I'm crazy

Chapter 481

Chapter 481 Nine Serenities
"What are you running for?"

Seeing that Sang Tong was about to run to the foot of the mountain, a clear and interesting voice echoed in her ears.

Sang Tong stopped suddenly, she didn't dare to run anymore and couldn't run anymore.

When her footsteps stopped, she realized that at some point she had returned to the mountain again, and in front of her was the lazy and indifferent Lin Yuan.

Sang Tong knelt down very flexibly and respectfully said: "My lord, please forgive me."

What is a festival?
For Sang Tong, it was something that didn't exist at all.

Where there is life, there is hope.

She could bear it for so long before killing Xin Qianyi, so naturally she would not show off her temper for a while.

Lin Yuan walked up to Sang Tong, and the black dress flashed before Sang Tong's eyes, causing her eyes to sting slightly.

"What were you planning to do just now?"

Although she almost knew it, Lin Yuan still wanted to ask, who made her bored.

Sang Tong's heart turned cold, and he said respectfully, "Because the Qishan faction had long thought that there was a ghost king born in Yangjian, so the master came here to ask us to find your traces, and then... catch you or notify the master."

Sang Tong betrayed his sect without hesitation.

Anyway, their school is not very famous.

Lin Yuan smiled faintly, "I see."

It seems that the so-called Qishan faction had their idea on her head, and wanted to contract a ghost king for them to drive.

Not a bad intention.

"So you thought the same thing just now, didn't you?"

The questioning but firm words made Sang Tong's kneeling body tremble, and the light words had no power at all, but they made her unable to even kneel properly.

Sang Tong quickly bowed his head and said, "It was Sang Tong who was greedy and stupid at the moment, please forgive me."

She didn't want to refute. Facing an existence who was much stronger than herself, she might die better if she didn't play tricks.

The corners of Lin Yuan's mouth curled up slightly, and he spoke in a unparalleled elegance, "I won't kill you."

But there was evil in those black eyes, and before Sang Tong was glad that he had escaped, he heard the voice that sounded like the sound of nature and continued: "But punishment is indispensable."

"Since it is said that the 'spirit' of the Xishan Tomb is powerful, why don't you go in and give it a try?"

Without waiting for Sang Tong to make a sound, her body instantly soared into the air and flew into the scope of the tomb.

Before Sang Tong had time to panic and react, a powerful attack wrapped in aura came over.

Sang Tong: "...my life is over!"

And over there, Lin Yuan, who casually threw Sang Tong in, frowned slightly as he felt this little bit of familiarity.

"Sister Lin!"

Sheng Nuan, who went to the east, also came back.

She knew that Xin Qianyi led her away with bad intentions, but Sister Lin told her to go, and she also knew Sister Lin's strength, so she left very reassuringly, and didn't come back until she felt that the time was almost up.

"Where did Xin Qianyi and Sang Tong go?" Sheng Nuan asked casually.

Kunlun Mirror replied on Linyuan's behalf: "One was crushed, and the other was about to die."

Sheng Nuan: "What a brutal answer."

"who are you?"

In a blink of an eye, Sheng Nuan forgot that Xin Qianyi and Sang Tong, two people who had nothing to do with her and had ulterior motives, died as soon as they died, and they deserved their death if they dared to offend Sister Lin.

It was the first time someone asked it such a question. The Kunlun Mirror proudly turned around in front of Sang Tong, allowing her to see its stalwart body clearly, and then said triumphantly: "My lord, it is Pangu who created the world, the prehistoric The greatest artifact ever created—the Kunlun Mirror! It is also the only artifact of the master!"

Its words and mirror image are all written in a line of big characters: "You guys, come and worship!"

"Hahahahahahaha..." Sheng Nuan laughed very unceremoniously, until his stomach hurt from laughing, and then he pointed at the mirror emitting black air and said, "Kunlun mirror? Hahaha, you have to find a suitable reference for lying, right?" The reference you are looking for is too lofty. Everyone knows that the Kunlun mirror is an artifact in ancient myths and legends. I don’t know if there are myths and legends. Even if there is, how can it appear in this era of shallow and mottled aura? ?”

Sheng Nuan didn't believe Kunlun Mirror's words at all.

I thought this mirror was just bragging.

Sheng Nuan thumped the ground with a smile, the Kunlun mirror was extremely black, and the voice that was still proud just now said faintly: "Is it so funny?"

"I'm sorry." Sheng Nuan barely stood up straight, and apologized, "It's not funny, but I just can't help it, ahahahahaha...hahahaha!"

There was another cock-crow-like laugh.

