I'm crazy

Chapter 483

Chapter 483 Nine Serenities
#Shocking Big Bang!The tomb of Empress Mingguang was discovered! #
#Digging in the Graveyard of the Empress#
#Emperor Statue#
#Portrait of the Empress#

All kinds of hot search titles spread rapidly on various APPs, but in just a few hours, it became a scene of mountains and tsunami.

Some people are amazed at the influence of the emperor who lived thousands of years ago, it is simply that the top class cannot create a sensational effect.

Hundreds of millions of people are crazy, venting their excitement on the Internet.

In real life, screaming, jumping, shouting, ... people who behave in various ways are no less than crazy scenes.


"Another crazy one..."

"I'm really going crazy! It's His Majesty's cemetery! It's His Majesty's cemetery!"

"Your Majesty is really beautiful!!!!"

"Your Majesty has been in power for 30 years, and single-handedly promoted Daqi to enter the prosperous age. The status of women has been improving during His Majesty's reign. Many of the various systems in our country are based on His Majesty's political system at that time!!! Ahhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

"As long as you are a Chinese, there is no one who does not yearn for the bright and prosperous age, does not want to go back a thousand years ago to see the romantic scene, does not want to be an official and the people under His Majesty, and is not proud of that magnificent history... Woohoo, I cried as I spoke."

"I wish I was born at the same time, why wasn't I born in the era of Your Majesty!"

"Really, I really want to be an official under His Majesty, even if I don't want to be an official, I can just become a subject of Your Majesty!"

"It's a pity that this is wishful thinking after all, and there is no time machine, so I can't go back to a thousand years ago."

"The bright and prosperous age will always be in my heart, and Her Majesty the Empress will always be my favorite emperor."

"May the prosperous age last forever, and Your Majesty is safe and healthy!"

"May the prosperous age last forever, and Your Majesty is safe and healthy!"


This sentence was quickly swiped across the screen, and everyone's enthusiasm couldn't be stopped.

Although we all know that it has been a long time since thousands of years ago, for those who love her, the amazingly talented Empress will always exist.

The history is vast, it will last forever, and it will never fade away.

Sheng Nuan had been watching in secret, and at this moment she couldn't help but feel very excited.

Sister Lin turned out to be her favorite Empress Mingguang!
Although she has been cultivating in the mountain gate since she was a child, she has learned a lot of things that should be learned. At least she is very good at the history of Huaguo. When she was a child, her favorite thing was the history of the Great Qi Dynasty, especially the period of Mingguang prosperity.

And according to her observation, their master also likes this passage the most, every time he talks about it, his blood boils like a kid.

Sheng Nuan resisted the urge to scream and continued to watch the live broadcast screen.

And after confirming that this tomb is the tomb of Empress Mingguang, the power of protection has increased several times.

No one thought this was an exaggeration.

Mingguang Prosperity is the only dynasty in China for thousands of years that has reached its peak in terms of politics, economy and culture, and the things contained in it are so precious that they cannot be said.

Even if foreigners understand the importance of this period of history, why don't they, as Chinese people, not know?
The higher-ups made several phone calls almost as soon as they knew about it, ordering the people who came down to protect them closely, and then heaved a long sigh of relief after speaking.

If something happens to the Empress's tomb, the anger of the people will not be appeased, not to mention how much the country has suffered.

So nothing can happen.

After confirming that this was the tomb of the Empress, the professors and experts were even more careful in their actions, so nervous that they were shaking even holding tools.

The barrage burst into laughter.

"Come on, I think the professors need a refresher."

"Isn't it refreshing enough? I'm afraid I'm going to wake up and get dizzy when I mention it."

"I understand the experts very well! If it were me, I might not be able to breathe. As soon as I think about it, all these things in the main tomb were used by His Majesty... Ah! I'm dead!"

"I fantasized, ah! I'm dead too..."

"plus one"

"plus two"

Professor Gu realized that it was absolutely impossible to continue like this, so he tried his best to relax himself, so that his hands and feet were no longer so tense that they trembled.

He took a deep breath, wiped the sweat from his brow, and continued working.

After a while, I found a book.

"Why did you find everything?"

A professor on the side was jealous in a low voice, and was perfectly picked up by the live broadcast. The barrage laughed and called the professor cute.

The live broadcast camera was aimed at the book, and the audience was dumbfounded after opening it. It was all in classical Chinese, and they couldn't understand it at all.

"Whoa, why didn't I study Chinese well?"

"I regret it, I really regret it, I was out of my mind and didn't study Chinese well!"

"I can't understand a single word!"

"Ask God to translate!"

"Please God, translate quickly!"

Experts don’t have that kind of trouble. Archaeologists, among other things, are definitely good at learning Chinese and history. Otherwise, if a cultural relic is found in archaeology, they don’t even know the characters of any dynasty. It became a joke.

