Chapter 174 Nako Lulu Appears
Jiang Ming and Shiranui Mai held a big wedding in Huoying Village.

That night, the teenagers in the village who had a crush on Mai Shiranui suffered from insomnia.

Don't feel sad and hate life, sit and sigh with your hands on your shade.

The most uncomfortable is Hattori Sasuke.

The beauties were already on their lips, but Jiang Ming abruptly snatched them away.

It's fine to rob his wife, and take away half of his Jiji and Dandan by the way.

It's too damn bullying.

However, it is worth mentioning that Sasuke Hattori saved half of the sausage, and under the treatment of superb ninjutsu, it can still be used.

Three centimeters, short is a little short, but it is enough to rub in it.

On the third day after their marriage, the four of Jiang Ming set off again.

The Juggernaut was flying at high speed in the air, Jiang Ming gave it a very simple order, just go south all the way.

Jiang Ming didn't know where Dijun was hiding, but it was probably in the south of Fusang.

At dusk, the sky was getting darker, just as there was a small village at the foot.

"Let's spend the night here tonight."

According to Jiang Ming's wishes, the master found a place where no one was paying attention, and then spread his wings and flew high, looking for food by himself.

"It can fight and ride without feeding. What a perfect mount."

Tachibana Ukyo looked at the back of Juggernaut flying away, and said enviously.

Jiang Ming patted him on the shoulder: "Your Miss Gui is also pretty good."

Tachibana Ukyo: "I'm talking about mounts with you, why did it involve my lover."

Jiang Ming: "As long as you want, she can also be a mount."

Tachibana Ukyo: "..."

You dirty demon king.

Mai Shiranui listened to the nasty jokes that Xianggong said, her beautiful eyes widened, and she gave Jiang Ming a shudder.

The town is very quiet, the streets are empty, and there are no lights in the wooden houses on both sides.

"Where are people? Isn't this an abandoned town?"

Miyamoto Musashi complained as he walked.

Jiang Ming looked around carefully, instinctively feeling a conspiracy.

Judging from his experience, this small town with a weird painting style is very likely to be a den of the blood race.

The few people walked slowly to the center of the town, and finally saw the light in a restaurant-like building.

"Look, there are people there, go find something to eat."

The hungry and thirsty Miyamoto Musashi said happily, and strode into the restaurant.

Tachibana Ukyo and Shiranui Mai walked in after him, Jiang Ming paused in front of the door, looked around, and frowned indistinctly.

Unlike the deserted outside, the inside of the restaurant is extraordinarily lively.

Looking around, there are rows of tables and chairs, and there are no empty seats. Dozens of passengers are drinking and eating meat, playing wildly.

"I didn't expect such a good place to exist in Xiaopo Town. I have already smelled the aroma of wine and meat."

Miyamoto Musashi's eyes lit up.

His life is different from others, others' greedy gold and silver women are dung in his eyes.

The only thing that made him obsessed was martial arts. If he had to add one more, it would be wine and meat.

"Little Er, order!"

Miyamoto Musashi found an empty table with great difficulty, invited several people to sit down, and then called Xiao Er to order a table full of food and wine.

After the dishes were served, the Juggernaut ate and drank in spite of his image.

Jiang Ming looked at a table of good wine and food, expressionless.

From the moment he entered the restaurant, Jiang Ming was certain in his heart that this place was a trap for the blood race.

Dozens of passengers, including the boss and the waiter, none of them are human.

They are all blood races!
Miyamoto Musashi and others have no experience in fighting wits and bravery with blood races, so they can't tell the difference between humans and blood races. They have been enlightened since the first mouthful of wine and meat.

Jiang Ming knew there was poison in the dish, but he didn't say it out, because it was just a simple narcotic poison, which would not cause much harm to the human body.

It's better to follow the tricks and lead out the people behind this restaurant.

These pig teammates were thrown out as bait.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ming picked up a good-looking piece of braised pork and put it in his mouth.

Chew lightly with the upper and lower teeth, and finally swallow it into the stomach with a grunt.

Seeing this scene, the owner of the restaurant showed a cold and smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

As everyone knows, although Jiang Ming ate the poisonous meat, he used his spiritual power to destroy the poison at the first time, without absorbing it at all.

This method of using internal force to dissolve poison comes from the inheritance of the masters of Thousand Cave City.

Miyamoto Musashi and Tachibana Ukyo ate happily, and even competed in their drinking capacity. After drinking sake one after another, their minds became a little swaying.

"Brother Panasonic, why don't you drink, come and have a drink with my brother."

Miyamoto Musashi pushed the wine glass in front of Jiang Ming, speaking with a bit of a tongue.

"That's right, only the two of us can't get enough of drinking, brother Matsushita will come too!"

Tachibana Ukyo followed suit.

Although they already knew that Jiang Ming was from mainland China and had a mainland name, they still used to call him Matsushita Wenzi.

Damn mentally retarded, you two don't even know you fell into someone else's trap, and you still drink and drink.

Jiang Ming complained in his heart, picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

"Good brother, the truth is in the wine."

"Deep feeling is boring, feeling is shallow licking."

"Brother Miyamoto is huge, a real man!"

"Orange Sang, why do you still have half a cup left? Do you raise fish?"

Jiang Ming doesn't like the drinking table culture, but in order to show the vampires, he still chooses to join it, and he seems to be the one who drinks the most.

The vampires were paying attention to the situation at Jiang Ming's table all the time, counting the time, the paralytic drug should have worked, the boss winked, and dozens of people stood up in unison.

At this moment, the door of the restaurant was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Before anyone could be seen, the light and pleasant girl's voice came in first.

"Oh, I finally found a place to eat, I'm starving to death, you are hungry too, Mamahaha."

Dozens of blood races stood in place, suddenly froze, and the scene was a little awkward.

"Aha, I want to exercise after eating too much. Stand up and walk."

"Yes, me too."

"You sit in there?"

"You sit outside?"


After a while of reluctant explanations, the blood races sat back again.

The girl who appeared suddenly disrupted their attack horn, and they did not dare to attack rashly without the boss's instructions.

Jiang Ming was speechless, dissipating the power gathered in his palm.

He raised his head and looked at the young girl at the door.

A slim warrior uniform outlines a slim figure, with a short blade pinned to the back and waist, with a fierce temperament and the unique liveliness of a girl.

With big eyes and round face, she is as cute as Yunying, making people want to pinch her round face.

The long black hair is tied into a ponytail at the back of the head, and the red hair knots fluctuate up and down as he walks, like a butterfly spreading its wings, adding a bit of spirituality.

The most eye-catching thing is the flying eagle on her arm. It has a vigorous figure, shiny feathers, and piercing eagle eyes. It is by no means a vulgar thing.

It turned out to be the beautiful hero in the glory of the king - Nako Lulu!
(End of this chapter)

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