I'm crazy

Chapter 406 Marriage

Chapter 406 Marriage
Dionysus's look of being so angry that he couldn't say anything really pleased Lin Yuan's mood.

She sat on the wicker chair slowly, beckoned to Flower God very naturally: "Come here."

Flora's eyes flickered, and he thought about the past. Dionysus sensed Flora's movement, and his face became even more ugly at the moment.

But in the end, the two gods still passed, after all, Lin Yuan should not "become a demon" anymore.

"Don't you have something to tell me?"

Lin Yuan handed over a cup of herbal tea, making the two gods who were smoking get angry.

Flower God took it and took a sip and said with a bitter face: "What I want to tell you is about that mortal."

"It's really annoying." She looked irritable, and it seemed that she couldn't bear it anymore.

"What happened?" Lin Yuan asked calmly.

Speaking of this, Huashen really has a stomach full of bitterness, "Didn't that mortal be brought into the God Realm by Xi Ze? Even if a mortal is in the God Realm, he is still a mortal. He has no cultivation base and no divine power. How could he possibly endure everything in the God Realm?" .”

"Besides, she still doesn't obediently stay in Xize's temple. She always likes to go out for a stroll. It's okay. The important thing is that she is very fragile! So fragile that I can kill her with a flick of my sleeve."

Flower God was very irritable, "The God Realm is the residence of the gods, and the gods naturally don't take care of the safety of a mortal, but the fact is that we may kill that mortal by doing whatever we want, Xi Ze won't let that mortal be obedient In the temple, we allowed her to come out and walk around, so we naturally have to restrain our behavior so as not to kill her."

"But the point is, why? The God Realm is a place where gods live. It's fine if a mortal is brought here, but we masters have to restrain our behavior for mortals who are not even guests? This is not ridiculous!"

Flower God was very dissatisfied, dissatisfied with this mortal's overreaching, and also dissatisfied with Xi Ze's attitude of doing nothing.

The Dionysus next to him also nodded and said: "The mortal in my mansion is also wandering around, I can't do anything in those few days, I'm afraid that a little bit of divine power will save her life."

"Let's not talk about that, mortals like to go to good places in the God Realm. The key is that many gods go to these places, isn't it..."

Lin Yuan swayed on the rattan chair, and took up the unfinished words of the flower god, "Sweeping the fun."

Really disappointing.

"What did the gods say?" Qingling said calmly.

Flower God's eyes lit up a little and said: "The gods mean to let Xi Ze put that mortal to the lower realm. The God Realm is not suitable for mortals to live in. This means it is normal and peaceful, right? But it seems that something happened to Xi Zehuo Yes, I almost didn't move my hands, now the atmosphere between the gods and Xize is very stiff."

The gods are a group of kind and reasonable gods, and Xi Ze is unwilling, so they can't rush into Xi Ze's palace and just throw that mortal down, right?
So now things froze.

There was no progress for a while.

In the temple of Xi Ze, Miao Han said with tears in his eyes, "Xize, have I caused you a lot of trouble? But I really don't want to be separated from you, what should I do?"

Seeing his sweetheart so sad, Xi Ze's heart ached, he hugged Miao Han tightly and said, "No, you never caused me any trouble, I will find a way to solve it, don't worry."

The corners of Miao Han's mouth curled up where Xi Ze couldn't see, and there was no sadness in his eyes anymore.

Of course she knew that she would not be able to survive in the God Realm as a mortal, but what's the matter, as long as she becomes a god, wouldn't it be all right?

She thought of the book she saw, her eyes were dark and strange, and Xi Ze would satisfy her.

"Is there any good place in God Realm?"

Miao Han took the maid Xi Ze gave her, and asked while walking.

In the past few days, she went to the more famous places in the God Realm and the mansions of some gods, and saw the helplessness of those gods who could destroy the world with just a few gestures. I have to say that Miao Han felt very sad. Cool.

One day, she will also be the master here.

Lin Yuan did not stay in the mansion to sleep today.

Since she woke up, the Fengling Mirror has been her residence by default, and her divine power has gradually increased, and she has always been too lazy to take care of other creatures under the Fengling Mirror, so many creatures come to live in the Fengling Mirror.

Generally, she agrees when she sees something pleasing to the eye.

