The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 175 It's Just Overwhelmed

Chapter 175 It's Just Overwhelmed
"Damn it, Nako Lulu!"

Jiang Ming's pupils trembled involuntarily.

This eagle girl is a very popular hero in the game of Glory of Kings. When Jiang Ming saw Na Ke Lulu herself at this time, he just wanted to ask: "Beautiful girl, how much weight are you? Can you sit on your ass to death?"

Na Ke Lulu didn't notice the weird atmosphere in the restaurant at all, so she found a seat and sat down carelessly.

"Boss, two plates of beef, oh no, three plates! Another big bowl of rice!"

Not long after, three plates of beef and a large bowl of rice were placed before her eyes.

It's hard to imagine that this is the appetite of a petite girl.

Oh, by the way, there is also an eagle, Jiang Ming is more willing to believe that this flying eagle is too greedy.

Na Ke Lulu's eyes lit up, and she eagerly picked up the chopsticks.

Seeing that the girl was about to enter the blood trap, Jiang Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and the next moment, the wine glass in his hand flew out.

She can't be allowed to eat poisonous food and drink, otherwise there will be a fight soon, and I'm afraid she won't be able to take care of so many people.

The beef that reached her mouth fell on the table, and the girl looked at Jiang Ming in astonishment.

"What are you doing, a piece of good beef is wasted like this, come on, Mamahaha, don't waste it."

Mamahaha didn't dislike it, and ate the beef handed over by the owner contentedly.

Good guy, you are a pit eagle, you can't stop it.

The corners of Jiang Ming's eyes twitched slightly, he walked over with a straight face, and took away the three plates of beef like a dude: "Girl Hua, this plate of meat belongs to my uncle, get out, otherwise you will also be my uncle." of."

Na Ke Lulu looked aggrieved: "But, I bought this with money..."

A piece of silver fell on the table, and Jiang Ming said with a blank expression, "Hurry up, this is not the place for an ignorant girl like you to come."

"It's too bad. After finding a place to eat with great difficulty, they actually drove him away for such a reason."

Na Ke Lulu was crying, and she was unwilling to have a conflict with the other party when she was wronged.

But Mamahaha couldn't bear the bird's air, her eagle eyes lit up, and she swooped on Jiang Ming with the eagle's wings.

The eagle's claws were bent, and it was about to grab the chick with one hand. Suddenly, a feeling of weakness appeared for no reason.

"Mamahaha, what's wrong with you?"

Na Ke Lulu turned pale, and hurriedly bent down to check.

this meat. . .poisonous. . .

It's a pity that Mamahaha can't speak, her body is shaking like an electric shock, and the owner can't get its thoughts.

"What did you do to my mama haha!"

Na Ke Lulu stared at Jiang Ming with wide eyes, her round face was full of anger.

It's okay to bully her, but it's not okay to bully Mamahaha!

"What can I do to it? It's nothing more than poisoning it to death, and then making an eagle soup to nourish the body."

Jiang Ming said subconsciously, looked up and saw the girl's eyes that were about to shed tears, and changed his words: "I'm kidding, Mamahaha is just fed up, it will be fine in a while."

Nako Lulu looked puzzled: "Really? I have lived with Mamahaha for so long, and I have never seen him survive."

"Really, the beef is particularly full, and one piece will last. If you don't believe me, take a look."

Jiang Ming lowered his head and kicked the eagle: "Hey, have you made it through?"

Mamahaha had fainted from the poison, and instinctively twitched.

Jiang Ming: "Look at it nodding."

Nako Lulu: "..."

Nako Lulu: "I don't think it seems to be nodding."

Jiang Ming: "Why not? It's just nodding, be obedient, take it to a cool place outside to rest."

Nake Lulu hugged Mamahaha, and was sent out of the restaurant by Jiang Ming half pushed.

She was still in a daze until the door slammed behind her.

Why was he thrown out out of nowhere, I felt like I was being fooled.

Jiang Ming closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

She was finally cheated away, and this little girl was too easy to cheat.

Perhaps because of her young age, Nako Lulu's rank is too low, only diamonds are low.

Once fighting with the blood race, I am afraid that I will not be able to protect myself.

Jiang Ming glanced at all the blood races, and the corner of his mouth evoked the Dragon King's exclusive smile.

Now that he has seen that the owner of the restaurant is the leader of this group of blood clans, he is directly captured alive and tortured for Dijun's hiding place.

"Guest officer, sit down and talk."

Xiao Er bowed his head and walked over with a flattering smile on his face.

When he was less than two meters away from Jiang Ming, blood suddenly lit up in his eyes.

The nails on both hands suddenly increased by more than ten centimeters, like ten sharp knives piercing Jiang Ming's throat.

At the same time, the surrounding vampires launched an attack at the same time.

"Jiang Ming!"

"Brother Panasonic, be careful!"

Mai Shiranui and the others changed their expressions drastically, and stood up from their seats in a jerk, raising their energy and wanting to help.

It turned out that it was a good thing that they didn't move. This movement aroused the toxicity in advance, and the three of them sat back on the bench limply.

"Ah, I'm getting soft."

"What a bad feeling, we're poisoned, when?"

"It's food and wine, there is poison in the food and wine!"

The three of them are all strong, even if they are poisoned, they will not pass out like Mamahaha, but they are weak and unable to fight.

With the wind blowing against his face, Jiang Ming smiled coldly, made a knife with his hand, and cut out a circular knife light.

puff puff~
The heads of the nearest blood race flew out, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

"Jiang Ming, give up resisting, or you will have to say goodbye to them."

The restaurant owner grinned grimly, grabbed Miyamoto Musashi with one hand, and Mai Shiranui with the other.

"With such a long distance, even you can't snatch them away from me. Surrender obediently."

The boss looked at Jiang Ming with a teasing smile on his lips.


Jiang Ming snorted coldly, his pupils dilated suddenly, and a black light suddenly appeared.


Black flames inexplicably appeared on both arms of the boss, spreading with a high temperature that flesh and blood could not bear.


I couldn't bear to hear the screams.

Even the strong physique of the blood race couldn't stand such roasting.

The surrounding vampires looked at the leader's distorted cheeks due to pain, and for the first time there was an expression called fear in their hearts, and they backed away involuntarily.

"Damn, are you all dead? Come and put out the fire for me!"

The boss scolded angrily, his arms had been swallowed by black flames, and he couldn't save himself.

The blood race woke up like a dream, and hurriedly surrounded them, but they didn't know how to extinguish the black flame.

In the panic, someone took off his clothes and beat him vigorously.

The black flames rose against the wind and devoured the blood clan.

"No, no, go find water!"

The boss yelled.

Someone brought a bucket full of water and splashed it on Heiyan.

"Finally saved..."

The boss took a deep breath and suddenly felt something was wrong.

The scorching of the arm has not disappeared, and the black flame has not been extinguished!

(End of this chapter)

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