Chapter 166 It's You
"Little boy of the Hattori family, what are you doing here?"

Shiranui Hanzo glanced at him, with a fake smile on his face.

It's just a fake smile on purpose, to let you know that the old man doesn't want to see you.

Hattori Sasuke chuckled: "Master, I'm here to meet my fiancée."

Fiancee, of course, refers to Mai Shiranui.

Before the ninja duel started, she changed her name to fiancee, how arrogant.

"Little boy, you called your fiancee too early, didn't you?"

Shiranui Hanzo frowned slightly, his face a little displeased.

"Either sooner or later." Sasuke Hattori laughed and said, "Your granddaughter will be mine sooner or later. What difference does it make if it's earlier or later?"

Shiranui Hanzo snorted coldly: "Hmph, that's not necessarily true, my Wuer is not an ordinary woman."

Hattori Sasuke disagreed: "I know she is a different woman, but how can diamonds be better than Xingyao, don't you think so?"

Shiranui Hanzo choked, not knowing how to refute.

In fact, a diamond fighter, even a peak diamond, is completely impossible to be an opponent of Xingyao's entry.

Because the gap between these two realms is too great.

Hattori Sasuke smiled, and looked behind the old man, except for the young male ninja who reported the letter, he did not see anyone else.

"Where's my fiancée?"

"She's practicing."

"In the family?"

"Of course, the ninja duel is coming soon, so she naturally wants to stay in the family."

For the happiness of his granddaughter, Shiranui Hanzo told a fib.

Sasuke Hattori rubbed his palms, with a naive expression on his face, he was actually a little shy: "Well, can you let me go and see her, I haven't seen her for more than a month, I miss her all the time."

Mai Shiranui is recognized as the number one beauty in Hokage Village. From Cardamom Nianhua to Huaxin Nianhua, she is the goddess in the dreams of many young men in the village.

Hattori Sasuke could not help but kneel under her beauty.

"I'm afraid it won't work. Wu'er is attacking Xingyao, so you can't be disturbed. You should go."

Shiranui Hanzo refused with a cold face.

What I thought in my heart was: My good granddaughter is as beautiful as a flower, will she make it easier for you, a fool like you?Just wait, until the end, the big deal is that this old man pulls down this old face and apologizes to you.

Hattori Sasuke refused to leave: "It's not too late to hit Xingyao, so let me go in and meet her, maybe I can help her."

"No, my granddaughter said she won't see any guests."

"Old man, you are not lying to me, Mai Shiranui is not in the family at all, right?!"

Hattori Sasuke realized later that something was wrong from the other party's performance, his face instantly returned to the original arrogance, and the name of Shiranui Hanzo changed from old man to old man.

As his tone changed, several followers of the Hattori family also stared fiercely.

In the lobby, the atmosphere was grim, and needles could be heard.

Hattori Sasuke was annoyed, feeling that he was being played like a monkey, he threatened and said:
"If Mai Shiranui really fled the village in advance to avoid the agreement, I will definitely go back and discuss with my father, who is the patriarch, to destroy the Shiranui family. If you are sensible, find her as soon as possible!"

With the current strength of the Hattori family, it is easy to destroy a Shiranui family.

Exterminating the Shiranui family happened to rob all the women of their family.

The women of the Shiranui family are famous for their high quality.

Not only does he look good, but his figure is also unique.

The unmarried toads of the Hattori family have been coveting for a long time, and he can also take the opportunity to fish some for fun.

Thinking of this, Sasuke Hattori's eyes flashed an obscene light, and the corners of his mouth slightly crooked.

"Hmph, you are still far from threatening the old man."

Shiranui Hanzo lived most of his life as a strong man, but this was the first time he was threatened by a junior.

The tiger's eyes were wide open, and the aura of the four peaks of Xingyao was surging, like a strong wind raging in the lobby.

Immediately afterwards, a huge palm condensed from the flame element bombarded out.

Hattori Sasuke was the first to bear the brunt, hit by the scorching air wave against his chest, almost spitting blood.

The difference between the entry level of Xingyao [-] and the peak of Xingyao [-] is nearly two small ranks, and he simply cannot stand such torture.

At this moment, he began to regret his reckless words and deeds.

The Hattori family can easily crush the Shiranui family, but the premise is that his father needs to personally restrain the old man in front of him.

Otherwise, the old man would be able to force all the ninjas of the Hattori family by himself.

The Shiranui family is down and out, but this old man is as strong as ever.

"Old man, you can't hurt me, or my father will definitely kill everyone in the Shiranui family!"

