I'm crazy

Chapter 505 Violence

Chapter 505 Violence

"I don't want to marry! I don't want to marry!"

The shrill voice made the people who came and went couldn't help being startled, and they all turned their eyes to the source of the sound.

It was a 20-year-old girl, petite, and her baby face made her look even younger than her actual age.

And now she is being pulled by a middle-aged man and woman with one arm at a time. The huge force has changed the shape of her clothes, and she desperately wants to break free from the restraints.

Li Qiaosi pulled her face, turned a blind eye to the people coming and going in the village, put her rough and ugly fingers on the girl's head, and poked hard.

While pulling the girl, he said in a rough voice: "What are you farting! Women just want to get married, what kind of woman are you if you don't get married! You are 20 years old now, you are already an old woman, and you are not married yet? Are you ashamed! You I don't feel ashamed, I feel ashamed! Hurry up and leave, I have already talked with your father, and that man will never treat you badly!"

Fan Guozhi, a man wearing tattered clothes and a sour smell on his body, persuaded him with his "painful words": "Xiaojuan, just listen to me and your mother! We are your parents, how could we harm you?" What? You are so old, what does it look like if you are not married? It is only natural for girls to marry and have children, how can you resist?"

The two seemed to be "persuading" her for the girl's good.

And the villagers who passed by also showed a reasonable expression when they heard this.

Fan Juan, a girl who was pulled and couldn't break free, had big eyes full of despair, begging her biological parents bitterly.

"Mom and Dad, I know that you have no money for my brother's marriage, but I can earn it. I am a college student now, and in the future, no! I can earn money soon, and I will give it all to you, okay? I beg you I don't want to get married!"

Hearing this, Li Qiaosi's face turned pale, and he said angrily: "What are you farting! It's just that crappy school you went to. After you earn money, the day lily will be cold. When will you earn enough money for your brother?" , just obediently get married to me!"

Fan Juan cried: "Mom, I can really make money, you believe me! You believe me!"

Li Qiaosi snorted and didn't speak.

On the other hand, Fan Guozhi became impatient, raised his extremely rough and ugly hands, and slapped Fan Juan's face heavily, "Shut up for me! Damn girl, if you don't obey me, I'll beat you to death!"

Fan Juan had tears in her eyes, deep hatred and terrifying despair in her eyes, her life, her life...

As early as she was a child, she knew that she was a grass, a child who was not expected or even hated, patriarchal parents who treated girls as broken rocks, and a so-called brother who took pleasure in bullying her.

She didn't want to think about how she survived.

She walked all the way like that, and finally got admitted to the university. The family didn't give her a penny, and asked her for money every day.

She can only work part-time and study while working part-time.

She couldn't refuse, and she couldn't refuse at all.

That day, she received a call saying that they were sick, and she didn't want to go back at all, but she had to go back.

If she doesn't go back, they will definitely come to the school to make trouble, and they will make trouble for the university that she finally got into, and the life she finally had.

In a country like country A where filial piety is the first priority, as a child, she is overwhelmed by the so-called biological parents. She has no moral or public opinion at all. If it is said, many people will say that she It's a white-eyed wolf who gave birth to her in vain, with a disgusting face accusing her of being ungrateful.

Even in today's society, there are still all kinds of remarks that parents are never wrong, those who are wrong are children, and parents are all for your own good.

She also thought about calling the police, but would it work?
It's useless. For this so-called "family" matter, the police will at most mediate. Will they be thrown into jail?
And once the police left, what awaited her was even more dire consequences.

In the end, Fan Juan went back.

Unexpectedly, what awaited her was such a terrible hell.

They took away all her documents, locked her at home and refused to let her go, just to sell her and raise money for her brother's marriage.

Fan Juan made troubles, cried, begged, and tried to talk to them, but it didn't work at all, it didn't help at all.

Finally escaped while they were not prepared, but was caught before leaving the village.

Fan Juan knew that if she was caught and brought back this time, she would be doomed, so she struggled desperately to break free.

Under her desperate struggle, she really broke free from the shackles of Fan Guozhi and Li Qiaosi.

