I'm crazy

Chapter 504

Chapter 504
Not long after staying in Kunlun Mountain, Linyuan planned to leave.

Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi bid farewell to Lin Yuan, and Lao Tzu asked to stay: "Fellow Daoist, don't you want to stay for a few more days?"

Although Linyuan had suffered a lot during these days in Kunlun Mountain, their cultivation base had indeed improved a lot, and their understanding of Tao was also very touching.

In this way, the two would rather endure the inhuman pain, and also hope that Lin Yuan can continue to stay and teach them more.

Lin Yuan said, "No."

It is troublesome enough to teach for a few days, she is not easy to be a teacher, and she has no shortage of disciples.

Besides, she didn't forget that Laozi, Yuanshi and Tongtian were Hongjun's disciples. Since they were Hongjun's disciples, she naturally didn't need to say anything more.

Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi were slightly regretful, but they didn't force it.

Not to mention that they don't have the qualifications to force it.

This fate alone cannot be forced.

Fate is so mysterious, sometimes it's so ingenious that you don't believe it's a coincidence, and sometimes it's so cruel that you can't even wait for a meeting for several years.

It is already a great blessing for them to get this teaching, if they force it again, I am afraid that the gain will outweigh the loss.

Yuan Shiwang looked around, frowned and said, "Where is Tongtian?"

Lao Tzu was also a little angry and said: "Didn't you tell him to come over? You are still so ignorant."

Little did they know that the Tongtian that they talked about was waiting quietly in Linyuan's wide sleeves.

Tong Tian lowered his head with some guilt, and then thought that the eldest and second brothers couldn't see him now, and didn't know that he was in his sleeves, so he stretched out his head proudly and looked up.

He can finally go out to Kunlun Mountain.

For a moment, my heart was full of excitement, and of course, there was still a little bit of confusion.

Tongtian was so rude, Laozi and Yuanshi bowed to Linyuan to apologize, Linyuan said he didn't care, after all she knew where Tongtian was best.

After bidding farewell to Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi, Lin Yuan took Tong Tian out of Kunlun Mountain, and only when they reached a place where they could not perceive, Lin Yuan threw Tong Tian out.

Tong Tian, ​​who was unprepared for a while, was almost thrown into a dog's shit, which greatly damaged his temperament and his envied heel in the prehistoric world.

"Thank you buddy."

Tongtian saluted Linyuan sincerely.

Lin Yuan said: "No need."

Then he asked, "Where are you going?"

Tongtian scratched his head, a little confused, "I don't know where to go either."

He thought for a while, then smiled brightly and said, "But I heard that Demon Ancestor Luohu is very powerful, so I want to visit his ashram."

Lin Yuan's expression was slightly complicated when he heard the words. This kid is probably really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He has just entered the prehistoric world, and he wants to challenge the top big boss.

Luo Hu is not a good-natured man, especially since he is still a demon ancestor. Even if he won't kill Tong Tian for Pan Gu's sake, I'm afraid a layer of skin is indispensable.

Linyuan didn't remind Tongtian that it is necessary to know the dangers of this world.

With a wave of his sleeves, he said directly: "Go."

Tong Tian gave another salute, although he was a bit out of touch, but he knew the proper etiquette, after all, he was one of the three Qings formed by Pangu Qingqi, and some things in his bones would never be missing.

Tong Tian's figure disappeared into the sky, and Lin Yuan also turned around and left.

And on an island far away in the prehistoric south, an unexpected visitor suddenly came to the dojo of the Demon Ancestor Luohu.

The crimson eyes opened, and Luo Hu's crazy brows and eyes were full of interest, and he muttered to himself: "Here comes a little guy."

"It seems that the next days of this seat will not be boring..."

Before the words were finished, Luo Hu appeared in front of Tong Tian who had gone through untold hardships to find the location of Luo Hu's Taoist place and came here and was now in a mess.

Seeing the man suddenly appearing in front of his eyes with wild and unruly brows, and a handsome and pale face with a trace of evil and hostility, Tongtian was shocked before he could react, and then he raised his hand and waved without knowing what was wrong. He waved and said hello: "Friend Daoist, are you also here to meet the Demon Ancestor?"

There was a glint of light in Luo Hu's red eyes, and a smile appeared on his cold and evil face: "Yes! But the Demon Ancestor doesn't seem to be here, why do you see him?"

Tongtian said without defense: "I heard that the Demon Ancestor is very powerful, and I want to come and learn from him."

"Really?" Luo Hu stared at Tongtian Xiumei with an unknowingly youthful and ignorant expression. He licked his white teeth with the scarlet tongue and smiled playfully. His red eyes were filled with satisfaction. The expression of the prey.

