I'm crazy

Chapter 482

Chapter 482 Nine Serenities
As the archaeological team continued to advance, the audience following the live broadcast finally saw the gate of the cemetery.

Almost instantly, everyone froze in place and remained motionless.

"This... this... is this white jade?"

Even the archaeologists, who are used to seeing good things, were shocked and lost expression control.

Professor Gu stepped forward, touched the door carefully with his fingers, and was so excited: "This is white jade, made of a complete piece of white jade."

The millions of people watching seemed to have lost their language and typing functions at this moment, and there was not a single word on the bullet screen.

It took a long time for the audience to recover from the shock and tremblingly type a line of words on the barrage.

"Which great god can tell me the value of this piece of white jade?"

"I'm in the jade industry. I can tell you clearly that white jade is extremely precious. It's just as big as a finger. If it's done well, it can sell for six figures in the market, so let's estimate for ourselves!"

"……I go!!!!"

"This is definitely not the regulation that a prince's tomb should have. Maybe it's an emperor's tomb!!!!"

The barrage was boiling, and the enthusiasm of the audience was rising.

The number of viewings soared, and many people were stuck and couldn't get in, so that programmers began to step up maintenance of the software.

The fellow professors and scholars looked at each other, and they all saw burning heat in each other's eyes. Naturally, this enthusiasm was not for money, but for the "wealth" that might be contained in this cemetery.

Professor Gu directed the soldiers who assisted them to carefully open the door, and walked into the tomb with a special flashlight.

Unexpectedly, after entering, his vision was not dim at all, it was full of soft and non-glare light, and then he saw the pearl that was bigger than the fist of an adult man.

"...!!! I don't know what to say anymore..."

"Can you form a group to steal?"


Qi Zhoucai, who noticed the barrage, immediately frowned. They had forgotten the danger during the live broadcast, because the Xishan cemetery is located in the dragon vein and is guarded by "spirits", so it is very safe.

But now for some unknown reason, the "spirit" has left, and the cemetery can also be entered, and there is such a precious thing before entering the main tomb, it is hard to guarantee that no one will take the risk and do something.

Qi Zhoucai made a phone call directly and asked the country to send more people to protect the Xishan Cemetery just in case.

The barrage naturally wailed after hearing Qi Zhoucai's words.

"Well, it seems that organizing a group to steal is impossible."

"It's better to dispel this idea. If it is really an emperor's tomb, then the state will definitely protect it in all aspects."

"Of course, if you're not afraid of death, then pretend I didn't say it."

The upper echelons of the country have always paid close attention to the Xishan Cemetery, especially now that it has been able to enter the research, and naturally attaches great importance to its protection.

Immediately ordered to send some more elite soldiers over.

And Sheng Nuan, who had nothing to do for a while and was very curious about the Xishan Tomb, also watched the live broadcast.

After all, although she went for a stroll with Sister Lin that day, she saw nothing and didn't know anything except those rare treasures in the world.

With the live footage, more and more things come into viewers' eyes.

"What is this! What is this!!!"

"Calm down, don't be like Grandma Liu."

The person who said this had just taken a blood pressure lowering medicine not long ago.

Without him, because along the way, the hearts of the audience have been hanging high, and they have never let go.

All of them are things that I have never seen before, and the names can only be known in textbooks! ! ! !

Xuan ink paper, which is hard to buy, is said to be a kind of paper that appeared thousands of years ago, and now only a little is kept in museums.

The shark yarn that is no longer there is piled up in sections in the tomb, and it was only after the scientists identified it that the audience knew that the radiant and beautiful cloth-like thing turned out to be the legendary shark yarn!
There are also countless gold and silver treasures, bronze or silver artifacts, which are probably worth more than nine figures if they are placed outside.

What's more, many of these things can no longer be measured by money. These are all cultural relics that are extinct today!

The kind that modern society does not have!
One can imagine how precious it is.

Time passed by every minute and every second, no one left in the live broadcast room, and more and more people poured into the live broadcast room.

The originally excited experts and scholars all restrained their emotions, their faces were dignified and solemn, and they were extremely serious.

Because these things are so precious, the value of this cemetery is probably higher than their original speculation by an unknown number of levels.

The greater the value, the heavier their responsibilities, and the more careful they need to be, they cannot make mistakes at all.

