I'm crazy

Chapter 480

Chapter 480 Nine Serenities
After Lin Yuan and Sheng Nuan said something, they planned to leave.

Xin Qianyi kept watching from the sidelines, then walked up with a smile on his face.

Sheng Nuan heard the footsteps and looked at the person coming. He was handsome and gentle, and he was easy to like.

Xin Qianyi stopped a step away from Sheng Nuan and the others, glanced at Sheng Nuan without a trace, and then said warmly: "Hello, this is Xin Qianyi from the Qishan School, who is aware of the school's strong resentment , I came here to investigate."

Sheng Nuan didn't feel anything was wrong, she said directly to Xin Qianyi: "My name is Sheng Nuan, and I'm a disciple of the Tianqing Sect. We've settled the matter in the school just now."

Xin Qianyi's smile became wider, "He is a fellow of the same way, and fellow Daoist Sheng is very powerful."

After Sheng Nuan came out these days, his skin became thicker unknowingly, and he was not praised by Xin Qianyi's simple words at all. He waved his hands and said modestly: "No, I still have a lot to learn."

Xin Qianyi smiled, and naturally turned the topic to Lin Yuan who had been standing lazily, "I wonder who this is?"

Sheng Nuan stared at Xin Qianyi suspiciously, and said lightly: "This is my sister, surnamed Lin."

No intention of introducing it at all.

Xin Qianyi's expression remained unchanged, as if he didn't feel Sheng Nuan's guarded eyes, and changed the subject following Sheng Nuan's will: "Miss Sheng, do you know about the Xishan Tomb?"

Sheng Nuan nodded, she came in and heard some things about this cemetery, "It is said that it is the tomb of a prince, but there are countless organs in the cemetery, and there are 'spirits' guarding it outside, and the celestial masters can't find the way to enter the tomb."

The Xishan tomb was a large tomb discovered five years ago. When it was discovered, it almost shocked the whole country, because the scale of this cemetery was the smallest of the cemetery of a prince.

But in the past five years, there has been no progress at all. Without him, the cemetery is too dangerous, and all national research teams are blocked outside.

Not to mention the various mechanisms and techniques in the cemetery, but the "spirits" guarding around the cemetery stopped everyone in their tracks.

The "spirit" is not a resentful spirit, but a person who voluntarily died to guard the tomb for the Lord at that time.

They don't enter reincarnation, and they don't stick to their errands. Their only mission is to guard the master's tomb.

There are often tombs where "spirits" exist, and the status of the owner of the tomb is an existence with extremely high status and power at that time.

More importantly, it can make people willing to sacrifice themselves for the Lord and guard the tomb. The owner of this tomb is extremely extraordinary.

Who would be willing to die for a person.

In feudal society, it was easy to be buried, but the four words "willingly" and "willingly" were not so simple.

The "spirit" of the Xishan Tomb is powerful. It's not that the upper echelons of the country have invited celestial masters and warlocks to resolve it. After all, they always have to study it.

But there is no way to break through the protection of the "spirit".

As the delay got longer, researchers from the Institute, archaeologists, historians and other people from all walks of life became more and more anxious.

For them, it's like dropping a carrot that exudes fragrance and says "come and eat me" in front of them, but they just can't eat that kind of taste.

Especially painful.

Scientists have given up hope of entering the tomb, and are looking forward to at least studying the corners and corners of the study, knowing the identity of the owner of the tomb is fine!
And this tomb is also a good place to train disciples for the world of celestial masters.

As long as you keep your sense of proportion and don't try to destroy the cemetery or enter the tomb, the "spirit" will not kill anyone who comes.

All the disciples of the Celestial Master Warlock sect went to the Xishan Tomb to go down the mountain to practice.

Sheng Nuan also had this plan, she planned to go there after the school affairs were over.

But now that Xin Qianyi brought it up, Sheng Nuan said, "I don't know what opinion fellow Taoist Xin has?"

"Since Fellow Daoist Sheng is also going to the Xishan Cemetery, how about we go together, and it's good to have someone to take care of you on the way."

Xin Qianyi said.

Sheng Nuan looked at Xin Qianyi's gentle look and was about to refuse. Although he was both a celestial master, he didn't know who he was, and how Xin Qianyi's character was. It would be more comfortable to go alone.

But a voice stopped what she was about to say.

"Promise him."

The lazy voice belonging to Linyuan Qingling rang in Sheng Nuan's ears, but Xin Qianyi's expression did not change at all, it was sound transmission.

Sheng Nuan remained silent, and said to Xin Qianyi who was waiting for her answer: "Okay, then I have to trouble Fellow Daoist Xin to take care of me."

Xin Qianyi was overjoyed, and immediately said with a smile on his face, "Fellow Daoist Sheng, you are polite, since we are fellow-dwellers, we should take care of each other."

