Chapter 154 Yagyumon

"Panasonic asked little boy boy, I beg you, just fight with me."

Jiang Ming came to the edge of Skull Island to wait for Kang Nachan, and Miyamoto Musashi kept pestering him for a duel.

Damn, it's annoying. . .Jiang Ming stared ferociously: "Get out, if you bother me again, I will be rude to you."

Miyamoto Musashi's eyes lit up suddenly, and he said excitedly: "Really? That's great, come and hit me!"

I am Nima. . .

Jiang Ming was speechless for him.

Not long after, a warship with a skeleton flag floated on the sea.

Kang Nachan stood at the bow of the boat and waited to see through. The moment she saw Jiang Ming, she finally felt relieved.

Seeing that Jiang Ming was intact, she asked, "Brother, is Chai Tian dead?"

"Dead, but I didn't kill it, but this Mr. Miyamoto Musashi."

Jiang Ming pointed to the two-sword warrior beside him.

Miyamoto Musashi suddenly became interested: "Are you the younger sister of Matsushita Wendouzi's little brother? Then you must be a martial artist, come and fight with me!"

Kang Nachan is stupid, thinking that this person has some brain problems.

Kang Nachan squeezed out a smile and said, "Mr. Miyamoto Musashi, I'm sorry, I'm not a warrior."

"Oh, that's a pity."

Miyamoto Musashi suddenly became depressed.

Jiang Ming and Kang Najiang sailed to Fusang Island, and Miyamoto Musashi also brazenly followed on board.

In his words: "If you don't compete with me for a day, I won't leave for a day."

Although Jiang Ming was annoyed, he didn't tell him to leave, he was allowed to inquire about the inside story of many Fusang warriors, and maybe he could get information about Di Jun.

"Brother Miyamoto, why do you insist on going out to sea to challenge the masters from the mainland? Have all the masters in Fusang been defeated by you?" Jiang Ming asked.

Miyamoto Musashi raised his chin proudly: "Fusang's top ten masters are all paper tigers, and none of them can last more than 5 minutes in my hands. In my opinion, their combat power is not as good as yours."

"Hehe, brother Miyamoto praised me." Jiang Ming was able to guess what Miyamoto wanted to say next, and hurriedly changed the topic away from himself: "I heard that there is a man named Xu Fu who is very powerful, why don't you go To fight him?"

When Xu Fu was mentioned, Miyamoto Musashi's face suddenly became gloomy: "Little brother doesn't know, this Xu Fu is not a good person, he created the blood clan that harmed Fusang, I originally wanted to kill him to save the people of Fusang, but in the end I heard that Xu Fu was dead, at the hands of a mainlander named Jiang Ming. That's why I wanted to go to the mainland to find an opponent, especially to meet that Jiang Ming for a while."

Miyamoto Musashi looked into the distance, the warlike flames in his eyes were burning.

The corner of Jiang Ming's mouth twitched slightly, and said: "Yes, I have also heard about that man named Jiang Ming. It is said that he is eight feet tall and handsome. The Queen is full of praise for it."

Miyamoto Musashi was taken aback: "Oh, this is the first time I've heard of it. It turns out that he is not only powerful in combat, but also so popular with women, which is really enviable."

"Who said it wasn't."

Jiang Ming snickered in his heart, feeling like he was lying to a fool.

"By the way, Brother Miyamoto, do you know where the blood clan's lair is?"

Jiang Ming guessed that Di Jun was most likely hiding in the blood clan's stronghold.

Miyamoto Musashi shook his head slightly: "If I knew, I would have killed them all long ago."

"makes sense."

Jiang Ming had a headache.

In this vast Fusang, where should he go to find Di Jun.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Why do I have to find Di Jun? Wouldn't it be easier to wait for him to come to me?

Di Jun lost so many subordinates of Cao Cao and Wei Jun at once. If he wants to fight against me, he must re-expand his power and absorb more powerful blood clans.

The fastest way is of course to turn a high-level human warrior into a blood race.

That is to say, as long as Jiang Ming is famous in Fusang with his strength, Di Jun will very likely come to him on his own initiative.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ming hurriedly asked: "Brother Miyamoto, I want to quickly become famous among warriors, what can I do?"

