I'm crazy

Chapter 513 Violence

Chapter 513 Violence

At Chen Hao's house in Chenqian Village, Chen Hao was holding his rice bowl in a daze, when Chen Hao's father hit Chen Hao on the head with a chopstick, "What are you thinking, why don't you eat soon!"

Chen Hao shrank his head, pretended to yell in pain, and leaned on Chen Ma's body and said: "Father, look, should I buy a wife?"

Chen Ma's eyes slanted, and he raised the big chopsticks in his hand as if to hit him. Chen Hao quickly avoided it.

Chen Ma put down the chopsticks and bowl in his hand, lit the cigarette and took a puff. His face shrouded in smoke was old and dry, and his cloudy eyes were full of indifference and cruelty.

He glanced at his son before he said unhurriedly, "It's so easy for you to buy a daughter-in-law?"

It's not like it was before.

With the development of information and the stricter control of the state, it is not so easy to transport a living person to a remote mountain village to sell. Similarly, the cost of buying a wife is getting higher and higher.

Where can a daughter-in-law buy without 10,000+?
Chen Ma also wanted to buy a wife for Chen Hao. After all, the blood of his Chen family could not be broken, and he wanted his Chen family to continue forever. How could there be fewer women?

But now the most critical issue before him is not enough money.

Chen Ma glared at Chen Hao, "If you don't know how to earn money well and eat lazy things, where is the money now when it's time to spend it?"

Chen Hao giggled, "Then dad, aren't you just like me!"

Chen Ma and Chen Hao both grew up in the same appearance, ugly in appearance, and a trash, with the temper of a trash, and no ability at all.

Chen Ma rolled his eyes, "Now you know how to talk back to me."

Chen Hao immediately begged for mercy, "Then I don't dare, I'm just talking, just talking."

He was still waiting for Chen Ma to buy him a wife.

While talking, he suddenly said: "Father, you said that if I find a chance to break that woman's body, wouldn't the money be less?"

When Chen Ma heard this, he slapped Chen Hao hard on the head, opened his mouth and cursed, "Fuck your mother!"

It's not like no one has done this before.

Decades ago, as long as a girl was born in the village, she was either strangled and drowned or thrown into the valley to let her fend for herself. Anyway, they were all girls, so it was useless and she would simply die.

And after time passed, the people in the village realized that it would be impossible without women!
None of their sons have daughter-in-laws, nor do they have any grandsons. This seems to be the rhythm of cutting off their children and grandchildren. How can this be done?
So the villagers tried to find a way to let people bring women from outside into the village to be their wives. They don't kill their daughters after giving birth, and just give them food. After all, they will use them when they grow up.

After decades of this, the "custom" of buying and selling daughter-in-law has never been broken in Chenqian Village.

After all, the women brought in from outside are all white, tender and good-looking, and they are many times more beautiful than the dry, thin, sallow look in the village.

I would rather spend some money to buy women from outside than those in the village.

In the past, those women were bought by others after the whole village bought them one by one, but after that incident happened, they didn't do it again.

Because the man who bought it felt that the child in the woman's stomach was not his own, so he kicked the child away alive. In the end, the woman's body was damaged and she could no longer conceive, and then she was sold by the village again.

And that man also got a sum of compensation collected by all the people in the village. After that, the women brought in again did not get together again, and they were well guarded.

So what Chen Hao said just now was completely farting, "There are people who have been guarding the house all the time, not only to prevent those women from escaping, but also to prevent the men from going down. Thinking about this is better than thinking about how to get enough money."

Chen Ma flicked the cigarette ash and poured Chen Hao a basin of cold water.

Chen Hao cursed unwillingly, "Damn it!"

He had noticed a long time ago that the woman in the white dress among the women this time was very upright. He wanted to tease her as soon as he saw it. He thought that even if he couldn't afford it, he might have a chance to try it. Taste it.

It seems impossible now.

Chen Hao immediately became dejected.

Chen Hao knew what his useless son was thinking at a glance, "Don't daydream, that girl is so good-looking, she will definitely be bought by the one with the most money in the end, where will it be your turn, maybe it is possible to pick another one that is cheaper .”

Chen Ma is more greedy than Chen Hao, the woman he bought decades ago has now turned into a yellow-faced woman, ugly and ugly, she has no interest in sex, and he has been holding back for a while.

He still thought about getting a good-looking little girl for himself, but unfortunately it all cost money, and Chen Hao didn't have enough for himself, so he could only think about it again.

