The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 155 Kang Na-chan Was Kidnapped

Chapter 155 Kang Na-chan Was Kidnapped

"Panasonic asked little brother Tongzi, you are still too soft-hearted. If you change to me, I will fight a man's duel with them. Life or death depends on strength."

Miyamoto Musashi looked at the three Yagyu brothers who had rolled away, with disgust in his eyes, and he involuntarily touched the handle of the knife with his right hand.

"Don't you just want them to die?"

Jiang Ming couldn't laugh or cry.

In a duel with you, Miyamoto Musashi, the three of them wouldn't be able to hold a sword together, thanks to your righteous words.

"Dying at the hands of the subordinates can only show that they are not strong enough."

Miyamoto Musashi was justified, and continued: "Besides, they Yagyu faction are notorious, killing them is to eliminate harm for the people."

A flash of surprise flashed in Jiang Ming's eyes: "You didn't fight with their head, did you?"

Miyamoto Musashi nodded: "That's right. The leader of the Yagyu faction, Yagyu Danma Shou is the top ten swordsman in Fuso. Three years ago, I defeated him with only eight moves, but..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that Liu Sheng and Ma Shou's wife are also among the top ten swordsmen in Fusang. The two of them are good at a set of yin and yang complementary swordsmanship, and I am no match for you."

It turned out to be like this, the two of them are not good alone, but they are even invincible to Miyamoto Musashi together.

Jiang Ming pondered for a moment, and said: "Brother Miyamoto can't do anything about them, it seems that Liu Sheng's school still has something."

Miyamoto Musashi thought that Jiang Ming was worried about Yagyu but Ma Shou's revenge, so he patted his chest and said, "Matsushita asked the boy, don't worry, with me here, even if the Liugyu couple really came, they would have to go back in disgrace."

What Miyamoto Musashi meant was that he and Jiang Ming fought together, which was completely worthy of Yagyu and Mashou's husband and wife.

"Really? Then thank Miyamoto-san in advance."

Jiang Ming bowed his hands politely.

"You're welcome, who told me to look at you pleasing to the eye."

Miyamoto Musashi laughed.

He never imagined that the young man in front of him could completely blow Liu Sheng's family to pieces.

"It's getting late, let's go to the Martial Arts Conference to sign up."

Jiang Ming chuckled and walked towards the Kyoto Martial Arts Hall.

Fusang is a country that advocates martial arts very much. Although the population is far less than that of the mainland, the proportion of warriors is several times that of the mainland.

It is said that if there is a national war, Fusang can make all the people soldiers.

When Jiang Ming and the others came to the Martial Arts Hall, they couldn't help feeling a headache when they saw the crowded crowd.

Looking around, there are no less than a thousand warriors who are signing up at this time.

The official in charge of registering the players' information lowered his head and asked, the brush in his hand kept writing, almost rubbing sparks on the paper.

"Name, gender, age, rank."

"Takaban Hikawa, male, 31, gold three."

"Is it gold? Here I suggest you withdraw from the competition, so as not to suffer a hard blow for nothing."

"Meichuan Uchiku, female, 23, platinum one."

"Huh??? Are you really not wearing it?"

. . .

"Miyamoto Musashi, male, 34, Xing Yao Si."

As soon as Miyamoto Musashi's deep and deep voice came out, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Even the person in charge of the registration suddenly raised his head, his mouth shut in shock.

"Mr. Miyamoto Musashi, it turned out to be the real Mr. Miyamoto Musashi!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they gathered around in a swish, which was even more exaggerated than the star-chasing scene in the previous life.

"Mr. Miyamoto Musashi, I heard that you went out to sea to challenge the mainland masters a few days ago, and you came back so soon, is it because the mainland masters have a false name?"

"Mr. Miyamoto Musashi, did you destroy the Black Skull Organization?"

"Mr. Miyamoto Musashi, I have worshiped you for ten years, can you teach me swordsmanship?"

Miyamoto Musashi obviously didn't like being surrounded by people, his eyes widened, and he drew out his swords with a clang: "I'm here to sign up, not to listen to your nonsense, who will say a word to me from now on, Lao Tzu Just cut him down!"

Looking at the angry Miyamoto Musashi and the two gleaming blades in his hand, everyone couldn't help but tremble with fear and shut their mouths at the same time.

In an instant, the huge Budokan was deathly silent, and everyone stood still, for fear that making a little noise would upset Miyamoto Musashi.

"Brother Miyamoto, you can go, it's time for me to sign up."

An abrupt voice sounded, and people turned their heads to look at Jiang Ming at the same time, with expressions of shock or terror on their faces.

Miyamoto Musashi just finished saying that no one is allowed to talk to him, and this kid committed crimes against the wind. Is he a lunatic?

