I'm crazy

Chapter 506 Violence

Chapter 506 Violence

The little girl Li Xixi opened her eyes after saying this in a timid but brave voice.

She patted the dirt on her legs and stood up, picking up the sickle on the ground. She still had to mow the pigs, so she couldn't waste time.

If she goes back late, Sun Hui will scold her and beat her.

Lin Yuan stood in a place out of her sight and did not speak.

"What's going on this time?"

Qingling's indifferent voice echoed on the small hillside, but Li Xixi, who was the only one present, didn't hear it at all.

The Kunlun Mirror appeared in front of Linyuan, flashed the mirror and said: "Master, when I was communicating with the heavens, I accidentally sensed the despair pervading in this plane, and there were some faint prayers. I was curious, so I chose this plane."

Lin Yuan nodded, did not speak any more, and continued to look at Li Xixi.

The little girl was holding a sickle that had rusted and blunted. Her little hands, which should have been white and tender, were now full of calluses from rough work and enough scars.

The big eyes have long lost the clarity and innocence that belonged to children, as if they had overdrawn their own life prematurely and saw everything in the future.

Not at all like a five year old.

The so-called fairness did not exist from the very beginning.

That's why some people are born with both parents and the family is happy and healthy and have a lot of money, while others are born with both parents dead and physically disabled and the family is broken and poor.

Absolute fairness and justice can only be found in the illusory world of Utopia. In the real world, no matter how advanced the society is or how advanced the technology is, there are still gaps.

And differences create class.

Lin Yuan appeared, and after Li Xixi finished mowing the grass, she raised her head and finally saw this "person" who suddenly appeared in her world.

Li Xixi was stunned.

Mu stood there in a daze, apparently having lost all perception.

She had never seen anyone as good-looking as this sister in front of her.

Sometimes she would sneak a glance at the TV while sweeping the floor at home. The people on the TV looked so good-looking, and everyone had a better life than her and her mother.

She wanted to live like that too.

She has seen many people, they are all so good-looking, and she occasionally heard that they are all "stars".

Li Xixi doesn't understand what that means, is it shining like a star?
But how can a person shine like a star?

The young Li Xixi didn't understand, but kept these two words firmly in his heart.

Perhaps, she can also shine like a star in the future.

It wasn't until today when she saw this elder sister that she realized that people can really shine, shining brightly like stars.

Li Xixi stared at Linyuan seriously, she wanted to speak but dared not speak, she felt that this elder sister should be a fairy in the sky, if she made any movement, she would fly away.

She didn't dare to ask cautiously about the wish she made quietly to the god just now.

But in the end, it was her love for her mother that made her courageous. She walked up to Linyuan and stopped one meter away from her.

The two small and thin yellow hands tightly gripped the two ropes of the basket, sweating unknowingly.

She tried her best to raise her head to look at Lin Yuan, secretly thinking in her heart, this sister is so tall...

Li Xixi cheered herself up, and said, "Sister, are you... a god who came to help mother?"

Her big black eyes stared at Linyuan, like a staggering person walking in the dark finally seeing a light from a torch not far in front of her. Although the despair has not dissipated, deep in the eyes, there is also a ignited glimmer of hope.

Lin Yuan leaned over slightly, smiled lightly and said, "I'm not a god, I'm a demon."

Li Xixi doesn't understand what the devil means.

But she seemed to understand Lin Yuan's meaning, the light in her eyes was extinguished instantly, tears welled up, she opened her big eyes and tried hard not to let the tears fall.

Adults don't like crying children.

Every time she cries, her grandma and dad beat her, she can't cry.

But she clenched her hand and wanted to try again.

Her unrelenting expectation seemed to be grasping the last straw to survive and said to Linyuan: "Sister, can you help a group of mothers and me?"

She seemed to be afraid that Lin Yuan would refuse, so she continued immediately with a choked voice: "My request is very small, I just need to leave here with my mother... that's fine..."

She repeated the last four words gently again.

She grew up under violence, but she was not stained with any bloody crimes. Maybe she was gloomy, but deep in her soul, there was always a lamp that could not be extinguished, warming her, maybe and others.

Lin Yuan straightened his body, and lazily said: "It's not cheap to ask me for help, what do you plan to pay me for?"

