I'm crazy

Chapter 407 Marriage

Chapter 407 Marriage
By the time Flora and Dionysus arrived, it was completely over.

Xi Ze fell to the ground dripping with blood and was seriously injured, while Lin Yuan stood aside, playing with a flower leisurely.

"What are you going to do?"

Huashen glanced at Xi Ze indifferently, and then said to Lin Yuan.

The Dionysus at the side directly took out the god-binding lock and tied Xi Ze tightly.

The two of them came to Linyuan for drinks and outings when they had nothing to do. Who knew she was not there, so they wanted to go back first.

Fortunately, the God of Flower has special powers, and when he sensed the movement here, the two gods hurried over.

But they were not in a hurry, after all, they knew a thing or two about Lin Yuan's cultivation and strength.

It won't be a big problem.

No, the dust had already settled by the time they arrived.

Dionysus looked at Xi Ze on the ground, a little puzzled, why do many people or gods like to leapfrog so much?

Obviously not an opponent, do you have to try to see if you will die?
"If you want to come to the God Emperor and God Empress, you should have a choice."

Lin Yuan said indifferently, it's not that she can't kill Xi Ze directly, but that would be meaningless, since she has the courage to kill her, she has to bear the consequences of failure.

The soul bell rang, and the god emperor shook.

The Soul Clock is an artifact handed down from ancient times, unless something important happens in the God Realm, there will be no movement at all.

All the gods who heard the ringing of the soul bell came, and all the gods who could not come unless they were closed to death.

When the gods arrived, they saw the god emperor and empress with a solemn expression, and a god in black clothes sitting under the god emperor, but judging from the arrangement of the position, it was almost as if he was sitting on an equal footing with the god emperor.

All the gods immediately thought of the gods who were newly born in the God Realm and lived in Fenglingjing.

After all the gods who could arrive had arrived, the god emperor looked at Xi Ze who had woken up on the ground. Seeing Xi Ze's miserable state, all the gods took a breath together. How could Xi Ze be in such a state? , His cultivation is not low in the God Realm!

Which god did this offend?
The god emperor looked cold and solemn, and said in a majestic voice: "God Zun Xi Ze has acted recklessly. Now he will remove his god position, abolish his cultivation, and imprison him in the god prison for a thousand years. After a thousand years, he will pass through the underworld and experience hundreds of catastrophes in the mortal world."

If the gods were just surprised just now, they are almost shocked now. What kind of crime did they commit that need to be punished so severely?

Among the gods, the one who was friendly with Xi Ze said, "God Emperor, can we find out what crime Xi Ze has committed?"

The god emperor said indifferently: "This emperor's verdict has been delivered, so you don't need to say more."

As soon as this indifferent and majestic voice came out, the god who had just spoken did not speak again.

Obviously, the crime Xi Ze committed this time cannot be easily forgiven.

Besides, although the God Realm is peaceful, order is needed no matter where it is. The God Emperor does not care about things on weekdays, and the gods don’t need to bow down to him. Yes, unless the decision is wrong.

Right now, Xi Ze's ending has been settled, he will abolish all his cultivation power and go to the god prison for a thousand years.

God prison!
This is a place of exile that existed in ancient times, exile those gods who are so evil, although the gods inside have all been deprived of their divine power, but all of them are vicious, even if Xi Ze is not dead, he will die half of his life.

Not to mention that he has to go down to the earth to experience hundreds of catastrophes.

This is not as simple as before.

In the previous calamities, even if he had no memory of divine power, he was still a god in essence, but this time, Xi Ze, who lost everything, became a mortal in essence. With the decree of the god emperor, I am afraid that this calamity of a hundred generations will not be overcome so easily .

The god who thought clearly sighed, he really didn't know what heinous crimes Xi Ze had committed to get to this point, and he couldn't help him.

The ending was decided, and the God Emperor looked at Lin Yuan who was sitting below and nodded slightly to her to show respect. This god has never been a simple existence.

Even if she has never done any earth-shattering events in the God Realm, even if she has taken over the boring god position that he ordered, even if she has been at ease in the mirror of wind spirit for so long, the God Emperor has not done anything. Never underestimated her.

Without it, because the divine book had already given him a warning.

Yuan nodded in return, very satisfied with the punishment.

God Emperor is very fair.

The gods below also saw the movement of the god emperor, and their eyes flickered. It seemed that what happened to Xi Ze this time had something to do with this god emperor.

When Linyuan returned to Fenglingjing, Flower God and Dionysus also followed her.

After the three gods sat down, the flower god said, "Are you alright?"