They carefully flipped through the book, and suddenly discovered that it was written by someone close to His Majesty, similar to the current diary!

This caused quite a shock again.

At the same time, the great translator also came.

"This should be the diary written by the very favored maid who served His Majesty. At the beginning, I said that I was going to comb His Majesty's hair today, but I got a little scratch on my hand, so I let another maid do it. Take a look at your indignation and ask yourself why your hand was hurt..."

"Hahahahaha, are you a big fan next to His Majesty? It's so interesting!"

"This little jealous look, I have a sense of the picture! Pfft!"

"After that, there are some interesting stories about His Majesty, but since it was written by a court lady, it is naturally impossible to involve too many secrets. There is also a particularly interesting point, that is, most of the noble ladies in Mandijing at that time fell in love with His Majesty. , Many of them publicly stated that they would not marry in this life.”

"Ahhhhh!!!! I can't do it anymore, I really can't do it!!!"

"Why is Your Majesty so popular!"

"It is actually recorded that every time His Majesty goes out of the palace, it will cause a sensation, and he even complained about Pan An throwing a Guoying car. As long as His Majesty goes out, men and women all over the capital will come to see His Majesty, and they dare not disturb His Majesty. Obediently follow His Majesty, if His Majesty is in a funny mood and smiles, I don't know how many people will faint immediately."

"This is true. Both the official history and the unofficial history have records, but the official history is a little reserved, but the charm of His Majesty has been mentioned many times. It is the real 'riding on a leaning bridge, full of red sleeves'! "

"Finally, there is the most interesting thing. When the maid wrote the last article, she said that she was being 'punished' at this time, because His Majesty saw the little diary she wrote, and said that what she wrote was very interesting, and asked her to write a few words. In the end, the diary was not destroyed by chance, and I don’t know who put it in His Majesty’s main tomb.”

"Hey, does Your Majesty also like to read novels?"

"I can tell at a glance that you haven't studied hard. I like to read story books, which is the current novel. The cultural development in the Mingguang period was the pinnacle of ancient times. To put it bluntly, even now, many aspects of development are inferior In the Mingguang period."

"There's nothing wrong with this. It's a fact. It's not a filter, but a fact. It's true that many aspects are not as good as they were then. You can tell from one sentence that the Great Qi Dynasty in the Mingguang period was a well-deserved center of the world. , truly a shining pearl standing at the pinnacle!"

All kinds of rainbow farts were lively unfolded on the barrage.

And the experts who read to the end couldn't help but smile on their faces, as if the unparalleled man who was magnificent, talented, beautiful and unparalleled in the world thousands of years ago was vividly displayed in front of them through this small book.

This is the value and significance of civilized culture.

The excavation of Empress Mingguang's tomb is still going on, and Sheng Nuan has already turned off her mobile phone. After she made money, she bought one for herself and sister Lin.

Sheng Nuan took a deep breath, what kind of experience is it that her idol is by her side?
Anyway, Sheng Nuan felt that she was going to die of excitement.

She stood up and went to look for Lin Yuan who was in the yard, Lin Yuan was teaching Mu An to practice at this moment.

After Mu An became a "spirit", he didn't have any cultivation methods. He had been absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon according to his instinct for thousands of years, but that's it, his strength was at the top level in this small plane.

"Sister Lin!" Sheng Nuan ran over bouncing.

Compared with when we first met, Sheng Nuan was much more lively.

Seeing Sheng Nuan, Lin Yuan thought of the ghost she had contracted with, and said, "Sheng Nuan, let Que Xi and Mu An compete."

For Lin Yuan, a Demon God of the Practical School, she thinks that the best training method is actual combat besides comprehension. After all, combat power and realm are different.

Realm depends on understanding, but combat power can only be fought with someone.

Of course, in Lin Yuan's view, this is all inferior, the best combat power should be honed between life and death, that's the best.

Without the sense of urgency that lives are at stake during the sparring, it is difficult to stimulate the true potential.

But Mu An is different. When Mu An followed her before, his status was achieved on the battlefield, so he naturally has no shortage of actual combat experience.

What Sheng Nuan was about to say was choked in her throat, and she released Que Xi, and then the two ghosts went to fight, and Sheng Nuan also managed to forget what she was going to say.

So Sheng Nuan and Lin Yuan watched the match between Mu An and Que Xi.

Obviously, Que Xi is not Mu An's opponent.

After all, one "lived" for thousands of years, and the other only a few hundred years.

One was a general with great military exploits during his lifetime, and the other was just a son of a rich family.

Naturally, the combat power cannot be compared.

