I'm crazy

Chapter 484

Chapter 484 Nine Serenities
Leisure time is always fast, Linyuan has been staying in the house these days and has not gone out, but Sheng Nuanhe hopes that Mu'an and others and ghosts are naturally the same.

Sheng Nuan felt that after staying with Sister Lin for a long time, she became too lazy.

I was not diligent at first, but now I am even lazy.

It is really a series of wonderful and happy activities to sleep with sister Lin every day, drink tea, enjoy flowers, taste food... a series of wonderful and happy activities.

Sheng Nuan's fighting spirit has been completely wiped out.

Now she doesn't want to get rid of demons and demons at all, she just wants to be a happy salted fish without fighting spirit with peace of mind.

The life of salted fish is really too happy.

Sheng Nuan was lying on a rattan chair that he made himself, and there was something like a parasol on it to cover the excessive sun.

Then holding tea in one hand and ice in the other, thinking about life.

"Life!" Sheng Nuan sighed loudly, "Sometimes it is so wonderful and happy...ah!"

Such a simple and unremarkable sentence forced Sheng Nuan to say the tune of the Western opera.

Que Xi rolled her eyes, and Sheng Nuan pretended not to see his jealous eyes, she was absolutely jealous that she could live such a beautiful life, it seems that ghosts can't eat, so why can Sister Lin eat?

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure it out, and Sheng Nuan didn't bother to think about it anymore, anyway, Sister Lin is always special.

Sheng Nuan dug a large spoonful of ice and put it into his mouth, the cold and sweet feeling exploded in his taste buds, Sheng Nuan narrowed his eyes comfortably.

"Be careful that your stomach hurts to death!" Que Xi's yin and yang words sounded strange, and he felt tired seeing Sheng Nuan eating such a big spoonful.

Sheng Nuan didn't even look at him and said nonchalantly, "Tianshi is in good health, I'm not afraid."

As he spoke, he ate another big spoonful and was extremely satisfied.

Que Xi was so angry that she went straight into the porcelain vase and didn't want to care about her anymore.

Sheng Nuan was just finishing his last bite when Lin Yuan brought Di Quan and Mu An over.

"Sister Lin."

Sheng Nuan waved her small hand to greet Lin Yuan.

Di Quan floated in front of Sheng Nuan, looking at her bowl very curiously, he wanted to eat it too.

So the big dark eyes floated and floated to Linyuan's place, that cute little face still showed no expression, but others could see his longing from there.

Lin Yuan glanced at Di Quan lightly, Di Quan didn't dare to be coquettish anymore, obediently floated back and floated to Lin Yuan's side.

Kunlun Jing came out of Linyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, put himself into Di Quan's arms and said to Di Quan, "You can't eat."

Although Dilong is born extraordinary, it is a ghost after all. Although it is not impossible to eat it with his current cultivation base, it will definitely not do him any good after eating it.

You still need to wait for your cultivation base to improve a bit, and you can eat it when it is not affected.

Di Quan pursed his lips slightly, "Okay."

Very well-behaved nod.

Satisfied, Kunlun mirror rubbed into Di Quan's arms again, since it took Di Quan with it, it felt the joy of raising children.

Especially raising a child who is well-behaved, sensible, smart, quiet and has a high combat effectiveness is really very worry-free and happy.

Seeing that Lin Yuan had turned into a salted fish that couldn't turn over, Sheng Nuan said, "Pack up your things, we're going to a place next."

Sheng Nuan put down the bowl in his hand, and after making salted fish for a long time, he couldn't turn his head around and thought hard, but he couldn't think of it, so he asked, "Where are you going, sister Lin?"

Lin Yuan was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said lightly: "You will know when you arrive."

Sheng Nuan instantly stood up and stood up straight.

The keen intuition like a small animal made her dare not ask any more questions. Sister Lin's patience is too much, but most of the time it is not very good.

Sheng Nuan nodded obediently.

Lin Yuan was about to explain again, when suddenly her black eyes moved slightly, and a bright purple light slid across her eyes, a strange and dangerous smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her clear and lazy voice seemed funny but not a smile: "Don't leave now, if there are guests coming, just wait."

Within a few minutes, Sheng Nuan and the others heard the sound of footsteps outside the door, densely packed, light and heavy, it sounded like there were quite a few people coming.

Sheng Nuan looked at Lin Yuan, there was a faint smile on the corner of Lin's sister's mouth, she seemed extremely gentle, but it made Sheng Nuan shudder abruptly.

As for the people outside the door, they were a little hesitant looking at the house that was so close in front of them.

