, "No, it's just that if we don't leave, then our date will have to wait for a long time."

Greenwell slapped his forehead and said angrily: "Okay, Lin is still waiting, go!"

Greenwell just pulled Qiao Xun'an and ran away.

Now that she has decided to do it, she must do her best. This is Greenwell's insistence from the bottom of her heart, but she knows herself. She may be able to become a top designer, but she is really not good at business.

Then their company must need talents in this area.

And the Qiao Xun'an in front of her was Greenwell's best choice.

Qiao Xun'an is also from country A. Her major is financial management and she is among the best. She gets a share of the school's scholarship every year. These alone are not enough for Greenwell to consider her. After all, there are many top students who receive scholarships every year. Going there doesn't mean that you can do well if you really enter the society.

The real reason why Greenwell chose Qiao Xun'an was that she knew something about her by accident. Qiao Xun'an's ability is extraordinary, which Greenwell believes.

But whether to use her or not depends on Lin's opinion. After all, Lin is the boss of their company.

The place they made an appointment with Lin Yuan was a coffee shop, and when they arrived, Lin Yuan had already finished a dessert and read a book for a while.

"Sorry, Lin, I forgot to set the alarm."

Greenville sat down panting.

Qiao Xun'an met the eyes of the person sitting on the deck, and immediately became serious and nervous involuntarily.

Although her delicate face makes her serious look very cute and cute.

The person in front of him had slender legs wrapped in a pair of slim gray jeans. Even if this person was sitting now, Qiao Xun'an could feel her height.

He was wearing a light blue shirt casually, the buttons looked messy, and he was wearing a peaked cap on his head.

The attire was very casual, but on her body, it seemed extremely suitable, as if she should be so unrestrained and unrestrained, and nothing could restrain her.

There was a faint smile on her face, and her body was also leaning in the booth. Even when she saw them, she didn't sit up straight, but people didn't feel that she was rude at all. Anyway, she was happy and lighthearted for this wanton posture.

Qiao Xun'an's nervous expression gradually relaxed unconsciously.

"Hi, I'm Qiao Xun'an."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a smile, "Hello."

"Master, she is the female partner of this plane!" Kunlun Mirror excitedly said in the sea of ​​consciousness, it didn't even know why it was inexplicably excited.

Lin Yuan knew Qiao Xun'an when she heard her name, and she was indeed the female supporting role in this novel plane.

It is also the catalyst for the relationship between the hero and heroine in the original novel.

In the novel, Helian Longao, the domineering president, imprisoned Quan Meng as Qiao Xun'an's substitute because of the similar faces of Quan Meng and Qiao Xun'an. Moonlight vents her anger on Quan Meng.

After the relationship between the two finally got better, Qiao Xun'an returned to China, how could Helian Longao, who was "crazy" with Bai Yueguang, be able to bear it?

Of course he went after Bai Yueguang, but this Bai Yueguang was still the same as before and didn't like him.

At this time, the hostess felt extremely sad, and ran away while she was still pregnant. When the two of them staged a scene where you chased me and ran, you hid from me for several months, the child in the hostess' stomach landed extremely safely and steadily. Only after reconciliation.

Of course, this is the plot in the author's novel.

Of course this is not the case in the real world.

Qiao Xun'an didn't like Helian Longao very much. It can be said that part of the reason why she didn't want to be harassed by Helian Longao when she went abroad.

And it was even more sad when she came back to China to know the existence of Quan Meng and everything she had suffered. Qiao Xun'an felt that it was her fault that Quan Meng was treated by Helian Longao, and she felt very guilty.

But the one who was really wrong was Helian Longao. She just rejected a perverted scum she didn't like, and Qiao Xun'an was not wrong either.

The fault is that there are scumbags like Helian Longao in this world.

Qiao Xun'an thought of a way to rescue Quan Meng, but she had no power and no money, so of course she couldn't beat Helian Longao.

Until Quan Meng killed Helian Longao in the end, Qiao Xun'an went to worship her and her unborn child every year. People who never believed in metaphysics actually paid a lot of money to hire a master to suppress Helian Long Proud and stinky soul, let him live forever and never be reborn.

 Thank you Gu Nian Sansheng little angel for your tickets ⊙▽⊙
(End of this chapter)

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