Just when everyone thought Miyamoto Musashi would be furious, he scratched his head foolishly and said with a smile: "Oh, I forgot, it's all because of these people who made me angry, come here."

"Nani! Miyamoto Musashi is so polite. Is this the unruly sword master I know?"

"The Juggernaut is still that Juggernaut, just being polite to that young man, maybe he is someone who can be on an equal footing with the Juggernaut?"

"On the same level as the Juggernaut? He doesn't look like he's in his early twenties, so he can't be a Xingyao-level martial artist. I guess he should be a child of a big family."

"Yes, it should be."

The people around were surprised by Miyamoto Musashi's attitude and quietly guessed Jiang Ming's identity.

The people in charge of the registration are all stupid.

It was the first time he had seen Sword Master Miyamoto Musashi be so polite to someone, after all, he was a man who would not kneel before Emperor Fuso.

The most coquettish, even the emperor can't do anything about him.

"Name, gender, age, rank."

Everyone opened their ears wide, for fear of missing Jiang Ming's every word.

"Panasonic asked the boy, male, 21, diamond four."

As soon as Jiang Ming said the words, the surrounding immediately exploded.

"Panasonic asked the boy? What a strange name."

"Only diamond four, is it really a disciple of a big family, but I haven't heard of a big family with the surname Matsushita."

"Fusang is so big, and there are many famous families. You haven't heard, isn't it normal?"

"makes sense."

After Jiang Ming registered the information, he walked out of the Budokan under the curious eyes of people.

At the same time, a sneaky person in the crowd looked at Jiang Ming's back with hidden anger.

He was wearing the same yellow robe as Yagyu Saburo.

After obtaining all of Jiang Ming's information, the Liusheng faction warrior walked around a corner and disappeared.

Yagyu Dojo.

Yagyu Danma Shou is 50 years old this year. In terms of age, he has passed the golden age of a swordsman, but he still sits firmly on the throne of the sixth swordsman in Fusang.

The dead body of the third disciple was placed on the ground, Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou looked at the bloodstain on the neck of the corpse, the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes were trembling.

"Who is it! Who killed my lover!"

Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou stared angrily, with a ferocious expression, like a mad beast.

Yagyu Dalang immediately stepped forward and said: "Return to Master, we have already found out the details of the murderer. It is a man named Matsushita Wendouzi. He is 21 years old and ranks fourth in Diamond, but his real combat power can reach the level of Xingyao."

"21 years old, Xingyao... Could it be that a certain big family used resources to pile it up?"

Rao Yiliusheng but Ma Shou's wide knowledge still felt a little shocked.

If it is really a child of a big family, then there is no way to avenge this revenge, and he can only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Yagyu Dalang shook his head: "At first we also suspected that he was a disciple of a certain big family, but after following for a while, we found that he was just an undisciplined warrior with no background."

It turned out to be a loose warrior. . .Liu Sheng, but Ma Shou immediately hardened, blowing his beard and glaring, he said: "A mere casual person dares to kill my disciple of Liu Sheng's sect, and he must pay with his blood!"

Yagyu Dairo hesitated for a moment, then said: "However, he has a very close relationship with Miyamoto Musashi, the two of them often go in and out together, if Master does something to him, I think Miyamoto Musashi will not stand idly by."

"Miyamoto Musashi, this madman again."

A gleam of anger flashed in Yagyu Danma Shou's eyes.

Back then, in order to pursue No. [-] in the world, Miyamoto Musashi challenged Fuso's top ten masters one after another, without any defeat.

Several defeated Fusang masters called him a lunatic behind his back.

"If it's Madman Miyamoto and Xingyao's combat power, my husband and I may not be able to suppress it. We have to find some other helpers."

Liu Shengdan Ma Shou frowned, his eyes sparkled.

After a long while, he said, "Ichiro Asayama must be willing to help with this."

Asayama Ichiro and Yagyu Tamaru are the top ten swordsmen in Fuso, with the former eighth and the latter sixth.

"Master, why are you so sure that Asayama will help?" Yagyu Dalang asked suspiciously.

Yagyu Tanmamoru chuckled, stroked his beard and said, "Because the lunatic Miyamoto challenged the top ten masters, and among them Ichiro Asayama lost the worst. The Yi faction almost disbanded on the spot. Ichiro Asayama hated Miyamoto so much that he wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood even in his dreams, so naturally he would not miss this opportunity for revenge."

Dalang Liusheng suddenly realized: "So that's the case, then it's safe. With the three star-level masters, Master, Mistress and Ichiro Asayama, the murderer who killed the third junior brother will definitely die."

