The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 152 Panasonic asked the boy

Chapter 152 Panasonic asked the boy

"I'm not mistaken, this fairy grandpa actually gave me money."

"Perhaps he is different from those gods who treat life like nothing in the legend, and is a good god?"

"Yes, it must be so!"

Not long after Jiang Ming left, the two fishermen stared blankly at his back, feeling a lot of emotion in their hearts.

At this moment, waves suddenly rose on the sea in front of them.

A huge black warship suddenly appeared and smashed the fishing boat to pieces with a bang.

The two fell into the sea immediately. Fortunately, they knew how to swim, so they didn't drown. Unfortunately, all the fish and shrimp they harvested were gone.

"Fish, my fish!"

The two shouted loudly, but to no avail.

It's over, today's harvest is gone, and the fishing boat is gone.

The square-faced man turned his head angrily, looked at the huge warship that hit them, and said angrily: "Where are you, come out and pay for my boat and fish!"

After shouting a few times, someone from the other party finally appeared on the deck. It was Fuso Samurai in black combat uniform.

The Fusang warrior glanced at the two fishermen below, and a sneer appeared on his ferocious face.

In the chirping hibiscus bird language: "It turns out that they are the inferior races of the two continents. It happens that there is a shortage of slaves on the island. Come here."

He pointed his palm down and sucked hard, and the bodies of the two fishermen rose involuntarily, and landed on the Fusang warship with a plop.

Looking at a boat of ferocious Fusang warriors, the faces of the two of them turned pale in an instant.

With a compass, Jiang Ming finally walked out of the layers of fog and headed straight towards Fusang Island.

Yudao has been flying for a long time, and the calculation of the distance should not be far from Fusang Island.

At this time, he suddenly heard a woman's voice mixed with the sea breeze: "He's dead on the stage, he's dead on the stage..."

During the more than ten days of rest in Weidu, Jiang Ming deliberately learned the language of Fusang, and immediately recognized that it was Fusang dialect, which meant to save lives.

There is a Fusang woman in front of her calling for help.

The relationship between Fusang and Dalu was tense, and Jiang Ming didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but when he thought that the other party was an innocent woman, his heart softened again.

Not far ahead was a sailboat with a black skull flag, and the cry for help came from above.

On the boat, a young girl was surrounded by more than a dozen men with wretched smiles, hugged her body in fright, squatted on the ground and cried.

Crying and shouting for help.

Jiang Ming was shocked when he saw this scene from afar.

I'll go, why do I have the rush to walk into the shooting scene.

Just as the Fusang man extended his palm to the girl, a figure descended from the sky.

Jiang Ming kicked the nearest man away, then protected the girl behind him, and said softly in Fusang language: "Girl, I'm not late."

The girl raised her head, revealing a pure and pleasant face, the same type as Xiao Qiao, but a little worse than Xiao Qiao.

"Young master, please help me, they are black skulls, they killed my parents, and they will do that kind of thing to me."

The girl grabbed Jiang Ming's arm with all her strength, like a drowning person grabbing the swimming ring, her eyes and nose were red from crying, which was very pitiful.

If it weren't for Jiang Ming's countless daughters, maybe he would really be moved.

"Don't worry, girl, I won't let these animals hurt you."

Jiang Ming didn't know what kind of organization the black skull in her mouth was, but it was definitely not a good thing that did such a thing.

Just kill it.

"Baga! You idiot, dare to fight against our black skulls, don't you want to live?"

The man who was kicked out by Jiang Ming before came back aggressively, angrily drew out his samurai sword and slashed at Jiang Ming.

"Little Baga, who are you with?"

The Chinese spoken by Jiang Ming made the person on the other side startled when he heard this sentence. Before he could react, Jiang Ming grabbed him and started hitting him with his big mouth.

At this time, all the Fusang warriors in the boat understood that the man who suddenly appeared was from mainland China!
Even the rescued girl looked at Jiang Ming in amazement, as if she didn't believe that the mainlanders would come to her rescue.

"Bagayalu, it turned out to be a low-level mainlander!"

"The inferior race dares to hurt our compatriots, Fusang warriors, kill him!"

All of a sudden, more than a dozen samurai swords slashed at Jiang Ming at the same time.

"Mere Fusang Japanese pirates, how can they have the face to call themselves superior?"

Jiang Ming sneered and punched like a dragon.

Boom boom boom!
The fierce fist vibrated in the chest of the Fusang warriors, and more than a dozen warriors exploded into blood foam on the spot, leaving no bones left.

The only one alive, the samurai whose nose was bruised and face swollen by Jiang Ming's slap, was stunned when he saw the blood on the ground.

In the impression of the Fusang people, the mainlanders are weak and easy to bully.

But the appearance of Jiang Ming completely changed his view.

This mainlander is not only powerful, but also very cruel!

"Devil, you are the devil!"

The Fusang warrior peed his pants in fright, pointed at Jiang Ming in horror, ran to the side of the boat, and jumped into the sea without hesitation.

In his opinion, Jiang Ming is far more terrifying than the sea.

"Don't be complacent, our Black Skull will not let you go, I will definitely come back!"

Samurai Fusang left a classic ruthless remark, dived into the water like a fish and disappeared.

