Chapter 153 Miyamoto Musashi
Skull Island is about a hundred miles away from Fusang Island. It is only the size of a small town and can be regarded as a satellite island of Fusang Island.

A few years ago, a Fusang warrior named Shibata took over the island as king, and soon attracted a wave of villains to form a large scale, which is the Black Skull organization that everyone fears now.

"The Black Skull is doing such evil, does your Fusang government ignore it?"

On the intercepted black skeleton warship, Jiang Ming asked Kang Najiang about his doubts.

Kang Najiang clenched her pink fist and said angrily: "No one in the local government is a match for Chai Tian, ​​and they even want to pay tribute to Chai Tian."

Jiang Ming was shocked after hearing this.

Fuck it, being an official to this extent, being overwhelmed by the local underworld is absolutely impossible.

Of course, this also shows Shibata's strength.

Don't even dare to mess with the government, maybe it's a Xingyao-level warrior?
The warship sailed straight to Skull Island, and Jiang Ming felt a strong energy fluctuation on the island from a long distance, followed by a loud explosion-like sound.

"It seems that someone is fighting, and the strength is not weak."

Jiang Ming's eyes were fixed, and he said to Kang Najiang: "I'll take a step first, you wait for me outside the island, and don't go to the island until I wait."

"Okay, brother, be careful."

Kang Najiang has already assumed the role, and naturally called Jiang Ming his brother.

Jiang Ming nodded in satisfaction, and then rode away with the sword in the wind, and the fast-moving figure stirred up waves on the sea.

On Skull Island, a Fuso warrior killed all directions.

He is tall and powerful, with two crossed scars on his face, his whole face looks tough and cold, like a born samurai killer.

With a long knife in the left hand and a short knife in the right, gods can block and kill gods, and demons can block and kill demons.

If Jiang Ming was present, he would definitely be able to recognize that this person is the hero of the Continent of Kings - Miyamoto Musashi!
Around Miyamoto Musashi, there are countless samurai with black skull logo on their clothes.

They had a hundred times superiority in numbers, but none of them dared to take the initiative to fight Miyamoto Musashi, and they all avoided them like tigers, hiding far away.

"There is nothing more lonely than being invincible in the world!"

Miyamoto Musashi laughed arrogantly, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

In the next second, Miyamoto Musashi's figure appeared ten meters ahead.

Immediately, a sword qi higher than a person tore apart several black skeleton warriors in front of him.

In just a split second, he used two skills in succession: Divine Speed ​​+ Kongming Slash, several warriors were decapitated before they could react.

"Come on, fight me!"

Miyamoto Musashi glanced around with fierce eyes, and all the enemies caught by his gaze lowered their heads in fear.

At the same time, another powerful aura came from afar, making everyone almost breathless.

Jiang Ming landed on the ground with a bang, his indifferent eyes swept around, and finally fixed on Miyamoto Musashi.

Let me go, isn't this an invincible super soldier?

Seeing Miyamoto Musashi, Jiang Ming remembered the ridicule from netizens in his previous life: I am invincible, but I can still cut it!

According to Jiang Ming's visual inspection, Miyamoto Musashi should have the combat power of Xingyao Si, which is better than Sun Ce and Liu Bei.

As expected of a man who was shaved more than 80 knives!
"Are you Shibata? You are much younger than I thought. Compete with me!"

Miyamoto Musashi sensed Jiang Ming's powerful aura and subconsciously thought it was Shibata, the bully of Skull Island.

Without giving him a chance to explain, he raised his knife and slashed at him.

Kongming cut!
I lost it, so the fight started?

Jiang Ming was a little confused, but he still drew his sword and slashed.

The two sword qi collided together, and the air wave oscillated, knocking out the surrounding shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and even those with low cultivation level directly vomited blood and died in the shock wave.

"You are strong and deserve my best."

Miyamoto Musashi's eyes were flooded, and the warlike blood in his body was boiling. Two knives crossed in front of him, and surging energy condensed out.

"Take a trick from me - first class in two days!"

With a loud roar, Miyamoto Musashi jumped up into the sky, aiming at Jiang Ming's head, about to fall.

I rub it, you want to ride my neck just after we met?Too much.

Jiang Ming took a deep breath and shouted, "Stop, you fucking mistaken someone!"

Miyamoto Musashi gave a sudden pause in mid-air, retracted his knife and landed on the ground, surprised: "Aren't you Shibata?"

"Have I ever admitted that I am Shibata?" Jiang Ming shrugged speechlessly.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Fuck, I don't like hearing what you say, do you have a chance to talk to me?"