In desperation, Hattori Sasuke had no choice but to throw out the life-saving talisman of the patriarch's father.

Hearing this, the old man really stopped and stared at him angrily.

Hattori Sasuke recovered his life, took a deep breath, and stepped back more than ten meters to distance himself from the old man.

After the old man Shiranui's retreat made him frightened, he felt presumptuous.

With a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, he said: "Old man, you are very powerful, but your younger generation is not. Today, I will put my words here. If Mai Shiranui does not show up on the day of the ninja confrontation, all of your people will die!"

After finishing speaking, he gave the old man a cold look, and left with a few entourages.

The expression is extremely awkward.

"Damn brat, I really want to crush his head."

Shiranui Hanzo looked at the arrogant back, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and his teeth were almost gnashed.

The fist clenched and loosened, clenched and loosened, and finally let go.

He killed Hattori Sasuke here, and it is bound to provoke crazy revenge from the Hattori family.

The Shiranui family cannot afford this price.

Sasuke Hattori pretended to be aggressive in front of the legendary old man, and left happily.

Humming and whistling as he walked, his chin almost went up to the sky.

Just as he was about to step out of the gate of the Shiranui family with one foot, he suddenly heard the whistling wind above his head.

Looking up, I saw a figure falling from the sky.

Nuo Da's shoe prints directly covered his face.


With a scream, Hattori Sasuke was severely trampled under Jiang Ming's feet.

Immediately afterwards, three more people descended from the sky, Tachibana Ukyo Miyamoto Musashi and Mai Shiranui.

"Ah ah ah..."

Hattori Sasuke was trampled several times in a row, and he let out a heart-wrenching cry.

Especially when Mai Shiranui fell, stepping on his crotch intentionally or unintentionally.

The chicken and the egg are all in vain.

The four of them came at the right time, and saw Hattori Sasuke's arrogant scene from the sky.

After Jiang Ming understood the situation, he was not calm at that time.

His grandma's, even my wife dares to think about it, so I must teach you a lesson!
Ever since, Jiang Ming stamped his foot down.

Tachibana Ukyo and Miyamoto Musashi did their part, followed closely behind, one stepped on Hattori Sasuke's chest, and the other stepped on Hattori Sasuke's thigh.

The three of them looked at each other with tacit smiles on their faces.

However, when they saw Mai Shiranui's whereabouts, they all gasped and subconsciously covered their testicles.

"Hiss... She really is the most poisonous woman!"

"It's useless, it's useless, this buddy is useless."

"I haven't provoked her before, so I'm so scared."

"Mai Shiranui, you..." Sasuke Hattori was so painful that he almost fainted, especially when he saw that the one who gave him the fatal knife was the goddess Mai Shiranui he was thinking of.

Really ashamed, angry and loving, I wish I could give her a slap, but I can't bear to do it.

Mai Shiranui withdrew her foot expressionlessly, and said hypocritically: "Oh, I didn't mean it."

Jiang Ming: "..."

Tachibana Ukyo: "..."

Miyamoto Musashi:"..."

Damn, can your acting skills be any more fake?

Jiang Ming looked at the half man howling on the ground with pity in his eyes.

He originally wanted to teach this person a lesson, but now it seems that there is no need, Sasuke Hattori has received the cruelest punishment in the world.

There used to be a pair of complete balls in front of me, but I didn't cherish them, and I regretted it when I lost them. There is nothing more painful than this in the world.If God can give me another chance to do it again, I will say to the balls, I love you.If I want to add a time limit to these three words, I hope it will be 1 years!

After a long time, Hattori Sasuke finally got up like a maggot.

As a senior dog licker, he didn't hate Mai Shiranui, but instead vented his anger on Jiang Ming.

"Little boy, what is your relationship with her?"

Fuck, it's this time, and what I'm most concerned about is actually my relationship with Mai Shiranui.

Jiang Ming was shocked, he actually felt a sense of guilt that he shouldn't have.

Of course, the feeling of guilt is fleeting, only the desire to pretend is eternal.

Jiang Ming directly put his arms around Shiranui Mai's small waist, pulled her into his arms, and showed a domineering president's smile on his face: "Relationship? It has already happened."


Mai Shiranui lightly hammered his chest with her powder fist, perfectly cooperating with her deducing the appearance of a little wife.

"You... poof!"

Hattori Sasuke was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell back straight.

He just fainted out of anger.

Tachibana Ukyo, Miyamoto Musashi, and even the old man Shiranui Hanzo were stunned by such a brutal operation.

"Is that okay? As expected of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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