Qi Zhoucai's brows have never been loosened along the way. It goes without saying that such an emperor's cemetery that cannot be measured by value will play a role in the country's development of cultural relics research, but cultural relics research does not happen overnight. A tomb often takes several years. In order to study thoroughly.

Not to mention such an emperor's tomb, I'm afraid it may take more than ten years to study it thoroughly.

Qi Zhoucai called again, and the contents inside were so precious that he wanted to move them all into the museum and protect them carefully.

The protection force needs to be increased, must be increased.

But in just a few hours, the cemetery has gained more power to protect the cemetery secretly and on the bright side.

As long as you are not stupid, anyone can see the value of this cemetery, not to mention that it has been broadcast live, I am afraid that there are many ambitious people who are secretly watching.

Qi Zhoucai was right, because in the next few hours, there were already many suspicious people outside the cemetery, and even those who were bold enough to enter the cemetery with all their tools ready.

Fortunately, because of Qi Zhoucai's phone call and the obvious attention of the upper echelons of the country, the protectors were quickly in place and caught these people who were trying to steal the country's most important treasure.

Captain Liu Heheng wiped the sweat off his forehead, his eyes were like eagles, staring at the surrounding area with incomparable sharpness.

They had already captured several waves of people, which put even more pressure on him. Before coming, the officer had solemnly explained to them the importance of this mission, so naturally he didn't dare to relax a little bit.

That's it, it almost went wrong.

Fortunately, there will be troops coming next.

Liu Heheng held the gun in his hand, and his body was straight, not daring to relax for a moment.

The live broadcast is still going on, but in the invisible corner, those priceless treasures that have been displayed in front of the audience have been quietly transported away and protected.

The curator of the Imperial Palace Museum looked at the cultural relics that had been safely transported to City B after a huge amount of manpower and material resources.

He tried his best to restrain the hand he wanted to touch, and quickly ordered people to carefully place the cultural relics and protect them.

The live broadcast is still going on, and so many good things have already been broadcast live, Qi Zhoucai simply has no intention of avoiding it.

With the current strength of their country, they are not afraid of any ulterior motives. Their country has the ability to protect precious cultural relics.

It's also important to let the prying villains know whose stuff it really is.

Therefore, the audience was very fortunate to see all of the tomb without being mosaiced.

"I have gone from the shock at the beginning to the numbness now..."

"Can I say that I have made several bowls of rice with these cultural relics that I can't get or even see in my life?"

"Brothers in front, don't be discouraged. Although you are destined not to get it, you will still have a chance to see it in the future."

"I feel like I'm numb... I'm floating, and I actually feel that the cultural relics in the museum are nothing... Oh my god! It's obvious that I can't afford any of the items in there. , I actually think they are nothing... I really float..."

"No, you're not floating, you're just stupid."

"It's the same for me. After seeing so many treasures, I also feel that those things in the museum are nothing."

"It's normal. I'm concerned about one thing now, which emperor's tomb is this!!!"

"I'm so anxious! I'm also anxious. I really want to know which emperor's cemetery this is! It's so luxurious, so grand, so delicate, so... my language is not good, come downstairs."

"Thank you. Since the tomb is located on the west mountain, as we all know, the west mountain is an indescribable place. If you can build your own mausoleum on the west mountain, everyone can guess the courage of the emperor. Think about it, can you hold it down? How many emperors are there in the past thousand years? Then the scope of the emperor's identity can be greatly shortened."

"Judging from the live broadcast, there are countless treasures inside, not to mention in modern times, even at that time, I am afraid that they are all rare things in the world. The mausoleum is deep and majestic, gorgeous and exquisite, and integrated into one. Even now, it is also a Chinese building. The highest pinnacle level."

"After such an analysis, I am even more curious."

"I've already ordered three bowls of rice."

"...me too..."

"Looking at something that I'm destined to never have but no one else can get, I found that the effect was unexpectedly good. I think my anorexia is gone."

The archaeological team has been walking, no one wants to rest, and no one feels tired.

This cemetery is really important. Although the professors were solemn, they couldn't restrain their slightly excited emotions. They all felt that their bodies were full of strength.

What's more, this journey has been extremely smooth, they have never encountered the secret tricks in other tombs, and it doesn't seem to be in the tomb as smoothly.