Lin Yuan: "It's okay, Xi Ze can't hurt me at all."

Flower God and Dionysus finally let go of their hearts. Although they knew that Lin Yuan was fine and didn't feel any wounds on her body, they still had to be worried.

"So what's going on this time?"

Why is Xi Ze so obsessed with ghosts that he wants to deal with Lin Yuan?

The God of Dionysus doesn't understand very well. Gods like them are almost omnipotent existences. Everything in the world is like a passing cloud, and few gods have any obsessions.

Not to mention a god like Xi Ze who wanted to kill another god who had no grievances or enmities with him.

Lin Yuan was still holding the flower in his hand, and said with a smile when he heard the words, "If I'm not wrong, he did it for the mortal he brought from the mortal world, of course, he doesn't rule out his own thoughts. "

For a god like Xi Ze, if he didn't want to do it himself, he might not be able to make such a quick move just because of Miao Han.

If the calamity in the lower realm went smoothly, if there were no decades of humiliation, if the upper realm would not lose the final battle with Ming Ai, Miao Han might not have met her.

This series of events almost broke the shell of Xi Ze's god, and the filth inside was exposed.

"Everything in the world is in a cycle of cause and effect, endlessly entangled."

You never know what kind of fruit you planted today will bear in the future, for example, if you save a person casually, what kind of changes this person will bring to your life one day in the future.

"A mortal?" Flower God frowned, "Just for that mortal? What exactly is Xi Ze trying to do?"

Bringing a mortal to the upper realm is against the rules of the gods, and it also brings relatively big troubles to the lives of the gods.

It can be considered that the gods are usually kind, but no god really shows it, but now Xi Ze wants to kill a god for this mortal!

Flower God didn't know what to say.

She probably couldn't understand Xi Ze's thoughts.

Lin Yuan didn't open his mouth. After all, all the troubles have been resolved. As for the remaining Miao Han, he has never been a threat.

Without Xi Ze, Miao Han could not have lived so long in this God Realm, nor could he have lived so well.

It is also impossible for her to stay in the God Realm any longer.

Sure enough, as Lin Yuan expected, Miao Han was the first to collapse after the God Emperor's order.

How could she not know that it was because of Xi Ze that she was able to be so reckless, without Xi Ze protecting her, she would be a mortal, not even an ant in the eyes of the gods in the God Realm.

Now that Xi Ze has become like this, what should she do?
Miao Han panicked, she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to leave the God Realm, she wanted to become a god, an omnipotent god, she couldn't leave.

Miao Han still wanted to continue to use her method of dealing with Xi Ze to climb up to a certain god, but apart from Xi Ze, no god would not take a fancy to her, and this road was blocked.

When the time came, Miao Han was thrown directly into the mortal world.

The memory of her days in the God Realm has not been erased, and she doesn't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

She has not been erased, she always thinks that she will become a god, she is not a mortal, she is a god.

A few years later, a crazy woman appeared in the capital, telling people every day that she was a god, that she was an omnipotent god.

Everyone avoids it.


"Master, this cultivation still doesn't make any progress!"

Lin Yuan smiled and said to Xing Shen who was holding a sword beside him in a panic.

It took a few days for Lin Yuan, who was delayed by Xi Ze's matter, to remember that her cheap master invited her to play.

But I have already forgotten it, and it will be fine if I forget it for a few days.

So it was very natural, Lin Yuan thought she had forgotten, and after several days, when Xing Chen didn't hug him, this lazy apprentice would come down to the appointment, Lin Yuan came down.

And this time, let alone playing games, one god and one immortal fought first. In fact, it can't be said that, it should be a one-sided beating.

The apprentice Lin Yuan unilaterally beat the master Xing Shen.

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Xing Shen rolled his eyes in disregard of his own image, "Do you think being a teacher is as monstrous as you? You obviously haven't practiced as much as a teacher, but your cultivation level is higher than that of a teacher. I don't know. How much! Oh, what an unfair world!"

Lin Yuan laughed, "Master's words are really sour."

Xing Chen's words like this really made Lin Yuan feel amused, he, the son of this plane, is sour, so there is no one who can balance in this plane.

She is a special case, so naturally she cannot be compared with him.

Besides, Xing Chen's words didn't make any sense, Lin Yuan thought, she had been fighting in the chaos for countless epochs, and she was seriously injured so many times that she almost disappeared.

No one's strength and success can be achieved overnight. Maybe there are people who are born strong and talented in this world, but she is definitely not one of them.

After all, she spent those dark times step by step step by step with dripping blood and stepping on mountains of corpses, that's why she can be so chic and arrogant today, wanton and crazy.