Li Xixi was stunned, and immediately realized that her sister agreed, her eyes widened, she stood on tiptoe, and said anxiously: "Anything is fine!"

As long as she has, she is willing to do anything.

Ink-colored indifferent eyes glanced casually at the thin Li Xixi, Lin Yuan walked forward, and his lazy voice faintly spread into Li Xixi's ears.

"Let's talk about it when you can afford it."

Li Xixi anxiously followed behind Lin Yuan, wanting to know where Lin Yuan was going, but did not dare to speak.

In the end, she realized that she was going to her own home.

Li Xixi jogged and followed Lin Yuan, and saw this sister flicking her sleeves casually, and the door of her house opened.

Zhao Jinhua and Sun Hui, who were picking vegetables and cooking in the kitchen, did not hear the sound, and Li Weiqiang went out to play after going home and beating Fan Juan to relieve his anger, and was not at home.

So Lin Yuan entered Li's house very easily, and walked directly to Fan Juan's place.

On the contrary, Li Xixi, who was following behind, stepped cautiously and lightly.

She doesn't know how her sister will help her and her mother, but she knows that she can't help, she can only do not hinder her sister.

In fact, no matter how big of a commotion Li Xixi made, Zhao Jinhua and Sun Hui wouldn't notice it.

Because Lin Yuan blocked their perception from the very beginning.

Lin Yuan walked in front and beat Fan Juan without any effort, but the room was not too messy.

Every time Li Weiqiang only beat Fan Juan to discourage him, he would not throw things. After all, he knew very well that his family paid for them, and if they fell, they would have to buy them again.

Besides, throwing something is not as fun as hitting a woman.

When Linyuan arrived, Fan Juan was administering medicine to herself.

There is no way for her internal organs to be injured. She has no money, and even if she has the Li family, she will not let her out, so she can only suffer slowly.

Lin Yuan's footsteps were like falling snow, without the slightest sound, Fan Juan did not notice Lin Yuan's arrival.

And Li Xixi, who was following behind, saw Fan Juan's actions. She had experienced it countless times and naturally knew what was wrong. Her eyes turned red immediately, and tears fell down her cheeks.

She cried without any sound, only the unceasing tears showed her sadness, and when she was crying urgently, there would be a little bit of uncontrollable sobs.

Fan Juan was startled, and quickly turned to look outside the door, and immediately found Li Xixi whose eyes and nose were red from crying.

She didn't care to pay attention to the sudden appearance of Lin Yuan who didn't look like a person in the mortal world, she just carefully hugged her child in her arms and comforted softly: "Mom is fine, mother is fine... Xixi don't cry, don't cry..."

I don't know how many times I have heard this sentence in the past five years, so many that she can't remember it.

This sentence is so pale and weak but also so heavy and warm.

It contains a mother's love for her child.

In this powerless hell, that's the only thing a mother can do for her child.

Reassure her that she is fine and don't cry.

Li Xixi used to bear it because she couldn't cry out loud, otherwise Sun Hui and Li Weiqiang who heard the voice would come and beat her mother again.

And the mother who protected her will suffer more severe injuries and beatings.

But this time, it seemed that the child who had been wronged to the extreme couldn't bear the pain in her heart, or that she knew that someone would help her and her mother, someone to rely on, she held onto Fan Juan's clothes tightly, and gently buried her in the In her arms, weeping loudly.

It seemed that I wanted to vent all the grievances, helplessness and pain of the past five years in this crying, and cry out all the suffering together.

The cry of grievance and pity was so obvious, Fan Juan paused as she stroked Li Xixi's hand, her eyes suddenly turned red where she couldn't see, and those deformed hands trembled slightly.

She raised her head not to let the tears fall, she had already understood that crying was useless.

Sisi may still be able to cry, but she has forgotten what tears are for so many years.

Li Xixi's crying gradually stopped, crying so hard and so intensely that her face was messed up, she was extremely embarrassed.

There is no sense of beauty at all.

Fan Juan took the towel that was placed on the side and gently wiped Li Xixi's face clean.

Only then did she look at Lin Yuan who had been standing there.

On the black dark pattern shirt, the top two buttons were not buttoned, exposing the fair and delicate collarbone and skin, like crystal white and flawless snowflakes in winter.

The slender and straight legs are wrapped in looser pants, like the cold and proud green pine on the cliff.