Miyamoto Musashi said without hesitation: "Naturally, it's the Martial Arts Conference. All senior fighters in Fusang will participate. It's no problem to win the championship with your strength. At that time, all fighters in Fusang will know your name."

Jiang Ming's eyes lit up: "This is what I want. When will the Martial Arts Conference start?"

"About half a month later."

Miyamoto Musashi narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Ming with weird eyes: "Don't you want to fight for the number one in the world?"

Jiang Ming laughed: "You say it's strange, but I suddenly thought about it."

Miyamoto Musashi saw the needle and said: "In this case, then fight with me first, as long as you can beat me, the champion of the martial arts tournament will definitely be yours."

"No, I'm not interested in you."

Jiang Ming directly shook his head and refused.

Just kidding, what's the use of me defeating you here, Di Jun can't see it.

"You say you're not interested in me, that's an insult to a warrior!"

Miyamoto Musashi was crazy: "I have a way for you to fight with me. Aren't you going to participate in the martial arts conference? I will also sign up. We will have a fight sooner or later!"

Jiang Ming deliberately teased him: "That's not necessarily true, maybe you lost to someone else before you played against me."


Miyamoto Musashi stomped his feet angrily: "Except for you, no one in Fusang can take my ten moves!"

Kyoto, the capital of the Fuso Empire, is also the venue for the Budo Tournament.

There are people coming and going on the street, and warriors with good strength can be seen everywhere.

They came from all over Fusang and gathered in Kyoto, looking forward to making their mark in the martial arts tournament.

Several warriors wearing the same yellow robe squatted on the side of the road, looking at the passing warriors one by one, and commenting on them.

"Look at that man, the word kidney deficiency is written all over his face, and he actually came to participate in the martial arts conference."

"It's the same with that one, a mere gold fighter, if he meets me in the competition, he will die if he farts."

"If you want me to say the most outrageous one is that one, the short one is like a winter melon, is it trying to jump up and hit someone's knee?"

The warriors passing by heard the taunts and secretly gritted their teeth in hatred, but they didn't dare to get angry because the opponents were all powerful diamond-level warriors.

Several yellow-robed warriors became more and more proud, and all warriors who passed by would be ridiculed by them.

At this time, three people walked slowly in the distance.

Two males and one female.

The woman is about seventeen or eighteen years old, with fair skin and beautiful appearance, and a pair of big black eyes, very cute.

A young man, handsome enough to make people jealous, slender but a little thin, walking steadily step by step, giving people a sense of stability that does not match his age.

There is also an older man, about 30 years old, with knife marks all over his Fuso samurai uniform, and even two cross-shaped scars on his face, which looks very aggressive.

It was Jiang Ming, Kang Nachan, and Miyamoto Musashi.

"What a beautiful girl, brothers, let's be cool tonight."

Seeing Kang Na Jiang's good looks, a warrior in yellow robe immediately became jealous, and a wretched smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A companion next to him immediately grabbed him, and said vigilantly: "Sir, wait a minute, look at that man with the scar on his face, does he resemble the Miyamoto Musashi that Master said?"

The third child stared at it carefully.

Not to mention, it's really similar, but Miyamoto Musashi has long said that he will go to the mainland to challenge the masters, so why did he appear in Kyoto?
He waved his hand and said: "Boss, you must have misunderstood, Miyamoto Musashi is in the mainland at this time, this person just happened to have the same scar as him, besides, you can see that he doesn't even have the aura of a warrior, it is clearly a Ordinary people."

The boss continued: "I have a bad feeling, maybe he is hiding his aura, let's not provoke them, if you want a woman, go to the water tea house."

The third child frowned and said displeasedly: "Boss, you think too much, so what if it's the real Miyamoto Musashi, we Yagyu Kazumon will be afraid of him? That little girl, Yagyu Saburo, you are so timid." , just look at me and have fun."

After Yagyu Saburo finished speaking, he walked towards Jiang Ming and the others with a step that his relatives did not recognize.