"It's not just the murderer, the old man wants Miyamoto Musashi to die here together!"

Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou sneered, and continued: "To ensure nothing goes wrong, you should find a way to lure the two of them to the Liu Sheng Dojo."


Yagyu Dalang agreed, and immediately walked out of the room.

Yagyu Tajima watched his disciple's back, the corners of his mouth curled up crookedly.

He seemed to have seen that he stood on the corpse of Miyamoto Musashi and made a name for himself, and developed the Yagyu faction to the number one position in Fusang.

After Jiang Ming signed up at the Budo Hall, he went around Kyoto with Miyamoto Musashi.

The girl Kang Nachan felt tired after walking around for a while, so Jiang Ming opened an inn for her to live in.

When Jiang Ming returned to the inn, he found that there was no one there.

"Sister, sister?"

Jiang Ming yelled a few times, but no one responded.

"Strange, didn't you say you were tired and rested, where did you go?"

Jiang Ming muttered something, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a note on the table.

Opening the note, I saw a few large characters written on it: I want to save you, no sister, come to Liusheng Dojo.

"This is... Kang Na-chan was kidnapped!"

Jiang Ming's mind went crazy, and he ran out in a hurry.

"Panasonic asked the little brother Tongzi, what happened?"

Miyamoto Musashi gave him a tug, but he didn't.

He picked up the note and glanced at it, then immediately followed out.

In the lobby of the inn, when Miyamoto Musashi came down, he happened to see Jiang Ming clutching the collar of a mistress, and he asked frantically, "You told me you didn't know that such a big living person was kidnapped? What's the use of you?" !"

The unlucky little girl frowned bitterly and didn't dare to say a word.

This master is a warrior, he can't afford to provoke him.

What's more, his sister was kidnapped in the inn, and he, the second on duty, couldn't get away with it.

"Guest officer, please calm down. I really don't know. By the way, I did see a group of weird people go upstairs, but they are all warriors, and I dare not stop them."

Xiao Er suddenly remembered something, and described the appearance characteristics of that group of people.

"I can't be wrong, it's definitely Yagyu Tairo."

Jiang Ming clenched his fists, his eyes burning with anger.

After a few days of getting along, he already regarded Kang Nachan as his own sister.

The Liusheng faction wants to avenge Liusheng Saburo, even if they come, I, Jiang Ming, will never run away.

But you threatened me with Kang Na sauce, which touched my back scale.

"Brother Miyamoto, take me to the Yagyu Dojo."

Jiang Ming's tone was cold.

Miyamoto Musashi nodded and said, "Of course, how do you plan to solve this matter."

Jiang Ming gritted his teeth: "If my sister is safe and sound, then it's easy to say, if she loses a hair, then I will make Liu Sheng's faction disappear completely!"

"Okay! You are indeed a temperamental person, I will go with you!"

Miyamoto Musashi said forcefully, liking Jiang Ming's character more and more.

Yagyu Dojo is one of the largest dojos in Kyoto and even in Fusang. It covers an area almost as large as a small town and has tens of thousands of disciples.

At this very moment, the surface of the Liusheng Dojo is the same as usual, but secretly it is surging.

Almost all warriors above diamonds are lying in ambush in dark corners, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

"Stop, you are not members of the Yagyu sect, what are you doing here?"

Jiang Ming and the others came to the gate of Liusheng Dojo, but were stopped by the gatekeeper.

"I'm looking for Liu Sheng but Ma Shou, I don't want to hurt you, get out of here."

Jiang Ming's expression was indifferent, and he didn't pay attention to this gold-ranked gatekeeper at all.

"The name of the head is also something you can call? I think you are looking for a cleanup!"

The gatekeeper's face trembled, and he punched Jiang Ming directly in the face.


Hearing a crisp sound, Jiang Ming struck out his arm like lightning, and then threw it out like trash.

"Come on, someone messed up the place..."

The miserable cry of the gatekeeper immediately attracted countless disciples of Liu Sheng, who surrounded the two of them and drew their swords at each other angrily.

Jiang Ming glanced lightly, and saw that these were trash fish below diamonds, and the real important ones hadn't shown up yet.

With a clang, the magic knife with a thousand blades was unsheathed.

Cleaning up miscellaneous fish is faster with a knife.

Swish swish!
The light of the sword fell to the ground like a galaxy, engulfing the surrounding warriors in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Ming walked over the pile of corpses expressionlessly and walked to the inner courtyard of Liusheng Dojo.

With a loud shout, it was earth-shattering.

"Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou, come out and die!"

(In the future, it will be updated every day, with larger chapters, and it will save you waiting for updates.)
(I wonder how you guys found this book, if you can tell me in the comments.)
(End of this chapter)

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