I'm crazy

Chapter 418

Chapter 418
The days along the way are ordinary for others.

Lin Yuan didn't have any emotional changes. After all, her life didn't decline a little bit, but sometimes she needed to practice with a sword.

As for Mu An, he had lived this kind of life before, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Hang Qin didn't feel any fear after going through it once or twice.

The only one who felt uncomfortable was Ji Ze.

Ji Ze looked at the clothes on his body and thought of him as a dignified prince. Now he was wearing coarse linen clothes and no one was waiting for him. Ji Ze had really experienced the life of ordinary people these days.

"Master, we're almost at Hangyu." Mu An, who was driving outside, said in a low voice.

Lin Yuan responded.

The carriage continued to move forward towards Hangyu, and when it was about to reach Hangyu, Lin Yuan and his party happened to meet the imperial guards sent by Emperor Qi Hui.

"His Royal Highness, Second Prince."

The leading Imperial Guard opened his mouth, and everyone behind him saluted.

For the imperial guards in the palace, Princess Mingguang is more noble than the second prince, so it is natural to ask Her Highness the Princess first when saluting.

"Pingshen." Lin Yuan said lightly, "Father sent you here?"

Presumably it was also done by her cheap father.

The leader of the imperial guards nodded, "Your Majesty sent me to take Her Royal Highness back to the palace."

Ji Ze's eyes flashed by Lin Yuan's side, and it was His Royal Highness who picked him up. His father didn't care about his son at all.

I don't know why, but he, who didn't think so before, felt extremely uncomfortable when he heard this.

Lin Yuan knew that the cheap father asked her to return to the palace, but she was not tired of playing for a while, so she said calmly: "No need, I don't want to go back to the palace for the time being, just take the second prince away when you go back. "

The leader of the Imperial Guard was taken aback for a moment, then hesitated and said, "This..."

"What?" Lin Yuan looked indifferent.

The leader of the imperial guards didn't dare to say anything for some reason. Although His Majesty asked them to pick up Her Royal Highness, but Her Highness didn't want to go back, they couldn't do anything wrong. I believe His Majesty would not blame them for their ineffectiveness.

So Ji Ze was escorted away by the imperial guards who came halfway.

Ji Ze looked at the guards who escorted him safely along the way, with a calm face, but the emotions in his heart were obviously not as calm as his face.

It was only at this time that he really realized the role of force. In the past, he was too focused on planning and scheming, forgetting that these so-called plans might not be effective in the face of truly powerful force.

He must pay attention to this aspect.

When Ji Ze arrived in the imperial capital, he immediately entered the palace, and handed over the account books and evidence to Emperor Qi Hui.

When he was escorted back by the imperial guards, Lin Yuan returned the account book to him.

Emperor Qi Hui, who was sitting at the top, looked at the evidence that was enough to sentence him to death, and said calmly, "Thank you for your hard work."

Ji Ze bowed and said, "My minister didn't have to work hard. Thanks to Ming Guang along the way, my minister didn't do much."

Emperor Qi Hui softened his expression and praised: "Don't be too modest, you did a good job this time, go down and rest first."

After Ji Ze went out, Emperor Qi Hui's face turned completely cold.

He knew that the officialdom in the south of the Yangtze River was chaotic, but he didn't expect it to be so chaotic. Looking at the gold and silver embezzled by these moths in just a few years, it can be worth Qi's tax revenue for a year.

It seems that he has cultivated too much in recent years, which made them so presumptuous.

"Wei Jin, Secretary of the Ministry of Xuanbing, General Zhennan has an audience."

Emperor Qi Hui's voice was cold and cold, and from this moment on, the imperial capital was in turmoil again.

But this has nothing to do with Linyuan who is far away in Gusu, she just heard some news.

I heard that Emperor Qi Hui was furious, and those people in the Jiangnan officialdom were all sentenced to death, and none of them were pardoned.

Of course, that last sentence is an exaggeration.

However, Emperor Qi Hui was so angry this time, and it did let the civil and military officials once again see the wise emperor with iron wrists in the past.

They thought that the emperor was old and lacking energy, so they stepped on the emperor's bottom line when they didn't even realize that they were in control. They didn't know that everything was the emperor's plan, and they happened to catch them all one at a time, killing chickens and monkeys.

It frightened all civil and military officials.

At least in recent years, no one has dared to act so recklessly.

But everyone knows that corruption can never be completely eradicated.

Wherever there are people, there are fights and conflicts of interest.

