The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 119 Orcs will never be slaves

Chapter 119 Orcs will never be slaves
On the barren mountain path, a convoy slowly advances.

In a carriage, Zhuge Liang put away the map, and said to Jiang Ming who was lying comfortably beside him: "We have already walked a little half the distance, and after passing this mountain range is the border of Wu Kingdom, it may take three to five days for Jiang County."

"Okay, I wish I could go to Jiang County tomorrow."

Jiang Ming closed his eyes and said.

The carriage was really too slow. If Yujian was flying, he would have already had tea and chatted with Xiao Qiao in Jiang Jun.

"Speaking of which, I have a bad feeling. There shouldn't be someone blocking the way to rob in this barren mountain?"

As soon as Jiang Ming finished speaking, he heard the driver in the front scream: "There are monsters, there are monsters!"

He raised his head, only to see something like a snowball rolling down the hillside, blocking the front of the convoy.

Snowball stretched his body, stretched out his limbs, head and tail, and it turned out to be a huge white bear!

The white bear stood up, looked down at the front driver and roared.


The sound waves poured into the ears, and the coachman was frightened.

His legs trembled involuntarily, and he shouted in panic: "Help, help, don't eat me..."

I even forgot to run away.

"Beast, die!"

Seeing this, the rest of the coachmen pulled out the big knives hidden in the cart one after another, and slashed at the white bear.

Bai Xiong glanced at them with a very humane contempt in his eyes.

It raised its bear paw and patted it lightly. With a clanging sound, more than a dozen broadswords snapped apart.

The coachmen stared at the half-handle of the knife in their hands, dumbfounded.

The white bear crossed his hips proudly, with a smug face on the bear's face, as if saying: Please, you are so weak.

Under the vigilant and fearful eyes of the people, Bai Xiong walked towards the carriage, picked up a few bags of food on it, and walked back.

The soldiers pretending to be coachmen were dumbfounded. They didn't hurt anyone but just grabbed food. Since when did the white bears become vegetarians?

Zhuge Liang put away the power of magic in his palm, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his handsome face: "This seems to be a wise bear, maybe it can be used as a mount."

Jiang Ming narrowed his eyes and looked at the white bear, feeling familiar.

Suddenly, a slight smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, and said: "It is indeed a bear with intelligence, but it is a pity that it has an owner."

Have a master?how do you know. . .Zhuge Liang was about to ask a question, but he saw that Jiang Ming had already soared into the air, stepping on the air and falling in front of the white bear.


The white bear roared at the humans who suddenly stopped in front of it, and hammered the ground with its bear claws like a demonstration.

Jiang Ming was unmoved, and even dug his ears out of boredom.

Bai Xiong widened his eyes and bared his teeth to threaten Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming still refused to give way.

The white bear stomped his feet angrily, and the bear paw gestured at Jiang Ming twice, and finally walked around Jiang Ming angrily and walked back.

Jiang Ming was amused by this white bear's naive behavior. He was sure that this white bear only wanted food and didn't want to harm humans.

The previous actions were just to scare them and make them obediently hand over their food.

With a backhand grab, Jiang Ming snatched back the food that the white bear had stolen.

The white bear touched the empty shoulder, and the bear's face showed human doubts.

It turned its head and saw the human trampling the food bag under its feet, the bear stared and roared threateningly.


After barking twice, it stretched out its claws to grab the food under Jiang Ming's feet, but found that it couldn't pull it out no matter what.


The white bear roared angrily, and circled around Jiang Ming, but didn't attack.

After yelling for a while, Bai Xiong saw that he couldn't scare Jiang Ming, so he rolled his eyes at him, turned his buttocks and walked away.

"Where to go?"

The corner of Jiang Ming's mouth twitched, and the magic knife hung above the white bear with rolling thunder, and the domineering aura filled the entire space.

The white bear's eyes were wide open, and his face was filled with disbelief. He never expected that the human in front of him was actually a martial artist stronger than his master.

Jiang Ming tilted his chin: "Sit down."

Bai Xiong sat down with a plop, crossed his legs obediently.

Dignity is important, but life is more precious.

Jiang Ming nodded in satisfaction and said, "Where's your master?"

Ice Bear turned his head proudly, expressing that he would never betray his master.

Jiang Ming flicked the gleaming blade, frightening the white bear so much that its fur exploded.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Ming took out a piece of dried meat from his pocket and threw it on the ground, saying, "Tell me where your master is, the dried meat is enough."

The white bear licked the corner of his mouth, and couldn't care less about his face anymore. He picked up the jerky and started to eat it. The bear's claws secretly pointed to the top of a mountain in the distance.

Good guy, big white bear with strong bones, a piece of jerky can treason the country. . .Zhuge Liang was dumbfounded.

A sentence suddenly flashed in Jiang Ming's mind: "Beastmen will never be slaves, unless they have food and shelter!"

Jiang Ming looked at the mountain pointed by the white bear, and said loudly, "Come out, your white bear has betrayed you."

On the hillside, there was a rustling sound from the grass, and a short little girl came out.

She has silver hair, immature facial features, big and round eyes, like two glowing gems.

It is the hero in the glory of the king - Agudo.

As Jiang Ming guessed, this white bear is indeed Agudo's pet.

Agudo walked down the hillside, keeping a distance from Jiang Ming vigilantly, pulling the big slingshot in his hand round and aiming at Jiang Ming.

"Vicious human, let go of the ball!"

Bai Xiong Qiuqiu yelled aggrieved twice, meaning: I had no choice but to betray you, and I blame this human being for being too vicious.

"I didn't make things difficult for it."

Jiang Ming spread his hands, and then looked towards the golf course: "You can go back to the owner."

Qiuqiu was taken aback for a moment, looked up at Jiang Ming, his eyes were full of doubts and reluctance, as if to say: Let me go now?Is it enough jerky as promised?

Agudo read Qiuqiu's mind, and his small face stepped down in an instant, and said: "Qiaoqiu! You go with him, I don't want you anymore!"

How can that work, I can still tell the difference after a full meal. . .The white bear ball turned pale with fright, and immediately returned to the owner's side, rubbing her arm affectionately.

"You have some conscience."

Agudo stroked Qiuqiu's hairy head, and the snow and ice melted on his face.

She looked at Jiang Ming and said, "Human, since Qiuqiu is not injured, I won't argue with you, you go."

Good guy, you said it so confidently, I almost forgot that the two of you were road robbers. . .Jiang Mingdao: "You are also human, why do you have so much malice towards human beings?"

Agudo snorted coldly, with a look of disdain on his delicate face: "Humans are all villains, destroying forests, killing lives, and bullying weak compatriots. I am a wild child who grew up in the mountains, so I am not a human like you. !"

(End of this chapter)

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