Chapter 211 Kun Chaos
"Stop! This is my token!"

"Little bastard, dare to grab the token from me, and wait to eat the uncle's fist!"

"Brother, I was wrong, please let me go and mess with others, okay?"

Having been robbed of tokens several times in a row, the two-meter-tall man couldn't bear it anymore, and wiped his tears in grievance.

Damn, who is it? The quality is too bad, and the key is still unbeatable. . .

"Because of your sincere plea, I let you go." With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Jiang Ming turned his sinful eyes to others.

The audience trembled!

At the same time, other members of Team Bright were doing the same thing.

With a cheerful expression on his face, Dongfang Yao shuttled through the crowd like a slapstick, snatching a token from time to time, and then showed a wicked and wild smile at the victim: "Oh, so dazzling. Uh, oh, this, It is the starlight that belongs to a genius!"

It's tempting to tear his face apart.

Meng Ya was also fully fired, the machine gun behind him kept spewing out flames, shouting in his mouth: "Youth's blood should be dripping on the battlefield!"

Xi Shi is a girl, so she can't do such a crazy thing. Sun Bin and Master Lu Ban are support types, not good at fighting.

"It's too much, Team Ming, right? I remember you all!"

"If you have the guts, keep targeting me. Don't let me get a token, otherwise I will do nothing in the next game, and I will fight you!"

"Everyone heard it. He asked me to target him. I have never heard such a request in my life."

"Okay, you're awesome, you can't afford to be provoked and you can hide, I'll go over there and grab the token."

With full of malice towards the Ming team, a small team hid in a corner.

Aim at a mechanism bird and make a quick shot, and it seems like you're going to be done.

Suddenly, a flying sword shattered the wooden sign.

Turning around numbly, he happened to meet Shang Yingzheng's serious and slightly complacent eyes: "I am the only one in the sky and the world, and I will not allow you to advance!"

"Nimma, why are there such beasts everywhere!" The team collapsed.

Half an hour passed quickly. Under the influence of Team Ming and Team Xuanyong, only 64 teams of the originally planned [-] teams advanced.

When counting the promotion teams, the person in charge gave Jiang Ming and Ying Zheng a weird look, but said nothing.

The rules tacitly allow competition between teams, but I didn't expect someone to be so good at it.

"Congratulations to the 64 teams that have advanced, please follow me to the next game!"

Leading the contestants to the new venue, the person in charge continued: "This game is called Kun Chaos, and it is a 1V1 team competition. There is a kun in the crystal behind both sides. The team that breaks the enemy's crystal first and steals the opponent's kun win!"

"The random grouping starts now, please divide into well-matched teams and enter the competition venue to prepare."

"On the first field, the Magic Girls team will face the Guardian Kunkun team. On the second field, the team that can lose in a team battle will face the Luban must die team. On the third field, the ** team will face the Xuanyong team...No.20 field, the Ming team To the Southern Wilderness team..."

Hearing the allocation, Jiang Ming led the team to the NO.20 field.

The venue is the same as in the game Abyssal Smash Bros. The two sides face each other, each with two defensive towers and a crystal.

With Jiang Ming here, it is impossible to lose this kind of game.

He thought it was a boring and boring game of crushing, but Jiang Ming's eyes lit up the moment his opponent took the stage.

In the Southern Wilderness team, old acquaintances meet again.

Ah Ke, Gao Jianli, Zhong Wuyan, and Lian Po.

(End of this chapter)

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