"Young master, he ran away."

The girl grabbed Jiang Ming's arm, her tone worried, fearing that the warrior would bring his accomplice back.

"Don't worry, he can't run."

Jiang Ming touched the magic knife with his right hand and was about to take it out when he suddenly felt something and put it back again.

In the next second, a huge sea monster poked its head out, crushed the Fuso warrior, and swallowed it into its stomach.

The red blood spread in the sea water, which looked very strange.

The monster ate the samurai, obviously not getting enough.

The half-body stood up like a ferocious giant snake, sticking out its scarlet tongue at Jiang Ming and the two on board.

"Ah! It's a sea king monster!"

The girl hid behind Jiang Ming in fright.

Sea kings, is this the terrifying existence that caused Shanks to lose his arm?

Jiang Ming silently played a trick in his heart, imitating Shanks, put one hand behind his back, and gently stroked the girl's head with the other.

His eyes froze, and Xingyao's aura was completely released at this moment: "Get out!"

The domineering energy spread, and the entire sea boiled instantly.

The sea king serpent trembled violently, and human fear appeared in its pupils.

In the next second, it turned around decisively and slipped away.

The corners of Jiang Ming's mouth curled up slightly.

Is this the taste of pretending to be coercive? I really can't stop it.

The girl hiding behind him was dumbfounded at the moment.

Although she is not a warrior, she can really feel the strength of this man.

It took a while for her to sense it, bowed ninety degrees to Jiang Ming, and said, "Thank you for saving my life, my lord."

In fact, she still wanted to force Jiang Ming to do some things. If it was him, maybe he could really wipe out the black skull, avenge her parents, and return the original peace of this sea area.

But. . .He is a mainlander, will he really fight for the people of Fusang?

The girl was a little uncertain.

Jiang Ming saw the girl's hesitation and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

The girl tugged at the corner of her clothes and whispered, "I think, I beg you to get rid of the Black Skull Organization."

Just knew it was so. . .Jiang Ming smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Yes, but you have to tell me what kind of organization this Black Skull is."

"Really, thank you so much."

The girl's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly: "The black skull is a cancer in this sea area. The base camp is on a small island called Skull Island outside Fusang Island. There are probably hundreds of members, all of whom are fallen warriors. They never manage agriculture. And fishing and other production activities, but directly snatched from the homes of the surrounding people, if someone is unwilling to give, they will brutally kill him, my parents were killed by their group of animals in this way.”

As the girl spoke, the circles of her eyes became moist again.

Murder, robbery, and occupation of women, isn't this Fuso's version of the underworld?
As a three-good youth in the 21st century, Jiang Ming can't tolerate this kind of sand in his eyes.

Don't say that the matter of Fusang has nothing to do with the mainland, it is small, and the pattern is small.

Fusang will have to return to the mainland sooner or later. As a father, isn't it natural to help his son?
"Okay, I'll help with this."

Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows, and continued: "However, girl, you have to do me a favor."

"Sir, please tell me, as long as I can do it."

The girl blushed inexplicably, thinking wildly in her heart.

He shouldn't want to have sex with me. . .

I hate it, she is still a big girl with yellow flowers.

However, he is so handsome and powerful, if it is true, then it is not bad.

If Jiang Ming could read minds, he would have rolled his eyes at this moment, and then complained: "Girl, you're thinking about shit."

Jiang Ming didn't notice her abnormal expression, and said bluntly: "This is my first time in Fusang, it's inconvenient to reveal my identity, I want you to pretend to be my sister."

Jiang Ming didn't know where Dijun was hiding in Fusang, but he must have his own intelligence network. If Jiang Ming was too ostentatious, he would definitely be on guard.

With the help of a young girl, Jiang Ming can pretend to be a Fusang person, and escape Di Jun's eyeliner well.

"Ah, that's it?"

The girl froze for a moment, feeling a little disappointed in her heart.

"Can I know the purpose of the young master's coming to Fusang?"

The girl asked cautiously.

Even if she thought Jiang Ming was a good person, a good person could be an enemy.

Jiang Ming shook his head: "It's not convenient to disclose, but I can assure you that what I did is definitely a good thing for your country."

It is of course a good thing for the people of Fusang to get rid of the blood clan and Dijun.

The girl bit her lips tightly, hesitated for a moment, and nodded vigorously: "Okay, I believe you."

Jiang Ming nodded, and said: "Thank you very much, by the way, I don't know your name yet, girl."

Since we will pretend to be brothers and sisters in the future, how can we not even know their names.

The girl said: "The little girl's name is Matsushita Kanna."

"Oh, so it's Kang Nachan, I have to name myself Fusang too."

Jiang Ming rubbed his chin in thought.

My sister's name is Matsushita Kanna, so my surname must be Matsushita too.

Panasonic, Panasonic. . .

Suddenly, he clapped his hands suddenly: "If you have it, ask Panasonic to ask the boy!"

"Matsushita asked the boy... what a strange name."

Kanna Matsushita pouted, then shook her head: "Forget it, as long as the young master likes it."

She held Jiang Ming's arm affectionately, and said softly, "Panasonic asked Brother Tongzi."


Jiang Ming smiled brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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