Actually, it's not funny at all, but it's the Kunlun Mirror's appearance that made Sheng Nuan laugh out loud.

Think about it, a mirror, twisting your non-existent body in front of you, blowing the cowhide triumphantly, as if you can still see it with its hands on its hips, and then there is a line on its forehead "You mortal, come soon!" Kneeling down to my lord", Sheng Nuan felt that his smile could no longer be controlled as long as he thought about it.

Kunlun mirror was so angry that he wanted to shoot Sheng Nuan to death with a mirror, but fortunately he didn't do it in the end.

Sheng Nuan didn't know at all that she had already passed through a life-and-death situation.

Kunlun mirror is a prehistoric artifact, and it has been by Linyuan's side for countless epochs. Even if it cannot be transformed due to the constraints of prehistoric heaven, its combat power cannot be underestimated.

It's not a problem to destroy a small plane with all your strength, let alone Sheng Nuan, a heroine who lives on a small plane.

Lin Yuan's fingertips moved slightly, and the Kunlun mirror was in her hand. She flicked it lightly, and the Kunlun mirror calmed down.

Facing Sheng Nuan, he said indifferently: "Forget it, I don't care about ignorant mortals like you, it seems that I am stingy."

Sheng Nuan tried her best not to speak, for fear of laughing again accidentally.

Lin Yuan looked towards the location of the tomb, Kunlun Jing didn't bother to pay attention to Sheng Nuan, and followed Lin Yuan to look in the direction of the tomb.

Looking at it, I felt something was wrong.

"Master, this is your tomb!" Kunlun Mirror said in surprise.

Kunlun Mirror did not expect that the Xishan cemetery, which blocked everyone in this small plane, turned out to be the owner's cemetery!
This is really...

Sheng Nuan was very irritated by these words: "Learning to my sister's graveyard?!"

Then she thought that sister Lin was a ghost, and it was normal to have a cemetery.

But the Kunlun Mirror obviously didn't mean that. Linyuan had come to this plane before, and after a thousand years, he came to this plane again.

Lin Yuan walked in directly.

Sang Tong, who was struggling to dodge under the attack of "Ling", looked at "Ling" who was about to attack her, and paused for a moment. Sang Tong didn't have time or thought to think about why, so he quickly got up while "Ling" paused. time to run away.

After finally saving her life, Sang Tong didn't even care about her injured body, and even ran out of Xishan. I'm afraid she didn't want to go to the Xishan cemetery again in her life.

As soon as Lin Yuan entered the cemetery, a figure appeared in front of her.

The visitor was dressed in black, with a slender figure and a handsome, but extremely pale face.

When seeing Lin Yuan, the black eyes seemed to be ignited with wild will-o'-the-wisps, blazing with excitement.

"His Majesty."

"Ling" moved neatly, kneeling down on one knee beside Lin Yuan respectfully and piously.

The "spirit" who has guarded for thousands of years in this uninhabited cemetery finally waited for his master.

Lin Yuan looked at the movement and face of "Ling", and the long-term memory was extracted from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, as if the sea changed for a moment, and time and space changed.

Lin Yuan sighed slightly, Qing Ling's voice was like a thousand years ago, and said to "Ling" who was kneeling on one knee in front of her: "Mu An, long time no see."

"Get up." Seeing that Mu An was still kneeling, Lin Yuan spoke.

Mu An stood up, not daring to look directly at Lin Yuan, but the excitement all over his body could be seen clearly even though his body was dead and became a "spirit".

Lin Yuan continued to walk towards the cemetery, and said as he walked, "How long have you been here?"

Mu An whispered: "I have been in the cemetery since you..."

His Majesty passed away back then, but the body turned into light spots and dissipated between the heaven and the earth under the eyes of everyone, all the officials were surprised.

But then I thought of His Majesty's astonishingly talented and charming demeanor, and felt that it was more acceptable for His Majesty to be the reincarnation of an immortal, and even feel honored.

Therefore, there is naturally no corpse of Linyuan in the cemetery, only some things that Linyuan used thousands of years ago.

Mu An decided to die for His Majesty when Lin Yuan left that plane.

Originally, he was already old and would not live for a few years. It was his honor to be with his majesty.

After Mu An was buried, he did not expect that he was not dead, his face returned to his youth, and he had the power that ordinary people cannot possess, but he did not leave the Xishan cemetery, and stayed here to prevent grave robbers from destroying the cemetery.

I didn't expect to wait until the day when the owner of the tomb came back.

Lin Yuan walked to the gate of the tomb. The gate was made of white jade. Just the gate of the tomb is worthless outside.