Xing Chen put away his sword, "I won't fight anymore."

"As a teacher, you are not your opponent yet." Xing Chen sat down, he was severely beaten by Lin Yuan just now, and he couldn't maintain any good posture.

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "Master, don't worry, you will reach my realm one day."

After all, she is a child of a plane, and there is absolutely no problem in becoming a god, but what she has reached is her realm in this plane.

Unless Xing Chen can break free from the shackles of the plane and completely leave this plane, his cultivation may go a step further.

After Xing Shen rested, one god and one immortal embarked on a journey of play.

Linyuan has been in the God Realm for a long time, but she has never been to some famous places in the God Realm, let alone the Immortal Realm.

One God and one Immortal went to Zhuxian Terrace at the first stop. Hearing the name, he knew it was not a good place, but the master and apprentice were not simple characters, so they naturally didn't avoid it like other immortals. On the contrary, they were very interested exuberant.

"There is nothing to see in Zhuxian Terrace."

Lin Yuan looked at the Zhuxian Terrace that often appeared in Xianxia film and television dramas in the modern world.

Well, a little disappointed.

It looks like a small place, with nothing on it, and it is cleaner than the heads of those middle-aged men who have lost their hair.

Xing Chen looked at Lin Yuan and said with a smile: "Then what should Zhuxian Terrace look like in your imagination?"

Lin Yuan thought for a while and said, "There are hideous statues standing all around, and the entire Zhuxian Terrace should be surrounded by dangerous stellar energy, which is the kind of life that is in danger if a fairy steps forward."

This is more in line with the domineering name of Zhuxiantai, isn't it?

Xing Chen: "...I didn't know that you thought so."

Lin Yuan said: "Why, what's wrong with thinking like this?"

Should she say that she has read too many novels?

"It's not wrong, the description of Zhuxian Terrace in the mortal legends is similar to this." Xing Chen replied.

He didn't bother with this issue anymore, after watching Zhuxian Terrace, he didn't go to other places in the fairy world, Lin Yuan and Xing Chen went directly to the underworld.

Speaking of which, it was indeed the first time for her to come to Hell.

In the dark sky, ghosts and souls were rushing around, Linyuan and Xingchen restrained their breath, so no ghosts noticed them, but Hades knew about them the first time they came in.

After Lin Yuan made it clear that he just wanted to take a look, Yan Wang didn't say anything, after all, this god was something he couldn't afford to mess with.

"Ghost Gate Pass, Huangquan Road, Naihe Bridge, these can be regarded as the landmark buildings of the underworld."

Lin Yuan and Xing Shen walked past these landmark buildings, looking at them with gusto.

Xing Chen accompanied Lin Yuan to look at the scenery, but didn't speak.

He rarely thought of the first time he saw his lazy apprentice.

He went to the snow mountain to pick snow lotus, and looked around, thousands of miles of ice-covered vastness, a piece of white snow, like the purest existence in the world.

Logically speaking, it was impossible for him to see that white snow-like hair ball in this extremely pure snow, but things were so unpredictable, so he just saw it.

There was no deliberation, no searching, just a simple look at the past, and I saw the hairy ball curled up in the vast white snow.

The white snow fell one after another, covering the fur balls with a layer of silver frost, the white fur condensed like moonlight fluttered gently with the wind, and the small and delicate ears shook from time to time, maybe it was itched by the snow that fell on the face, The whole small face was buried in the embrace made by the two white paws, and it rubbed hard.

Xing Chen didn't know how to describe his feelings at that time, maybe it was a glimpse, or maybe he just thought it was cute, he thought at that time, there is nothing cuter than a fox in this world.

He was later proven wrong, he just thought the white dumpling was cute.

Then, as the days went by, the years of Qingxiu were leisurely and long, and only this lazy white dumpling with a bad temper was by his side.

Love may not know where it came from, it may be destined, or it may be to indulge yourself intentionally.

It was only at this moment, in this underworld where all things reincarnated, that Xing Chen suddenly had an epiphany.

Lin Yuan looked at Xing Chen who suddenly fell into an epiphany, his divine power emerged and sealed, and then quietly waited aside.

The epiphany doesn't take long.

After a quarter of an hour, Xing Chen woke up.

The deep eyes looked at Lin Yuan gently and clearly, as if the world was indifferent in his eyes.

"Lin Yuan."

He just said these two words, as if he didn't say anything, but it seemed that everything was contained in these two words.

Too much to forget love, love to forget love, the most love is ruthless.

 This plane is over, well, I think it's over.

(End of this chapter)

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