But since it was Lin Yuan who asked Mu An to do some exercise, so Mu An did not tell the winner very quickly because of his unobtrusive tricks.

Only then did Sheng Nuan think of what he wanted to say.

"Sister Lin, are you Her Majesty the Empress?"

She leaned forward eagerly, her big eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Lin Yuan leaned lazily on the rattan chair, nodded lightly and said, "Yes."

Sheng Nuan's eyes became brighter with a "swish", subconsciously moved closer to Lin Yuan, and after seeing Lin Yuan's indifferent eyes, he obediently opened the distance.

She wanted to ask something, but didn't know how to speak.

Finally, I thought of the problem that had been bothering me for several years.

"Sister Lin, how did you become emperor in the first place?"

Could it be that they are besieged from all directions and all the princes are fighting against sister Lin?
Could it be that the Supreme Emperor was not willing to hand over the throne to Sister Lin, and seeing that Sister Lin was too good, he had no choice but to give in?

Did the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs at that time disobey Sister Lin at all, and Sister Lin took the power back into her hands after a difficult game?

Sheng Nuan really imagined the story of a poor little princess who was too talented and was bullied and bullied by the jealousy of the princes, stepping on the bones of thousands of people and struggling to ascend to the throne.

Although it is not written in the history books.

But human beings, sometimes they just believe in what they imagined, and Sheng Nuan felt that Lin Yuan's journey as an empress was not so smooth.

A woman, in the patriarchal society at that time, wanted to ascend to the supreme position and rule the world, just think about how difficult it is, okay?

Moreover, she can single-handedly create a prosperous age that has never been seen before, and it is no wonder that later generations admire Sister Lin to the altar.

But it is a pity that the truth is completely opposite to what Sheng Nuan thought.

Lin Yuan looked at Sheng Nuan with those dark and deep eyes, and said indifferently: "That's how I got on."

The cheap father of her small plane forced it into her hand, and used 36 tricks, such as bitter tricks, chain tricks, empty city tricks, etc., before stuffing the throne into her hands.

Lin Yuan thought of this, and felt that the situation at that time was very interesting.

Sheng Nuan's eyes widened in disbelief, "Is it that simple?"

Lin Yuan asked lazily and casually: "Then what do you think?"

Sheng Nuan choked. She originally thought that no matter how good it was, no matter how smooth it was, there must be at least a little bit of hindrance, right?

Looking at Sister Lin's appearance, it seems that being an emperor is as simple as drinking a glass of water.

Sheng Nuan couldn't help sighing, Sister Lin is the protagonist in the novel who is favored by heaven and earth!

If Lin Yuan knew Sheng Nuan's thoughts, he would probably scoff at her.

She has never been a protagonist who is favored by heaven and earth and can turn dangers into disasters and get blessings in disasters. She relies on herself for everything.

Fighting with the Chaos Demon God and being seriously injured did not dare to lose consciousness, re-injured the already numb wound, and used the pain to wake himself up.

She has been in the dark mist in the deepest part of the chaos, she fought against several demon gods at the same time, and in the end she was seriously injured and retreated, and they all died.

She can withstand the heaviest injuries, she can naturally get the best things, and she has the capital of contempt and frivolity.

For Lin Yuan, after those days when nothing but killing or falling, to be an emperor in a small plane requires a lot of planning and hard work to ascend to the throne, then she is really a waste.

Others only saw her calmness, her understatement of strength and arrogance, but they didn't know that this was the most normal.

 I'm writing here to say something.

  My protagonist, the demon god Linyuan, was not born strong, she also experienced the deepest darkness in an unknown place to achieve herself.

  She was already the most powerful existence when she first appeared on the stage, so that some little angels may have doubts or find it boring.

  But for me, the setting at the beginning is like this. I said in more than a dozen chapters that I can't stand such an arrogant and arrogant demon god Linyuan fighting for a man, and there will be nothing. Machinations that could hurt her.

  She will always be on the throne, the world will surrender to her, and all living beings will prostrate at her feet.

  The tone has been there since the beginning, and I don't want to change it, and I won't change it now that I've written it here, I will always let her be so strong.

  No matter how the world changes, she will always be the Qingling, arrogant, lazy and indifferent Demon God Linyuan.

  All, I am very grateful to the little angels who like this book, thank you for chasing such a possibly meaningless article.

  I have always had low self-esteem. I feel that my writing is not very good. Many times I feel a little sorry for the little angels who donated so many rewards.

  I don’t want to talk about it, and I became emotional without knowing it. In a word, thank you, thank you, thank you to all the little angels who gave rewards, voted and commented on this book, or followed the book silently. I love you, huh.

  (Thanks to the evil little angel, the bright little angel in the dark, the little angel Bo, and the little angel Lianmei for their rewards.)
(End of this chapter)

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