Lin Yuan's eyes lightly swept over Xin Qianyi, without saying a word.

She felt the peeping eyes just now, but she didn't know what the person in front of her wanted to do and what purpose she had.

It's rare to arouse a little bit of interest in the big devil, it must be very interesting.

Now that the agreement has been made, Xin Qianyi and Sheng Nuan discussed to meet each other a day later and go to the Xishan Cemetery together.

After solving this matter, Xin Qianyi turned around and left. He put away the hot compass in his arms, and his eyes were full of strange determination.

It never occurred to him to tell the master.

With such a powerful ghost king and such a peerless appearance, Xin Qianyi vowed to get it the first time he saw it. With this ghost king, would he still be afraid of his master?
At that time, the entire world of celestial masters will follow his example.

He is the uncrowned king of the celestial master world.

There was a smile on the corner of Xin Qianyi's mouth, full of complacency.

The next morning, Sheng Nuan packed up and went with Lin Yuan to meet up at the place discussed with Xin Qianyi.

When the time came, Xin Qianyi was already waiting.

Sang Tong was the only one with him.

Since he wanted to monopolize this ghost, he naturally couldn't let his younger brothers and sisters know the news, so the others were sent away by his tricks.

Only Sang Tong did not.

First, he will need Sang Tong's help when he subdues this ghost, and second, Sang Tong has a fatal handle in his hands, so he won't worry about her betraying him.

So Xin Qianyi only told Sang Tong the news that the ghost had been found.

Sang Tong was stunned when he saw Lin Yuan coming towards him, but he didn't recover for a while.

She has seen too many ghosts with horrible shapes and disfigured faces. This is the first time she has seen such a beautiful ghost.

"Fellow Daoist Sheng, Fellow Daoist Lin, this is my little junior sister Sang Tong."

After Xin Qianyi introduced each other, the four of them headed towards the Xishan Cemetery.

Sang Tong secretly observed Linyuan along the way, and was discovered by Sheng Nuan, so he was quite wary of her, and at the same time did not understand why sister Lin agreed to go with Xin Qianyi.

Xishan Cemetery is not far from City Z, but it only takes a few hours.

Xishan is a majestic and majestic mountain with a lot of vegetation, beautiful scenery and pleasant air. More importantly, the Fengshui here is very good, because at the foot of Xishan is the location of the main dragon vein.

This is another reason why the study of the Xishan Cemetery is so difficult. If the dragon veins are accidentally damaged, there is really nowhere to cry.

As soon as Linyuan set foot on the west mountain, he felt a strange feeling.



Before Lin Yuan could think about it, a pleasantly surprised and excited voice came, light golden color flashed in front of his eyes, and a mirror threw himself into Lin Yuan's arms.

Lin Yuan took out the Kunlun mirror that had crashed into her arms, and saw Di Quan obediently floating aside.

"Master, why are you here?" The excitement of the Kunlun mirror has not passed.

It and Di Quan went out for a stroll, stop and go along the way, Kunlun Mirror no longer had the idea of ​​anticipation at that time, and felt that the world was just like that, and there was no fun in it.

Except people, all people, all people.

The air is filthy, and the aura is even shallower.

Kunlun mirror doesn't yearn for the world at all.

When he was about to go back to find Lin Yuan, he sensed Lin Yuan's aura, so he and Di Quan rushed over directly.

Lin Yuan threw the Kunlun Mirror to Di Quan, let Di Quan's little hand hug it, and said indifferently: "Come out and have a look."

Xin Qianyi and Sang Tong were shocked in their hearts, but they remained calm on their faces.

But Xin Qianyi's greed became stronger.

A ghost at the level of a ghost king is already powerful enough, and now there is even a spiritual weapon that can speak human words!
Xin Qianyi's eyes looked at Di Quan floating quietly in the air, that kid's strength is not weak.

And both the spirit weapon and the little ghost are closely related to this ghost, that is to say, as long as he gets this ghost, all of them will belong to him.

There was a greedy light in the depths of Xin Qianyi's eyes, and he clenched his palms into fists to calm himself down.

And Sang Tong stood quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lin Yuan didn't open his mouth to introduce Xin Qianyi and Sang Tong, so they naturally wouldn't bother to ask.

At this time, they were at the foot of the West Mountain, and they went up to the West Mountain. Now this range is not within the protection range of the "spirit".

When we got to the border and took another step to the protection range of the "spirit", Xin Qianyi suggested, "How about we go to the four directions to check?"

Sheng Nuan looked at Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan nodded indifferently, but she wanted to know what Xin Qianyi was up to.

Sheng Nuan's footsteps moved to the east, and Lin Yuan was about to leave, when a formation suddenly appeared under her feet, restraining her footsteps.

