The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 219 Black Flame Demon Knife

Chapter 219 Black Flame Demon Knife
As soon as Amaterasu appeared, Jiang Ming's dilemma was immediately resolved.

Burning ragingly, the long-lasting black flame gave people a terrifying feeling that could swallow even light.

Thousands of people in the auditorium stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

"This is Japanese ninjutsu!"

Ying Zheng is well-informed and has some knowledge of ninjutsu, so he recognized it at a glance.

"Amaterasu, the strongest fire ninjutsu in Japan."

Jiang Ming said with a smile, and snapped his fingers, Amaterasu Heiyan flew back into his hand, turning into a jet-black flame sword.

Controlling Black Flame to change shape, this is the ability he comprehended after he was promoted to Xingyao III.

"Jiang Ming, oh Jiang Ming, you have surprised me time and time again, this emperor can't wait to defeat you!"

Ying Zheng's eyes were hot, and there was a light of excitement in his eyes, and the emperor's honor became hot after a long time.

The dragon robe is automatic without wind, and the invisible domineering spreads, suppressing the audience.

This is the aura of domineering, which can only be emitted by human emperors who have gathered great fortune.

Even star warriors like Dongfang Yao and Meng Tian would inevitably feel difficulty breathing in front of the emperor's aura.

Not to mention the ordinary audience outside, almost unable to straighten their backs.

As soon as the emperor came out, thousands of people surrendered. In the entire competition field, only Jiang Ming looked indifferent, ignoring Ying Zheng's coercion, and stood upright!
Because, he is also the emperor of the world with the aura of domineering!
The two blades crossed in front of him, and Jiang Ming swiped in the air.

As if the sun was piercing through the haze, Dongfang Yao and the others behind Jiang Ming suddenly relaxed, panting heavily.

"Jiang Ming, no one can complete my ultimate move, and you are no exception!"

Ying Zheng spread out his hands, and countless golden holy swords condensed behind him, just like the return of thousands of swords in previous movies.

It is the skill with the highest damage in the glory of the king - supreme kingship!
"Heaven and earth, I am the only one!"

With a loud shout, swords flew like rain.

The golden light was dazzling, and Jiang Ming seemed to be looking directly at the sun.

Yingzheng's big move hurts extremely horribly, all ninety flying swords hit, even the king may have to hate it.

It's just that the flying sword can't turn, so it's impossible to hit it completely in actual combat.

But in the narrow 1V1 field, Feijian almost sealed off all the space, and Jiang Ming couldn't dodge at all. If he dodged, the teammates behind him would suffer.

Even Amaterasu couldn't swallow such dense sword energy.

As soon as Jiang Ming gritted his teeth, his left and right hands suddenly merged together.

The magic knife and the black flame knife collided and squeezed, and the magic knife suddenly shattered into countless fragments, while the black flame took the opportunity to blend into the gaps of the fragments, roasting the magic knife fragments like wrought iron.

In the end, under the pressure of Jiang Ming's hands, the pieces re-bonded, and a Black Flame Demon Knife was born!

At the same time, it has the sharpness of the magic knife and the devouring power of Amaterasu, which can be called the perfect weapon!

"Look at mine, the Black Flame Demon Knife——A thunderbolt flashes!"

Jiang Ming roared loudly, the air shook the world, and the Black Flame Demon Saber slashed out against the sword energy.

In an instant, there was a loud thunder, and the golden light was wrapped in black flames, sacred and evil.

Boom boom boom!
The black-gold sword light pierces through the heavy sword aura and moves forward. The aura fades little by little, but it never dies!

Yingzheng's face changed drastically, and panic appeared on his haughty face. He mobilized all his strength and urged his sword energy to become faster and stronger.

Finally, with the explosion of the last sword qi, the terrifying black-golden energy also disappeared.

"Huh, it's dangerous."

Ying Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, his shoulders collapsed, and he straightened up again.

He saw that a blade burning with black flames pierced towards him like a thunderbolt!

Jiang Ming held the knife, so fast that it was difficult for the naked eye to catch it.

The Black Flame Demon Knife stopped an inch in front of his eyebrows, Ying Zheng's face turned pale, and his body trembled involuntarily.

"I'm the one who wins."

The corner of Jiang Ming's mouth hooked, and the Black Flame Demon Knife turned around to retract it, and then slashed at the defensive tower behind Ying Zheng.

Boom boom boom!
Two defense towers and one crystal exploded at the same time!

(End of this chapter)

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