Chapter 128 The Hand of Sin
Count your wit. . .Sun Shangxiang hooked the corner of his mouth.

She took a peek at Jiang Ming, with a smug gleam in her beautiful eyes, and said in her heart:
Miss Ben's disguise is indeed the best in the world, and Jiang Ming has not found any clues until now.

Jiang Ming also sneaked a glance at her, and complained silently in his heart: Damn, with this flawed acting skills, I can guess your identity even if I don't know you.

Sun Shangxiang was complacent for a while, then remembered that there were still things she hadn't asked, and said to Zhou Yu: "Commander, what's the matter with these people, why are they locked in cages?"

Zhou Yu said respectfully: "The beautiful Phantom Thief girl who is long... doesn't know that these people are all infected with the plague. If they are not quarantined, more people will be infected."

It turned out to be like this. . .Jiang Ming nodded slightly.

In this case, in order to protect more people, the infected should indeed be isolated.

"Then may I ask Governor Zhou Yu, has the antidote for the plague been developed?" Jiang Ming asked.

It was only then that Zhou Yu noticed that there were two people beside Sun Shangxiang, one of whom was a handsome young man in his early twenties, who was the one who just asked the question.

And the other one turned out to be the military advisor of the Kingdom of Shu—the famous Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang!
"Zhuge Liang, what are you doing in my country of Wu?" Zhou Yu's nerves collapsed instinctively, and he felt a sense of horror when he woke up and suddenly found the enemy lying on the bed and smiling at him.

Zhuge Liang smiled wryly and said, "Don't be nervous, Dudu. Liang is not hostile to this trip, he is here to propose marriage."

"Ask for a kiss? What kind of kiss?" Zhou Yu asked closely.

"Why do you have so many things, Jiang Ming asked you something!"

Sun Shangxiang didn't want to hear the topic of courtship, so she rudely interrupted their conversation.

Both Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu were dumbfounded.

Zhuge Liang was surprised, the strange thief girl had such a hot temper, she didn't even give the governor's face.

Zhou Yu looked aggrieved, what did I do wrong to make the eldest princess so angry, blah blah.

But since the eldest princess is walking with them, there must be no problem.

Zhou Yu felt relieved and looked at Jiang Ming with regret on his face. He shook his head and said, "There is no antidote. This plague came suddenly and violently. We have nothing to do with it."

Hearing this, Jiang Ming frowned: "In other words, these people can only wait to die?"

Zhou Yu was speechless.

As the governor of the Wu Kingdom, he saw with his own eyes that his people were devastated by the plague, but he could do nothing.

Zhou Yu felt more uncomfortable than anyone else.

Even Sun Shangxiang, who was so careless, showed a rare expression of seriousness: "This is indeed a difficult problem. Even the smart and witty heroine, I can't think of a solution."

At this time, Jiang Ming, who possessed master-level medical skills, smiled.

The little plague has beaten you so helplessly, you all get out of the way, I'm going to start pretending.

"Cough." Jiang Ming coughed twice, and said, "The plague is indeed difficult, but it is not impossible."

Zhou Yu's eyes lit up, and he said anxiously, "Brother, please explain clearly."

Sun Shangxiang asked suspiciously: "Jiang Ming, are you joking?"

Even a great talent like Zhou Yu can't help this plague. What can you, a small diplomat, do?
"Of course not, how could I be joking at this time."

Jiang Ming straightened his chest and said proudly: "To be honest, I have another identity besides the order, and that is the doctor."

Being humble, there should be another billion identities.

Zhou Yu had a look of surprise on his face, and said, "That's great. May I ask Brother Jiang Ming, what level of medical skills are you?"

Before that, he had invited several elite medical practitioners to develop antidote, but they all failed.

If Jiang Ming's medical skills were inferior to those of the elite, it would be nothing but joy.

Zhou Yu nervously waited for Jiang Ming's answer, praying silently in his heart: master, master, master. . .

However, he also knew that Jiang Ming was unlikely to be a master doctor, because there was only one master doctor in the Wu Kingdom, and as for more advanced master doctors, there were only a handful of them in the entire King Continent.

"I'm just an ordinary master doctor."

Jiang Ming's answer directly stunned Zhou Yu.

When Sun Shangxiang heard the words, there was a light of astonishment in her beautiful eyes.

Zhuge Liang was much calmer, after all, he had been by Jiang Ming's side for a long time, and he was used to it.

"Grandmaster doctor..."

Zhou Yu was stunned for a while, grabbed Jiang Ming's arm, and said excitedly, "Grandmaster, are you a master doctor? Great, these people are saved! Come on, please heal them quickly!"

Jiang Ming shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Dudu. Even a master doctor needs to carefully observe the patient's condition before prescribing the right medicine."

Zhou Yu nodded naively: "Yes, you are right, then please diagnose them now. Seeing them suffer, I, the governor, feel really uncomfortable."

Jiang Ming used his spiritual power to form a protective barrier around his body, and then ordered everyone to retreat, while he himself opened the cage and walked in.

The cage is huge, with thousands of people crowded together, very much like a pig farm in the previous life.

When the people infected with the plague saw strangers entering, they all looked at them with bloodshot eyes.

Some even bared their teeth, as if they had serious aggressive tendencies.

At this time, an infected person suddenly rushed towards Jiang Ming like a zombie.

Its movements are quick and its strength is not like that of ordinary humans.

Jiang Ming pushed him to the ground with his backhand, and was about to check his abnormality when the infected people around him rioted.

They surrounded Jiang Ming, the only normal human being in the cage like crazy, with a terrifying expression like a walking corpse on their faces, as if they wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

"Jiang Ming!"

Outside the cage, the faces of Zhuge Liang, Sun Shangxiang and Zhou Yu all changed drastically.

They also couldn't figure out why the infected would suddenly attack Jiang Ming, and they took out their weapons and prepared to enter the cage to save people.

"Don't come here!"

Jiang Ming's voice came from the cage, and he lifted his foot to the ground and suddenly stopped, and the earthquake-like energy fluctuations were suddenly transmitted.

The infected people immediately flew into the sky and threw all kinds of meat and eight vegetables.

Jiang Ming, on the other hand, took the opportunity to pull over an infected person and began to grope for him.

Pulse, heartbeat, neck, chest, legs. . .In line with the rigorous medical spirit, Jiang Ming did not let go of every strange place on the infected person.

At the same time, Zhuge Liang and others were dumbfounded.

Because the infected person caught by Jiang Ming was a young girl, and at this time, Jiang Ming's sinful palm was wandering around the girl's indescribable part.

Zhuge Liang's expression was dull: "Ah... Brother Jiang Ming didn't mean it, it should be..."

Sun Shangxiang's pretty face blushed, spat, and said, "Bah, shameless."

(End of this chapter)

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