Chapter 210 Fucking Beast!
Meng's father and son made a bet, Dongfang Yao looked a little excited, and pointed at his sister's nose and said: "Dongfang Jing, you and I also bet on this competition. If I win, you are not allowed to call me a naive ghost!"

Dongfang Jing readily agreed: "If you lose, just obediently call me sister."

"Okay!" The two reached a bet.

At this moment, the person in charge of Jixia College shouted loudly: "The registration statistics have been completed. Due to the large number of teams, our college decided to join a round of knockout rounds before the official competition. Please move to the knockout round."

"There's still a knockout round, wouldn't it be possible for someone to make a trip in vain and not even get a ranking?"

"Tch, only the weak will worry about this problem. Our macho team has booked a place in advance to enter the official competition."

While the contestants were discussing, they followed the person in charge to move into the arena.

Jiang Ming and Ying Zheng smiled at each other and walked forward side by side.

The members of the Ming team followed Jiang Ming talking and laughing, while the members of the Xuanyong team acted like bodyguards to protect Ying Zheng. The crowd was mixed, and they needed to ensure the safety of their own emperor.

When everyone came to the open field in the backyard of Jixia College, they saw a group of mechanism birds hovering above their heads. The person in charge loudly announced the rules of the knockout competition: "There are a hundred mechanism birds in the sky above the arena, and each bird has a token hanging around its neck. , half an hour later, the team with the token advances. The game starts now!"

The voice of the person in charge fell, and the arena instantly boiled up, with countless fighters vying for each other.

"One hundred promotion places, first come, first served!"

"That flying bird is mine, don't snatch it from me!"

Looking at Jiang Ming who was calm and composed, Meng Ya's big eyes were full of doubts: "Brother Jiang Ming, everyone is going to strike first, should we not move?"

Jiang Ming smiled slightly: "Don't worry, it's useless for them to grab the token first. The rules say that the team with the token advances after half an hour, not the team that gets the token from the bird."

Meng Ya was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized: "I understand, you can not only get the token from the mechanism Asuka, but you can also grab it from other teams!"

"That's it. Even if the weak team grabs the token, they won't be able to defend it." Jiang Ming looked at Xuan Yong's team not far away. They also didn't act. It seems that Ying Zheng had the same idea as him.

"You guys wait here, I'm going to start the robbery, and I feel itchy watching them do it."

Dongfang Yao rubbed his palms, and the monkey rushed out anxiously.

"What a hot-blooded junior high school boy." Jiang Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

There are still many birds in the sky, Dongfang Yao aimed at the one that flew the highest, stepped on it suddenly, and his body drew an arc to ascend to the sky.

It is the second skill - Chasing Stars!

Dongfang Yao stretched out his hand in the air, and the moment he was about to touch the mechanism bird, an agile figure suddenly appeared from behind.

Dongfang Jing's white hair fluttered, and the corners of her mouth curled up on her cold face. She stepped on her younger brother's shoulder and snatched the token hanging around Asuka's neck first.

"Jing, you don't talk about martial arts!" Dongfang Yao fell to the ground, pointing at his sister and growling.

"Little kid, sister, I've already got the token." Dongfang Jing showed off by shaking the token, and the snow and ice melted on his face.

"Hmph, whatever you want, I can do it too."

Dongfang Yao shot to the sky, this time there was no Dongfang Jing to make trouble, but several other warriors followed him on the same bird.

"This token belongs to this handsome guy, get out of the way!"

Dongfang Yao's eyes froze, and the star sword suddenly released light.

The power of the stars swept away, like a storm sweeping away all the competitors, Dongfang Yao tore off the token on the neck of the organ Asuka, and raised his chin towards his sister.

The Ming team has a token in their hands, as long as they hold it, they can advance steadily, but Jiang Ming decided to do something, he looked at a few players, with a wicked smile on his face: "One hundred teams are too many, follow-up The game will be very cumbersome, and a high-quality team like ours should take the initiative to take the responsibility of reducing the burden on the referee team. What do you think?"

The team members understood immediately, and nodded with a smile: "You are good or bad, I like it very much."

"That's it, Team Ming, let's do it!"

Jiang Ming snapped his fingers, and the six members rushed out in different directions.

"What are they going to do?" Ying Zheng had a big question mark in his heart, and his eyes were fixed on Jiang Ming.

I saw Jiang Ming rushing into the crowd, snatching a token surrounded by many warriors, and then raised his hand to crush the token they were fighting for.

"Fuck!!! What are you doing, kid!"

"Tokens are rare, and you even destroyed one, you fucking beast!"

Everyone wailed and mourned.

"Jiang Ming is really a fucking talent!"

Brother Zheng's eyes lit up, and he waved to his subordinates: "Come on, let's go play too!"

(End of this chapter)

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