Fan Juan ran vigorously.

Li Qiaosi and Fan Guozhi chased after him, Li Qiaosi shouted: "Stop! You stinky girl, are you impatient to live? Ah!"

Fan Guozhi looked at the people around him, and quickly shouted: "Folks, help us catch this stinky girl, Fan Juan, she's really gone out of her way."

be afraid!
Run! ! !

Get out of this place!

Get out of this hellish place!

Fan Juan ran with blood in her throat, she dared not stop, and she couldn't stop, she had to run forward with all her strength, so as not to be dragged into hell by these demons!
But she almost never had a full meal since she was a child. She finally went to university and spent almost [-] hours a day working and studying. I was afraid that she would run away, and I didn't give her much food.

Her body is so weak, how can she persevere.

Not to mention that there are some villagers who are going to catch her after hearing Fan Guozhi's words.

Fan Juan managed to run out of the village entrance, but was caught just a little bit, just a little bit.

Fan Juan had tears in her eyes, and blood in her throat from running fast. She knelt down in despair, and her hands, which had become rough after more than ten years of work, clasped tightly to a tree in front of her, and grabbed I didn't even feel the blood dripping from my fingernails.

Fan Guozhi and Li Qiaosi caught up behind him.

Li Qiaosi grabbed Fan Juan's hair and gave her a hard slap, cursing, "You're a murderous bastard, how dare you run away for me? I'll let you run! I'll let you run!"

As she spoke, she slapped her up again, but after a while, Fan Juan's face was already swollen.

Fan Guozhi spat heavily on the saliva with thick phlegm. After running for a long time, he didn't catch his breath. Watching Fan Juan kick him up, he felt relieved after several kicks.

"Fuck! The little bitch!"

Fan Guozhi cursed extremely ugly words, and took Fan Juan back with Li Qiaosi.

Fan Juan didn't struggle anymore, her face was already ashamed, full of despair, she looked at her bloody fingers.

Things that I haven't complained about for more than ten years are suddenly so clear at this moment.

Why was she born in such a place?
Why does she have such a pair of parents?

Why is that?
Why are some people born to be loved by thousands, and why are some people born to be like nothing?

She is already trying her best to make herself better, to escape from this place and her "fate", why is it still the case?
what is this!
what is this! ! !
There was a violent and terrifying sound of slamming the door, and Fan Juan shivered in the narrow room.

His pale face was full of numbness.

The baby's face, which used to look delicate and childish in the past, turned dark yellow now, and there were serious and terrible wounds on her face, some of which had festered, and blood flowed from the wounds on her face, making her look even more terrifying.

Her body was curled up like a poor little child, her hands were covering her ears, her dark eyes were fixed on the violently shaking door, no matter how she covered her ears, the terrible voice would still be heard. into his ears.

In the kitchen outside the yard, Zhao Jinhua, who heard the voice, hesitated for a while, and said to Sun Hui next to him, "Mom, Wei Qiang is beating Fan Juan again, and it has been beating for a long time yesterday. Will it really be okay if this continues?"

After hearing this, Sun Hui immediately pulled her face down, threw the vegetables in her hand into the basket, and said angrily to Zhao Jinhua: "What do you mean? What's wrong with beating my son a few times? He was beating his own." Woman, it’s not you! What’s none of your business? Eat salty radishes and don’t worry! Pick your vegetables!”

Zhao Jinhua didn't dare to speak any more, she lowered her head and didn't even raise her head.

Sun Hui hadn't finished getting angry yet, she put her hands on her waist, and said angrily: "Fan Juan, that useless thing, is just a hen that doesn't lay eggs. She has been married to my son for five years, and she even has a handle. I didn't even give birth, but I gave birth to a useless little girl who cost me so much money for nothing, bah!"

She spat on the ground and said viciously: "It's better to be killed, just to make room for my son to remarry someone who can give birth to a handlebar."

Sun Hui's cloudy eyes were full of indifference and endless disgust. She took a casual glance at the room and then looked away.

"If Wei Qiang beats him, he won't die anyway."