"Hey, the third child is still like this. When he sees Miss Hua, he can't control his subordinates. If he continues like this, he will suffer a loss sooner or later."

Liu Sheng Dalang sighed, and followed with two other juniors from the same school.

"Brother, brother, Miyamoto Musashi won't be angry if you buy this for me."

"Brother, brother, you eat the same pastry with me, Miyamoto Musashi won't be jealous, right?"

"Brother, brother, you only spend money for me, Miyamoto Musashi won't beat me up."

"It's so scary Miyamoto Musashi, unlike me, I only feel sorry for Giegie!"

Jiang Ming spent money to buy some pastries for Kang Najiang, listening to her tea and tea talk, the whole person was stunned.

Fuck, girls can be grounded, but they must not be grounded, let alone Miyamoto Musashi, even I want to beat you!

Miyamoto Musashi, on the other hand, had invincible indifference written all over his face, he didn't care about anything else except fighting.

At this time, a figure in a yellow robe stopped in front of them abruptly.

Yagyu Saburo first glanced at Jiang Ming and Miyamoto Musashi, then twisted the corner of his mouth, looked at Kang Nachan and said, "Little sister, brother, am I handsome? How about I spend with you tonight?"

what the hell!

Jiang Ming was about to vomit, as disgusted as eating a fly.

It's been almost a year since I came to this world, and I've seen a lot of all kinds of wretched men.

There are simple and rude ones, and there are secretly sullen ones, but this is the first time I have seen this kind of ugly and confident one.

Kang Nachan was so stupid that she didn't know what to say for a long time.

Yagyu Sanlang narcissistically thought that Kangna-chan was shocked by his appearance, so he put on a pose that he thought he was handsome, and then said: "Bao'er, I went to exercise today, guess what kind of exercise? For you heartbeat."

Fuck, is this the king of the oil king, the mainland division king?

"Bao'er, I took medicine today, guess what kind of medicine it is?"

Yagyu Saburo wanted to say more, but Jiang Ming couldn't stand it anymore, and kicked him out: "I guess you MLGB, if you have a mental illness, you can treat it at home, and don't come out to be disgusting, okay?"

Yagyu Saburo rolled on the ground, got up and looked at Jiang Ming angrily: "Which family do you belong to?"

Before Jiang Ming withdrew his breath, Saburo Yagyu thought he was just an ordinary person, but now it seems that the other party has at least diamond-level strength, and may be a disciple of a certain big family.

"I don't belong to any family, but it won't take me to teach you a lesson. I will warn you one last time, stay away from my sister."

After Jiang Ming finished speaking, he didn't want to see this disgusting face again, so he pulled Kang Nachan to leave.

It's just a little bastard who strikes up a conversation, just kick him, there's no need to be too extreme.

Of course, if he still pesters, Jiang Ming doesn't mind teaching him a lesson.

"If you don't have a family, you're just a loose warrior, so why don't you pretend to be a fart."

"Dare to mess with me Yagyu Saburo, today is your death day!"

Yagyu Saburo smiled coldly, launched a surprise attack from behind, and pierced Jiang Ming's back heart with a sharp samurai sword.

"Brother, be careful!"

Kang Najiang's face changed drastically, and in desperation, she wanted to block Jiang Ming's sword with her body.

The cold blade was about to pierce her body, and Kang Nachan closed her eyes tightly in fear.

At this time, Jiang Ming pulled her away.

At the same time, he turned around, stretched out two fingers to clamp the samurai sword, and said goodbye forcefully.

Click, the blade snapped.

Jiang Ming bent his right hand like a dragon's claw, pinching Yagyu Saburo's neck tightly.

"You are courting death."

Jiang Ming's eyes were piercing, and his tone was as cold as the wind in the twelfth lunar month of winter.

Yagyu Saburo was stared at by such eyes, his always arrogant heart jumped suddenly, and there was a fear of approaching death.

He wanted to resist, but found that his strength was completely suppressed by the opponent, as easily as an eagle catching a chicken.

He only felt this oppressive feeling from his master Yagyu Danma Shou.

And his master is a star-level warrior.

"You, you turned out to be a Xingyao Warrior?"

Yagyu Saburo panicked.

