The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 120 Wu Pain Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Chapter 120 Wu Pain Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Agudo seems to have a deep resentment towards humans, but it is normal for a child who was abandoned in the mountains and grew up with wild beasts to have resentment towards humans.

If possible, Jiang Ming would like to try to make her accept humans.

"In fact, not all human beings are what you imagine, most of us are still very kind."

Agudo shook his head: "I don't believe it. Human beings are liars, not as good as wild beasts. At least wild beasts have not betrayed or abandoned them."

It seems that this little girl was deeply hurt by humans. . .Jiang Ming was silent.

He pondered for a moment, feeling that he should use practical actions to influence Agudo, not empty words.

He walked to the convoy, took several bags of grain from above and threw them in front of Agudo, saying, "These grains are yours."


Agudo opened his eyes wide, his immature face was full of disbelief.

Then she looked at Jiang Ming vigilantly, and said, "I don't believe that such a good thing will happen, human being, are you planning some bad idea?"

Jiang Ming couldn't help but laugh: "What bad idea do I have? With you poor enough to block the road and rob, what can I remember?"

"That's right." Agudo let go of his guard, hugged several bags of grain on the ground tightly, and said happily: "With these grains, grandparents don't have to go hungry."


Jiang Ming showed a puzzled look on his face, this little girl and the beast are both relatives?

Human and beast XX? ? ?

Agudo didn't notice Jiang Ming's strange eyes, and explained: "The grandparents are all old humans. They were abandoned by their own children in the barren mountains. I brought them back to the cottage to raise them."

It turned out to be like this. . .Jiang Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "You say you hate humans, but you are still willing to help humans in action. In fact, we are the same as you."

Agudo snorted softly, and said: "I just saw them as pitiful, so I didn't forgive humans. Also, you took the initiative to give me food, and I didn't ask you."

"Yes, yes, you didn't ask me, I took the initiative to deliver the food." Jiang Ming shook his head with a smile, and said, "So, you blocked the way to rob those old people in order to feed them?"

"I don't want to do such a thing as robbery!" Agudo clenched his small fists and said angrily, "It's all because of those robbers who robbed me of the grain I planted, so I had to block the way to rob."

Agudo told Jiang Ming about the matter.

Agudo originally supported her grandparents by farming in the mountains for self-sufficiency, but later a group of robbers came to the mountains, not only robbed her of food and land, but also drove them out of the village.

Agudo is a platinum senior, and the leaders of those bandits are all platinum senior, and she alone is no match at all.

In order to get food for grandparents, she and Qiuqiu had no choice but to think of the method of blocking the road and robbing, but it was the first time they encountered such a stubborn stubble like Jiang Ming.

"It's disgusting to even rob children and the elderly of their food."

Jiang Ming frowned, his eyes exuded a murderous intent: "I'll help you drive away those bad guys and take back the cottage."

"Really?" Agudo's big eyes shone with excitement.

She couldn't see what rank the human being in front of her was, but according to Qiuqiu's report, this person's strength was far superior to hers.

With his help, maybe those robbers could really be driven away.

Jiang Ming nodded and said: "Of course, not only that, I will give you some more food, so that you and your grandparents will never go hungry again."

"Human, you are too kind!"

Agudo hugged Jiang Ming's arm happily, rubbing his little face back and forth on it.

Bai Xiong Qiuqiu imitated his master, hugged Jiang Ming's other arm, and hit his chest with the huge bear's head, almost causing internal injuries.

There was a heavy feeling in both arms, and Jiang Ming couldn't laugh or cry: "It's alright, alright, stop rubbing, and my name is Jiang Ming, don't call me old people."

"Jiang Ming, you are so kind, you are the best human being I have ever seen."

Agudo rubbed affectionately, like a cat pestering its owner.

There is a small village on the mountain, which was originally just a cave, in which lived Agudo and Qiuqiu, one person and one bear.

Later, Agudo took in many old people, and the cave was not enough, so she built such a small village, and reclaimed farmland, and farmed the land by herself to support her grandparents.

But now, the cozy little village has become a dirty place where bandits live in luxury and lust.

In the hall, the robbers were holding a banquet, and each of them drank a little bit.

"It's better to be a robber. You don't have to farm the land and women have meat to eat. What do those farmers get for their hard work?"

"That's right, only idiots are farmers, and robbers are so cool!"

"Speaking of it, I have to thank the masters, let's toast the second master and the third master!"

The robbers cheered and toasted, as if welcoming the emperor.

The touted second-in-command was a little smug, and said in a loud voice: "Brothers, follow me, make sure that the hot and spicy ones are popular, and the best-looking girls will be fucked with the least effort!"

"Second Master is mighty, thank you Second Master!" The younger brothers erupted instantly.

At this time, Wu Zhi, the head of the family, walked in and said with a smile: "Brothers are very interested."

"Hello Master!"

"Thanks to the bravery and martial arts of the master, we can live like gods!"

"That's right, the head is the savior of this troubled world. If you ask me, you are much more powerful than Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Only you are worthy of the title of General of the Five Tigers."

"It's small, the structure is small, what are the five tiger generals, only the highest general of the generals - General Tiance is worthy of the strength of the master!"

When the younger brothers saw the boss coming out, they all said hello. They knew that Wu Zhuan had been in the army, and he became a bandit because he was not taken seriously, so he used his position as a general to praise Wu Zhi.

Wu Zhi was very comfortable being blown by this wave of rainbow farts, and laughed: "Well said, Liu Bei is blind to designate a brat as Tiance Admiral. The shoes don't match!"

The Erdang family was very happy to see Wu Zhu, walked to his side and said, "Brother, we are almost running out of women, wine and meat in the village, I will take my younger brother to grab some more tomorrow."

Wu Zhi nodded: "Okay, tomorrow you go to search the villages in the north of the mountain, don't keep a single needle or thread, untouchables don't deserve to have food and women, it's their honor to be able to dedicate to this uncle."

The Erdangjia had a cold smile on his face, and said, "Brother's words are absolutely correct."

At this time, a little brother ran in in a panic and said loudly: "The masters are not good, the little girl with the slingshot is here again, and this time she brought two helpers!"

"There are only three people, why are you panicking?" Wu Zhi gave him a hard look, and said, "The second and third child will follow me, this time let her come and go, and completely solve the future troubles."

(End of this chapter)

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