Chapter 176 Miyamoto is Angry
"What's going on, what kind of fire is this, it can't be extinguished?!"

The boss was shocked.

As a native of Fusang, it is not difficult for him to see that this terrifying black flame seems to be a kind of ninjutsu, but Jiang Ming's information shows that he is just a vulgar warrior. When did he master this advanced ninjutsu?

The black flame lasted for a long time, although the speed was slow, it spread along his arms all the time.

The boss's face became more and more frightened.

"Quickly think of a way!"

The vampires scratched the back of their heads in embarrassment.

Although watching the BOSS cremated is not righteous, but it is not afraid of water, what can we do?

At this time, Jiang Ming's eyes flashed a light, and the black flames suddenly split apart, shooting out countless small groups of black flames like an explosion, and the blood clan in the entire restaurant was wiped out immediately.

"Damn it, I still underestimated you after all."

The blood boss gritted his teeth, his anger and pain made him extremely hate the humans in front of him.

Originally, according to his plan, he outwitted a wave, paralyzed the four with poison, and could easily pick off their heads.

Then he took Jiang Ming's head to ask Di Jun for credit, got a promotion and a salary increase to marry Bai Fumei, and climbed to the top of the blood clan.

It's a pity that Jiang Ming saw through his trick from the very beginning.

"Di Jun already knew I was coming, but he didn't dare to confront me head-on. Is he afraid of me?"

Jiang Ming said sarcastically.

Blood Boss: "You fart, our master is busy with big things, and a small fish like you is not worthy of him personally."

It's definitely not a good thing to be busy with big things, don't think about it.

Jiang Ming: "Tell me where he is, and spare you."

The blood clan boss let out a chuckle, and rolled his eyes: "I am a noble blood clan, and I will never betray my master like you humans."

Dog, you are quite proud of being a human being.

Jiang Ming snapped his fingers, and Hei Yan sprang several meters high with a whoosh, burning the boss to ashes.

The blood races are all well-developed limbs and simple-minded. If he says he refuses to betray Di Jun, he will never betray Di Jun until he dies.

In all fairness, blood races do surpass most humans in terms of loyalty.

Maybe it's because of low IQ.

"Are you guys okay?"

After finishing off the blood clan, Jiang Ming came to the limp and powerless trio.

"Fortunately, it's just numb all over."

Mai Shiranui said weakly.

Jiang Ming injected a cloud of spiritual power into each of the three, and the poison was quickly resolved.

Miyamoto Musashi moved his soft shoulders and complained: "Damn vampires, poisoning food is really hard to guard against."

"That's right, thanks to Brother Matsushita." Tachibana Ukyo nodded, and looked at Jiang Ming: "By the way, Brother Matsushita, you obviously drank and ate meat with us, why didn't you get poisoned?"

Jiang Ming squinted at him: "From the moment I entered the restaurant, I knew that this was a trap of the vampires. Every bite I ate would be used to dissolve the poison."

Tachibana Ukyo's face was strange: "So you know that wine and meat are poisonous, but you deliberately concealed it and didn't tell us?"

Jiang Ming snorted: "I see that you are enjoying your meal, so I just use you as bait."

Tachibana Ukyo: "..."

Damn, the boat of friendship capsized!
The four left, and Jiang Ming set fire to the restaurant with his backhand.

Under the vast night, the town seemed to be swallowed by an abyss, without any light.

Jiang Ming looked around into the distance and fell silent.

No need to guess, it must be the blood clan who ate up all the residents of the town in order to ambush him.

Not far away, the girl holding an eagle stared blankly at the restaurant filled with smoke.

what's the situation?Why did the restaurant that was fine just now catch fire?

The girl came over: "That handsome big brother, why is it on fire?"

Miyamoto Musashi, who was the closest, smiled naively: "Did you hear that, that little girl called me handsome little brother, and it seems that she still has the same demeanor."

Na Ke Lulu shook her head and said seriously: "Uncle, I'm not calling you, but the brother in white next to you."

Miyamoto Musashi:"..."

"Did you hear that, uncle?"

Jiang Ming said the word uncle loudly on purpose, and patted Miyamoto Musashi on the shoulder with a smile: "Uncle, you are out of date, and now girls like a little fresh meat like me."