But today, under the mirror of Fengling, the flowers of the flower demon species from the other shore bloomed, and she handed her a letter. Originally, she didn't want to go, but thinking that she hadn't gone out for a while, she came out for a walk.

As soon as he walked, he ran into the mortal who was extremely irritable with the God of Flowers and the God of Dionysus—Miao Han.

Miao Han looked at the god in front of her eyes full of jealousy. She thought that the flower god she saw a few days ago was already extremely beautiful, but she didn't expect that there was someone more beautiful than the flower god!

She also thought of Xi Ze as a god, who had seen so many gods, why did she fall in love with a mortal like her?

Miao Han felt a little inferior at this moment, but immediately this emotion disappeared from her mind.

On the other hand, being so good looking is a good thing, isn't it?

Seeing Miao Han who was staring at her in a daze, Lin Yuan's clear gaze looked over without any emotion.

Miao Han only felt that the god looked at her in the same way as looking at ants, and the inferiority complex hidden in her heart made her strongly angry.

The Bianhua Demon standing behind Linyuan saw Miao Han keep looking at the Venerable, and frowned, "Which god's maid are you? How dare you be so disrespectful when you see the Venerable?"

The flower demon on the other side has been guarding the flowers she planted these days. Naturally, she doesn't know what happened in the God Realm these days. Seeing Miao Han, a mortal, is so disrespectful to the Venerable, she is naturally unhappy. She thought she was some god who brought her from the mortal world. The maid who came up.

But Miao Han was very irritated by this sentence, and the maid behind her was also ignorant, and immediately raised her face and said proudly: "Who are you? My mother is the consort of God Xize, what do you have Are you qualified to let my mother-in-law see you?"

"You!" The flower demon on the other side was furious, Lin Yuan slightly raised his hand to stop its movements.

"Spiritual couple?" Lin Yuan said it playfully, and then asked curiously: "A divine couple who formed a divine bond under the witness of the Dao of Heaven?"

Miao Han was taken aback for a moment, she had just entered the God Realm, so she didn't know much about these things, so naturally she didn't know what Lin Yuan was talking about, but the maid's face turned stern, and she refused to admit defeat and said: "My family god wants to give the empress the best bond. God's tome, of course, will not be hasty."

"Oh," Lin Yuan nodded his head in understanding, "Then it's still nothing?"

"Enough is enough!" Miao Han sternly said, unable to take it any longer: "This deity, you are the same deity as my husband, why humiliate me like this?"

"Humiliation?" Lin Yuan said inexplicably, "If you think I'm humiliating you, then it's humiliation."

Miao Han blushed, she had never hated herself so much for being a mortal and not being able to do anything like this moment.

Lin Yuan looked at the resentful Miao Han with deep and dark eyes, and the corners of his mouth were contemptuous and mocking.

If simply speaking the truth is humiliation, then there is no word in this world that is not humiliation.

With a wave of his wide sleeves, the black skirt drew an extremely sharp arc in the air, and the playful expression on Lin Yuan's face was no longer, replaced by a chilling indifference.

She looked at Miao Han, but she seemed to have never paid attention to her and said: "Even Xi Ze wants to salute me when he sees me, so what are you?"

"Don't say that you are not Xi Ze's divine partner, even if you become a divine partner with him, you will bow and bow to me when you see me."

Her voice was cold, and her condescending and arrogant attitude was even more impressive. Her words were clearly calm and indifferent, but to Miao Han's ears, it was very harsh.

Miao Han's hand tightly grasped the cloud garment woven by the clouds and mists in the God Realm, almost tearing the skirt.

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows, not surprised.

A large part of these so-called protagonists are this kind of people, people who never think that they have done anything wrong and blame others for their mistakes.

Although the God Realm is peaceful, there are still distinctions between superior and inferior. Lin Yuan and Xi Ze may both be called gods, but their strength and cultivation are fundamentally different.

The title of Linyuan God Venerable is the respectful title given to her strength by the gods in the God Realm, while Xi Ze's title of God Venerable is just because he is in charge of water and soil.

If Xi Ze met Lin Yuan, he would naturally have to be courteous.

Even if it wasn't for Linyuan not caring about these things, she would have been able to bear the ceremony of kowtowing when the gods saw her.

The Chaos Demon God can't bear the gift of a god in a plane, it's just a joke.

The flower demon on the other side standing behind trembled under the pressure of the god, and Lin Yuan restrained the pressure.