Human beings are creatures composed of seven emotions and six desires, and it is never possible to purify all six sense organs. Naturally, conflicts of interests are inevitable. Everyone wants to live a good life for themselves, and everyone has greed.

Therefore, it can only be controlled, the punishment can only be increased, and it can only be strictly guarded, and it is impossible to eliminate it.

Lin Yuan didn't care about these things, but she thought that now that the officials in the Jiangnan officialdom were eliminated, many positions would naturally be vacated.

Then who should be allowed to go up, who should be allowed to come down, which party should be allowed to go up, and which party should be allowed to come down.

Whoever gains, who loses.

There are still many places to fight and plan.

Officialdom has been like this since ancient times.

Do you think being a good official is that easy?

Thinking that I can be free from corruption and corruption, just want to do practical things in a down-to-earth manner, and ignore anyone, can this kind of thing be done?Obviously impossible.

Maybe he can guarantee that he has a clean sleeve and is upright and selfless, but in contrast, if he really wants to do good things and do things that benefit the people, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to do.

Because other people won't be happy to see it.

Lin Yuan had anticipated the situation when he knew what Ji Ze was doing, so naturally he didn't want to go back to the palace.

After all, as a princess favored by the emperor, even though she is only a princess who can do nothing in the eyes of the world, I am afraid that there will be many people looking for her.

Just like most men in this world feel that women can't do much, and look down on women.

But when it comes to women, for example, when a beauty trap is needed, no one will give up this shortcut.

It's so funny.

In order to let himself be quiet for a while, Lin Yuan felt that it would be better for him to spend more time outside the palace.

During this time, Lin Yuan planned to go to Hang Qin's house.

She saved Hang Qin, a child, in a fight. Hang Qin is neither the one who provokes nor the one who will not be bullied. He is just an unlucky passerby who was accidentally involved while watching the excitement.

Seeing that the boy was in good shape, Lin Yuan took advantage of the opportunity to save him.

As for the reason for running away from home, seeing that he was about to reach the door of the house, Hang Qin faltered and said: "I told you, you are not allowed to laugh at me."

Lin Yuan's slender fingers propped up his gracefully curved chin, and there was a slight smile on his clear and charming face. Hearing this, he affirmed: "Tell me, I won't laugh at you."

Under Lin Yuan's gaze, Hang Qin's face blushed quietly, and he rarely shyly avoided his eyes and said with difficulty: "I ran away from home because I wanted to go out and wander the rivers and lakes."

"Break into the rivers and lakes?" Lin Yuan didn't change his expression, and repeated it lightly.

Hang Qin opened his eyes wide, "You don't laugh at me if you say it."

Lin Yuan looked at him as if he was about to get angry in the next second, and said with a smile: "I didn't laugh at you."

"Hmm..." She crossed her fingers, her posture was lax, and she lazily said after thinking for a while: "Maybe adults don't take children's wishes and ideals seriously, and even hit them hard, but I'm afraid they don't care too much." I forgot that when I was a child, I also fantasized about those wonderful or magnificent things, I imagined that I would walk around the world with a sword and a horse with a sword, and I longed to be a hero to save the world."

Qingling's lazy voice didn't fluctuate at all, it was plain, but Hang Qin listened carefully, because Sister Lin was the first one he met who didn't laugh out loud after hearing his dream.

"But life has shattered their longing and obliterated their dreams, and they will feel that the dreams of other people, including children, are ridiculous and impossible. So..."

Linyuan looked at Hang Qin, and said seriously: "Don't doubt yourself because of other people's words, doubt your most innocent and pure wish of time and years, this is your right, no one has the right to question, understand?"

Everyone has the freedom to dream, no one's dream should be ridiculed, and no one has the right to deny yourself.

No matter how ridiculous or ridiculous your wishes may sound, they are yours.

Hang Qin seemed to be stunned, but the moisture in his eyes showed that he heard Lin Yuan's words clearly.

He knows that he is young, but he actually understands everything, he understands everything, but unfortunately everyone thinks he doesn't understand, everyone thinks he is stupid, everyone is laughing at him, and is overconfident.

Even his parents and relatives didn't say anything to support or praise him when they heard about his dream of entering the rivers and lakes, but looked embarrassed.

They thought he didn't understand, but he did.

Maybe he should be thankful that his parents took care of him, at least they didn't say anything to hurt him.

However, I am still wronged.

Maybe he didn't really want to go out to make a living, but after he told his parents about his wishes and dreams, at least he wanted to hear their praise and praise.