Jiang Ming looked at Na Ke Lulu, instead of answering her question, he asked, "Is your Mamahaha awake?"

"I'm awake, but I haven't regained my strength yet." Na Kelu nodded her head, "Big brother, you are really amazing. I didn't even know that Feiying would last."

Jiang Ming chuckled, but didn't speak.

Mamahaha's body twitched violently, suffering the loss of not being able to speak.

"My name is Jiang Ming, how about you?"


Jiang Ming touched his chin pretendingly: "Nake Lulu, that's a nice name, why are you here alone?"

Na Ke Lulu looked melancholy: "Actually, I escaped from my hometown."

Jiang Ming frowned, as if grasping something: "Escape? What's the problem?"

Nako Lulu: "Blood, my hometown was captured by the blood, and even the government officials in charge of the local area were eaten."

it is as expected.

Jiang Mingdao: "When did the blood clan appear in your hometown?"

Nako Lulu tilted her head and thought for a while: "About two months ago, overnight, many residents became blood races."

More than two months ago, it happened to be the time when Dijun fled back to Fusang.

Can't go wrong.

Jiang Ming excitedly said: "Take me to your hometown."

Na Ke Lulu quickly shook her head: "No, those blood races are so powerful, even Xingyao-level fighters are no match, you can only die if you go."

"Death? You might." Miyamoto Musashi interjected, "I'm Miyamoto Musashi, who gave me the nickname——Sword Master!"

"You are Miyamoto Musashi?! Great, I finally found you."

Nako Lulu had a look of surprise on her face.

Miyamoto Musashi raised his chin proudly: "You must have heard about my achievements, right? Let me tell you, our group came here to get rid of the blood race, take me to your hometown, and let that guy Di Jun pay blood for blood." pay."

Na Ke Lulu shook her head: "No, I promised Atong to send you a message for her."

"What did you say? Atong?" Miyamoto Musashi frowned slightly. He always felt that the name was familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

Na Ke Lulu: "That's right, it's your childhood sweetheart, Atong."

"Oh, so it's Atong!"

Miyamoto Musashi blinked and remembered.

Atong was Miyamoto Musashi's playmate when he was young, and the two had a good relationship, but later Miyamoto left the village in pursuit of the pinnacle of martial arts, and since then he has not seen Atong again for more than 20 years.

It is estimated that she is now a wife and mother, and she still remembers my old friend.

Miyamoto Musashi recalled his childhood, and felt a burst of joy in his heart.

"Atong, she is doing well, what message did she ask you to pass?"

Miyamoto Musashi looked at Nakorulu expectantly.

The eagle girl was silent for a while, then said, "...A Tong is dead."

"Dead? How did you die?"

Miyamoto Musashi was all over for a while, and his eyes lost focus for a while.

Nako Lulu: "It's the blood clan. The blood clan captured your hometown. When I arrived, she was dying and couldn't be saved. She asked me to send you a message, and she must avenge the folks."

Miyamoto Musashi froze, as if someone had pressed the pause button.

Childhood hometown, childhood playmates, scenes of warm memories appeared in my mind, followed by being torn to pieces by a pair of bloody hands.

For a long time, his eyes were red, and he roared like a wild beast: "The blood race, the blood race again, Di Jun, I am at odds with you!!!"

After the roar, his voice was hoarse: "Where are the corpses of A Tong and the folks?"

Na Kelulu's face was heavy: "Many of them were eaten by the blood race, and I buried the rest under the old tree at the head of the village."

"Thank you."

Miyamoto Musashi thanked him softly, turned his head, and set off in the direction of his hometown with cold eyes.

He condemned himself in his heart.

Miyamoto, Miyamoto, if you hadn't been obsessed with the title of number one in the world, but stayed in your hometown, they might not have died at the hands of the blood race.

A Tong, forgive me for not being able to save the village, but I will definitely avenge your revenge.

I, Miyamoto Musashi, swear by a sword, not to kill Emperor Jun, and not to be a human being!
Jiang Ming and the others looked at each other and followed without saying a word.

The eagle girl looked at their silent but firm backs and said, "Can I be with you? I want to contribute too."

"of course can."

Jiang Ming turned his head and stretched out his palm towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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