Chapter 167 Accountability
"Eldest Young Master, Eldest Young Master!"

The complexion of several attendants changed drastically, and they hurried over to help Hattori Sasuke.

Looking at his face, his mouth is crooked, his eyes are slanted, and a mixture of blood and saliva flows from the corner of his mouth, as if the village head only has a mental retardation.

It's too ugly, it's a shame to the family.

"How dare you treat the young master like this, our Hattori family will not let it go!"

A Hattori family ninja pointed at Jiang Ming's nose and said angrily.

Jiang Ming shrugged innocently: "You can eat shit, but you can't talk nonsense. He is obviously angry with himself. What does it matter to me?"

"You're just eating shit!" Hattori Ninja's cheeks twitched in anger, "My young master was caused by you guys, you guys must have done it on purpose!"

"It was discovered by you, well, I admit that I did it on purpose, come and hit me."

Jiang Ming said meanly, even having the desire to pick his nose.


Hattori ninja gritted his teeth in hatred, but he restrained himself.

There is no way, judging from the breath, the opponent is at least a diamond warrior, he is not an opponent.

"Just wait and see, I will definitely be back!"

Hattori Ninja left behind a classic line, dragging the comatose young master away in desperation.

"I'll wait for you, see you soon!"

Jiang Ming's taunt came from behind him, Hattori Ninja slipped on the sole of his foot and almost fell.

Shiranui Hanzo looked at Jiang Ming with a smile for a moment, then looked at Shiranui Mai and said, "Ah Wu, is this the lover you asked to help?"

Mai Shiranui blushed slightly, and said coyly, "Grandpa, you think too much, we are just friends."

Why are you blushing, friend?The smelly girl is still not telling the truth to her grandfather.

The old man chuckled, with an expression on his face that I understood.

Jiang Ming seized the opportunity, took a step forward and said, "You are Shiranui Mai's grandfather? I have heard the name for a long time, and the junior Matsushita asked the boy."

"Panasonic asked the boy, very good, young people have a bright future."

The old man smiled happily and was very satisfied with Jiang Ming.

There is nothing wrong with young people being a little crazy, he was many times more crazy than Jiang Ming when he was young.

The most important thing is to distinguish when to go crazy and when to keep your tail between your legs.

Like that bastard Sasuke Hattori, who dared to be frivolous in front of the old man, wouldn't that be death?

If you still want to marry the old man's granddaughter, go ahead and dream.

"Young man, if you beat Sasuke Hattori, the Hattori family will retaliate against you. I'm afraid it will be bad for you."

Shiranui Hanzo is very satisfied with Jiang Ming's character, but in terms of strength, Jiang Ming seems to only have Diamond Three, which is not enough.

Jiang Mingdao: "Don't worry, the old man, the junior is confident that he can deal with it."

"That's good."

The old man smiled and nodded.

About half an hour later, people from the Hattori family really came to the door.

"Where is the little bastard who hurt my son? Come out and die!"

Hattori Taro stared, his snake-like eyes swept over everyone.

Hattori Sasuke went to the Shiranui family to demonstrate today. He was originally instructed by his father, Hattori Taro, in order to give the Shiranui family a blow and completely suppress it as a subsidiary family of the Hattori family.

In Hattori Taro's view, as long as the old man of the Shiranui family does not take action, no one can hurt his son.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ming's divine soldier descended from the sky, and Sasuke Hattori kicked him over.

Immediately after several friends took turns to make up the knife, Mai Shiranui even performed a vicious stunt - cutting off the feet of children and grandchildren.

Hattori Taro trembled when he saw his son's miserable condition.

Poor boy, he became a Bakugan boy at a young age, how will he pass on the family line in the future?

Hattori Taro immediately found the best medical technician in the village, and tried his best to save a ball.

Lonely ninjas are better than nonsense.

"Yo, you are looking for me."

Jiang Ming walked out from the crowd with a bright smile on his face, "Is your son all right?"

Hattori Sasuke's tragic situation was not his intention, but that guy really deserved it.

"Little bastard, I want you to die!"

Jiang Ming's smile was like a pair of scissors stuck in his heart, Hattori Taro was furious, and Xing Yaosan's power boiled up, enough to shatter Shan Yue's palm, and he slapped Jiang Ming's chest with lightning speed.

"Quickly open!"

The old man Shiranui suddenly changed color.

In his opinion, Jiang Ming only has the strength of diamonds, and it is impossible for him to take the angry blow of the three powerhouses of Xingyao.

He had to act, otherwise the good granddaughter would be sad.

With a loud shout, the old man burst out like a ball of flames, trying to rescue Jiang Ming before Hattori Taro.

However, what he couldn't imagine was that the granddaughter Mai Shiranui didn't seem nervous, but her expression was indifferent.

What's going on here, is it possible that this kid has a hidden backhand?
Mr. Shiranui was puzzled.

Hattori Taro was even faster, and his sea-like palm was impressively imprinted on Jiang Ming's chest.

In an instant, the majestic force broke all the old trees around.

Jiang Ming's figure was submerged in the terrifying water element spiritual power.

"A mere diamond fighter is vulnerable to the blow of the old man, you little bastard, go to hell and repent!"

The corner of Hattori Taro's mouth curled into a cold smile, "Son, my father avenged you, he caused you to suffer, and I want him to pay for it with his life!"

Just when he was proud, a cold knife light pierced the water curtain.

Jiang Ming walked out of it expressionlessly, without even a little injury on his body.

"Sorry, you were too happy."

"This... this is impossible!"

Hattori Taro's eyes were shocked, and he spoke incoherently, "Why are you fine?"

"You might as well ask, with your little strength, why did you hurt me?"

Jiang Ming sneered, and his aura climbed up like opening a gate to release a flood.

Diamond three, diamond one, diamond peak, star five, star four, star three, star three peak!
Relying on his own power alone, he has reached the peak of the three stars and steadily suppressed Hattori Taro's junior star.

"You actually have the strength of the peak Xingyao San?!"

Hattori Taro's eyes widened, disbelief written all over his face.

Not only him, but the old man Shiranui who was beside him was also dumbfounded.

How difficult is the realm of Xingyao, the height that they, the older generation, spent their whole lives to achieve, was actually achieved by a young man in his early twenties.

Anyone who saw it would have their jaws dropped.

"Don't be too surprised, stand up straight and keep your face straight."

Jiang Ming thoughtfully helped Taro Hattori straighten his body, and then slapped him like a whirlwind.

Hattori Taro spun 360 degrees and ascended to the sky. It took a while to land on the ground. He covered his reddened left face and said in shock, "You hit me in the face?"

The patriarch of a dignified big family was slapped in the face by a junior, he was stunned.

Jiang Ming smiled: "Why, can't you fight? The difference in strength is in front of you, let alone hit you in the face, just take off your pants and play Jiji, what can you do to me?"

The crowd burst into laughter.

"You, you, vulgar!"

Hattori Taro's old face blushed instantly, and he greeted Jiang Ming a thousand times in his heart.

After all, he is a famous person, and he was ashamed to be teased by Jiang Ming like this.

(End of this chapter)

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