But after Chen Hao buys a son and gives birth to a son, maybe he can also taste his daughter-in-law. Chen Ma's cloudy eyes flashed a disgusting and dirty look, and he took a deep breath of cigarettes.

Not only Chen Hao's family is thinking about this matter, Chen Qiancun's family is thinking about it no matter whether they have bought a girl or not.

"Those ones are as juicy as peaches, I'm really going to die of hunger."

"That's right, it's a pity that my family already bought one the year before last, and I don't have the money to buy it again, so I can only look at it."

"Save money well, and it won't be too late to buy her after you have enough money. After all, it's fun to make a small one, and the house is a piece of rag. It's no fun to die!"

"Oh, what's more, I lie on the bed at night and don't move, like a dead fish. It's fucking tasteless at all. I'm so aggrieved."

"It's all the same. What's the hurry? Anyway, there are more women. Wouldn't it be better if you have money and let people buy more good goods? The yellow-faced woman at home can just let her do the laundry, cook and take care of the children. I still want to look young and beautiful."

"You're right. It's better to save the money first. Anyway, women can't run away there."

The foul-smelling words resounded in every household in Chenqian Village, and the women in the family hid away from the kitchen one after another, looking at something with their already numb eyes.

White mist curled up in Chenqian Village, covering the whole Chenqian Village in the white mist. From a distance, Chenqian Village seemed to be a cloud of mist. Behind the mist, there seemed to be countless hideous monsters. Grimacing, blood spread all over his face, and the strong resentment also turned into mist. Listening carefully, it seemed that he could hear one after another, the shrill howls of thousands of ghosts.

With each cry, the fog became denser, the countless grimaces became more hideous and clear, and Chen Qian Village shrouded in the fog became more blurred.

This space seems to have turned into a ghost realm.

Locked up the entire sinful and dirty village, no one from Chen Qian Village could escape.

As soon as Linyuan arrived in Chenqian Village, he saw the extremely dense mist transformed from resentment.

"It's a pity."

Although the resentment is strong and surrounds Chenqian Village, this plane is not a supernatural plane. No matter how strong the resentment is, it cannot kill the people of Chenqian Village. The most is to lower the temperature in the village and use resentment It's impossible to kill or something.

But if this were placed in the supernatural plane, Chen Qian Village would have already become a village of the dead.

Lin Yuan strode towards the village, and wherever he passed, resentment was avoided one after another, and he didn't dare to touch it at all.

After Lin Yuan walked for a while, someone saw her.

Qian Youyu is a well-known bachelor in the village. His parents died early, and there are no relatives in the family. He is left to live alone. Finding a wife is even more difficult for him.

After all, no one bought it for him, and it was difficult for him to get so much money himself.

So I have been playing bachelor.

The reason why he is famous is because he likes to hang around houses with women. If he sees a woman in the passerby, he will stare at them.

However, he was still in his right mind, knowing that he would not be able to survive if he left Chenqian Village, so he only dared to look at it, and he dared not touch it at all.

After all, if he was beaten to death, no one would collect his body.

Today, he was taking his clothes to the river to wash clothes, when he saw Lin Yuan who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Qian Youyu stared at Linyuan fiercely. He was sure that this woman was definitely not from the village. He had seen all the women in the village, and there was no such person.

Such a beautiful woman, what if...

"Ah! It hurts me! My eyes... my eyes!"

Before that thought came out, Qian Youyu felt a sharp pain, his eyes seemed to be pierced by lightning, and he rolled on the ground in pain.

"Help! Help!!!"

Qian Youyu tightly covered his eyes, and blood flowed from the gap he covered, staining his fingers red.

"Damn things."

The Kunlun mirror flew out from the sea of ​​consciousness, and the light golden mirror surface turned into a dazzling golden color, and the murderous aura pierced into Qian Yuyu's eyes, directly blinding him.

Not only that, from now on, his eyes will always feel this severe pain, and it will never stop. The pain will gradually increase, and it will not let him have a day to adapt to numbness.

"Master, let's go."

The surface of the Kunlun Mirror flickered, and said obediently to Lin Yuan.

Mo-colored Shen Yuan's indifferent and cold eyes were as deep as a cold pool. From the beginning to the end, Lin Yuan's gaze did not focus on such trash as Qian Youyu for even a second.

She continued to walk forward until she reached the cellar where Ke Baishu and his group of girls were locked up. Before the two men guarding the cellar opened their mouths, they were directly stunned by the Kunlun Mirror.

Lin Yuan's pure black boots stepped on the concrete floor without a sound, and her black hair, fixed with a wooden hairpin casually, was messy and full of wanton beauty scattered behind her, and there were no decorations on her snow-clear and crystal-clear wrists. As soon as it moved, the stones pressed on the cellar turned into lime and scattered down one after another.