Although Lin Yuan is lazy, she has the capital of laziness. She doesn't do anything. She has a lot of ministers who are talented in the world. Da Qi, who was controlled by her alone, was the real pinnacle of prosperity.

No predecessor has reached it before, and no descendant has reached the peak and prosperity of Daqi in the next thousand years.

Future generations can only see the romantic era through history books. As long as the descendants live in this land, no one is proud of that prosperous and prosperous age, and yearns endlessly.

Walking into the tomb, there are inlaid pearls across the road, as if they are afraid that the pearls will be dazzling, they are placed in gauze lanterns made of silk gauze.

After wandering around in the cemetery, Lin Yuan came out. Her own cemetery is actually nothing to see. The country of Qi is prosperous and in a prosperous age. Of course, she, the emperor, has a lot of burial objects, and even some important treasures .

She only took some useful things, and left the rest untouched.

"Mu An, where are you going after that?" Lin Yuan looked at Mu An and asked indifferently.

Mu An looked terrified, "I am Your Majesty's subject, so naturally I want to follow His Majesty."

Lin Yuan's dark eyes were calm, and he said slowly: "I won't stay in this plane for long."

In the final analysis, she still had to leave this plane, and she couldn't take Mu An with her forever.

Mu An breathed a sigh of relief, as long as His Majesty does not intend to abandon him.

He immediately said: "I know that your majesty's whereabouts are uncertain, but as long as your majesty is in this world, I will follow your majesty."

Lin Yuan: "Then it's up to you."

Then he threw a booklet to Mu An and said, "This is the method of ghost cultivation, you should practice hard."

In the future, when she leaves this plane, she will be able to enjoy herself freely in the ghost body.

Mu An nodded seriously, and solemnly put away the booklet.

Sheng Nuan obediently followed her side without saying a word, seeing that they were about to leave Xishan, she said, "Sister Lin, do we leave the cemetery alone?"

Lin Yuan said indifferently: "No need, I have a special person to deal with it."

And the special person that Lin Yuan mentioned was the national research team.

In recent days, all the hot searches of various APPs have been contracted by one topic.

#Xishan Cemetery Excavation#
Followed by a big explosive word.

The real people are boiling, and the attention is increasing.

Many people know that the Xishan Cemetery is a large tomb, but there has been no news since it was discovered five years ago, and most people in the information age have not paid much attention to it.

Now that the cemetery has suddenly made a breakthrough, it is still a direct live broadcast by national researchers, which has aroused extensive discussion.

Now that the live broadcast industry is booming, it is not uncommon to visit graves live. Some people think that there is nothing interesting, but when the camera enters the cemetery, they all get slapped in the face.

On the Whale APP live broadcast, millions of people watched the tomb visit.

Naturally, APP also paid a lot of remuneration, so it was able to get this premiere.

Looking at the green mountains and green waters, the audience felt bored for a while.

"Although the scenery is beautiful, it doesn't feel like anything!"

"There is a big gap with the tomb robbery process I imagined."

"Please clarify above, this is a tomb visit, not a tomb robbery, do you understand?"

"I don't know when I can enter the main tomb."

In sharp contrast to the boring barrage audience, the mood of the researchers and various experts can be said to be sunny.

I always thought that the Xishan Tomb would disappear when I was pregnant, but who knew that suddenly another village would be revealed, and I could go in.

Now, as long as the experts who can come here, which one doesn't immediately book a ticket and even the train is too slow to rush over, for fear of missing a little bit.

In just a few hours, a professional team was formed and headed towards the Xishan Cemetery.

"Be careful, don't destroy the cemetery."

Old Professor Gu was always healthy and strong, carrying his own archaeological equipment in his backpack alone, carefully reminding his capable students.

Although it was said to the outside world that this was a cemetery of princes, the people in their group and the upper echelons of the country knew that it was definitely an emperor's tomb!

It can be built on the main dragon vein and has never been damaged for thousands of years. It is so huge, and it is protected by a "spirit". If it weren't for the emperor's tomb, they would be able to eat upside down!

Thinking that this is an emperor's tomb, everyone's blood boiled even more. The old professors, experts and scholars who had been clamoring for health preservation all day on weekdays seemed to have inexhaustible energy.

Emperor's Tomb!

What this means, I'm afraid those who don't understand will never know what it contains.

Take a very simple example.

Even if it's not an emperor's tomb, but a prince's tomb, if some books and slips unearthed from it don't match what the current history has learned, then come here.

Everything from classics by experts to education books for universities, middle schools and primary schools has to be revised.

And this is only a very small aspect.

This shows how important archaeology is, and how precious it is to find an emperor's tomb!

(End of this chapter)

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