Huan Sheng'an looked at the hesitant crowd and said, "Why are you hesitating? This is a ghost at the level of the ghost king. If you continue to let it go, I don't know how much disaster it will bring to the world. As a celestial master, dealing with ghosts is very important." Incumbent."

Huan Sheng'an's righteous words caused everyone's expression to change slightly, but there were also quite a few people with disdain in their eyes, quite disdainful.

Most of these people present know each other's details, they also know who Huan Shengan is, they are only looking for profit, and now it is ridiculous to say such high-sounding words for the peace of the world.

Although disdainful, no one refuted Huan Shengan.

No matter what the people present came here for, they absolutely must go in, and this ghost must be dealt with.

One of the handsome men frowned slightly when he heard Huan Shengan's words, he had already arrived, and he would not back down, but this is the King of Ghosts, although there are many of them, should it be better to prepare?
After all, the ghost king is not so easy to deal with, I am afraid that if he is not careful, he will lose his life.

But Huan Shengan didn't think so, he had already prepared enough.

Before, he asked his apprentices to come out to look for this ghost, and send him a message immediately after finding it.

But I didn't expect that they were all a bunch of trash, especially that thing Xin Qianyi, who obviously found the ghost, but didn't reveal it to him out of selfishness. Now he deserves to die, and he wasted so much time in vain.

Now that he has gathered so many people from the world of celestial masters, he has been preparing for several days. There are many kinds of talisman paper spirit weapons and formations. Is he afraid that he will not be able to deal with a ghost?

Even if it was the ghost king, he was not a match for so many of them.

Huan Shengan was extremely confident.

After finishing speaking, he directly pushed away the courtyard and walked towards it first.

When the others saw it, there was no need to delay any longer, and they all walked towards the courtyard one after another. Huan Shengan, who was walking in front, curled his lips, and he knew it.

Then he walked behind everyone without a trace. He came to subdue that ghost instead of killing him, so he naturally wanted to ensure his own safety.

After walking for a while, they saw Lin Yuan standing quietly in the yard, Sheng Nuan lying on the rattan chair again, and Mu An and Que Xi beside them.

The eyes of most of them lit up. They thought that there was only one ghost king, and so many people were naturally not enough, but they didn't expect that there were two ghosts. The strength of these two ghosts is also extraordinary. Everyone is excited about the future after ghosts.

The people who fell into the bright expectation of the future have never thought about whether they can deal with so many ghosts with extraordinary strength with their own strength.

Or they subconsciously ignore this problem, thinking that there is absolutely no problem with so many people around.

"It's only bad for ghosts to stay in Yangshi, why don't you catch them soon?"

A middle-aged man with a kind face rushed forward with a sword in hand. Seeing him like that, it was obvious that he had been dazzled by his own delusions.

Lin Yuan's black eyes swept across him lightly, and without saying a word, his figure subconsciously stopped in place.

After he reacted, he was angry and ashamed, shouted, and rushed towards Linyuan.

Sheng Nuan, who was sitting on the rattan chair not far away, didn't even stand up, and at some point in his hand, he was gnawing on a piece of watermelon, making comments as he gnawed.

It has the temperament of people who eat melons.

Que Xipiao was beside her, and he didn't look worried at all.

Mu An saluted Lin Yuan, and respectfully said: "Master, this subordinate will go down and deal with them."

Lin Yuan nodded, casually flicked away a petal floating on the corner of her clothes, casually said as if talking about the unremarkable weeds on the side of the road: "Just solve that one."

As for the others, it is rare to have guests as guests, so how can we not entertain them well?

Mu An bowed and bowed, his aura fluctuated, and a knife appeared in his hand.

This is the sword that His Majesty gave him when he followed His Majesty thousands of years ago. He has been carrying it on the battlefield, drinking the blood of many people.

A cold light flashed in front of everyone, so fast that no one could react.

The man holding the sword has fallen to the ground and closed his eyes forever.

This was because of Lin Yuan's presence, Mu An purposely withdrew his strength, otherwise what was presented to everyone now would be a bloody scene of corpses being separated.

Lin Yuan watched this scene without any fluctuation in his eyes.

The others were greatly shaken by Mu An's hand, and their aura was instantly suppressed.

Standing behind everyone, Huan Sheng'an's eyes were burning hot. The stronger the better, the stronger the ghost can bring him more status and power.

He walked a little farther away, and arranged his formation in a place where no one could see.

Naturally, with his ability, he can't catch such a powerful ghost, but aren't so many celestial masters here today to help him?

After both sides are almost exhausted, his formation can naturally exert its greatest power and directly wipe out these ghosts.

At that time, this world of celestial masters will be his world!

