Chapter 103

The river was very quiet, Zhang Kaiyang would have thought it was just an ordinary big river if Sun Ping hadn't reminded him.

The thick palm clenched the handle of the knife, and the muscles of the whole body were tense, ready to attack at any time.

The boat entered the middle of the river, and a thin layer of sweat oozed from Zhang Kaiyang's forehead.

Suddenly, gurgling bubbles emerged from the left side of the ship.

"I see you!"

Zhang Kaiyang let out a loud shout, and suddenly stabbed the long knife underwater.

With a click, the blade seemed to have pierced something.

Zhang Kaiyang showed surprise, and pressed down on the handle of the knife with his wrist.

Wow, the tip of the knife sticks out of the water, wearing a hard-shell bastard about one meter in size.

"Man-eating monster, that's it?"

Zhang Kaiyang shook his head: "No, it's impossible for this bastard to destroy a warship."

At this moment, waves began to appear on the calm water surface, as if it was boiling.

Zhang Kaiyang was horrified to find a black shadow appearing under the boat.

Judging from its outline, it should be a snake, but its body is extremely huge, a hundred meters long and ten meters thick. With a slight flick of its tail, waves several meters high were immediately thrown up on the river.

The giant snake circled around the bottom of the river, and its two lantern-like snake eyes locked on the boat on the water.

The pupils shot scarlet light, as if from a demon from the Nine Serenity Hell.

When Zhang Kaiyang was illuminated by this light, he was stunned, his eyes lost focus.

The next moment, the huge snake head emerged from the water, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed the boat in one gulp.

At the moment of crisis, Zhang Kaiyang regained his senses, stomped his foot, and flew into the air.

"Monster, die!"

Blue veins burst out on Zhang Kaiyang's forehead, and all the strength of the gold rank was concentrated on the tip of the knife.

The silver blade suddenly exploded above the giant snake's head.

Huge waves set off on the river, like tons of explosives ignited at the same time.

The giant snake froze slightly, and the pupils were briefly absent-minded, but that was all.

Zhang Kaiyang slashed with all his strength, not even breaking a single scale of it.

Roar! ! !
The giant snake roared, its huge body crushed the stones at the bottom of the river, and rushed towards Zhang Kaiyang.

Zhang Kaiyang was exhausted by the knife just now, he couldn't even dodge, and he was about to die in the belly of a snake.

On the river bank, two figures swept out at the same time.

They are Jiang Ming and Sun Ping respectively.

Sun Ping glanced at the young man, thinking he was Zhang Kaiyang's subordinate, and said: "I'll hold the monster, you take this opportunity to rescue Zhang Kaiyang, don't get entangled with the monster, you and I together are no match for it."

Jiang Ming was unmoved.

Sun Ping was stunned for a moment, and said angrily: "You rude guy, do you think you can deal with monsters by yourself?"

Without saying a word, Jiang Ming proved it to Sun Ping with practical actions.

He suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Zhang Kaiyang in an instant.

Grabbing Zhang Kaiyang's collar with his palm, he threw it in Sun Ping's direction.

Sun Ping caught Zhang Kaiyang in a daze, his eyes full of bewilderment.

Forget it, the goal has been achieved anyway, the process doesn't matter. . .Sun Ping was very open-minded, and was about to greet Jiang Ming to return to the shore together, his expression froze suddenly.

Instead of running away, the young man slowly pulled out the magic knife.

Crazy, it's an act of suicide. . .Sun Ping anxiously shouted: "Come back quickly, you will die!"

His cries were drowned out by the roar of the giant snake, and the huge monster stood up, and the abyss swallowed the sky and the earth with its mouth.

Between heaven and earth, a golden thunder suddenly exploded, which was actually formed by the condensed sword intent.

Jiang Ming stood proudly alone, as if there were lightning flashes in his eyes.

He swung the magic knife, and a thunderbolt beam as thick as a water tank shot out from the tip of the knife.

The giant snake screamed and twisted, and a pothole appeared on its huge body, and the flesh in the pit was bloody.

"I'll be darling, what kind of terrifying knife technique is this?"

Sun Ping was so shocked that his eyeballs almost popped out.

He originally thought that Jiang Ming was Zhang Kaiyang's younger brother, but at this moment, it seemed that he was a real god.

Jiang Ming severely wounded the giant snake with one knife, and was about to make another knife to kill it completely.

Humanized anger was revealed in the giant snake's eyes, and its tail twitched violently on the river surface, whipping up waves hundreds of feet high.

Wow, Jiang Ming's eyes blurred, and when he saw it again, the giant snake had turned into a black shadow and dived into the bottom of the river.

The bottom of the river is the lair of giant snakes, not to mention that Jiang Ming is not good at water warfare, so it is not wise to enter rashly.

"Think I'll have nothing to do with you if you hide in the river?"

Jiang Ming sneered: "Zhong Kui, it's your turn to perform."

After the words fell, a ghostly grimace emerged from his chest, and the surrounding temperature instantly dropped to freezing point.

"Yes, Master."

Zhong Kui swung the hook lock, aimed at the black shadow at the bottom of the river, and threw it suddenly.

The claw-like hook locks deeply hooked into the giant snake's wound, tearing its flesh and blood.

The giant snake struggled hard, the water was stained red with blood, and was finally slowly pulled out of the water.

The moment the snake's head was exposed, a magic knife was inserted straight into the snake's brain.

The giant snake hissed and roared, and the body of the snake fluttered violently, setting off waves like a tsunami, smashing all the rocks on the shore.

The waves passed upstream, and the warships of the Shu army suffered one after another and were smashed into pieces by the waves.

The soldiers had to jump into the water, clinging to the floating blocks like a swarm of drowning ants.

Seeing this, Sun Ping's expression changed drastically.

It's not that I feel sorry for a few warships. Warships are precious, and they can be rebuilt if they are gone.

The key point is that the boat is gone at this time, how do they rush to Changbanpo to rescue the little country master, is it possible to really go by land?

Those were all his ridicules. If he really went by land, the day lily would be cold.

Jiang Ming was flicked by the snake's tail and hit the big tree on the bank. He couldn't help being surprised by the snake's tenacious vitality.

He picked up the knife and raised it above his head, the huge golden blade condensed out like a pillar of the sky, and even the huge snake became as insignificant as a small insect in front of the blade.

Looking at it from a distance, Sun Ping felt the aura of destroying heaven and earth, and his heart was shocked beyond measure.

If the previous knife shocked him, then this knife made him terrified, so terrified that he couldn't think of any resistance.

The giant snake panicked, its eyes showing panic.

It desperately broke free from the shackles of Zhong Kui's hook and burrowed its head into the bottom of the river.

At the same time, the golden light blade aimed at the snake's head and severed it.

The golden light exploded on the surface of the water, causing great waves, and even the rocky mountain on the other side of the river was cut off by the blade.

The vast river was suddenly cut off, exposing the muddy riverbed and the bewildered giant snake.

The giant snake hit the ground with its head, trying to escape through a crack in the ground.

However, in the next second, a golden light fell on the top of the head.

The earth trembled, and the river bed could not bear the impact, and cracked.

After a brief jolt, the river refilled.

Except for the undulating river surface and the embarrassing river bank, it seems to be the same as before.

Sun Ping stared blankly at He Xin.

There, a huge giant snake slowly emerged from the water, and then turned over, revealing its snow-white belly.

It is dead, like a fish turning white.

(End of this chapter)

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