Lin Yuan stared indifferently at Miao Han and her maid who were already kneeling on the ground, and said in a flat tone, "Today I will punish you to kneel here for a day."

Then he took the flower demon from the other side and left.

Miao Han stared at the ground, her eyes were red, and her whole body was trembling. She remembered this hatred!

The maid behind her felt that she had caused a lot of trouble, and even burst into tears.

She wanted to move, wanted to convey a message to the god Xi Ze, but she couldn't move at all.

After Xi Ze in the temple realized that Miao Han hadn't come back to look for her, he found Miao Han's figure in the Fengling mirror.

Seeing Miao Han kneeling on the ground, his eyes sharpened, and he said coldly, "What's going on?"

Divine power surged, trying to break Linyuan's restraint and make Miao Han and the maid get up, but it was useless.

Lin Yuan, who had already arrived at the flower demon on the other side, felt the fluctuation of the restriction, the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, and he smiled contemptuously, saying that a day is a day.

Xi Ze really thinks highly of himself, do you think the restriction she left is so easy to break?
Xi Ze clenched his fist, then let it go in the next second, his eyes were full of hostility, and he said to the servant boy behind him, "Who is the owner here?"

The servant boy bowed and replied, "It's Linyuan Shenzun."

Xi Ze was puzzled, he had never heard of the reputation of this Linyuan deity at all, presumably it should be a new god who appeared after he went down to the world to cross the catastrophe, why couldn't he break the restriction set by a new god with little cultivation?
Doesn't this tell him that he is not even as good as a new god?

Xi Ze was so strong that he pinched his fingers, but he couldn't use all his divine power.

Xi Ze's face was livid, and nothing happened these days to his liking.

Miao Han comforted softly: "It's okay, I'm fine, but I don't know why this god may not like me, you go back first, you can get up in a day, I'm fine."

The atmosphere is gentle and considerate, but he pretends to be ten percent.

After hearing Miao Han's words, Xi Ze was even more suspicious. If I remember correctly, this new god should only be seeing Miao Han for the first time, and it should be impossible for him to be dissatisfied with her. So it seems that this anger is aimed at him up.

After he figured it out, Xi Ze was furious. He looked at Miao Han and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely seek justice for you."

After one day had passed, the restraint dissipated automatically, and Miao Han and the maid, who had been kneeling for a whole day, got up from the ground.

The maid was fine, even if she wasn't a god, she still had a cultivation base and didn't suffer much, but it was different for Miao Han, whose soul state was not even a little cultivation base.

She is almost completely stiff now, she can't move an inch, the pain is so painful that she can't get up at all.

In the end, it was Xi Ze who used his divine power to help her soothe her for a while before she was able to walk.

After this incident, Miao Han and Xi Ze completely hated Lin Yuan.

Xi Ze thought of the book he had inadvertently seen in the book hall, thought about the feasibility of it, and directly made up his mind.

Anyway, the matter of his Miao Han becoming a god will be done sooner or later. Since a god must be sacrificed, why can't he hate it?
Isn't there a good choice here now?
Linyuan enjoyed a beautiful flower blooming at the flower demon on the other side.

According to legend, the only flower in the underworld is the flower that attracts the underworld—the flower of the other shore.

Legend has it that the fragrance of flowers has magical powers and can evoke the memory of the deceased. It is generally believed that it is a flower that grows by the Santu River.

"The flowers bloom for 1000 years, the flowers fall for 1000 years, and the flowers and leaves will never disappear."

Only open on the road to Huangquan.

Lin Yuan looked at the red flowers in front of him, which seemed to be dyed with blood, and they really deserved to be flowers only found in the underworld.

The slender white fingertips gently caressed the flower, and the flower being caressed by her swayed happily, and gently rubbed against her fingertips affectionately and reverently.

"Is this flower difficult to grow?" She asked the flower demon standing behind her.

The flower demon on the other side said softly: "Because the little demon is of the same family, it can grow here, but if it is placed elsewhere, it will be a little difficult."

"If the Venerable likes it, the little demon can plant it for the Venerable." The flower demon whispered.

"No need, if I want to see it, I can just come to you." Lin Yuan flatly refused.

Flowers that bloom in the underworld, it is difficult to grow them in other places. Lin Yuan has not liked them enough to plant them in his own mansion.

Besides, the flower demon of the other shore is in her Fengling mirror, and she can look at it whenever she wants.