Everything was silent.

If it wasn't for the lime falling suddenly in the air that caught Ke Baishu's attention, I'm afraid none of them would have noticed that the stone above the cellar had disappeared.

As soon as Ke Baishu looked up, he saw Linyuan next to the cellar.

Her pupils shrank instantly, and she stood up in surprise.

Before Ke Baishu could speak, Linyuan transformed into a rope, one end of which was not tied to anything, just appeared in the cellar out of thin air, and landed in front of Ke Baishu.

Lin Yuan didn't care about them anymore, and directly turned into a rattan chair and lay down lazily.

The girls below realized what had happened. Although they didn't know what was going on, their instinct to survive still made them grab the rope and climb up with great effort.

One by one, pushing and yelling, afraid that I would be the last to go up, afraid that I would not be able to escape.

Ke Baishu didn't leave first, but stood by and watched the others climb up before climbing up carefully.

She had never climbed with a rope before, and the rough rope made her palms so painful that when she finally climbed up, her palms were already bleeding.

Ke Baishu resisted the burning pain in his palm, walked towards Linyuan who was still lying on the wicker chair, and asked carefully, "Did you save us?"

Lin Yuan stood up from the chair, and Ke Baishu realized that this benefactor was so tall that she had to raise her head to see her eyes.

Lin Yuan said casually: "Let's go."

Too lazy to answer Ke Baishu's question.

Ke Baishu didn't mind either, and followed Lin Yuan obediently, not at all worried that Lin Yuan was betrayed by bad guys.

When she got outside, Lin Yuan didn't continue walking, she came this time not only to save Ke Baishu and his group.

After all, Ke Baishu and the others did not send out the strong and desperate hope and survival signal.

Lin Yuan was too lazy to use other methods.

Inky purple divine power flashed in the eyes, and Qingling's lazy voice became bewitching at this moment, with a strong allure that devoured souls.

"come over."

Lin Yuan didn't open his mouth, and divine power surged towards the entire Chen Qian Village. These two simple words seemed to have some magical power, causing all the women in Chen Qian Village to stop their movements, their eyes were dull, and their bodies stiffened towards Lin Yuan. coming from the direction.

And the men in Chenqian Village didn't seem to have seen this scene at all, and they were still doing their own things.

When all the women rushed to Linyuan's place, Qi Qi regained consciousness, looking at the surrounding environment, wondering.

"How is this going?"

"Why am I here?"

Someone also noticed Lin Yuan and Ke Baishu's group.

"Who are you? How did you get out? Who let you out?"

Xu Lan stood at the front, but did not make a sound, but stood quietly watching this bizarre scene.

She was sure that she didn't have this half-day consciousness, and she didn't know why, when and how she came here.

But her intuition told her that it was related to the person in front of her.

And the girls who had been watching were almost fainted from fright. Seeing this inhuman power for the first time, their psychological quality was almost not scared to death.

They all curled up together, not daring to say a word.

Lin Yuan didn't bother to explain anything to them, and asked directly: "Do you want to leave here?"

This sentence was no less than a thunderstorm on a sunny day, and the women who exploded couldn't believe what they heard.

After reacting, they didn't even want to question anything, the instinctive consciousness of body and mind just said hastily: "Yes!"

No woman who hasn't been completely brainwashed wants to be in this hell.

If he could leave, he would have left long ago.

Lin Yuan randomly ordered a woman who looked capable and neat to come out, "Take them and walk out of the village. There are two buses outside. There is a schoolbag on each seat in the bus, which contains money and things. The bus It will drag you to Province K, and you can solve the rest by yourself."

Province K is adjacent to Province P, and this bus was naturally fabricated by Lin Yuan out of paper, and the driver who drove it was also a puppet.

It is rare for the demon god Linyuan to save people without considering any purpose, and he is quite thoughtful.

Of course, it cannot be said that the purpose is completely ignored.

At the beginning, I came to this plane because of the distress signal. The despair and resentment in this plane are very deep, and Tian Dao naturally noticed it. Since Lin Yuan saved this gradually collapsing plane, no matter what, Tian Dao has to give Lin Yuan remuneration.

Although Tiandao's reward is dispensable to Lin Yuan, it's not for nothing after all.

It's better than nothing, Lin Yuan thought lazily.

 Thanks to the little angel of bottle sauce for the reward, and thanks to the little angels for their votes, ヾ(●`●)

(End of this chapter)

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