The black crystal-like black hair reaches to the waist, and the tail of the hair is slightly curly, with a hint of rebelliousness, as if it shows the owner's character.

The frosty hands of the person in front of him were lazily inserted in the pockets of his trousers, with only a section of his wrist exposed, as if he had taken away the elegance of the world.

She casually stood obliquely, clearly not seeing any so-called rules and etiquette, but her lazy and arrogant posture was more dazzling than any existence.

Not at all like the people who would appear in their place.

Fan Juan was caught by this man's demeanor, and for a while she dared not speak.

After hesitating for a long time, she said cautiously: "Hello, are you..."

She subconsciously used the honorific title.

And Li Xixi, who was out of breath from crying just now, finally healed at this time, lightly tugged on Fan Juan's sleeve, and whispered: "Sister is here to help us."

Fan Juan's eyes were full of suspicion and alertness. She was no longer the naive girl she was back then. She understood that there is no free lunch in this world, and there are not so many good people who come to help others without asking for anything in return.

So her first reaction was, is there anything in her that is worthy of the person in front of her?
Her subconscious mind didn't have the slightest doubt that the person in front of her was obviously just a woman, how could she help her.

Perhaps anyone who sees this person in front of them will feel that she is omnipotent.

Fan Juan slightly hugged Li Xixi beside her, and said, "What do you want?"

She really didn't know what in her body would be needed by such a fairy in front of her.

Lin Yuan's eyelashes drooped slightly when he heard the words, and in the blink of an eye, an indifferent and sharp arc flashed across the end of his glistening eyes, and he said lazily: "You don't need to pay it back."

Don't need her?
Before she breathed a sigh of relief, Fan Juan became vigilant, she didn't need her to pay back, did she need to pay back her Xixi?

Thinking of this, Fan Juan felt cold all over, then bowed to Lin Yuan, and said seriously: "I am very grateful for your help, but I will not use my daughter as a bargaining chip."

Her Sissy is her most important treasure, and she has been doing her best not to let her get hurt.

Li Xixi next to Fan Juan didn't quite understand, but she still obediently stood beside Fan Juan, holding her sleeve tightly.

"It won't hurt her."

Lin Yuan's clear voice resounded in the narrow space, the lazy voice with a touch of tiredness was like the sound of an ancient qin, ethereal and grand, and it was also like when a cello was played, with a seductive low-pitched sensuality.

This sentence, which seemed to be a promise and guarantee, was said very casually by her, without any serious weight.

Fan Juan believed it.

Inexplicably, she believed it very much.

Her sliver of rationality seemed to be telling herself that she was crazy, to actually believe the words of a strange woman she had never met.

But all her remaining rationality and emotions are impatiently urging her to act quickly, and she cannot let go of this, which may be the only chance to be redeemed.

Lin Yuan turned around and left, Fan Juan and Li Xixi just followed behind her.

After removing that barrier, Sun Hui and Zhao Jinhua finally found the three of them.

Sun Hui was holding a knife in one hand and the other was full of chicken blood from a chicken that had just been killed. She looked at Lin Yuan in a daze, and realized that after a stranger entered her home, she was about to curse and point at Lin Yuan. , and suddenly passed out.

Seeing Sun Hui fainting suddenly, Zhao Jinhua's face turned pale, realizing that Lin Yuan was unusual, and immediately wanted to run, and the next moment, she also passed out.

The purple light in Lin Yuan's black eyes flowed, and disappeared in the deep eyes in a blink of an eye.

If it weren't for the fragility of this plane without a trace of aura, she wouldn't need to be so troublesome, and would need to use divine power to stabilize the plane.

Sun Hui and Zhao Jinhua fainted, and Lin Yuanshun brought Li Weiqiang over who was still playing games in the Internet cafe.

Li Weiqiang, who had just played the game and hit the intense part, his eyes blurred. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was at home. To speak.

His throat was directly crippled by the angry Kunlun mirror, and two stones were shot into Li Weiqiang's eyes with great force, blinding him directly.

From the beginning to the end, Fan Juan didn't say a word or make a move, and saw that the people who had violently beaten and humiliated her for five years had already fallen to the ground, like a piece of fat on a chopping board, unable to do any more harm to her .

 Thanks to little angel Lin Rubi and user 241660585 little angel for their rewards, thank you little angels for your votes, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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