Tong Tian nodded vigorously, and the young man smiled brightly on his delicate and beautiful face like colored glass, not knowing at all that the person in front of him was the famous Demon Ancestor Luohu.

"That's right! My cultivation has never improved. I thought maybe I could get some guidance from the Demon Ancestor."

If Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi are masters, then Tong Tian is a scumbag.

He only likes actual battles, and he prefers the attacks of "warriors" like Daozu Hongjun to the "mage" long-range battles that most prehistoric creatures are good at.

This is also the reason why he didn't go to Zixiao Palace in the depths of chaos 33 days away to find his master Hongjun.

Hearing this explanation, Luo Hu's astonishing hostility on his pale face subsided a little, so as not to scare the prey he was interested in, then he chuckled lightly, and said like a demon who really deceived people's hearts: "Luo Hu is not here, but I am his Friend, how about you and me?"

Although it was a questioning tone, the implication that it could not be rejected was so obvious, which showed the domineering temperament of the demon ancestor.

Tong Tian's eyes lit up, "Really? Will it bother you?"

Tong Tian felt a little regretful when he heard that the Demon Ancestor was gone, but the man in front of him who was so handsome and with a lingering evil spirit said that he was Luo Hu's friend, and Tong Tian became excited.

Since he is Luo Hu's friend, his cultivation base should also be very powerful.

It seems that he came to the right.

Tong Tian never thought of the possibility that this person might lie to him.

After all, according to his thinking, he is just a monk who has just entered the prehistoric world, and he is not a famous person. This is the first time he has met this person in front of him. What reason does he have to lie to him?

Besides, this person can be so relaxed and at ease in the dojo of the Demon Ancestor Rahu, who else can he be except a friend?
It can't be the enemy, right?

In this way, under someone's coaxing, Tongtian temporarily lived in the dojo of Demon Ancestor Luohu, fighting with someone every day to improve his cultivation.

Someone teased Tong Tian from time to time, and the time passed quickly.

The corner of Luo Hu's mouth raised, and evil spirit poured out from the faint arc.

He played with his fingertips, playing with the taste: "Suddenly discovered that raising a small pet is very interesting..."

Lin Yuan, who was thousands of miles away, seemed to feel something, his black eyes flashed bright and gorgeous purple light, and then he smiled lazily, "The word fate is really..."

Mysterious and extraordinary, it can connect two people who have nothing to do with each other.


Half of the prehistoric area has been strolled around, Lin Yuan walked slowly and casually, the last thing she lacks is time, and what she has the most is time.

On a certain day, Linyuan came to a place.

Looking up, the whole space is shrouded in clouds, and there is a fairyland in the red light, where there are flying cranes, spirit beasts walking, there are countless strange flowers and grasses, ancient trees and vines with stalks.What's more, the waterfall hangs down to the sky, showing the lotus pond under it. In the lotus pond, there are big red lotuses, which are crystal clear and magical.Under the red lotus, there are golden carps wandering among them, carefree and happy.Note①

It looks like a fairyland, but it looks more like a place where immortals live than Kunlun Mountain where Sanqing lives.

Lin Yuan walked forward slowly, and saw a palace in the fairyland, with "Fire Cloud Palace" written on it.

Lin Yuan was not familiar with Honghuang, so she didn't know whose residence this was. She stood at the gate of the palace and didn't go in, but after a few breaths, a figure appeared in front of her.

The visitor was dressed in red, not charming, but wearing the red clothes gave off a ethereal and leisurely look in white clothes. His expression was gentle and warm like jade, which gave people a comfortable and comfortable look, as if he could do anything in front of him. generally.

When Lin Yuan was looking at Hong Yun, Hong Yun was also staring at Lin Yuan openly, his gaze was too gentle and peaceful, making one unable to bear the anger of being offended.

Hong Yun looked at the person, with dark clothes and black hair, a pure appearance, rare in the world, with an indifferent and lazy expression, and his black eyes couldn't reflect anything.

Just like the gods on the throne, it is not easy to see the indifference and arrogance of the mortal world.

Hong Yun was slightly taken aback, then smiled gently and said, "Dao is friendly."

He didn't ask who Lin Yuan was, where he came from, or why he came here, but just smiled softly, and then leaned over and said, "Friend Daoist, please."

Then Lin Yuan was welcomed in.

From the first moment he saw Hong Yun, Lin Yuan knew everything about him.

The gods go up to Dabiluo, down to the underworld, omniscient and omnipresent.