Jiang Ming was ashamed.

Miyamoto Musashi:"..."

Miyamoto Musashi cupped his hands: "I'm sorry little brother, I was reckless. My name is Miyamoto Musashi. What's your name, little brother?"

Jiang Ming said: "Ask the boy under the pine tree."

Miyamoto Musashi frowned slightly: "Matsushita asked the boy, what a strange name, are you also here to kill Shibata?"

Jiang Ming nodded: "That's right, this villain can be punished by everyone."

When Miyamoto Musashi heard the words, he was vigilant as if someone was watching his wife, and said: "No, Shibata is my opponent, you can't snatch it."

This guy is really a fighter. . .Jiang Ming chuckled: "Of course, it doesn't matter who kills him."

"That's good. I haven't met a decent opponent for a long time. My hands are very itchy."

Miyamoto Musashi was relieved, and continued to output crazily at the surrounding black skeleton warriors, shouting while outputting: "Where is Shibata, tell him to come out!"

The surrounding warriors complained so much that they had to send someone to call the boss.

After a while, a fierce-looking warrior appeared surrounded by the crowd.

The breath is strong, probably the appearance of Xingyao's beginners.

Shibata stared and said angrily: "Who is so bold, dare to come to my Skull Island to make trouble, don't you want to die!"

"You are Shibata?"

Miyamoto Musashi immediately lifted his spirits, and said loudly: "Grandpa's name is Miyamoto Musashi, and he is here to fetch your dog's head today."

After all, Miyamoto Musashi flew into the sky, and the crossed blades condensed the energy of destroying heaven and earth.

“Top two days!”

"Miyamoto Musashi, are you Miyamoto Musashi?"

When Shibata heard the name, his legs became weak with fright.

Among the warriors in Fusang, which one has never heard of the name of Miyamoto Musashi.

Continuously challenged the top ten masters of Fusang without any defeat, and was known as the terrifying existence of the Juggernaut.

"Miyamoto Musashi, I admit defeat, don't kill me!"

Shibata's face changed drastically, and as soon as he uttered a word of begging for mercy, he was chopped into pieces by Ertian First Class.

"Bah, I thought it was so powerful, but it turned out to be a silver-like wax gun head, which looks good but doesn't work."

Miyamoto Musashi spat and turned his gaze to the surrounding samurai.

"I didn't have a good time today, so I just used you to get addicted."

"Kong Ming Slash!"

"God fast!"

“Top two days!”

After a set of combos, hundreds of black skeleton warriors were completely wiped out.

Miyamoto Musashi didn't feel satisfied yet, so he looked at Jiang Ming and said, "Panasonic asked the little boy boy, they are not good, so you should discuss with me."

"Not interested in."

Jiang Ming's face darkened, and he refused decisively.

He didn't have such a strong desire to win.

Miyamoto Musashi was itching like a cat scratching his heart, and said: "You are so good at martial arts, don't you want to fight for the number one in the world?"

"Do not want to."

Jiang Ming looked hopeless, and continued: "So you came here to kill Shibata just to fight?"

"Oh no, that's not it."

Miyamoto Musashi looked a bit serious, and said: "I originally wanted to go to sea to challenge the masters of the mainland, but when I passed by here, I happened to hear about Shibata and others harming one side, so I got rid of him."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, I heard that there are many slaves captured by the black skeletons held on this island. I have to go and release them."

That's how it looks like it's invincible. . .Jiang Ming nodded: "I'll go with you."

The two circled the island and rescued dozens of slaves.

Jiang Ming was even more surprised to find that the two mainland fishermen who gave him the compass were among them.

He originally thought that Miyamoto Musashi might not save the slaves of these two continents.

Unexpectedly, Miyamoto Musashi not only rescued them, but also treated them with the same kindness as the Fusang people.

"Brother Miyamoto, didn't you realize that those two are mainlanders?"

Jiang Ming asked suspiciously.

Miyamoto Musashi smiled heartily: "So what about mainlanders, as long as they are human, they are equal. I think that sooner or later, Fuso will be integrated with the mainland."

Damn, your consciousness is 1 years ahead of Fusang.

Jiang Ming said sincerely: "Brother Miyamoto is righteous, I admire it."

Miyamoto Musashi said happily: "So would you like to have a match with me?"

Jiang Ming's face turned cold suddenly: "Of course I still don't want to, you'd better find a mainland master."

Whoever you want, just leave me alone.

Miyamoto Musashi was furious: "No, I think you are a good opponent, and I must fight you!"

(End of this chapter)

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