Regarding the agency, these experts don't know anything.

Back then, Lin Yuan's body dissipated between heaven and earth in full view, which made the ministers believe that His Majesty was the reincarnation of an immortal to help Da Qi usher in a prosperous age.

Since it is the reincarnation of an immortal, the mausoleum has its own shelter, and they all decided that they don't need to use some so-called secret tricks to humiliate their majesty.

So there are actually no organs in the tomb.

Of course, because no one has ever entered the cemetery for thousands of years, no one knows that the tomb is actually safe.

After several hours, the group finally arrived at the main tomb.

Standing outside the door of the main tomb, everyone took a deep breath, nervous.

And the tens of millions of people watching the live broadcast were also heart beating wildly at this moment, and they were extremely nervous.

The door of the main tomb was pushed open. Even though thousands of years had passed, there was no sound, as if the owner of the tomb was extremely happy.

Many people subconsciously closed their eyes when the door was pushed open, as if something would suddenly appear inside.

After a while, everyone looked at it holding their breath, only to find that the main tomb was extremely simple, not so luxurious and low-key, and there were no very conspicuous treasures.

There is not even a coffin.

It's just a simple living room, which is extremely elegant and dust-free, and there are many things that the owner of the tomb room used in his lifetime.

But none of the people present, including the audience watching the live broadcast, thought that the seemingly inconspicuous main tomb was simple.

Professor Gu stepped forward first, carefully watching each piece.

The live camera was also spinning in the main tomb.

"Is this the true taste of an emperor?"

"I also think so. Those things outside should be put by the ministers, and the main tomb is the real taste of the emperor."

"Inexplicably, I have a very good impression of this emperor..."

"Can I say I am too?"

The barrage flashed like flowing water, and it was impossible to see what flashed unless you looked carefully.

All the experts are still looking at each thing carefully, and have taken out their own tools, and now they look very experts and scholars.

This process is actually not as interesting as before. After all, there doesn’t seem to be any treasures in the main tomb, and the layout is very simple and elegant. Logically speaking, the number of viewers should drop sharply.

But on the contrary, the viewing volume did not fall but rose.

Many viewers commented:

"I've been chasing him for hours, and I must find out who the owner of the tomb is!"

"I'm dying of anxiety, it's time to reveal the answer, absolutely don't leave!"


"I want, too……"

"plus one!"

"What charades are you playing, why can't you understand?"

"Which emperor are you talking about, is it your Majesty I think?"

The barrage played charades one after another, guessing and guessing, so happy, but the experts are still serious about archaeology.

One by one wearing gloves, fully equipped, and various tools such as a magnifying glass.

Everyone's eyes were scorching and extremely solemn, and no one spoke out. The atmosphere was dignified, quiet and extremely harmonious.

Professor Gu has been carefully observing near a wicker chair, and at this time he carefully found a hidden compartment.

Professor Gu gently opened it, and there was a scrolled picture scroll in the dark compartment, which had not decayed after thousands of years, and its brilliance remained the same as before.

The live camera also came to Professor Gu.

Inexplicably, this space was completely silent for a while, as if a pair of invisible hands were holding people's hearts, and many people felt their hearts convulsed.

Even other scholars and experts who were serious about archaeology came to Professor Gu's side at some point, waiting for him to unfold the scroll.

Is the answer finally coming out?
Professor Gu asked his assistant to carefully wipe a rosewood table clean before putting the scroll on it, and then slowly opened the scroll.

The person from thousands of years ago slowly appeared in front of everyone.

It is clear and elegant, and the fairy looks are lost.

Lazy and arrogant, unparalleled in the world.

The moment they saw the person in the picture scroll, everyone's eyes widened, and the subconsciously held breath made them almost suffocate.

Professor Gu slowly and calmly breathed out, and exhaled lightly, awakening everyone's sanity.

When Professor Gu spoke, he realized that his voice was very hoarse. He looked at the crowd, his tone was as light as a feather and could not be realized.

"It's Her Majesty Empress Mingguang."


Everyone was shocked and turned pale.

The whole network shook!The world is shaking!
The whole world woke up at this moment.

 Thanks to the little angel Bo, and the little angel of green memory meddling the sadness for their rewards, thank you little angels for your votes, okay ^o^
(End of this chapter)

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