I'm crazy

Chapter 512 Violence

Chapter 512 Violence

Luo Housheng was imprisoned, and his parents came to make a fuss with Qi Bai once.

But how could Qi Bai, who has been threatened with his life, soften his heart again?
He called some people neatly, and used a little trick to take away Luo Housheng's family.

After growing up and being sensible, you will find that in fact, there is no such thing as "good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that there is no retribution, and the time has not yet come" such karma exists.

In the real world, it is often the bad guys who live better than the good guys.

Even in death a little more impunity than good men.

This fact inevitably makes people feel cold.

Sometimes ask yourself, why do you want to be a good person?Why did I not do any bad things, but just live in such a miserable life?
This kind of thinking is normal, because society is not black and white, right and wrong are not clear, good people will have a difficult life, but don't be a bad person, because people who are truly cultivated and have a bright heart will be very painful.

But to deal with some people, you can't use those aboveboard methods, because if it doesn't work, it will make yourself angry.

The so-called talking about people when you see people is the same as talking about people when you see ghosts.

After solving Luo Housheng's family, the shadow of the past has nothing to do with Qi Bai at all.

She has recently become obsessed with learning how to cook.

Because his benefactor likes to eat delicious food, Qi Bai subconsciously began to forge his cooking skills for some reason.

But her kung fu was not good enough, and her benefactor didn't eat much.

Lin Yuan stays in the room all day long with nothing to do, other than sleeping, he reads novels and then plays games.

On this day, she was still playing games as usual, and Kunlun Mirror said, "Master, I have received a distress message again."

Lin Yuan was still holding the gamepad in his hand, and the character on the screen had just jumped over the edge of a cliff, and he said casually, "Mmm."

Kunlun Mirror didn't know if the owner would make a move, and he didn't dare to make any more noise, just continued to pay attention to the development of the matter.

In a remote and desolate mountain village in P province, more than a dozen girls were locked in a cellar.

The dark, dirty and humid environment terrified the girls who looked like they were just teens or 20 years old.

They leaned together and shivered, some were crying softly, calling for mom and dad, sadness and fear filled the air, and everyone couldn't help but wet their eyes.

At this time, a small opening in the cellar above the head that only allowed one person to pass was opened, and something to eat was hung down with a rope.

These foods are very rough, just some diluted rice porridge and a few steamed buns. The steamed buns look black, I don't know how many days they have been placed, and they smell bad.

The person who lifted the stone that sealed the entrance of the cellar said to one of the women with a rough complexion and a bloated figure: "The Qian family, let them eat their food, I'll go pee first."

The dark-skinned, indifferent and numb woman nodded like a machine without any consciousness of her own, and then the man turned around and left.

The girls locked in the cellar naturally also heard the words of the two above them. One of the girls in a white dress wiped away tears and said cautiously: "Hello, where is this place?"

Ke Baishu didn't really have any hope. She was forcibly taken away by a group of people when she was boarding the train. At that time, she cried and struggled, and the people around her were shaken, but then the trafficker who claimed to be her parents said something casually Then no passer-by opened their mouths again, thinking that the child was quarreling with his parents.

Then when she regained consciousness, she was in this cellar. The cellar was about three meters high and surrounded by smooth walls. They were all girls, and they couldn't go up at all.

Ke Baishu kept thinking about the terrible news he had seen, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, the more desperate he became.

Now that she finally saw someone, Ke Baishu hurriedly inquired for news, regardless of who she was inquiring about.

Xu Lan looked at Ke Baishu with indifferent and numb eyes. She was wearing a well-tailored white dress with slightly curly hair hanging down. It was in such an environment that the stars in her eyes seemed to have not been extinguished. Naive, is a child who has never seen the dark ivory tower of society.

Just like...the same as she was back then.

Xu Lan's numb eyes moved, as if recalling a long enough memory, but in just a moment, that wave disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

"Province P."

There was no emotion in Xu Lan's indifferent voice, but it did answer Ke Baishu's question.

As soon as the answer came out, the girls who were curled up with their bodies underneath raised their heads one after another, with despair in their eyes.

Province P is almost on the border of China, and it is very far from the inland. Even with the extremely developed transportation, it is not easy to reach Province P.

Ke Baishu trembled slightly, "Then why did they tie us here?"

Xu Lan's slightly cloudy eyeballs moved, "Actually, you have already guessed it, so why ask me again."

Kidnapping this matter, or ask for money, or ask for help.

And what else can the traffickers kidnap people for? Naturally, it is for money, and they can be sold at a good price. These girls are sold here by human traffickers from all over the world.