It's so easy to die. In Sun Hui's mind, a daughter-in-law is used to serve others. If she doesn't serve well and can't bear a son, she should be beaten. Her strength is measured, and it is impossible to really kill the hen that doesn't lay eggs.

Sun Hui was not worried at all.

Inside the house, within a short while, the wooden door was smashed open by Li Weiqiang. He kicked the door open, and the debris of the wooden door flew onto Fan Juan's face, drawing a bloodstain.

Li Weiqiang's face was full of fat, and his small eyes were full of cruel anger. He clenched his fist and walked over in two or three steps. He picked up Fan Juan who was curled up on the ground, and slapped him. To relieve her anger, she kicked Fan Juan fiercely in the stomach again, kicking Fan Juan to the edge of the closet.

"You bitch, you still dare to hide! You still dare to lock the door for me, don't you die? You bitch!"

Li Weiqiang shook his hands, and seeing Fan Juan lying on the ground with blood flowing out of his mouth, he happily opened his fat mouth.

Sure enough, beating women is interesting.

What annoyed you were outside, coming back to beat this stinky bitch is better than doing anything else.

Fan Juan, who was lying on the side of the closet, was breathing weakly, and the various pains from her body reminded her of the multiple injuries she had suffered.

She glanced at the knife hidden in the closet indiscriminately, but said nothing.

She can't do that.

Her Xixi is only five years old, if she kills someone, what will happen to the child?
If she went into the cell, Xixi would definitely suffer a more miserable experience than her in the hands of an old man like Sun Hui.

There is a natural physical gap between men and women. If a man really hits a woman, a woman will never be able to beat a man head-on.

But this is on the bright side.

In the past five years, Fan Juan has been thinking secretly every day, thinking about how to kill Li Weiqiang, it's not impossible for her to do it.

It's not that hard to kill someone.

But she can't.

She was alone, Li Weiqiang was dead, and Li Weidong, Sun Hui and Zhao Jinhua, the family had always kept her close.

She can't kill everyone.

She also had the chance to escape, but it was limited to her alone, if she brought her Sissy, she would not be able to escape.

She also thought that if she escaped alone, she would not be able to bear that heart. Her Xixi was so small and so cute, how could she leave her alone to suffer in this hell.

As for reporting the police?

Fan Juan sneered, she did this when she was innocent, but what was waiting for her?
It was two or three unsalty inquiries, a few perfunctory so-called "mediation", and it was the result of walking around casually and being taken back by Li Weiqiang's family with a few words and some things.

Not only did she not get the so-called justice, but she also paid a very painful price.

She has long understood that she can only rely on herself.

She had to be patient and find a way to escape with her Sisi.

Seeing that Fan Juan was silent, Li Weiqiang stepped forward, kicked Fan Juan again, lowered his fat body, pulled Fan Juan's hair and bumped it against the cabinet.

After beating Fan Juan until the whole body was covered with blood, he stopped his hands contentedly, spit on Fan Juan's side, and cursed: "That's the only thing a stinky bitch can do."

After speaking, I left.

Fan Juan struggled to get up from the ground, her internal organs were severely injured, Fan Juan knew that even if she could escape with her things, she might not live for many years.

Her body had long been damaged by the heavy work and beatings day after day.

But she must go, not for her, but for her Xixi not to fall into the same fate as her.

On a hillside, Linyuan suddenly appeared on this slightly flat and short hillside. There were many weeds on the hillside, which was a very normal hillside in the countryside.

The only difference was that besides Lin Yuan, there was a thin little girl in shabby clothes and a bamboo basket on her back on the hillside.

The little girl looked as thin as three years old.

She knelt on her knees, clasped her hands, her eyes were still closed, and she was whispering something in her mouth.

Lin Yuan heard the little girl's slightly hoarse voice saying: "If there is really a god in this world, I beg you to save mom, I beg you."

Her voice was as soft as a mosquito, so soft that it was almost inaudible.

It seemed that in this place where she was the only one, she was afraid of being heard if she spoke a little louder.

It was a deep-seated fear.

(End of this chapter)

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