Although he is the second diamond, enough to disdain most warriors, but in front of Xingyao, he is no different from an ant.

"The third one!"

"Let go of my senior brother (senior brother)!"

At this time, Yagyu Dairou, Yagyu Erlang and Yagyu Shiro came hurriedly, seeing the brothers being strangled by a stranger, they immediately widened their eyes and slashed out three sword qi of different colors.

The three sword qi merged into one in the air, turning into a bigger and fiercer sword qi, comparable to Xingyao, tearing the air and pressing towards Jiang Ming.

The spectators around felt the terrifying energy contained in it, and ran away screaming, for fear of being affected.

Jiang Ming's expression did not change, and his right hand maintained the original position.

He snorted coldly, his eyes shone with lightning, and his mighty aura surged like Mount Tai.

As if a bomb was ignited, the invisible waves shook like an unstoppable tsunami.

The forward momentum of the three-color sword energy froze for a moment, and shattered in the next moment.

The three warriors of the Liusheng sect spit out blood as if they were hit hard, and flew backwards.

"Xingyao Warrior, Xingyao Warrior!"

There was a shocked expression on Yagyu Dalang's face, he never imagined that the youngest would have provoked a Xingyao-level martial artist.

He glanced at Sanlang in Jiang Ming's hand, stood up with force, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said respectfully, "Brother, the four of us are the head of the Liusheng sect, the direct disciples of Liusheng Danmashou, My third junior brother had no intention of offending you, so please let him go for my teacher's sake."

"No offense? Why do I think he has planned it for a long time?"

Jiang Ming sneered coldly, and continued: "There are a few of you who are not good people, and you attack me indiscriminately. If I am not strong, wouldn't I even have a chance to talk? Bullying the weak and fearing the hard, you Liu Sheng faction is like this Educating disciples?"

Under Jiang Ming's aggressive questioning, all three of them had ugly faces.

There is nothing wrong with what Jiang Ming said, and Liu Sheng's faction is really used to bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

Liu Sheng Dalang bit the bullet and said: "This matter is indeed our fault. If you let my junior brother go, our Liu Sheng faction will be rewarded handsomely, otherwise..."

Yagyu Dalang did not continue, but everyone could hear his threat.

"Otherwise what?"

Jiang Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and squeezed his right hand tightly.

"Ah! Brother, save me!"

Yagyu Saburo was almost out of breath, and looked at his senior brothers in fear.

Yagyu Dalang clenched his fists and said boldly, "Otherwise our master won't let you go."

"Haha, let him come!"

Jiang Ming looked up to the sky and smiled, and directly pinched Yagyu Saburo's neck with his right hand.

"The third one!"

Liu Sheng Dalang's eyes were blood red, staring at Jiang Ming like a beast.

After a long time, he took a deep breath: "Let's go."

The three turned around and left, when they suddenly heard Jiang Ming's demonic voice behind them.

"Wait, do I allow you to go?"

Yagyu Dalang's eyes twitched, he gritted his teeth and said, "The third child is already dead, what else do you want?"

Is he going to kill the three of us too?Yagyu Dalang was terrified.

The four Liu Sheng brothers are not good people, but Jiang Ming is not a bloodthirsty person either, he just wants to punish them and have a long memory.

Jiang Ming said coldly, "Get lost."

Yagyu Dalang was taken aback for a moment, and then understood what Jiang Ming meant.

"you are vicious."

Yagyu Dalang squeezed out three words from between his teeth, and rolled away with his two juniors like a ball.

The people around couldn't believe it when they saw this scene.

"Rolling on the ground, is this still the arrogant and domineering Liu Sheng?"

"Hehe, Liu Sheng's faction dares to be arrogant in front of ordinary people like us who don't have a backer, and he doesn't even dare to fart when he meets a Xingyao-level warrior, just let him go."

"You're right. I've long been displeased with them. They're dragging two to five to eighty thousand a day. Thanks to this little hero for taking care of him."

"That's right, the little hero is really young and promising, and he is an outstanding talent."

This group of people had long been displeased with the actions of Liu Sheng's faction, and they all regarded Jiang Ming as a hero for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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