"I want to go home, I want to go home, woo... Mom..."

Crying came from the cellar, and the fear and fear in it permeated the entire cellar.

Ke Baishu's body trembled violently when Xu Lan's words fell, and all kinds of horrible and miserable imaginations flashed in her mind, making her already fair face pale and haggard.

One can imagine what will happen to a girl who is sold to an unfamiliar place by human traffickers.

Ke Baishu reached out and hugged herself tightly. She raised her head and put her hope on Xu Lan in front of her. "Please, can you call the police for us?"

The other girls also put their hopeful eyes on Xu Lan.

Being looked at by so many people with hopeful eyes, Xu Lan's indifferent eyes did not change a bit, and she finally said: "I can't."

Ke Baishu's spirit was almost broken, but the eyes of the other girls changed in an instant, and the eyes of hope became bleak, disgusted, and desperate.

Ke Baishu nodded indiscriminately, without asking why, just said: "Thank you."

At least she was willing to tell her a little news.

These two words made Xu Lan's pale and dry lips move, and finally she said, "Don't trust anyone."

Ke Baishu stared at her blankly, as if he saw a heart full of holes and scars through her numb face.

Ke Baishu still wanted to ask something more, when there was a sound of footsteps, Ke Baishu pursed the corners of his lips, and did not speak again.

When Chen Weiming came back after urinating, he glanced at the cellar and found that there was nothing wrong with it. He scrutinized the girl under him a few times, and a lewd, evil look flashed in his eyes, and he sighed regretfully.

The woman in the white dress is really upright, but unfortunately he already has a woman in his family, and he can’t afford another one even if he wants to, so he can only enjoy his eyes now, but he doesn’t know if he can take turns after being played with on him.

Chen Weiming withdrew his gaze, looked at Xu Lan who didn't say a word, then shook his head and clicked his tongue twice.

It's a pity for this girl Xu Lan. I think she was as good-looking and watery as the girl below when she was first sent here.

On the same day, he was bullied by the bold and forced to break his body. In the end, everyone in the village enjoyed it, and then he was bought back by the Qian family. After more than ten years of hard work, he has become what he is now. It looked sloppy.

what a pity.

Chen Weiming sighed with regret, and finally took another look at Ke Baishu in the cellar, and then reluctantly withdrew his gaze.

It's a pity that it's not like ten years ago when a woman can be shared by the whole village, otherwise he would have brought the woman up and slept by himself.

Chen Weiming moved the stone back and put it back, and said, "The Qian family, let's go."

After speaking, he turned and walked out.

Xu Lan took one last look at the sealed cellar, and followed Chen Weiming back to Qian's house.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a mess.

The house that had been cleaned before going out in the morning was in a mess. Clothes, food, rice bowls, cigarette butts, and spittle. The mess made the originally clean house disgusting.

Seeing such a house, Xu Lan showed no emotion in her eyes, and started tidying up with a broom.

Qian Cai came over and spit on the ground with foul phlegm. His black and yellow teeth were exposed as he spoke, and with the sour smell all over his body, he looked extremely disgusting.

"Smelly bitch, I told you to come back early, and I just came back now, do you want to run again! Let me tell you, if you dare to run again, I will directly break your leg this time, and I will not look at myself now Like this, even if you run out, who will recognize you, and which man will want you? It's disgusting."

Qian Cai stood in front of Xu Lan, pointed at her head, said these words viciously, and then went out with a cigarette.

Xu Lan paused while holding the broom, and then continued to clean the disgusting house.

After more than ten years, she still hasn't adapted.

After a while, footsteps came in, but Xu Lan ignored it and continued to tidy up the house.

A moment later, a 13-year-old boy with a round body and a brain like a pig raised in a pigsty ran in.

As soon as I came in, I started yelling, "I want to eat fried fish! I want to eat fried fish! MILFs, make it for me!"

Qian Fuyang ran up to Xu Lan and kicked off the broom in her hand, and shouted at her loudly.

Seeing that Xu Lan didn't move, Qian Fuyang was about to punch her.

Anyway, he didn't beat Xu Lan less. When he was a child, he grew up watching his father and grandma beat Xu Lan, and he followed suit when he grew up.

In Qian Fuyang's eyes, the woman named Xu Lan in front of him is not the mother who gave birth to him and raised him. It's just money. Xu Lan is just a slave bought by their family. He can do whatever he wants all.

Xu Lan didn't wait for the fist to hit, she turned around and went to the kitchen to fry small dried fish for Qian Fuyang.