Everything in the world, any existence, as long as she thinks about it, is only a moment in her consciousness.

The so-called formlessness of clouds means that being formless is indestructible.The intangible can be transformed into all things, and all things have the power of heaven.The ancestor of Hongyun was the first red cloud in the world after the first opening of the world, with quasi-sage strength.He once listened to Hongjun's preaching in Zixiao Palace with the Six Sages of Honghuang, Donghuang Taiyi, Di Jun, Zhen Yuanzi, and Kunpeng.Hongyun is kind by nature and willing to help others. He made a lot of friends in the prehistoric world, and most of the great supernatural beings who heard the truth in Hongmeng were kind to him.Note②

Generally speaking, it is the existence of the best man in the wild.

Temperament is also extremely gentle.

But people who are too kind always don't end well in the end.

In the causal line that Linyuan saw, Hong Yun was finally attacked by Kunpeng, and his body was completely destroyed. He had no choice but to enter reincarnation and practice again.

But no matter how hard you practice in the end, the opportunities you once got are lost and restricted.

Linyuan followed Hongyun into the palace, and after asking Linyuan, Xiaodaotong brought tea.

Although the Huoyun Palace is not as rich as those famous caves and blessed places, Hongyun has taken care of her residence very well.

Hong Yun's life is very simple. On weekdays, he takes care of the plants and flowers in the palace, and then meditates to enlighten the Tao, maybe drinking tea and discussing the Tao with his friend Zhen Yuanzi.

There was no fighting, and the turmoil from the outside world had nothing to do with him, and it didn't affect him.

"You have Hongjun's Primordial Purple Qi?"

Lin Yuan suddenly asked such a question.

The primordial purple qi is the foundation of the Dao, which contains the laws of heaven and earth, so it is also the foundation of holiness.

Its importance is self-evident.

Hong Yun shook his head and said, "Not really."

Lin Yuan knew why not.

Hongjun was preaching in Zixiao Palace back then, and there were six futons placed on the innermost palace near him.

Hongyun was obviously one of the first to arrive, but because of Zhunti and Jieying's begging, he stood up and gave the futon under him to Zhunti.

Little did he know that he gave up the opportunity to become a saint.

What's more, Zhunti and Jieyin didn't appreciate Hongyun at all.

As if knowing what Lin Yuan was thinking, Hong Yun poured tea and handed it to Lin Yuan, then said: "It would be a lie to say no regrets, but in the final analysis it was my own choice, I was willing at the time, so it doesn't matter what happens later. I have no regrets."

His expression was peaceful, without any trace of resentment.

It seems that I don't know what kind of opportunity I have lost.

Primordial Ziqi has only six paths, and Honghuang is destined to only have six saints. Hongyun is equivalent to giving up the chance of becoming a saint.

Lin Yuan looked at such a red cloud, and there was a sense of detachment in him, neither happy with things nor sad with himself.

It is a rare realm.

So Lin Yuan also changed the topic, and casually chatting with Hong Yunbian changed to drinking tea.

Before leaving, Lin Yuan moved his fingertips, and the dark purple divine power wrapped around Hong Yun's body like dots of starlight, and then disappeared.

Hong Yun seemed to feel a powerful and unpredictable protection, and after Lin Yuan's figure disappeared, he bent down and saluted.

After Lin Yuan left the Fire Cloud Palace, he didn't go to Honghuang, but went straight back to 33 days.

It's time for her to get her pay back.

When she entered, Hongjun's retreat had just ended, so it was normal that the wine promised to be brewed for Lin Yuan hadn't been brewed yet.

"I'm going to trouble you to stay in Zixiao Palace for a few more days," Hong Jun said.

Lin Yuan lazily said: "It's fine at first."

For other living beings, the Great Desolation may be very big, so big that they may not be able to finish it in a lifetime, but for Lin Yuan, it is only a moment to "see" the Great Desolation.

It was precisely because she didn't want to "save effort" that she chose to go out and watch by herself, but it didn't take much effort.

No matter which plane or world you are in, it is the same.

Nothing but creatures and the world itself.

If she happens to meet a slightly interested creature, maybe Lin Yuan can spend a little time to understand it. If not, then all the worlds are no different in her eyes.

Same boring.

Same sleepiness.

It's so empty that it doesn't have any attraction, it's not as pleasant as a deep sleep.

The longer it exists, the more boring it becomes.

This is also the reason why Lin Yuan and the Kunlun mirror shuttle in many small planes.

"However, it's time for this journey to end."

 Note①②From Sogou Encyclopedia
  It should be over with only three planes left at most, huh~

(End of this chapter)

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