Chapter 129 Blood Virus

Jiang Ming groped the girl for a while, and suddenly realized: "I know what's going on!"

He raised his head excitedly, and found that everyone was looking at him with weird eyes.

What's the situation. . .Jiang Ming wondered, "What's wrong with you?"

Sun Shangxiang curled her lips in disdain.

Zhuge Liang covered his face with one hand and pointed to the infected person.

Jiang Ming lowered his head, and it was only then that he noticed that the infected person he picked up at random turned out to be a beautiful young girl.

Most importantly, his palm was still in an inappropriate place at this time.

Fuck trough trough trough. . .Jiang Ming roared inwardly, and hurriedly said:
"Heaven and earth conscience, I really didn't mean it."

It is a pity that his explanation obviously cannot be convinced by everyone.

Sun Shangxiang said in a strange way: "Of course I know you didn't do it on purpose, who would admit that he is a pervert."

Zhuge Liang winked and said: "Brother Jiang Ming, don't blame yourself too much, you just made a mistake that all men in the world will make."

Zhou Yu shook his head and sighed, "Looking at your good-looking talent, you thought you were an upright gentleman like me, but it's a pity..."

Jiang Mingren was dumbfounded.

All men in the world will make mistakes, I suspect that you are the time traveler.

At this time, the infected people who were stunned by his kick before slowly woke up.

The girl screamed even more angrily, and she didn't seem to have completely lost her humanity.

slipped away. . .Jiang Ming ran out of the cage in a hurry, and closed the iron lock with his backhand.

Seeing Jiang Ming's performance, Zhou Yu was a little ashamed to be with him, but still concerned: "How is it? Have you found the cause and solution?"

Jiang Ming still felt that he should restore his image first, and said, "Listen to me, I really didn't do it on purpose. The situation was urgent, and I didn't even pay attention to whether it was a man or a woman."

The three of them were expressionless, and said at the same time: "I know, we believe in you."

"Just believe it."

Jiang Ming heaved a sigh of relief, my image of a gentleman can finally be preserved.

The three of them then said expressionlessly: "We believe that you just found a young girl at random, and you also reluctantly touched her body for medical research. All of this is accidental and has nothing to do with you money relationship."

Jiang Ming's face suddenly became stiff, as if he heard the sound of his reputation falling to the ground.

You three hermaphrodites don't believe me, you are clearly mocking me.

I'm so distraught!

Forget it, whatever you think, it's still important to be serious. . .Jiang Ming waved his hand weakly, and said, "I can conclude now that this plague is not accidental, but someone deliberately poisoned it."

Now it was Zhou Yu's turn to turn pale with shock, he hurriedly said, "How do you say that?"

Jiang Ming glanced at him, and asked back: "Have the governor ever heard of blood race?"

"Blood race?" Zhou Yu's eyes flashed with astonishment, and he said, "Of course I have heard that the blood race originated from Xuan Yong, and they are monsters transformed by the evil doctor Xu Fu. They live by sucking human blood and are infinitely powerful. It is said that Xu Fu After being expelled from Xuanyong, he went to Fusang, where he cultivated a large-scale blood army. But, what does this have to do with the plague in my country of Wu?"

Jiang Ming said solemnly, "I can tell you very seriously that these people are infected with the blood race virus."

Bloodline virus. . .When Zhou Yu heard this, his face instantly turned pale.

He carefully recollected the characteristics of the infected person, his strength became stronger, he lost his mind, and had a tendency to attack, which was exactly the performance of the blood race!
"It turned out to be a blood race virus, but how could it be like this? The blood race base camp is obviously in Fusang, how could it be infected to my country of Wu?"

Zhou Yu muttered to himself in disbelief.

At this time, Jiang Ming's words hit him like a bolt of lightning: "If I told you, Xu Fu is in the third place, and he is helping Cao Cao attack the Kingdom of Shu in the capital of Wei."

Xu Fu is notorious in King's Continent, and all countries wish to stay away from him.

It is definitely not a good thing for him to appear in the third place, especially since he seems to be planning to spread the blood race virus in Wu country, it is even more terrifying.

Zhou Yu remained motionless, as if petrified.

When Jiang Ming saw this, the corners of his mouth curled up indistinctly.

This is exactly the effect he wanted.

The more shocked and terrified Zhou Yu was, the more serious Wu State's fear of Xu Fu was, and the greater the possibility of uniting with Shu State at that time.

After all, blood clans cannibalize people regardless of their goals. After eating Shu, the next one must be Wu.

Even if the country of Wu is not eaten, throwing the blood race virus here is enough to lead to the consequences of destroying the country.

At this time, Jiang Ming saw that the desired effect had been achieved, and he said with relief: "The governor doesn't have to worry too much, the people here are only infected with a weakened version of the blood race virus, so these infected people don't have the bloodthirsty impulse as big as the blood race, and they don't have to worry too much. So difficult, as long as the treatment is timely, it can still return to normal."

"That's great, I'm very grateful to trouble brother Jiang Ming to make an antidote." Zhou Yu cupped his hands and said.

"This is natural, but I have a word to remind the governor that my medicine can solve the problem for a while, but it can't solve the problem forever. If you want to completely get rid of the harm of the blood race virus, you need to take action at the root - kill or at least drive away Xu Fu."

Jiang Ming's words hit Zhou Yu's heart directly, and the latter fell silent.

Jiang Ming took the opportunity to go a step further and said, "Since the blood clan has extended its claws to Wu, why doesn't Wu form an alliance with Shu to fight against Cao Cao and the blood clan together?"

No matter how stupid Zhou Yu was, he could still react, and said bitterly, "It turns out that the purpose of the two marriage proposals is to foster an alliance."

Jiang Ming said with a smile: "The governor is really smart. The current state of Shu and Wu are just two chopsticks. If they are combined, they will benefit both, and if they are divided, they will cause two disadvantages. Please advise your lord Sun Ce."

Regarding Jiang Ming's words, Zhou Yu was powerless to refute, because there was nothing wrong with it.

While worrying about the future of the country, Zhou Yu had to marvel at Jiang Ming's negotiation skills.

First, I will intimidate you with the danger of the blood race, and then tell you that I can help you, but I can only help you solve half of the difficulties, and you need to agree to the alliance for the remaining half.

With such a heart at such a young age, he is indeed the diplomat that Liu Bei likes. . .Zhou Yu shook his head helplessly and said, "The pros and cons are so clear, can we still refuse?"

"The governor is righteous."

A smile appeared on Jiang Ming's face.

Zhou Yu is the person Sun Ce trusts the most. If even he supports the alliance, Sun Ce will be half convinced.

Next, Jiang Ming made an antidote, and the infected people all regained their consciousness after taking it.

And Zhou Yu also promised to lead Jiang Ming and others to Jiang County after finishing the work here, and then he would say a few good words about the alliance in front of Sun Ce.

The next morning, Jiang Ming was taking a rest when suddenly the door was pushed open from the outside.

A shy girl figure came into sight.

(End of this chapter)

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