Lin Yuan left after seeing the flowers.

Then continue to sleep with nothing to do, and read novels by the way. Although she is not in the modern plane, she can easily get the novels from the modern plane with her supernatural power. Even without her help, the Kunlun mirror can directly transmit virtual, So in normal times, the Kunlun mirror is equivalent to Linyuan's mobile phone and other things. It is very convenient to use and does not need to be charged.

Occasionally, she would give a reward to her favorite book. Of course, given the richness of the Demon God, this reward, she thought, would be a big "windfall" for the author.

I have to say that seeing this "windfall" suddenly, the author was almost moved to tears.

During this period of time, the God Realm was very peaceful, because Miao Han hadn't come out since that day, and Xi Ze had been staying in his temple without any movement.

The gods were all relieved, their lives were much better without that mortal and the increasingly annoying Xize.

Lin Yuanwo is working as a salted fish in her own place, but maybe God can't understand her being idle all the time, so after a few days, God will come to her door.

"Water God Qingyin has seen God Venerable."

It was the water god Qingyin who asked her to predict the marriage before.

Qing Yin was wearing a blue water suit, she looked very beautiful, she could be regarded as the calmest god Lin Yuan had ever seen.

"What's the matter with you? But you still want me to calculate the marriage?" Lin Yuan sent the teacup over with his divine power.

There was a faint smile on Qingyin's serene face, not forced, that smile seemed to be suitable for her from birth, green as water.

Qingyin's blue eyes looked at Linyuan and said: "Yes, Qingyin really has to trouble God to make calculations when he comes this time."

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "It's a small matter, it's rare for a beauty to come to me, so there's no reason why I shouldn't."

Lin Yuan's attitude towards beauty has always been friendly, especially this beauty is a beauty with good skin and bones.

"Is it still up to you this time?" Lin Yuan asked.

Qingyin shook his head, and took out a cyan bead. Although the bead was very clear and beautiful, it was indeed only a mortal bead, and there was nothing special about it.

But Qingyin's actions reveal the ultimate tenderness and caution.

She handed the bead to Lin Yuan, reluctantly said: "Please trouble God to do the math for me."

Of course, Lin Yuan didn't think that Qingyin asked her to count the bead's marriage, it must be the aura left on it.

This aura is already very weak, so weak that even Lin Yuan's cultivation base might not be able to see it.

Lin Yuan took it, his fingers formed seals, and the black divine power slightly emerged, entangled with the beads.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, Lin Yuan stopped his movements and said to the side who seemed expectant, sad and desperate: "This person is destined to be married in this world, childhood sweetheart, love for a lifetime."

The clear water immediately dimmed, like living water that was full of vitality turned into stagnant water in an instant.

It's like losing everything that can sustain life.

Qing Yin took the beads, saluted Lin Yuan seriously, and left without saying anything.

Although Lin Yuan was a little curious, she was too lazy to take the initiative to inquire about other people's affairs, and she would not use her cultivation to check. People or things that have nothing to do with her are irrelevant to anything.

As soon as Qing Yin went out, the flower god came in, "Linyuan! I saw the water god just now, did she go out from you?"

Seeing Lin Yuan nodding, Flower God sighed and said: "She is also bitter."


Lin Yuan said lightly.

"That's right." Flower God sat down on the chair, propped his chin with one hand and said, "Almost all the gods in the God Realm know about this."

"Water God Qingyin is not the original god of the God Realm, yes, she ascended from the lower realm."

When Huashen spoke, his expression was very complicated, as if he was regretful and regretful, "Actually, there is nothing complicated."

"Water God Qingyin has excellent roots, she was a good seed for cultivation, but she just started to practice, and this opportunity is because the person she loves is sick, which is a disease that cannot be cured by common people, so Qingyin thought Xiuxian healed his body."

"It didn't work, did it?" Lin Yuan asked indifferently.

Flower God sighed, "Yes! It didn't work."

"That person's lifespan is exhausted, even immortals can't wantonly intervene in the life and death of mortals, let alone it is useless at all!"

"After burying that man, Qingyin practiced harder and ascended to the God Realm, looking for a way. This search took thousands of years, but it still didn't work..."

"No, although we are gods, in the final analysis we are still in the six realms. Although gods live as long as the sky, they are not omnipotent. They also have their own disasters to go through. We don't know when and how our own disasters will come. Not to mention others. In the matter of life and death, no creature can intervene at will, nor can it intervene."

