I'm crazy

Chapter 419

Chapter 419
Linyuan stayed directly at Wucheng Villa. The scenery in Gusu is very beautiful, so she planned to go shopping for a few days before leaving.

But Hang Qin is very resistant to Linyuan's leaving.

"Sister Lin, can you stay a few more days?"

Don't even leave, just live in Wucheng Villa. Hang Qin didn't say that. He knew the identity of sister Lin. Of course, she couldn't live in Wucheng Villa for a long time.

"No, I have to go elsewhere."

Lin Yuan replied with a faint smile, Hang Qin lowered his head sadly, he knew that sister Lin would not be here soon.

"Alright then, Sister Lin and Brother Mu have a smooth journey."

Lin Yuan touched Hang Qin's head, "Okay, you have to practice martial arts well before you can venture into the rivers and lakes."

Hang Qin nodded vigorously, and there was fog in his big eyes. After coming back this time, his parents had a good conversation with him, and apologized to him for not understanding what they said.

He also apologized to his parents for going out alone like this. In the end, the relationship with his parents became much better.

He felt as if he had grown up a bit, but he still felt bad about parting.

Lin Yuan got into the carriage, and Mu An bowed his hands to Hang Qin's parents and elder brother Hang Qin who were sending them off, and then got into the carriage.

The carriage drove further and further away, and gradually, even a trace of shadow was gone.

Mother Hang patted Hang Qin who was standing still, without saying anything, the three of them looked at each other, and left first, letting Hang Qin relax here alone.

People are constantly losing since birth.

Innocence, purity, joy,...

All kinds of losses, not just one, are all losses.

The bigger it gets, the more it loses.

Parting is naturally also a kind of loss, a kind of helpless loss.

In the process of growing up, there will be many partings, some partings will have a day of goodbye, and some partings, it is true that the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever, but there will be no future.

Maybe sometimes we should be thankful that even though we are parting, at least there is still a chance to wait for hope.

Hope is still there.


"Mu An, I haven't been to the beach yet, this time I'll go a little farther and go to Fujian."

Qingling's voice came from the carriage.

Mu An drove the car steadily, and did not make Lin Yuan who was sitting in the car feel uncomfortable.

A low voice replied softly: "Yes."

The blue waves are endless, the river and the sea are the same color, and the storm is flat.

Blue is probably the most healing color. At first glance, the blue sea scenery is intoxicating.

The vast sea seems to be able to accommodate everything, including joy, anger, sorrow, joy, greed, anger, and obsession.

In ancient times, the people were not very rich, and the transportation was inconvenient. Naturally, few people from other places came to the beach to play. Because of the lack of pollution, the deep blue ocean and the blue sky are intertwined. The river and the sky are connected by a line. A beauty that can only be seen in this color of water.

Lin Yuan and Mu An temporarily bought another yard in Mindi to live in. Generally speaking, Lin Yuan would buy a house to live in when he didn't want to live in a hotel or when he liked the local scenery. Anyway, it didn't have much money.

What's more, her cheap father even asked the imperial guards to give her a lot of money. Money is enough for Lin Yuan to spend in this life.

Lin Yuan's life outside is very leisurely, but the inside of the imperial capital is obviously becoming chaotic as she thought.

The reason lies in the officialdom in the south of the Yangtze River.

Emperor Qi Hui dealt with too many people, and there were vacancies in official positions, so naturally someone wanted to fill them.

And the battle for candidates gradually began.

 I'm too tired today, so I coded a little bit, and I'll code the rest tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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