Chapter 220 Rewards
The crystal exploded, and the audience was dumbfounded. Even the referee forgot to announce the result.

Where the eyes of thousands of people gather, the figure holding the black knife is handsome and unrestrained.

"we won?"

Dongfang Yao raised his head, his face was full of shock and disbelief.

"It's unbelievable that Jiang Ming actually accepted Ying Zheng's big move."

Master Lu Ban murmured to himself, and a stormy sea arose in his heart.

That is Yingzheng, Yingzheng with ninety flying swords is enough to kill a king!

"Sure enough, he is reliable."

Xi Shi stared at Jiang Ming's back in a daze.

As for Meng Tian Dongfang Jing and others of Xuanyong team, their eyes widened and they couldn't speak a word.

After following Yingzheng for several years, from Xu Fu to Miyue, from an unknown prince to a world-renowned emperor, it was the first time they saw Yingzheng defeated.

Ying Zheng turned around and looked at the crystal that was blown into pieces, his eyes became numb.

After a long time, he shook his head and sighed: "Jiang Ming, you have won, this sword is better than hundreds of flying swords of mine."

After the voice fell, a bell-like voice erupted from the auditorium.

"Jiang Ming, Jiang Ming!"

"No. [-] in the world!"

"Wow, he is so good, handsome and can fight, I want to give birth to a monkey for him!"

"Come on, I heard that Jiang Ming is a philanderer and has dozens of women!"

"What does it matter, which man doesn't care, if you are as capable as him, will you only love one woman?"

"...You are crazy, unreasonable!"

"Slightly slightly slightly, I would rather be Jiang Ming's hundredth woman than be the only one like you."

"Ah, snobbish woman, I'm so mad!"

. . .

"This Gui Xumeng performance contest is over, and the winner is—the Bright Team!"

The referee announced loudly, with uncontrollable excitement in his voice, then looked at Jiang Ming, and said respectfully: "Please come with me to the inner court to receive the championship reward of the competition!"

"Okay, please wait a moment." Jiang Ming smiled slightly, looking at Meng Ya and Dongfang Yao in the team.

The latter two immediately understood, turned around, and walked forward with their heads held high.

Meng Ya walked in front of Meng Tian: "Father, I won this bet!"

"You won. I admit that my dogma is outdated. From now on, I will not stop you from researching machine guns. Come on son, the future belongs to you young people!"

Meng Tian patted his son's head, convinced of his defeat.

On the other side, Dongfang Yao shook his head, swayed complacently in front of Dongfang Jing, and raised his eyebrows: "Dongfang Jing, are you convinced? Do you admit that this genius is better than you?"

Seeing his foolishness, Dongfang Jing smiled angrily, and said with a chuckle: "We lost, we lost completely, but what does it have to do with you, you don't think you won us, do you? Without Jiang Ming, you Impossible to win."

"You're talking nonsense, even without Jiang Ming, this genius can beat you to death!" Dongfang Yao said anxiously.

Dongfang Jing chuckled: "Really? I just saw that someone was pressed to the ground by the coercion of our lord, and he couldn't lift his head up."

Dongfang Yao's face turned red with embarrassment, and he was hit.

"Little brat, if you want me to admit you, I'll tell you when you won the heads-up."

Dongfang Jing smiled like a flower, stretched out a white jade-like finger, and lightly tapped his younger brother's forehead.

"Ah, it's so annoying, sooner or later I will defeat you!" Dongfang Yao said sullenly.

Jixia College, the inner courtyard lobby.

The three sages gathered in a room, and in front of them, a huge mirror was erected, and the image of the competition field was reflected in the mirror.

It happened to be Jiang Ming's knife that shocked the audience.

"This competition has produced a remarkable young man."

Mozi drove the giant mechanism, and touched the smooth metal chin symbolically.

"Yeah, I thought that the final champion would be Ying Zheng, but there is a guy who is more interesting than Ying Zheng."

A kun fish was floating in the air, and Zhuang Zhou sat on the kun's back, knocking his head, looking like he couldn't wake up, but he spoke very clearly.

"Interesting and interesting, no wonder even that old man is not his opponent."

The old master nodded with a meaningful smile.

Jiang Ming, we finally meet.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Ming himself appeared in the lobby, followed by Dongfang Yao and others.

"Team Ming, congratulations for winning the Gui Xu Meng Acting Contest."

"As a champion reward, you can enter the Babel Tower for adventure, and any gains in it belong to you."

Mozi chuckled, "In addition to these, you can also skip the exam and directly enter Jixia College to study."

"Really, great, I'll join!"

"Thank you teacher!"

Dongfang Yao, Xi Shi and Meng Ya cried out excitedly.

Joining Jixia Academy is the greatest wish of countless warriors, but at this time the three sages offered to invite them, how could they not be excited?
But Master Lu Ban, Sun Bin and Jiang Ming remained calm.

The former two were already students of Jixia College, while Jiang Ming had no desire to study at Jixia College at all.

Jiang Ming glanced at Master Luban and Sun Bin, his eyeballs twitched, and the problem of loving wool was committed again. He laughed and said: "Three mentors, there are three people on our side who don't need the qualifications to directly enter the academy. Can't it be exchanged for other rewards?"

"Good boy, you've gotten into a fight with us."

The old master stroked his silver beard, shook his head and said with a smile: "In this case, the three of us, how about each of us taking out a treasure to compensate you?"

"Of course it is possible." Jiang Ming nodded.

The old master took out a hammer weapon and threw it to Jiang Ming: "This star smasher is the best choice for fighting tanks, and I give it to you."

Zhuang Zhou immediately took out a green shield: "This Wing of Redemption can increase the shield for teammates. It is the best auxiliary equipment. I give it to you."

Mo Zi was not far behind: "This stick of emptiness can greatly increase the output of mages, and I also give it to you."

"Thank you three mentors!"

Jiang Ming accepted the three pieces of equipment with a bright smile on his face.

Having played Glory of Kings before, he knew that these three pieces were all final costumes, extremely precious, and the three instructors really spent a lot of money.

"I don't need any of these equipment, you guys should share them." Jiang Ming said generously.

"Xi Shi, this vanity stick is yours now."

There is only one mage, Xi Shi, in the team, and the others are not applicable.

"Jiang Ming, thank you!"

Xi Shi took the staff and happily gave Jiang Ming a kiss.

"This Wing of Redemption can be used by Master Lu Ban and Sun Bin."

Jiang Ming looked at the two of them, and Master Lu Ban immediately said: "Give it to Sun Bin, I can make my own equipment."

"Okay, Sun Bin, this is yours."

"Great, with this I can be a better support!" Sun Bin hugged the shield happily.

"There's one Star Breaker left, and it's yours."

Jiang Ming handed the hammer to Dongfang Yao.

"Okay, Star Breaker, with this, I won't be afraid of Meng Tian's big meat competition anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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