She had to do it, because if she didn't do it, what awaited her was a beating.

Xu Lan looked at the boiling oil in the pot and was in a trance. In fact, she had such thoughts and momentary trances countless times when she was cooking and holding a knife over the years.

It would be interesting to pour this hot oil on Qian Cai, Qian Fuyang, and everyone in Chen Qian Village, like scalding pork.

Or cut the knife at them, like chopping pork, chop these things that are not as good as beasts to death, and chop them into pieces with a knife.

She knew something was wrong with her spirit.

After staying in this kind of place for more than ten years, she is still not crazy. It is the last bit of belief in her heart that supports her. She wants to leave, leave here to see her parents.

Although this desire sounds so ridiculous.

Xu Lan thought of the little girl she saw today.

How much she looks like she used to be, and how much she hopes that she can save her, but she can't even save herself, and she is still soaking in the sewage.

report to the police?

Xu Lan tugged at the corners of her mouth, and the corners of her withered lips showed a mocking arc. This is the case in the whole village. Could it be that the police don't know?
Chen Qiancun had colluded with those people more than ten years ago, and they were all the same.

There is no way to escape.

She thought back to herself back then, she actually had a chance, she had a chance to escape, but in the end it fell short.

The reason is simple, she was seen by a woman.

Turned in by a woman who told her the news when she was first sold here to remind her to show her a little kindness.

She still remembers the woman's hateful eyes and words.

"Why can you get out! I have been here for decades! I have lived in this hell for decades and have not escaped. Why can you run out! Since you have been sold, it is your life! You You should accept your fate!"

The horror of human nature can be clearly seen from these simple words.

Xu Lan was silent. She didn't tell her that she would save them if she could go out, because it was useless and unnecessary.

She was caught and returned.

Once a woman who dares to sneak away by herself is caught, it goes without saying what will happen to her afterwards.

The oil in the oil pan was boiling and sizzling, splashing onto her hands and making the soup bubble one by one, but Xu Lan was numb as if she couldn't feel it at all.

She was gang-raped for several days and nights by those dirty, ugly, and disgusting men in the village, and was severely beaten in the end. She almost died that night for more than ten years.

She didn't even know how she survived, maybe it was hatred, the heart-piercing hatred that wished to drag the whole world to die.

Xu Lan was not killed.

She returned to Qian's house, and after that, she was beaten, abused and bullied endlessly. For more than ten years, she was numb and completely changed.

How ridiculous, in this new century, such a dark and disgusting place still exists.

It should be said that no matter how bright the era is, darkness always follows and will never disappear. In places that people cannot see, there are always filth that cannot even be imagined to breed and develop in the dark.

There are always places where the sun doesn't shine.

There will always be rubbish stuff popping up one after another, which can never be eradicated.

Unless people are all dead, perhaps this world can truly be completely beautiful.

Xu Lan stared at the oil pan, thinking seriously and silently.

I do not know what to say.

In fact, it has been written many times in this novel, both explicitly and secretly. Girls are born with less physical strength than men. It is impossible for you to beat a man in a real fight, even if he looks thin and short.

This world is like this, there is a lot of malice towards girls, and girls live harder than boys. Some people don’t talk about exceptions and fakes with me. I hope my book can bring you a little bit of something , It is my honor to let everyone have a little sense of self-protection.

Where there is light, darkness follows.

Maybe you've never seen it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Some darkness is so terrifying that people with a happy life can't even imagine it.

In short, it’s just a sentence, I still want to repeat it several times, everyone must protect themselves, be careful, we are not the protagonists in novels or people with a halo of luck, we may be able to save you in times of danger only myself.

Okay, enough chattering, talk nonsense, I just opened my book today and found that the score has dropped from 9.8 to 9.0! ! !
Crying, of course I’m not saying what’s wrong with the little angels who scored low, this is your right as readers, but as a writer, I still feel so sad, woo woo woo~

Here I still hope that the cute little angels can be merciful. However, a low score means that you don’t like this book. If you don’t like this book, you won’t read it. If you don’t read it, you won’t see these words.

Alas, I can only say these words to you little cuties who have been following the article to read the original version.

Although there is a high probability that not many people will see it, I still want to shout out, I hope that the little cutie who likes this book can support the original version!As a hard-working author, I want to drink the Northwest Wind (exaggeration), but it is really not far from drinking the Northwest Wind.

Well, thank you very much for seeing this, little angels who are talking nonsense, thank you!
[The author has something to say that there is a word limit, so I put it in the main text, don't mind the cuties, I love you. 】

(End of this chapter)

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