Liu Chenggui looked at the dead man with a dignified expression. They underestimated the strength of this ghost too much, but after meeting each other, they didn't see how he made his moves at all, and the man was already dead.

Before Liu Chenggui could speak, the two parties sat down and had a peaceful conversation, and someone said loudly: "Don't be afraid, fellow Taoists, with so many of us, this ghost is definitely no match for us!"

Liu Chenggui: "..."

Just some pig teammates.

The others looked at each other as they thought about it and rushed forward.

Today they organized so many prominent people from the world of celestial masters to come here to exterminate ghosts. The whole world of celestial masters knows that if the last ghost is not caught, wouldn't they put their faces on the ground and step on it?

Besides, no one wants to leave empty-handed.

Especially seeing how powerful this ghost is, I don't want to just go back.

As long as there is one, as long as they can catch one, it will become the strength of the sect or an individual's trump card. It is not a dream for the sect to rise to become the number one sect in the world of celestial masters, and they can also walk sideways in the world of celestial masters.

In the final analysis, they still overestimated their own strength and thought there would be no problem with so many people.

Mu An didn't make a move because Lin Yuan walked up slowly.

The hem of the black clothes moved with the wind, and the clear and dark eyes were like the scene of a dark hell.

Lin Yuan originally wanted to have a good communication with these guests who came from afar, who knows that they don't like her way of communication, so it doesn't matter what they want.

She felt that she had always been rather democratic.

Everyone just felt an extremely cold and deep breath blowing over their bodies, like snowflakes seen in the middle of the night, or the darkness that can only be found in the abyss. come.

Under this aura, everyone was unable to move for a moment, and the weapons in their hands fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Everyone was so overwhelmed by this horrifying thunderous aura that was as ethereal as a weightless feather, they couldn't even stand upright, their waists were directly bent at ninety degrees, and after a long time, everyone's faces were covered with sweat.

Huan Sheng'an was not spared either, the movement of forming seals was interrupted directly, and half of the formation was directly destroyed.

Huan Sheng'an cursed secretly, he didn't expect these people in the world of celestial masters to be so useless, and they didn't even have time for him to form a seal.

At this time, he hadn't realized what this meant.

When his waist was almost on the ground, Huan Sheng'an realized belatedly how strong the ghost in his fantasy could help him reach the peak and grab wealth and status.

There are so many people who are so strong that she can't hit them with a single blow.

Huan Sheng'an's face turned pale, an ominous premonition slowly rose in his heart, and unspeakable fear spread, making him tremble uncontrollably.

The black clothes floated in front of his eyes.

Huan Sheng'an lowered his head and saw a pair of shoes embroidered with complicated patterns and patterns. The shoes were exquisitely crafted, as if each stitch and thread were made of the Milky Way above the nine heavens.

The fear in Huan Sheng'an's heart became more intense as the pair of shoes appeared in front of him. If he hadn't been completely unable to move now, he might have knelt down.

Lin Yuan's eyes were not on Huan Sheng'an at all, she was not qualified to look down on such rubbish as Huan Sheng'an.

She just felt the power that had just dissipated in the air, and her light-colored thin lips curled up into a smile, asking inexplicably, "Who are you, Xin Qianyi?"

Huan Sheng'an was cold all over, and an indescribable chill enveloped himself, and a strong sense of crisis made him say: "I don't know Xin Qianyi."

"Really?" The slightly puzzled tone was like silk threads, each thread had countless blades on it.

The hem of the black clothes fluttered past, Lin Yuan turned around and walked away, with lotus growing every step of the way, charming and charming.

But at this moment, no one has the intention to notice this scene.

Everyone was captivated by the sudden burst of blood. If one ignores the meaning of this extremely beautiful blood rain, I am afraid that this scene will definitely be a top-level feast for the eyes.

The rain of blood with tiny flesh and blood suddenly burst from Huan Shengan's body, and fell on everyone present except Sheng Nuan.

Accompanied by the bloody flower that was indistinguishable from snowflakes except for its color, everyone heard Lin Yuan's misty and clear words that did not mean anything.

"I don't like liars."

The faces of the celestial masters were pale, and their bodies were covered with blood flowers made of flesh and blood. The smell of blood rushed straight to their noses. The endless chill and extreme terror really swept them at this moment.

Everyone is aware of their current situation.

They also realized the horror of the ghost king in front of them.

Since you dare to provoke and seek death, you must be prepared for any possible end.

Now, it's time for them to pay the price.

 I received the consolation from the little angels, I touched my head, thank you everyone, I love you (*^ワ^*)

(End of this chapter)

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