"After realizing this, Qingyin almost collapsed, but finally came to her senses, no, not sober, just like she asked you to calculate her own marriage, she wanted to know if she and that person still exist possible."

Flower God looked at Lin Yuan calmly but said helplessly: "The result is obvious."

How could a god be with a mortal.

Even the marriage tree of immortals does not have a red thread with mortals, because they are not in the same world, so how can the red threads be intertwined across the huge distance of time and space?

The difference between immortal and ordinary is a natural moat that can never be overcome.

Not to mention God and man.

It's not the words in the mortal world that can be together casually, unless one of them becomes a god or the other becomes an adult.

"Actually, Qingyin is planning to give up her status as a god." Flower God said suddenly again.

Lin Yuan wasn't surprised. Having seen Qing Yin's persistence, he couldn't have imagined this possibility.

"But in the end, it's not because of reluctance." Hua Shen said, "Qing Yin said it was wrong."

"Mortals are different from gods. Even if a god descends to the mortal world without the memory of divine power to reincarnate for a hundred generations, his soul remains the same," Flower God explained.

"As for mortals, after one life, they enter the Gate of Ghosts, go to Huangquan Road, cross Naihe Bridge, and drink Mengpo soup, all the past and the past will disappear like a cloud of smoke."

"After doing all these things, the soul will also be cleansed, a newborn soul with no attachments, and has nothing to do with anything in the past, let alone the original person."

"The person with whom she promised her love has completely disappeared between heaven and earth. Even if he is reincarnated, he is not the original person. So what's the use of looking for it? What's the point?"

"Perhaps it was more like a kind of helplessness and betrayal. Qingyin didn't want to, so she didn't look for the so-called reincarnation, because maybe the reincarnated person didn't want to be disturbed."

Hua Shendao: "I don't know how to describe Qingyin's choice, but it's her own choice. For her, the person she loves with is her lover, not reincarnated. I don't know. Someone who doesn't remember anything about her lover."

Lin Yuan's black eyes moved slightly, and he said calmly: "But she still can't let go, right?"

Flower God smiled helplessly: "Letting go of this is easy to say, but it is always difficult to do, let alone letting go of a relationship. For some people, letting go of a person is an extremely simple thing, but for some From a human point of view, a relationship with one person may last forever, so how can you let it go so easily?"

"But she is also gradually forcing herself to let go, isn't she?"

Otherwise, she would not come to her to divination about the marriage of the person who has been reincarnated for countless lives.

Hearing Lin Yuan's explanation, Flower God also breathed a sigh of relief, "It's a good thing, Qingyin has trapped herself for too long."

Also too tired.

The conversation between Linyuan and Flower God ended.

The Flower God was also pleased with the signs that Qingyin was gradually coming out. After all, compared to gods like them who had lived for an unknown amount of time, Qingyin was just a girl in their eyes. Pay attention.

But something unexpected happened.

A few days later, water patterns formed by blue divine power suddenly appeared in the southeast, but within a few moments, the water patterns spread all over the God Realm.

Lin Yuan looked at the blue water patterns in the Fengling Mirror, felt the gentle divine power contained in it, his black eyes were calm and indifferent.

Just a slight tap of the slender fingertips, a drop of water gathered on her fingertips, and the ink-colored divine power floated by, and the water drop disappeared without a trace.

In the mansion of the Flower God, the Flower God and the Bacchus stood side by side, and the two gods sighed helplessly in exactly the same way.

"This girl is still so willful!"

Dionysus took a sip of wine and said with a smile.

There was also a little smile in Huashen's eyes, and he sighed: "Yes, he seems to have such a gentle and quiet temperament, but he is able to do such a thing."

"Then wait for the day when I see that girl again."

In a farm family in Mortal Realm, a woman with gentle and kind eyes is looking at her newborn daughter.

"Baby his father! Baby his father! Come here!"

A burly man with a fierce face came in quickly. The man who looked so fierce had an uncontrollable smile on his face at this moment, "What's the matter? Is the child all right?"

The woman smiled and said, "What are you talking about? How could something happen to our child! Look at the child's forehead!"

She pointed to the forehead of the man's child, and through the sunlight, the man saw the thing on the forehead clearly.

"Oh, there is a drop of water on our child's forehead!"