She struggled tentatively without using any divine power, it was a very rough formation, and she could break free casually.

But in order to make this play go on smoothly, Lin Yuan restrained his strength very much, fearing that if he was not careful, he would break this pediatric formation.

But in the eyes of Xin Qianyi and Sang Tong, Lin Yuan couldn't break free from this formation even though he struggled hard.

Xin Qianyi's face was still as gentle as before, but now the greed in his eyes was undisguised.

He said to Linyuan: "Don't bother, this is a formation specially designed for you, you can't break free."

Lin Yuan's dark eyes narrowed slightly, his posture was lazy and indifferent, as if he didn't know what happened.

But Kunlun Jing, who was held in Di Quan's arms and floated beside Lin Yuan, rolled her non-existent white eyes, full of contempt.

The power of the master, you and other mortals simply don't know anything!
Stupid stuff (~ ̄△ ̄)~
Xin Qianyi didn't want to waste time, and said directly: "If you are willing to serve me as the master, I will untie this formation. You must know that if you don't untie the formation, your soul power will continue to flow until the soul body dissipates." between heaven and earth."

The corner of his mouth curled up into a smug smile, he raised his chin and said, "I am the eldest disciple of the Qishan Sect, with extraordinary talent and excellent bones. You will never regret it if you serve me as master. How about it? Have you figured it out clearly?" ?”

Kunlun Mirror and Di Quan quietly watched this idiot perform.

Lin Yuan's dark eyes flickered, and his expression was calm and leisurely, as if he was walking among the green mountains and green waters, rather than being imprisoned.

Seeing her like this, Xin Qianyi felt hot in his heart, and his desire for something became even stronger.

Seeing Xin Qianyi's eyes, Kunlun Jing couldn't calm down anymore, and flew out of Di Quan's arms to kill him.

What a dirty and disgusting thing!How dare you covet the master!
A golden light flashed across Kunlun Mirror's body, carrying a murderous intent.

It is an artifact of peace at the beginning, but after following a demon god for a long time, its temperament is not much better

Lin Yuan moved his fingertips slightly, blocking the Kunlun Mirror.

Her eyebrows were raised slightly, and Shen Yuan's dark eyes were full of indifference, like a god sitting on a throne overlooking the world, extremely indifferent.

Looking at Xin Qianyi as if looking at a jumping clown, this look irritated Xin Qianyi, he was about to get angry when he felt a pain in his heart, looked down and saw a sharp knife had been stuck in his heart.

Xin Qianyi turned his head in disbelief, looked at the expressionless Sang Tong behind him, and asked the most frequently-occurring phrase among those who died unexpectedly or those who were about to die in novels, movies, and dramas: "Why?"

Sang Tong held the handle of the knife, and pushed the knife a few inches deeper, Xin Qianyi snorted, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Sang Tong didn't answer Xin Qianyi's words, and pulled out the knife from Xin Qianyi's heart very quickly and neatly. Xin Qianyi staggered and fell directly to the ground. His eyes that were not closed were full of doubts, anger, and fear... All kinds of emotions are intertwined.

Sang Tong threw the knife on Xin Qianyi's body with a cold face, and then skillfully took out the bones and scattered them on Xin Qianyi's body.

In a short while, Xin Qianyi and the knife turned into a pile of dust, and a gust of wind blew, even this little bit of dust could not stay in Xishan, and was directly blown away by the gust of wind.

This series of actions is called a swift and decisive move with one hand up and down with a knife.

If you can do it, you will never force it.

After everyone had dealt with it cleanly, Sang Tong said lightly with a look of contempt: "Idiot."

Look at her demeanor without exception who she is talking about.

Where are there so many why?
If she had to give a reason, would she be willing?

Xin Qianyi is an idiot, Sang Tong has long been dissatisfied with Xin Qianyi who thought he had taken advantage of him to order her to do things, and regarded her as his subordinate, and planned to kill him when he did.

Now the timing is just right, not only killing the idiot Xin Qianyi, but also getting a ghost at the level of a ghost king.

Thinking of this, even with Sang Tong's indifferent and calm temperament, he couldn't help but feel turbulent.

She looked at Lin Yuan and was about to say something when her eyes changed.

Eyes wide open, shocked and terrified.

The subconscious is about to run.

Because I don't know when, the formation that Xin Qianyi arranged to trap the ghost king has disappeared without a trace, and there is nothing under Linyuan's feet.

Sang Tong didn't think about anything, and decided to run away. She was lucky to kill Xin Qianyi. Now that she has no formation, facing a ghost king, her fate is needless to say.

 The previous chapter was blocked, I...

  So those who are chasing after the update, try to read it as soon as possible, because you don’t know when the novel you are chasing will be gone (can’t laugh or cry), okay?
(End of this chapter)

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