Said that the son is awesome and has courage.

That's why he took his own sword and a little silver, left a letter, and came out alone.

Hang Qin doesn't regret his recklessness. If he didn't have the momentary enthusiasm at that time, maybe he would never meet sister Lin and brother Mu.

Hang Qin nodded fiercely, and said with a choked voice, "I understand."

"But..." Beilan's voice elongated slightly, and his black eyes looked up and down Hang Qin for a while, making Hang Qin tremble unconsciously.

Only then did I hear Elder Sister Lin Qinglingzhong's teasing words: "You have to have the capital to roam the rivers and lakes. Your three-legged cat is still far behind. You are lucky to meet me this time, and you can wait until next time." You have to practice martial arts well before you come out, otherwise you will die before the journey of wandering the rivers and lakes begins, haha."

Hang Qin's cheeks were flushed by Lin Yuan's words, and he said in a rough voice: "Okay, I see!"

With a stern face and red cheeks, big eyes and misty eyes, one can tell it's a cute paper tiger at first glance, the kind that doesn't have any lethality.

Lin Yuan was completely amused now.

Qing Ling Ru Tianshan Xue Gufengyue's voice carried a willful and unrestrained smile, and the beautiful and unparalleled face seemed to be stained with a little rouge because of this smile, which was even more captivating.

The cheeks that were already flushed are now completely ready to cook eggs.

The two were talking, while Mu An was driving outside, Tayun was running happily, the atmosphere was harmonious and comfortable.

After Tayun ran for almost an hour, he finally arrived at Hang Qin's home - Wucheng Villa.

Lin Yuan looked at the huge villa in front of him, and said with a smile: "It seems that the little beauty I rescued is still rich, just in time, these days, you eat, drink and wear mine, and it's time for you to pay back. "

Hang Qin was ashamed and angry, but he couldn't refute anything, after all, sister Lin was right.

On his first day in the rivers and lakes, his money was taken away by someone. If he hadn't met Sister Lin, he, the young master of Wucheng Villa, would have gone to beg in the end. What a dark history, Hang Qin didn't I don't want Lin Yuan to mention it.

The carriage drove towards Wucheng Villa, but was stopped before entering.

"May I ask if the guest has a greeting card?"

The person who stopped the car was an old man with a gentle expression.

Hang Qin couldn't wait to jump off the carriage, and said loudly: "Grandpa Li, it's me, I'm back!"

Li Wei looked at the person who jumped down suddenly, his expression changed instantly, and he said excitedly: "Master, you are finally back, these days we are so worried!"

Hang Qin was a little embarrassed when he heard Li Wei's words. Now that he went out to see some things, although he was not very happy with his parents' behavior at that time, he had to admit that his parents were also reasonable. He was indeed as sister Lin said , I don't have the strength to break through the rivers and lakes.

Presumably these days should make everyone worry.

Seeing Hang Qin's embarrassed look, Li Wei smiled, changed the subject and looked at Mu An who was on the carriage and said, "This is..."

Hang Qin quickly introduced: "This is Brother Mu Anmu, and there is Sister Lin in the carriage. It is thanks to Sister Lin and Brother Mu that I am going out this time."

Mu An cupped his fists towards Li Wei, and Lin Yuan on the carriage lifted the curtain and nodded slightly towards Li Wei.

Li Wei replied, although the young master didn't say the identities of these two people, but with his knowledge, he can naturally see that these two people are not ordinary people.

The martial arts of the man in front of him is probably not low, but the person who can drive such a strong master is naturally not a simple existence.

Li Wei said warmly: "Thank you two for taking care of my young master, and also invite two distinguished guests to the villa to have a good rest, and let my master entertain the two distinguished guests."

Lin Yuan didn't speak, Mu An said in a deep voice, "You're welcome."

Hang Qin's parents and his eldest brother, who got the news after the carriage entered the villa, rushed over immediately.

"You brat finally knows you're back! Do you know how worried your mother and I are these days! Your mother and I are so worried these days that we can't eat, do you know that! I'm so mad! See if I don't smoke Die you brat!"

Before Hang Qin called someone, Hang's father took the lead in whipping Hang Qin with a willow stick.

Seeing this look, Lin Yuan had a sense of sight. After thinking about it, she felt that this might be the appearance of Emperor Qi Hui after she went back, but he didn't dare to beat her up, let alone beat her.

It seems that it is better to have my own cheap father.

It is true that there is comparison to be satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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