The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 104 Manipulating the Snake Corpse

Chapter 104 Manipulating the Snake Corpse
"Finally done."

Sun Ping breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the debris of planks floating on the river, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a moment.

The monster is gone, the battleship is gone, what an embarrassing ending.

Zhang Kaiyang sighed: "Damn it, without a warship, we have no time to rescue the little country master."

Sun Ping silently nodded in agreement.

At this time, Jiang Ming walked over with a smile: "Don't be discouraged, two generals, don't we still have a warship?"

Zhang Kaiyang and Sun Ping looked at each other, and they both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

Immediately, the two of them looked at Jiang Ming at the same time, and asked doubtfully, "Is there another warship?"

Am I blind or are you crazy?
Jiang Ming smiled without saying a word, and pointed to the giant snake corpse floating on the river.

Zhang Kaiyang said: "This big snake can be regarded as a huge warship, but unfortunately it is already dead."

Sun Ping added: "Even if it's alive, it won't obey our orders."

The two frowned, unable to understand what kind of medicine was sold in Jiang Ming's gourd.

"It is because of death that it can be used by me."

Jiang Ming smiled mysteriously, walked to the river, and put the giant snake corpse on his palm.

Zhang Kaiyang was surprised to see that a gloomy ghost came out of Jiang Ming's body and entered the giant snake's body along his arm.

The essence of Zhong Kui is the soul body, and the giant snake has just died, and the body has not yet decayed, so he can take it away.

The next moment, the dead giant snake suddenly moved, and its eyes regained consciousness.

"This, this... is alive, it is alive!"

Zhang Kaiyang was shocked and almost fell down.

"Don't be afraid, it is my servant now."

Jiang Ming stretched out his palm to the giant snake, and the latter rubbed his nose docilely against his palm, like a loyal dog begging its master to pet it.

Zhang Kaiyang and the others were dumbfounded, they really didn't expect Jiang Ming to have such a fairy-like method.

The giant snake is more than 5000 meters long and more than [-] meters wide. It is no problem to squeeze [-] people.

The Shu army selected [-] elite soldiers to board the snake boat, and the remaining soldiers returned to camp on foot.

On the broad river, the giant snake broke through the waves.

On the back of the snake, five thousand elite soldiers cheered.

Thanks to Jiang Ming, they were fortunate enough to experience the feeling of riding a huge monster, enough to brag about it for a lifetime.

Zhang Kaiyang and Sun Ping sat on the neck of the snake, with strong pride on their faces.

Giant beasts are treated like cows and horses. This treatment is the first batch in the past.

Unfortunately, they wanted to sit on the snake's head, but Jiang Ming kicked them down.

There were only Jiang Ming and Yun Ying on the giant snake's raised head.

The atmosphere was quiet and a little awkward.

Jiang Ming coughed twice, breaking the silence: "Miss Yunying, do you like this supreme treatment?"

Yunying was still angry about the fish pond, she gave him a cold look, and said, "I would be more satisfied without you."

Jiang Ming was ashamed and speechless.

On the snake's neck, Sun Ping showed doubts: "Miss Yunying seems to have a bad relationship with Jiang Ming?"

Zhang Kaiyang snorted, and said, "Jiang Ming deserves what he deserves."

He then told the story of Jiang Ming's fish farming and overturned, and added more details.

Sun Ping slapped his thigh suddenly and cursed: "You dog thief, you really deserve it! Miss Yunying should keep her eyes open and stay away from this kind of scum."

Seeing the righteous indignation he said, I actually felt very sad:
His grandma's, I'm almost forty and haven't found a wife yet, why should you embrace him?Are they all beauties?unfair!

At this time, Jiang Ming, who had a bad nose at Yunying, stepped down from the snake's neck and said leisurely, "What do you know? It's called greater ability comes greater responsibility."

Sun Ping spat: "Fart, is this sentence used like this?"

Jiang Ming said seriously: "That's right, breeding offspring is also a responsibility. If I am capable, I will do more, and you people can do less, or you can get something for nothing."

Sun Ping's cheeks twitched.

Nima, ghosts are willing to get something for nothing!

The speed of the giant snake is extremely fast. The originally planned two-day itinerary was completed in less than one day.

Zhang Kaiyang pointed to the most prominent one among the many mountains on the river bank, and said excitedly, "That's Changbanpo!"

Jiang Ming looked along, and it turned out that Changbanpo is a mountain road halfway up the mountain.

A bunch of military camps were densely stationed on the top of the mountain, and the national flag of Wei State was planted on the military camps.

At the foot of the mountain is the Shu army in a circle.

The two armies confronted each other up and down, and the situation was tense.

Jiang Ming couldn't understand, and asked, "Since the encirclement has been formed, why not attack upwards?"

Zhang Kaiyang was also puzzled. The order he received only said to go to Changbanpo to save the little king, but did not describe the situation.

"It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't do it."

Sun Ping knew some inside information, and explained: "The Wei army's iron armor formation is indestructible, and it is difficult to break through from the bottom to the top. What's more, they still have the hostage of the little king in their hands. If they are in a hurry, they may do the same thing."

I understand, that is to say, on the surface, the Shu army manipulated the Wei army, but in fact it was the Wei army who manipulated the Shu army. . .Jiang Ming nodded and said, "How is the top combat power?"

Sun Pingdao: "General Zhao Yun and Xia Houchun are equal in strength, they are both Diamond One."

If the top combat power is tied, it is equivalent to nothing.

It is impossible for Zhao Yun to take action to destroy the iron armor formation, Xia Houchun will not give him a chance.

The main forces of the two countries are busy, and there is no way to assign reinforcements.

In this case, no matter how powerful he is, Zhao Yun, it will be difficult to break the deadlock.

At the same time, Yicheng, the capital of Shu Kingdom.

The handsome man raised his palm and grabbed it, and a carrier pigeon fell into his palm.

Zhuge Liang untied the letter tied to the pigeon's leg and read it carefully.

The expression on his handsome face gradually became serious.

"Military teacher, but Zilong passed on the letter?"

Beside him, the sharp-edged man asked eagerly.

He is the Lord of Shu - Liu Bei.

It has been more than half a month since the only son, Liu Chan, was taken away. He was flustered and couldn't sleep at night.

In order to save his son, he sent his most proud men, General Zhao Zilong of the Five Tigers, eager to hear the news of his triumphant return.

Zhuge Liang glanced at the man who was eager to save his son, and sighed: "It is indeed Zilong's letter, but unfortunately it is not good news. The Wei army has a geographical advantage, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and Zilong will not be able to take it for a while."

Liu Bei was stunned when he heard this, as if he had aged ten years all of a sudden.

If possible, he would personally lead the army to attack Changbanpo and welcome his son home.

But he can't.

As the lord of the country and the only Xingyao-level warrior, he must sit in the capital at this time, otherwise when he rescues Liu Chan, the base camp will be taken away.

Zhuge Liang wanted to persuade Liu Bei to leave Chang Banpo alone for the time being and concentrate on dealing with the covetous Cao Cao army, but he couldn't say it anyway.

Because there is no reason to persuade a father to give up his son.

Zhuge Liang's lips squirmed silently, and finally sighed heavily in his heart:

Cao Cao's abducting Liu Chan at this time can not only disturb the state of mind of the king, but also benefit the invincible position. It is really a good move.

He looked into the distance and muttered to himself: "How can we break the deadlock?"

The number one think-tank in King's Continent, he can't figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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