The man was surprised and happy and said: "Maybe our child is the reincarnation of some fairy!"

The woman was also very happy and said: "That's right. By the way, you must choose the child's name carefully, and you can't deal with it casually like other children!"

The man smiled, and his fierce face was inexplicably simple and honest, "Don't worry, let Li Xiucai get some things tomorrow."

Only then did the woman smile in satisfaction, and continued to look at the child with extremely gentle brows and eyes, and the man looked at the child innocently with a happy face.

And the water droplets on the child's forehead flowed quietly where no one saw.


Linyuan, the god in charge of marriage, is actually very free. After all, how can gods have so many love affairs? Most gods still prefer to be alone.

Another leisurely day passed.

Lin Yuan received the news of her cheap master, since she saw the cheap master, she left him his contact information, and made an appointment to go on a trip together a few days ago, so Lin Yuan planned to leave after receiving the news.

As soon as Linyuan left here, a god reported the news.

Xi Ze touched Zhushen, "It's time."

After Lin Yuan took two steps, she stopped still. She looked at the formation that was gradually rising, her black eyes were incomprehensible, as plain as flowing clouds.

Xi Ze showed up and attacked directly with Zhushen without saying a word.

At this moment, Lin Yuan was distracted and thought: "It's not bad, there is no villain who talks a lot first like in the movies and TV dramas I watched."

The dark red light of God Zhu's sword swept over, Lin Yuan stood there without moving, his expression extremely indifferent, like ice and snow that would not melt for a thousand years.

Xi Ze was even more annoyed when he saw it, so why pretend!

She couldn't escape the formation he specially let God set up this time, and even her cultivation would be weakened a lot in it. She was absolutely impossible to be his opponent, and she couldn't avoid it at all. This calm look is just a faux pas That's all.

Xi Ze ignored the chill in his heart and used ten percent of his divine power. He must finish her today.

And in the temple of Xize, Miao Han asked: "Where is the god?"

The servant boy said: "The god has something to do today, so he has already left."

Miao Han didn't say anything more. In fact, of course she knew where Xi Ze had gone. She could see Xi Ze's expression very clearly last night.

Xi Ze definitely saw the book she put on.

She doesn't need to take the initiative to say, Xi Ze will naturally do it for her.

She wants to become a god, so it is obviously impossible to cultivate by herself, let alone whether she has the fundamental understanding, the cultivation is too hard, and it is not that she has not read those cultivation novels, the protagonist almost became a god through suffering, she I don't want to be so tired.

And the only way left is to move the soul.

Move her soul into the body of a god, and then supplement it with formations and treasures of heaven and earth to nourish her. Day after day, when the time comes, when the soul and body are combined, her soul will naturally transform into a god soul, and she will become a god. God.

But this method is risky. After all, the body of a god who has been dead for a long time cannot be used. It is necessary to have a body that has just died and the soul has dissipated. Gods are not so easy to die, and there will be various situations similar to the incompatibility between the soul and the body.

But Miao Han didn't care, she was the darling of heaven, the heroine of this world, how could she not succeed?
She believed she was absolutely fine.

Now just wait for Xi Ze to bring her back the divine body.

When she thought of the appearance of that lifeless god, her heart became hot. Such a perfect appearance and body should be enjoyed by her!
Miao Han thought beautifully, but unfortunately the result was doomed to disappoint her.

Lin Yuan looked at Zhu Shen who was getting closer and closer to her, lightly raised her pale thin lips, and smiled at the corner of her mouth, with an extremely indifferent chill, but her expression was calm.

"It's really fun!"

"Not bad courage, but that's all." As soon as the words fell, the slender and white fingers moved slightly carelessly, and the ink-colored divine power instantly turned into a sword and went towards Xi Zeru's abyss. It is silent, but the danger entangled in it is not weak at all.

Xi Ze couldn't move at all at this moment, not because he was restrained by the formation, but because he couldn't move at all because of this imaginary sword that didn't have much power.

He could only watch helplessly as the sword condensed with divine power enlarged before his eyes and pierced into his heart.

After the sword entered Xi Ze's body, it disappeared quietly, and melted into Xi Ze's body, and divine power emerged from it, bit by bit eating away at his soul.


 The update of [-] words, is it a surprise or a surprise?
  I'm so exhausted (ωゝ∠)
(End of this chapter)

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